12 research outputs found
Effects of Acupuncture Versus Ultrasound in Patients With
of acupuncture versus ultrasound for patients with impingement syndrome
Attitudes toward management of patients with subacromial pain in Swedish primary care
Objective. We aimed to describe the attitudes among GPs and physiotherapists toward the diagnostic approach and management of patients with a common shoulder disorder. Method. A questionnaire was sent out to 188 GPs and 71 physiotherapists. The total response rate was 71.8%. The questions were based on a written case simulation with cues about history and symptoms. Results. The results showed a unanimous opinion of the diagnosis. Rotator cuff tendinitis was marked as the most probable. The two groups showed similarities in the way that they would examine the patient. The GPs referred the patients to the physiotherapists significantly more often than the other way around. The most probable choice of treatment made by the GPs was non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and by the physiotherapists, movement exercises together with ergonomics. Most treatment alternatives had at least 20% of the responders marking a neutral attitude, and few treatments were disregarded. Conclusions. We conclude that in Swedish primary care GPs and physiotherapists have a uniform diagnostic approach towards patients with subacromial pain, but their choice of treatment reflects an uncertainty about the effectiveness of conservative treatments. The questioned pathogenesis of the suggested diagnosis and lack of research regarding the efficacy of conservative treatments could explain this uncertainty.Original Publication:Kajsa Johansson, Lars Adolfsson and Mats Foldevi, Attitudes toward management of patients with subacromial pain in Swedish primary care, 1999, Family Practice, (16), 3, 233-237.http://fampra.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/16/3/233Copyright: Oxford University Presshttp://fampra.oxfordjournals.org
Effects of acupuncture versus ultrasound for patients with impingement syndrome : Randomized clinical trial
Background and Purpose. There is no definitive evidence for the efficacy of the physical therapy interventions used for patients with impingement syndrome. The purpose of this study was to compare manual acupuncture and continuous ultrasound, both applied in addition to home exercises, for patients diagnosed with impingement syndrome. Subjects and Methods. Eighty-five patients with clinical signs of impingement syndrome were randomly assigned to either a group that received acupuncture (n=44) or a group that received ultrasound (n=41). Both interventions were given by physical therapists twice a week for 5 weeks in addition to a home exercise program. Scores from 3 shoulder disability measures, combined in the analysis, measured change during a period of 12 months. Results. Both groups improved, but the acupuncture group had a larger improvement in the combined score. Discussion and Conclusion. The results suggest that acupuncture is more efficacious than ultrasound when applied in addition to home exercises.Original Publication:Kajsa Johansson, Lars Adolfsson and Mats Foldevi, Effects of acupuncture versus ultrasound for patients with impingement syndrome: Randomized clinical trial, 2005, Physical Therapy, (85), 6, 490-501.http://ptjournal.apta.org/cgi/reprint/85/6/490Copyright2005 Apta American Physical Therapy Associationhttp://www.apta.org
Breastfeeding as a Specific Value in Womens Lives : The Experiences and Decisions of Breastfeeding Women
Background: Worldwide, breastfeeding is recommended for every woman who gives birth to a child. The propensity to breastfeed varies. There is considerable knowledge about the experiences and circumstances that affect the decision to breastfeed, but knowledge about what actually generates the decision's force still needs to be increased. The aim of this study was to gain knowledge of how the decision to breastfeed is initiated and upheld. Subjects and Methods: Eighteen women from three generations were interviewed, and the data were analyzed by qualitative content analysis. Results: Six categories were revealed: “Task,” “Instinct,” “Silent Impact,” “Conflicts,” “Job,” and “Joy.” The women took on the Task of breastfeeding during pregnancy. The will to breastfeed was also recognized as an Instinct. The older women remained more in the background, exerting a Silent Impact. Parents' agreement that mothers remain at home and breastfeed for the first 6 months could be considered disturbing from a gender equality perspective. Competition arose between spouses, which could lead to Conflicts at weaning. The mothers in the study chose to stay home to do the Job and experience the Joy of breastfeeding. Conclusions: A summarizing theme was the specific life value of breastfeeding, encompassing feelings of coherence, pleasure, and pride, regardless of generation affiliation. As the favorable interplay of biological, sensual, relational, and social elements this value upheld the decision to breastfeed. It compensated for the effort and negative experiences, and as a finding, it appears to be transferable among breastfeeding mothers in other developed countries.Funding Agencies|Research Council of Southern Sweden||</p
Subacromial corticosteroid injection or acupuncture with home exercises when treating patients with subacromial impingement in primary care-a randomized clinical trial
bjective. To compare the efficacy of subacromial corticosteroids injected by a GP with physiotherapy combining acupuncture and home exercises as treatments for SIS. less thanbrgreater than less thanbrgreater thanMethods. A randomized clinical trial was performed in primary health care. Patients diagnosed with SIS were randomized to either subacromial corticosteroid injection (s) or 10 acupuncture treatments combined with home- exercises. The main outcomes were pain and shoulder function (Adolfsson-Lysholm shoulder assessment score). Secondary outcomes were health-related quality of life (HRQL) (EuroQol-five dimension self-report questionnaire) and the patients global assessment of change. All patients were assessed at baseline and after 6 weeks and 3, 6 and 12 months. less thanbrgreater than less thanbrgreater thanResults. One hundred and seventeen patients with SIS were included, of which 91 complied with the study protocol. There were no significant differences between treatments with regard to pain, shoulder function and HRQL in change over time. However, both treatment groups improved significantly from baseline over time. less thanbrgreater than less thanbrgreater thanConclusions. Both subacromial corticosteroid injection and a series of acupuncture treatments combined with home exercises significantly decreased pain and improved shoulder function in patients with SIS, but neither treatment was significantly superior to the other
Subacromial corticosteroid injection or acupuncture with home exercises when treating patients with subacromial impingement in primary care-a randomized clinical trial
bjective. To compare the efficacy of subacromial corticosteroids injected by a GP with physiotherapy combining acupuncture and home exercises as treatments for SIS. less thanbrgreater than less thanbrgreater thanMethods. A randomized clinical trial was performed in primary health care. Patients diagnosed with SIS were randomized to either subacromial corticosteroid injection (s) or 10 acupuncture treatments combined with home- exercises. The main outcomes were pain and shoulder function (Adolfsson-Lysholm shoulder assessment score). Secondary outcomes were health-related quality of life (HRQL) (EuroQol-five dimension self-report questionnaire) and the patients global assessment of change. All patients were assessed at baseline and after 6 weeks and 3, 6 and 12 months. less thanbrgreater than less thanbrgreater thanResults. One hundred and seventeen patients with SIS were included, of which 91 complied with the study protocol. There were no significant differences between treatments with regard to pain, shoulder function and HRQL in change over time. However, both treatment groups improved significantly from baseline over time. less thanbrgreater than less thanbrgreater thanConclusions. Both subacromial corticosteroid injection and a series of acupuncture treatments combined with home exercises significantly decreased pain and improved shoulder function in patients with SIS, but neither treatment was significantly superior to the other
Facilitation of Visual Perception of Toddlers through Activities with colours in pre–school
Kvalifikācijas darbs izstrādāts par tēmu „Vidējā vecumposma bērnu vizuālās uztveres sekmēšana darbā ar krāsām pirmsskolā” ar mērķi teorētiski noskaidrot un empīriski pārbaudīt, kā darbā ar krāsām sekmējama vidējā pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu vizuālā uztvere. Vidējā pirmsskolas vecumā bērni jau ir apguvuši pamatpriekšstatus par krāsām un parasti spēj nosaukt visas pamatkrāsas, lai gan grūtības var izraisīt atvasināto krāsu un dažādu toņu atpazīšana un nosaukšana. Tai pat laikā vizuālās uztveres, tai skaitā krāsu uztveres sekmēšana ir ļoti būtiska pirmsskolas izglītības uzdevumu sastāvdaļa, tomēr metodika krāsu uztveres veidošanai un nostiprināšanai vidējā pirmsskolas vecuma bērniem Latvijā ir izstrādāta samērā vāji, kas pamato pētījuma tēmas aktualitāti. Pētījums sastāv no trim nodaļām. Pirmajā analizēti vizuālās uztveres attīstības teorētiskie pamati, analizējot tādu autoru pētījumus kā L. Fomičeva, L. Vengers, Ļ. Vigotskis, B. Teplovs, L. Prindule, A. Ļubļinska u.c. Otrajā nodaļā pētīta tēlotājdarbības loma bērna attīstībā un darba ar krāsām īpatnības, vadoties pēc tādu autoru pētījumiem kā V. Hibnere, I. Miķelsone, K.Utrobiba, V. Muhina u.c. Noslēdzošajā daļā sniegts pārskats par veikto empīrisko pētījumu, kura ietvaros izstrādāta un īstenota neliela programma darbam ar krāsām tēlotājdarbības rotaļnodarbību ietvaros, kas kopumā ļauj noteikt galvenos priekšnoteikumus, kuri sekmē vizuālo (krāsu) uztveri, un tieši: bērniem interesanti darbības veidi, kas papildina zīmēšanu ar eksperimentiem, kuru ietvaros bērni jauc krāsas, tiecoties iegūt dažādus vienas krāsas toņus, „spēlējas” ar krāsām brīvos, radošos uzdevumos. Dotā pētījuma rezultātus ir iespējams izmantot pirmsskolas pedagoģiskajā procesā darbā ar vidējā un vecākā pirmsskolas vecuma bērniem krāsu uztveres sekmēšanai. Atslēgas vārdi: tēlotājdarbība, vizuālā māksla, zīmēšana, krāsas, vizuālā uztvere, vidējais pirmsskolas vecums Darba apjoms:49 lpp., ietver 15 attēlus, 8 tabulas, izmantoti 34 literatūras avotiThis qualification paper 'Facilitation of Visual Perception of Toddlers through Activities with Colours in Pre-school' aims at studying the theoretical materials and performing an empirical research how to facilitate visual perception of toddlers through the activities with colours. Toddlers have already learned the basic understanding of the colour and usually are able to name the basic colours, although recognition and naming of derivative colours and different shades might be difficult to them. Visual perception, including facilitation of perception of various colours is important part in a pre-school education. Yet, the methodology for facilitating and strengthening toddlers' perception of colours in pre-school is rather poor in Latvia, grounding the importance of this study. This paper consists of 3 sections. The first section covers analysis of theoretical background of facilitation of visual perception previously researched by such authors as L. Fomiceva, L. Vengers, L. Vigotskis, B. Teplovs, L. Prindule, A. Lublinska and others. The second section covers study of the importance of visual activity in child development as well as peculiarities of activities with colours, previously researched by such authors as V. Hibnere, I. Mikelsone, K. Utrobiba, V. Muhina and others. The third section covers a presentation of empirical research results. The author of this paper has developed and implemented a specific program for working with colours in visual activity games framework. The program determines the main preconditions that contribute to visual (colour) perception, and specifically: activities that are interesting to toddlers, which complement drawing with experimenting, in which children experience mixing colours trying to get different single colour shades, as well as "playing" with colours through independent, creative tasks. The results of this study can be used in pre-school pedagogical process for working with toddlers and older pre-school children to facilitate colour perception. Key words: visual activity, visual arts, drawing, colours, visual perception, pre-school toddler age. Volume of the paper: 49 pages, including 15 images and 8 tables. The number of works cited: 34