9 research outputs found

    Primary aldosteronism: A Japanese perspective

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    Primary aldosteronism (PA) is the most common cause of secondary hypertension, accounting for 10% of all hypertension. Far from being benign, hypertension due to PA is associated with high cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. However, PA is still underdiagnosed in general practice. Recent reports strongly recommend that identifying patients with PA is cost-beneficial based on improved cardiovascular outcomes afforded by specific surgical and medical treatment. This review provides an update of PA including controversial aspects of diagnosis and treatment

    Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists and the Metabolic Syndrome

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    Key components of the metabolic syndrome (MetS), ie, obesity and insulin resistance, are associated with increased aldosterone production and mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) activation. Both MetS and hyperaldosteronism are proinflammatory and pro-oxidative states associated with cardiovascular disease. This review discusses emerging data that MR activation may contribute to abnormalities seen in MetS. In view of these data, MR antagonists may be beneficial in MetS, not only by controlling hypertension but also by reversing inflammation, oxidative stress, and defective insulin signaling at the cellular-molecular level. Clinical trials have demonstrated benefits of MR antagonists in heart failure, hypertension, and diabetic nephropathy, but additional trials are needed to demonstrate the clinical significance of MR blockade in MetS

    Aldosterone and cardiovascular risk.

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    Through its classic effects on sodium and potassium homeostasis, aldosterone, when produced in excess, is associated with the development of hypertension and hence with higher cardiovascular and renal risk. In recent years, experimental and epidemiologic data have suggested that aldosterone also may be linked to high cardiovascular risk independently of its effects on blood pressure. Thus, aldosterone has been associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome in selected populations, and these associations may further contribute to the higher cardiovascular risk of subjects with elevated aldosterone levels. Moreover, aldosterone has been reported to promote inflammation, oxidative stress, and fibrosis in a number of tissues. Clinical evidence indicates that patients with primary hyperaldosteronism have a higher risk of developing cardiovascular and renal complications than patients with essential hypertension who have the same level of blood pressure. Aldosterone receptor blockade has been shown to lower cardiovascular mortality after myocardial infarction and in patients with congestive heart failure. Some studies have also demonstrated that aldosterone blockade could have a favorable impact on the progression of renal disease. However, prospective interventional trials are needed to further evaluate the impact of blockade of aldosterone on cardiovascular risk

    Aldosterone and Cardiovascular Diseases

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