624 research outputs found

    On the local Bump-Friedberg L-function

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    Let FF be a pp-adic field. If π\pi be an irreducible representation of GL(n,F)GL(n,F), Bump and Friedberg associated to π\pi an Euler fator L(π,BF,s1,s2)L(\pi,BF,s_1,s_2) in \cite{BF}, that should be equal to L(ϕ(π),s1)L(ϕ(π),Λ2,s2)L(\phi(\pi),s_1)L(\phi(\pi),\Lambda^2,s_2), where ϕ(π)\phi(\pi) is the Langlands' parameter of π\pi. The main result of this paper is to show that this equality is true when (s1,s2)=(s+1/2,2s)(s_1,s_2)=(s+1/2,2s), for ss in \C. To prove this, we classify in terms of distinguished discrete series, generic representations of GL(n,F)GL(n,F) which are χα\chi_\alpha-distinguished by the Levi subgroup GL([(n+1)/2],F)×GL([n/2],F)GL([(n+1)/2],F) \times GL([n/2],F), for χα(g1,g2)=α(det(g1)/det(g2))\chi_\alpha(g_1,g_2)=\alpha(det(g_1)/det(g_2)), where α\alpha is a character of F∗F^* of real part between -1/2 and 1/2. We then adapt the technique of \cite{CP} to reduce the proof of the equality to the case of discrete series. The equality for discrete series is a consequence of the relation between linear periods and Shalika periods for discrete series, and the main result of \cite{KR}.Comment: We fixed a problem in the proof of Theorem 3.1, at the cost of making the assumption that Re(α)Re(\alpha) belongs to [0,1/2][0,1/2] in the statement. This does not affect any other resul

    Distinguished principal series representations for GLn over a p-adic field

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    In the following article, we give a description of the distingushed irreducible principal series representations of the general linear group over a p-adic field in terms of inducing datum. This provides a counter-example to a conjecture of Jacquet about distinction (Conjecture 1 in U.K Anandavardhanan, "Distinguished non-Archimedean representations ", Proc. Hyderabad Conference on Algebra and Number Theory, 2005, 183-192)

    Conjectures about distinction and Asai LL-functions of generic representations of general linear groups over local fields

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    Let K/FK/F be a quadratic extension of p-adic fields. The Bernstein-Zelevinsky's classification asserts that generic representations are parabolically induced from quasi-square-integrable representations. We show, following a method developed by Cogdell and Piatetski-Shapiro, that the equality of the Rankin-Selberg type Asai LL-function of generic representations of GL(n,K)GL(n,K) and of the Asai LL-function of the Langlands parameter, is equivalent to the truth of a conjecture about classification of distinguished generic representations in terms of the inducing quasi-square-integrable representations. As the conjecture is true for principal series representations, this gives the expression of the Asai L-function of such representations
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