4 research outputs found

    Aplicação de têxteis inteligentes na arquitetura de interiores

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Design e Marketing (área de especialização em Têxteis para Moda)O emprego de têxteis inteligentes na arquitetura é ainda escassa, quando trata-se da área de Interiores pode-se dizer que é praticamente nula. Porém o mercado da construção civil, já está a perceber que a aplicação destes tecidos pode trazer muitos benefícios, pois possuem a capacidade de agregar valor, uma vez que possuem funcionalidade que não são encontradas nos materiais convencionais disponíveis no mercado. A aplicação de materiais inteligentes na arquitetura reflete a mudança na forma de habitar e de valores, que estão ligados a fatores tanto sociais quanto ambientais. O presente trabalho visou desde o início a aplicação de têxteis inteligentes na arquitetura de interiores, tendo como objetivo a realização de um produto físico. Através de um estudo sobre os materiais inteligentes existentes no mercado e suas aplicações dentro da arquitetura, foi possível verificar uma oportunidade de aplicação de PCM´s e têxteis eletrónicos na área de interiores, em específico em painéis para conformação de paredes de vedação interior (paredes divisórias). Esta aplicação seguiu a metodologia de desenvolvimento de novos produtos, onde através do processo de design foi possível criar um novo produto fundamentado e assim, coerente e com apelo criativo. Primeiramente ao passo do desenvolvimento do produto, buscou-se estabelecer os critérios de conceitualização, visando-se criar um produto que satisfaça as necessidades funcionais e espaciais de ambientes internos e que não perca o caráter individual, ou seja, que ainda atenda as necessidades do ser quanto individuo. Dentro do processo de design, na fase de preparação, foi possível identificar os requisitos para a elaboração de um novo produto. A prototipagem foi realizada em seis etapas e o resultado obtido é um painel para vedação interior com emprego de uma base têxtil tridimensional que possui propriedades de mudança de fase, reagindo a determinadas temperaturas, auxiliando na atenuação das trocas de calor e que além disso, possui agregado um têxtil eletrónico que permite interação com o usuário através de luz, permitindo a personalização de um padrão e, ao mesmo tempo, obtendo a individualização do espaço.The use of smart textiles in architecture is still scarce, and as far as interior design is concern one can say that it is practically inexistent. However, the construction market already understood the benefits and advantages that these materials can bring, due to their added value, since smart textiles possess functionalities that are not available in the conventional materials used in construction. The application of smart materials in architecture reflects a change in values and the way of inhabit. The present work aimed since its beginning the application of smart textiles in interior architecture, with the objective of producing one physical product. By means of a study made concerning smart and intelligent materials available in the market and their application in architecture, was possible to identify an opportunity of applying PCM’s and electronic textiles in the field of interiors, specifically in panels used to separate rooms. The new product development methodology was followed, and from the design process was possible to create a new, coherent, creative and justified product. Before developing the product, one tried to establish the conceptualization criteria, with the purpose of creating a product capable of satisfying the functional and spatial needs exclusive to interior environments without losing the individual character, that is, the individual needs. Inside the design process, while in the preparation stage, it was possible to identify the requisites for a new product. The prototyping stage was conducted in six stages and resulted in a panel for interior room separation using a textile based tridimensional panel with phase change properties, reacting to predefined temperatures and thus aiding in attenuation of heat exchanges. Furthermore it contains a electronic textile capable of interacting with the user through light, allowing a pattern customization and at the same time obtaining individualization of space

    The consumer’s perception on sustainability

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    The term sustainability is an expression that has been widely used and disclosed today by several companies, either for durable goods and nondurable goods. This term is quite complex to be defined, because for a product to be considered sustainable it has to go through some pre-requisites such as social, environmental and economic, varying from environmental care to social consciousness related to the product. Therefore, this article aims at making a reflection about how the consumer has been realizing the issue of sustainability in the fashion segment. This is done through the analysis of the signs that lead people to believe that the consumer is becoming aware of the impacts of unbridled consumption over time and their reaction in relation to this idea. In order to do so, we aim at detecting the signs that have taken place within contemporary society and that can affect the fashion market. We also aim at addressing sustainability from the perspective of fashion products that are being developed, since their establishment, including raw materials, processes and management, aimed at social and economic development as well as environmental protection. To do so, we make a parallel between sustainable development, the direction of consumption and the designer's role in relation to the product and the consumer, in order to understand, and monitor the consumer perception from his/her power and responsibilities as an agent who transforms his/her space. We also report the emerging lifestyles in response to the economic crisis that spreads worldwide, and to environmental impact. So, we focus on a particular style named slow fashion, which arises in response to what as been made so far and only last a short period of time, because of the so-called fast fashion that currently is questioned as a global problem. Finally, we show the changing factors that are being decisive at the moment of the purchase, and assisting designers during these changes

    A new language for creativity in fashion design

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    The development of innovative products in all business areas passes through different stages, starting with the research followed by creation until the project's conclusion. The creative process in shoes and clothing design involves the ability to group and rearrange existing elements, ideas and techniques for achieving solutions to meet the presented challenges. The creation process demystifies and breaks rules and put concepts together, so that, in the end, it can introduce a new language to fashion products. This study investigates the difficulties that creative professionals face when developing creative work for companies and the way that external factors can positively or negatively affect the development of new ideas. It also investigates the factors that can motivate the continuous work of fashion designers so their creative potential is not blocked. Throughout the study, theories of various authors were analyzed, discussed techniques on how to spark creativity, showing methods of how to facilitate the performance of the creative professional within an organization, so they can use the information in the best way to renew their creative potential. The results show that there are effective techniques to stimulate the creative, whether it is arising from a simple collection of past experiences, or from more elaborate techniques such as brainstorming, analogies, fractionation, suspension of value judgments, and challenge assumptions, among others suggested by De Bono

    Morphometric analysis of tree species from the central region of Imperatriz-MA municipality

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    Urban forestry is essential in urban environments and if poorly planned, ends up affecting its efficiency and the society quality of life, generating conflicts with urban infrastructure. Morphometry allows the growth dynamics of the tree component to be known, predicting the space needed for its development and stability, silvicultural actions and appropriate management in urban environments. In this sense, the objective was to analyze the most common tree species in the central region of the Imperatriz-MA municipality, in terms of their composition and morphometric parameters. Thus, through a census in 228 blocks, all individuals had their dendrometric parameters measured and 2,321 trees, distributed in 69 species and 26 families were counted. Of the total number of individuals, 66% were exotic species and 34% native, with M. tomentosa being the most representative. As for the morphometric parameters, the average total height of the most representative species was 6.2 m, the height of the first bifurcation was 1.2 m, the crown height was 2.1 m, and the average DBH was 0.25 m. The average diameter and the average crown area obtained were 5.37 m and 26.83 m², respectively. As a result, it can be concluded that the Imperatriz forestry can be considered young with recent plantings and also with inadequately managed plants in the adult stage. Azadirachta indica should be progressively replaced by regional native species, with the young tree component managed to provide maximum canopy area and tall forked trunks that occupy less space on the pavement, regardless of their size