21 research outputs found


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    Antropološke karakteristike odbojkaša istraživane su uglavnom na seniorskim uzrastima, dok je mali broj istraživača radio s juniorima. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi antropološki profil igrača uzrasta 15 do 18 godina i pri tome analizirati razlike između početnika i igrača iste dobi ali koji su podvrgnuti trenažnom procesu najmanje tri godine. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku skupine od 24 odbojkaša mlađih uzrasta od 15-18 godina odbojkaškog kluba „Mladost“ iz Zagreba. Ispitanici su podijeljeni u dvije podskupine po 12 igrača. Prvu skupinu činili su odbojkaši istog kluba koji su trenirali odbojku više od tri godine (tri do sedam godina), a drugu skupinu činili su odbojkaši koji su trenirali odbojku manje od godinu dana. Obje skupine ispitanika imale su prosječno oko 16 godina ( kupina 16,75 : kupina 16,25). Ispitanicima su izmjerene masa i visina tijela, postotak masnog tkiva metodom bioelektrične impedancije, frekvencija srca i arterijski krvni tlak u mirovanju, spirometrijski parametri (vitalni kapacitet, Tiffeneauov indeks), dinamometrijski pokazatelji (stisak šake, fleksija podlaktica, ekstenzija trupa i ekstenzija nogu), volumen srca, te pri testu maksimalnog opterećenja na pokretnom sagu maksimalni primitak kisika, puls kisika i maksimalna frekvencija srca. Obrada podataka izvršena je primjenom programskog paketa STATISTICA, ver 8. Mladi odbojkaši višlji su i teži od svojih vršnjaka koji se ne bave sportom i imaju manju količinu masnog tkiva, no niži su od odbojkaša seniora. Može se zaključiti da su odbojkaši početnici sličnog antropološkog profila kao i trenirani odbojkaši istog uzrasta. Međutim već trogodišnji trening ostavlja trag na karakteristike i sposobnosti odbojkaša što je vidljivo u ukupnoj masi tijela, jakosti nogu i trupa te volumenu srca.Several studies investigated anthropological characteristics of senior volleyball players, while young players were studied rarely. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the anthropological profile of volleyball players aged 15 to 18 years with special attention to differences between novice players and those who were involved in volleyball training for three or more years. The sample consisted of 24 volleyball players from AŠK Mladost, Zagreb, 12 of them novice and 12 who were training three or more years. The examinees underwent measurement of standard anthropometric variables (body mass and height, percent of fat), spirometry, spiroergometry, lower body muscular strength and arm strength, and heart volumetry. Standard statistical procedures were used to calculate descriptive statistical parameters and t-test was used to analyze differences between two groups. The average body measures of young volleyball players, as expected, greatly exceeded those reported for nonathletic population of the same age in Croatia. On the other hand, these measures were lower than in senior volleyball players in Croatia or in the world. Their functional abilities were on high level and similar to those of elite players. It can be concluded that the anthropological profile of novice and trained volleyball players of the same age is similar. But volleyball training after only three years made some differences and they were present in body mass, leg and body strength and heart volume


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    We conducted a longitudinal study to examine changes in the respiratory exchange ratio (RER) during progressively increasing body exertion in children and adolescents of female sex. In this analysis we only included 23 examinees for whom we had all yearly measurements from examinee\u27s age 9 years until 18 years of age. The data were analyzed according to the chronological and biological age. According to both criteria, the highest RER values were recorded at moments of maximum exertion and they did not increase with age. We found the highest RER values were in the year of the menarche. We interpret these results as related to the effect of estrogen. The beginning of sexual development involves a gradual increase in estrogen plasma concentrations. At one point serum levels of estrogen reach a level high enough to allow for maximum RER values, i.e. causing the optimium anaerobic capacity of the examinee. this threshold estrogen value varies between individuals


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    Nogomet kao jedan od najpopularnijih sportova današnjice igra se u velikom broju zemalja svijeta ne samo na natjecateljskoj razini nego kao i vrlo popularna rekreacijska sportska igra. Sastavni dio igre su i nogometni suci čiji je zadatak reguliranje ponašanja igrača i ostalih sudionika nogometne igre kroz implementaciju pravila. Osim glavnog suca koji donosi konačne odluke, na terenu se nalaze još 3 suca koja mu pomažu u regulaciji igre. Kako bi odluka suca bila što je moguće pravilnija, sudac mora biti na pravom mjestu i imati kvalitetan pregled situacije što zahtijeva odliènu kondicijsku pripremljenost, vizualnu percepciju, mentalnu sposobnost, fokusiranost pažnje, te spremnost i sposobnost donošenja brzih odluka. Za vrijeme natjecateljskih utakmica suci prijeðu ukupno 9 do 13 km, razlièitim intenzitetima kretanja, ali prosjećno na razini 85 do 90% maksimalne frekvencije srca, odnosno 70 do 80% maksimalnog primitka kisika. Koncentracije laktata u krvi u rasponu je izmeðu 4 i 5 mmol/l, ali zabilježene su vrijednosti i do 14 mmol/l. Sve navedeno vodi do èinjenice da su optereæenja kojima su podvrgnuti suci jako velika i da se pred njih postavljaju veliki zahtjevi, ponekad i veæi nego na igrače.Soccer, as one of the most popular modern sports, is played in many countries around the world, not only at a competitive level but also as a very popular recreational sports game. Soccer referees are an integral part of the soccer game.Their job is to regulate the behavior of players and other participants through the implementation of soccer rules.In addition to the principal referee who makes the final decision on the ground, there are 3 assistant referees that may assist in game regulation. To make the most correct decision, the referee must be at the right place and have an overview of the situation which requires excellent physical condition, visual perception, mental ability, focus, willingness and ability to make quick decisions. During competitive games, referees pass a total of 9-13 km with varying levels of intensity, but approximately at the level of 85 to 90% of the maximal heart rate and respectively 70 to 80% of the maximal oxygen consumption. Blood lactate concentration is between 4 and 5 mmol / l, but the recorded values were as high as 14 mmol / l. All this leads to the fact that they are subjected to high levels of exertion that can sometimes even exceed those that the players endure

    Efficiency of polyphenolic diet on health and functional capacity in professional and recreational athletes

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    Pravilna prehrana smatra se jednim od bitnih preduvjeta zdravog života. Prevencija bolesti, poboljšanje zdravlja i funkcionalnih sposobnosti u sportaša i rekreativaca doveli su do povećanja interesa za spojevima s bioaktivnim djelovanjem. Polifenoli su jedni od tih spojeva. Njihova široka dostupnost i specifični fiziološki učinci prezentiraju ih kao jedinstvene prehrambene spojeve. U dosadašnjim istraživanjima povezanosti polifenola i potencijalnog učinka na zdravlje uočen je pozitivni učinak kod kardiovaskularnih, metaboličkih i neurodegenerativnih bolesti s obzirom na njihovu protuoksidacijsku, protukancerogenu, protualergijsku i protuupalnu aktivnost. Posebno se može promatrati njihova uloga funkcionalne hrane kod sportaša i rekreativaca zbog jedinstvenih zahtjeva u psihofizičkom smislu. Učinci polifenola pomažu u različitim fiziološkim stanjima koja slijede za vrijeme i nakon tjelesne aktivnosti. Pokazane su značajne uloge u zaštiti i oporavku mišića i kostiju, prevenciji metaboličkih bolesti i održavanju mentalnog zdravlja sportaša i rekreativaca.Proper nutrition is one of the basic prerequisites for a healthy lifestyle. The need to find compounds with bioactive agents in order to prevent disease, improve health and functional capacities in professional and recreational athletes has resulted in an increase of interest. Polyphenols are one of these compounds. Their wide accessibility and specific physiological effects make them unique nutritional compounds. Current research on the potential positive effects of polyphenols on health shows benefits on cardiovascular, metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases, regarding their antioxidative, anticancerogenic, hypoalergenic and antiinflammatory activities. Their role as a functional food in athletes can be observed due to unique requirements, with reference to their psycho-physiological demands. The effects of polyphenols are beneficial in cases of various physiological conditions, which occur during or after physical activity. Important roles in the protection and recovery of muscles and bones, prevention of metabolic diseases and maintenance of mental health have been shown in professional and recreational athletes


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    The main objective of this study was to establish whether fatigue has an effect on accuracy during basketball shooting. Aside from basketball shooting accuracy, two very important kinematic parameters were also examined as they have an effect on the level of accuracy during shooting: the speed of performing the actual shot and the angle at which the ball enters into the basket after a jump shot is performed. In conducting this research one examinee was observed, a member of the Croatian U16 National Basketball Team. This research included a precisely defined protocol according to which the following parameters were established: the accuracy of basketball shooting (ratio between successful and missed shots), the speed of performing the shot and the angle of entry of the ball into the basket. The physiological load was determined by performing the standardised specific protocol which the examinee performed until exhaustion. The results which were obtained indicate that there are no significant changes in the accuracy during one point, two point or three point shooting under the influence of physical fatigue. The obtained results of kinematic parameters indicate that there are statistically significant differences in the shooting speed before and after loading in two point and three point shots. During performing free throws the angle of entry of the ball into the basket changes, whereas the accuracy remains unchanged.Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi ima li umor utjecaj na preciznost šuta u košarci. Osim preciznosti takoðer su analizirana i dva vrlo važna kinematička parametra za koja su dosadašnja istraživanja utvrdila utjecaj na preciznost šuta: brzina izvoðenja samog šuta i kut pri kojem lopta ulazi u koš nakon skok šuta. U provedbi ovog istraživanja sudjelovao je jedan ispitanik, čan Hrvatske U16 košarkaške reprezentacije. Istraživanje ukljuèuje precizno definiran protokol prema kojem su uspostavljeni sljedeći parametri: preciznost šuta (omjer izmeðu uspješnih i neuspješnih šuteva), brzina izvedbe šuta i kut ulaska lopte u koš. Umor je izazvan izvoðenjem standardiziranog protokola fiziološkog opterećenja trčanjem koji ispitanik obavlja do iscrpljenosti. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da nema značajne promjene u preciznosti šuta za jedan, dva ili tri poena pod utjecajem tjelesnog umora. Dobiveni rezultati kinematičkih parametara pokazuju da postoje statistički značajne razlike u brzini šuta prije i poslije opterećenja pri šutu za dva i tri poena. Tijekom izvoðenja slobodnih bacanja kut ulaska lopte u koš se mijenja ali bez promjene preciznosti

    Konzumacija alkohola i duhana među sportskim trenerima

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    Sport coaches are a population with its specific characteristics and because of their association with the athletes, especially the young, their lifestyle habits deserve attention. The aim of this study was to determine the habits related to alcohol consumption and smoking in the Croatian sport coaches. The study was conducted on 56 women and 147 men, coaches of various sport disciplines in 2012. AUDIT questionnaire, related to alcohol consumption, and FTND questionnaire to determine nicotine addiction were used. Most of the sports coaches of both genders have no problems with alcohol and their nicotine addiction is on average weak, although there are some very serious nicotine addicts.Sportski treneri su populacija sa svojim specifičnostima, a zbog njihove povezanosti s igračima, osobito mladima, njihov način života i navike zaslužuju pažnju. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje navika vezanih uz konzumaciju alkohola te pušenje cigareta hrvatskih sportskih trenera. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 203 sportska trenera različitih sportskih disciplina. Ispitanici su anonimno ispunili anketu (AUDIT upitnik) vezanu uz konzumaciju alkohola te anketu vezanu uz naviku pušenja cigareta te upitnik FTND koji se koristi za utvrđivanje nikotinske ovisnosti. U ukupnom uzorku anketiranih trenera bilo je 56 žena i 147 muškaraca. Prosječna dob žena bila je 24,3 godine, a muškaraca 27,1 godina. Ispitani treneri oba spola najviše konzumiraju vino i pivo. Prosječne vrijednosti ukupnog AUDIT-zbroja ispitanih trenera značajno su ispod granice od osam bodova što jasno pokazuje da većina trenera nema problema s alkoholom. Međutim, raspon u kojemu se kreće AUDIT pokazuje da ima i trenera kojima alkohol predstavlja problem. Prosječni rezultati za sportske trenere oba spola pokazuju da je njihova ovisnost o nikotinu u prosjeku slaba, iako najveće vrijednosti pokazuju da ima i vrlo teških ovisnika o nikotinu (veći broj među ženama)


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    Osnovni cilj ovog rada je pokušati definirati kvalitetu interpersonalnog odnosa igrač-trener utvrđivanjem njihove percepcije (stavova). Za ostvarenje navedenog cilja korišten je uzorak ispitanika sasatvljen od 120 košarkaša i 10 trenera tih košarkaša na poluzavršnom turniru za kadete (10 najbolje plasiranih ekipa u Hrvatskoj). Za utvrđivanje interpersonalnog odnosa upotrebljen je uzorak varijabli od 20 tvrdnji iz A1/A2 modificiranog upitnika Marije Bratanić (“Paradoks odgoja“, 2002). U statističkoj analizi prikupljenih rezultata traženo je slaganje između percepcije trenera i igrača pomoću sukladnosti njihovih odgovora na ponuđenim kategorijama po pojedinoj tvrdnji. Te su vrijednosti izražene kao postotci slaganja. Zadaća ovog rada biti će ukazivanje na mogućnost dobivanja povratnih informacija o tome kako igrači doživljavaju trenera otkrivajući moguće nesporazume, slaganja i neslaganja u međusobnim odnosima s njihove točke gledišta, te na taj način omogućiti trenerima i igračima dobivanje informacije i smjernice za unaprijeđivanje njihove komunikacije i njihovih odnosa, što će stvoriti povoljnije uvjete za kvalitetniji rad, suradnju i postizanje boljih rezultata.The main goal of this paper was to define the quality of player-coach interpersonal relationship by means of studying their respective attitudes based on the perception of their relations.The sample of one hundred and twenty basketball players and their coaches (10) in the semi-final cadet tournament (the ten highest ranking teams of Croatia) were used to achieve the above mentioned aim. In order to define the interpersonal relationship a sample of variables consisting of twenty statements was used. Those twenty statements were taken from A1 and A2 questionnaire (1). SPSS version 13 was used for the statistical analysis. The frequencies of answers were calculated and the correspondences between the coaches\u27 and the players\u27 perceptions was evaluated by means of comparing their answers in each of the given categories of statements. The intention of this paper was pointing out the possibility of getting feedback information about the players\u27 perceptions of their coaches in order to reveal any possible misunderstandings in their personal relations and their respective points of view. This could enable both the coaches and the players to improve their communication and relationship, which could then create more favourable conditions for their cooperation and in the long run achieving better results

    Morphological Differences of Elite Croatian Track-and-Field Athletes

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    In this sudy we present the morphological characteristics of 54 Croatian national level track-and-field athletes. 21 anthropometric body measures were taken on a sample of 15 sprinters (S), 16 endurance sprinters (S4), 10 middle-distance runners (MD) and 13 long-distance runners (LD). Body fat percentage, body mass index and somatotype were also calculated. Canonical discriminative analysis showed significant difference between the athletes of various running events, in the measures of body volume and body fat, while no significant difference was found in the variables of longitudinal and transversal dimensions of the skeleton. ANOVA and Student t-test for independent samples showed statistically significantly higher thigh and lower leg circumference in sprinters, as well as greater upper arm skinfold in middle- distance runners. The mesomorphic component is a dominant characteristic of somatotype of the runners in all events, whereas the ectomorphic component is the least marke


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    S obzirom na izrazitu dinamičnost košarkaške igre za pretpostaviti je da kvalitetnija kondicijsko – motorička priprema sudaca omogućuje lakše praćenje kretnji igrača tijekom igre što u konačnici rezultira boljom kvalitetom suðenja. Cilj u ovom istraživanju bio je utvrditi utjecaj kondicijsko - motoričke pripremljenosti košarkaških sudaca na njihovu kvalitetu suðenja. Uzorak ispitanika sastojao se od 31 suca, prosječne dobi 33,35±5,17 godina koji su se nalazili na A listi sudaca I. Hrvatske košarkaške lige u natjecateljskoj sezoni 2008/2009., dok je uzorak varijabli bio sastavljen od testova za procjenu motoričkih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti te tri varijable pod nazivom Dob, Iskustvo i Kvaliteta suðenja. Obrada podataka izvršena je primjenom programskog paketa STATISTICA for Windows, ver. 8. Višestrukom (multiplom) regresijskom analizom pokušala se utvrditi zavisnost funkcionalnih i motoričkih sposobnosti (nezavisne varijable) i kvalitete suðenja na košarkaškim utakmicama (zavisna varijabla). Dobiveni rezultati regresijske analize pokazali su da nema statistički značajne povezanosti izmeðu kondicijsko - motoričke pripremljenosti (motoričkih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti) sudaca i njihove kvalitete suðenja, odnosno rezultati su potvrdili pretpostavku kojom iskusniji suci uz prijeko potrebno teorijsko znanje „oplemenjeno“ istančanim osjećajem za igru postižu bolje rezultate u suðenju uz preduvjet dobre kondicijsko - motoričke pripremljenosti.Considering the great dynamics of the game of basketball it can be assumed that better fitness – motor preparation of the referees allows better monitoring of the players during the game, which ultimately results in better quality of game officiating. The object of this research was to determine the influence of fitness – motor preparation of basketball referees on their officiating quality. The sample of respondents consisted of 31 referees, the avarrege age of 33,35±5,17, who were on the A referee list of the First Croatian Basketball League in the season 2008/2009., while the sample of variables consisted of tests for assessment of motor and functional abilities, and three variables by the name of Age, Experience and Qualitiy of officiating. Data processing was performed using the software package STATISTICA for Windows, ver. 8. Regression analysis was used to determine dependence of functional and motor abilities (independent variables) and quality of officiating basketball games (dependent variable). The results obtained by regression analysis showed that there is no statistically significant relation between fitness – motor preparation (motor and functional abilities) of the referees and their quality of game officiating, or in other words, the results confirmed the assumption by which more experienced referees, with the necessary theoretical knowledge enriched with aesthetic feeling for the game, achieve better results in officiating a game with the requirement of good fitness – motor preparation