55 research outputs found

    Vlijanie morfologičeskih harakeritik na uspevaemost\u27 v basketbole

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    MorfoloÅ”ke karakteristike značajno utječu na uspjeÅ”nost mladih koÅ”arkaÅ”a u pojedinim segmentima igre, tako i u igri u cjelini. Zbog same strukture igre, uspjeh igrača u igri bazirat će se prvenstveno na kvalitetnoj muskulaturi tijela, a zatim na nekim karakteristikama longitudinalne i transverzalne dimenzionalnosti skeleta - visina tijela, dužini ruke i Å”irini Å”ake. Uloga masnog tkiva zanemarljiva je u ovom uzrastu koÅ”arkaÅ”a.The investigation carried out on a sample of 115 young basketball players had as its aim to establish achievement in various phases of the game, in defence and attack, as well as the efficiency throughout the duration of the match. The measures of anthropometric features were selected in such way as to represent each latent morphological dimension by three variables. In order to assess the longitudinal dimensions of the skeleton, height of the body, length of arms and legs were measured. The width of the fist, knee diameter helped to assess the transversal dimensions of the skeleton whereas the body weight, circumference of the upper arm and thigh gave data as to volume and mass of the body. Furthermore, the assessment of fat tissue depended upon the measurements of fold on the upper arm, back and lower leg. The effect of anthropometric variables upon the game parameters was established through application of regression analysis. A significant correlation was obtained between the morphological characteristics of young basketball players and their achievement in both the various segments of the game and the game as a whole. First of all, successful attack and defence in the game is related to the mass and volume of the body (the muscle mass). A whole series of defence and attack actions requiring good realization of simple and complex motor tasks rest upon optimally developed musculature even in young players. Furthermore, the efficiency and success are significantly positively related to the longitudinal dimensions of the skeleton, i. e. height, length of arms and legs. Bearing in min basic aims of the game these results are more expected and they have been confirmed in earlier studies. A significant correlation between the measures of transversal dimensionality of the skeleton and achievement in the game is particularly expressed by the correlation coefficient of the width of the fist and success in defence (.49), attack (.46) and efficiency throughout the game (.47). Considering the results, this morphological characteristic is undoubtedly essential for the achievement of players in the game, very likely because every manipulation of the ball during attack is closely related to the fist, partly due to the size of the ball and also because every manipulation of the ball during attack is closely related to the fist, partly due to the size of the ball and also because efficient defence relies greatly u on arm activity and, particularly, upon the most extreme part of the arm, fist. Viewed as a whole, the results lead to a conclusion that is irrelevant which part of the game is being assessed so long as we observe the relation between morphological characteristics and achievement in the game. Namely, the same morphological characteristics are equally important in attack, defence and game as a whole

    Kanoničeski vzaimootnoŔčenija meždu antropometričeskimi harakteristikami i vzr\u27ivnoj moŔčnostju u basketbolnostov

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    Zaključeno je da efikasno izvrÅ”avanje zadataka u koÅ”arci, s obzirom da prevladavaju aktivnosti eksplozivnog karaktera, ovisi o velikoj mjeri o specifičnoj morfoloÅ”koj strukturi koÅ”arkaÅ”a uz dominantnu ulogu mjera volumena imase tijela, odnosno miÅ”ićne mase. Nadalje, rezultati ukazuju na balastnost masnog tkiva pri izvođenju gotovo svih zadataka eksplozivnog tipa.This study had as its aim to establish the relations between anthropometric characteristics and tests of explosive force and was performed on a sample of 115 subjects, 15 to 17 years of age who were members of young basketball teams in the SR Croatia. The sample was representative of the young basketball population from all parts of the Republic. Explosive force was assessed on the basis of the results obtained on five tests: - high jump (MFESVS) - standing broad (MFEDSM) - 20 m sprint with high start (MFE20V) - throwing of medicine ball, lying on back (MFEBML) - throwing of basketball, from a sitting point (MFEKOL) while the morphological characteristics were tested by means of 12 measure. The measures of anthropometric characteristics were formed in such a way that each latent morphological dimension was represented by three variables. In order to assess the longitudinal dimensionality - LDS - of the skeleton these measures were taken: - the height of the body - VISTIJ - the leg length - DUŽNOG - the arm length - DUŽRUK The transversal dimensionality of the skeleton - TDS - was assessed by: - the width of the fist - Å IRÅ AK - the kee diameter - DIJKOL - the elbow diameter - DIJLAK while the volume and mass of the body VMT - were assessed by: - the body weight - TEŽTJ - the circumference of the upper arm - NABDNAD - the skin fold of the back - NABLEDJ - the skin fold of the upper leg - NABPOT. Relation between morphological measures and the assessed features of explosive force was established by means of the canonic correlation analysis. Values obtained through canonic analysis indicate a high mutual connection between variables of both groups. Two significant pairs of canonic factors were obtained. The first pair of canonic factors indicates a significant positive correlation between moprhological characteristics and tests of explosive force, and in interpreted as the measures of a general correlation of these two spaces. From the structure of factors it is evident that measures of volume and mass have greatest effect on motor activities of explosive nature, whereas the other measures of anthropometric status are somewhat less, but stuill significantly present. Keeping in mind low values of projections of subcutaneous fat measures, it is to believe that volume and mass of the body increase primarly at the expanse of muscular mass. This is corroborated by the fact that success in basketball is largely determined by musculatures of young basketball players. The structure of the first pair of canonic factors indicates that the process of training basketball players should pay some attention to development of musculatures since it makes a possible performance of those types of activities which are of primary importance for success in basketball. The second pair of canonic factors significantly negatively correlates the measures of subcutaneous fat tissues extracted on the negative pole, with the results of those tasks of explosive force during which the instantly created maximum muscular force results in relocation of the body in space. The subcutaneous fat tissue can be considered a balast mass in performing tasks structurally and in type of activity very similar to movements prsent in play. For this reason it is necessary to control this morphological dimen sions and not to allow it negative effect upon the motor structure of young players, in the continuing process of creating good basketball players


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    Prehrana sportaÅ”a interes je znanstvenika već desetljećima, od kada postoje takmičenja prisutno je pitanje Å”to jesti i piti da bi se poboljÅ”ao rezultat. Danas sigurno znamo da prehrana sportaÅ”a utječe na njihovo zdravlje, sastav tijela i masu, iskoristivost energenata za vrijeme aktivnosti, oporavak i izvedbu. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje znanja o prehrani kod sportskih trenera ā€“ trenera koÅ”arke i skijanja. Uzorak ispitanika bio je sastavljen od hrvatskih koÅ”arkaÅ”kih trenera (N=32) i trenera skijanja (N=24). Znanje o sportskoj prehrani utvrđeno je putem odgovarajućeg upitnika. Upitnik o znanju o sportskoj prehrani bio je koncipiran tako da utvrdi znanje sportaÅ”a o prehrani općenito, o sastojcima neophodnim da bi sportaÅ”i osigurali dovoljne količine energije za trening i natjecanja, o dodacima prehrani, o obrocima prije treninga i natjecanja, kao i tijekom oporavka te o značaju tekućine, dehidraciji i rehidraciji za vrijeme treninga i natjecanja. Anketa je bila anonimna. Dobiveni podaci su obrađeni odgovarajućim statističkim postupcima, pomoću statističkog paketa STATISTICA. Sagledavajući rezultate u cjelini može se zaključiti da je poznavanje prehrane od strane koÅ”arkaÅ”kih i skijaÅ”kih trenera zadovoljavajuće. Od ukupno 1232 ispravna odgovora oni su ostvarili 959 ili 77.8% ispravnih odgovora ili u prosjeku po pojedinom pitanju 43 ispravna odgovora uz raspon od 24 točna odgovora pa do punih 56. Međutim kada se pogledaju pojedinačni odgovori onda se zadovoljstvo zbog relativno visokog postotka ispravnih odgovora donekle gubi jer se mogu jasno uočiti neke značajne manjkavosti u sveukupnom znanju i to o vrlo bitnim pitanjima prehrane sportaÅ”a. Upravo stoga može se ustvrditi da bi sportski nutricionist trebao biti jedan od važnih čimbenika u trenerskom timu.The nutrition of athletes has been of interest to scientists for decades and since the origins of sports competitions the questions about what to eat and what to drink in order to improve performance have been raised. Today there are scientific proofs that an adequate dietary habits influences in a large extent to an athlete\u27s health, body composition, and energetic pathways during the activity as well as during the competition or recovery. Athletes should be well informed about the food groups, caloric intake, and daily meal schedule. As the previous investigations showed, the athletes obtain most of their knowledge about nutrition from their coaches, especially physical conditioning coaches. The major aim of this study would be determination of the level of knowledge about nutrition. The sample consisted of 32 basketball and 24 skiing coaches from Croatia. The knowledge about the sports nutrition was tested by means of questionnaire. The questionnaire was constructed based on the results of previous studies conducted at the Faculty of Kinesiology and the results from international studies. It consisted of items determining the general knowledge about nutrition, nutritional ingredients needed for providing adequate energy level in sports, items about supplements, meal schedule before training and competition and recovery, and of items testing the knowledge about importance of liquids, dehydration and rehydration during and after training and competition. Surveys were anonymous and the data obtained were analysed by statistical software STATISTICA for WINDOWS. According to the results obtained we concluded that the level of knowledge about nutrition basketball and skiing coaches globally is satisfactory but inadequate in some segments, especially in the part of nutritional supplements and energy sources. It also can be concluded that the sources of information for nutritional facts that coaches use are not always scientifically justified

    Einfluss der physischen AktivitƤten auf die Entwicklung der basisch - motorischen FƤhigkeiten bei den jungen

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    Studija je provedena s ciljem da se utvrde razlike između bazičnih motoričkih sposobnosti dječaka, koji su pohađali redovnu nastavu tjelesnog odgoja, i dječaka koji su uz tjelesni odgoj redovito trenirali koÅ”arku u okviru koÅ”arkaÅ”kih pionirskih Å”kola. Bazične motoričke sposobnosti testirane su putem 9 standardnih testova na početku Å”kolske godine i nakon Å”est mjeseci. Rezultati analize varijance pokazali su da su obje grupe statistički značajno poboljÅ”ale bazične motoričke sposobnosti u periodu od Å”est mjeseci. Eksperimentalna grupa pionira koÅ”arkaÅ”a imala je bolje rezultate u većini testova u prvom, kao i u drugom mjerenju. Eksperimentalna grupa ostvarila je značajno veća, poboljÅ”anja u testovima koordinacije i frekvencije pokreta.This study contrasted the basic motor abilities of twelve-year-old boys who participated in a regular elementary school physical education curriculum with those who participated in a regular elementary school physical education curriculum with the addition of basketball training three times a week. Motor abilities were tested with 9 standard tests at the beginning of the school year and after six months. The results of the variance analysis have shown that both groups significantly improved their basic motor abilities within the six monthā€™s period. The experimental group that had a basketball training added to their physical education curriculum had better results in almost all tests in the first and in the second testing. The experimental group had made significantly greater improvements on the tests of co-ordination and frequency of movements.Das Ziel dieser Forschung war die Feststellung der Unterschiede bei den basisch-motorischen FƤhigkeiten der Jungen, die regelmƤƟig nur dem Sportunterricht beiwohnten, im Gegensatz zu denen, die neben dem normalen Unterricht noch regelmƤƟig Basketball im Rahmen einer Kindersportschule fĆ¼r Basketball trainierten. Die basisch-motorischen FƤhigkeiten wurden am Anfang des Schuljahres durch neun Standardtests geprĆ¼ft und noch einmal nach 6 Monaten. Die Resultate der Varianzanalyse haben gezeigt, dass beide Gruppen Statistisch bedeutend ihre basisch-motorischen FƤhigkeiten innerhalb von 6 Monaten verbessert haben. Die Experimentalgruppe des Basketballnachwuchs hatte bessere Resultate in meisten Tests erreicht, sowohl bei der ersten als auch bei der zweiten Messung. Die Experimentalgruppe zeigte bedeutenderen Fortschritt in der Koordination und in der Bewegungsfrequenz


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    Cilj istraživanja jest utvrditi povezanost između pokazatelja funkcionalnih sposobnosti i natjecateljske uspjeÅ”nosti tenisača i tenisačica u kategoriji natjecanja od 12-14 godina. Uzorak ispitanika čini 34 tenisača i 22 tenisačice u dobi od 12.3 do 14.9 godina koji se natječu u dobnoj kategoriji od 12 do 14 godina i rangirani su na rang listi Hrvatskog teniskog saveza. Povezanost između pokazatelja funkcionalnih sposobnosti i natjecateljske uspjeÅ”nosti tenisača-ica utvrđena je Pearsonovim korelacijskim koeficijentom, a prediktivna vrijednost mjerenih parametara za procjenu natjecateljske uspjeÅ”nosti uporabom regresijske analize. Rezultati ukazuju da postoji slaba, ali statistički značajna povezanost između parametara za procjenu aerobnog kapaciteta i natjecateljske uspjeÅ”nosti u dječaka i djevojčica u dobnoj kategoriji 12-14 godina (p<.05). Također, postoji slaba, ali statistički značajna povezanost i između dobi i parametra za procjenu anaerobnog kapaciteta, i natjecateljske uspjeÅ”nosti u dječaka u dobnoj kategoriji 12-14 godina (p<.05).The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between indicators of functional capacities and the competitive successfulness of tennis players in the age category from 12 to 14 years. The sample of examinees consisted of 34 male and 22 female players from 12.3 to 14.9 years of age, competing in the age category from 12 to 14 years, that are ranked on the rank list of the Croatian tennis association. The relationship between measured parameters and competitive successfulness was established by the Pearson\u27s correlation coefficient, and the predictive value of the parameters for estimating competitive successfulness by means of the regression analysis. The results showed a moderate, but statistically significant correlation between aerobic capacity parameters and competitive successfulness in boys and girls in the 12 to 14 age category (p<.05). In boys, there were also moderate, but statistically significant correlations between age, anaerobic capacity and competitive successfulness (p<.05)


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    Suvremenu koÅ”arkaÅ”ku igru karakterizira visoki intenzitet aktivnosti kroz praktički svih četrdeset minuta njenog trajanja, zahtijeva od igrača/ica Å”iroku paletu osnovnih i specifičnih funkcionalnih i motoričkih sposobnosti. Gotovo je nemoguće izolirati neku koja u određenoj mjeri ne sudjeluju u uspjehu u igri. Ovaj rad daje pregled fizioloÅ”ke pozadine koÅ”arkaÅ”ke igre te analizu kretanja tijekom utakmice. Nadalje daje pregled aerobnih, anaerobnih i motoričkih sposobnosti koÅ”arkaÅ”a i koÅ”arkaÅ”icaModern basketball play is characterised by high activity intensity during all 40 minutes and puts high demands on basketball players. There is necessity for broad range of basic and specific functional and motoric abilities. It is almost impossible to isolate one that is not important for the success in the game. This work deals with physiological background of basketball game and the analyses of movement patterns. There is also a review of physiological profile of basketball male and female players. Their aerobic, anaerobic and motoric abilities are described

    Utvrđivanje razlika u situacijskim parametrima efikasnosti teniske igre na grand slam turnirima

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    The aim was to ascertain whether any differences in the performance indicators could be discerned when the indicators of the matches played in the year 2010 were compared with the matches played in 2011 at each of the three greatest Grand Slam tournaments - Roland-Garros (R-G), Wimbledon and US Open. The sample of entities consisted of 1524 game statistics records of 127 men single matches played within the main draw of each of the three tournaments in each of the two observed years. The basic central and dispersive parameters were calculated, and independent samples t-test was used to establish differences between the explored years (significance level p<.05). The smallest number of differences were determined for the R-G tournament. Generally, at all the three tournaments speed deceleration of the 1st and 2nd serve was obvious in 2011, probably indicating the shift of playersā€™ focus on serve features other than power used for the active entrance into points. The number of unforced errors increased at R-G in 2011, whereas on the fast, grass, courts of Wimbledon and hard courts of US Open it was decreased, as well as the number of winners. The findings suggest that tennis play styles on fast courts tend to safer play with lower risks in the starting and middle phases of a point, whereas on slow courts styles are characterized with a more aggressive play in the middle phase of a point.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike u situacijskim parametrima natjecateljske učinkovitosti teniske igre između istih Grand Slam turnira odigranih u 2010. i 2011. godini. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo tri Grand Slam natjecanja: Roland Garros, Wimbledon i US Open. Uzorak entiteta činila je statistika igre 1524 gema iz 127 pojedinačnih susreta muÅ”karaca odigranih u glavnom ždrijebu navedena tri turnira tijekom dvije promatrane godine. Izračunati su osnovni centralni i disperzivni parametri varijabli, a razlike u statističkim parametrima za procjenu efikasnosti teniske igre utvrđene su t-testom za nezavisne uzorke (na razini značajnosti od p<0,05). Najmanje razlike pojavile su se na Roland Garrosu. Općenito, na sva tri Grand Slam natjecanja uočeno je smanjenje brzine prvoga i drugoga servisa u 2011. godini, Å”to najvjerojatnije upućuje na to da se u filozofiji pristupa igri igrači viÅ”e ā€žokrećuā€œ drugim obilježjima servisa osim same snage izvođenja kako bi aktivno uÅ”li u poen. Na Roland Garrosu se u 2011. godini povećao broj neprisiljenih pogreÅ”aka, dok je na brzoj travnatoj podlozi Wimbledona i betonskoj podlozi US Opena uočeno statistički značajno smanjenje broja neprisiljenih pogreÅ”aka i winnera. Dobiveni rezultati na svojevrstan način daju do znanja kako tenis na brzim podlogama ide u smjeru neÅ”to sigurnije igre s manjim rizikom u početnom i srediÅ”njem dijelu poena, a tenis na sporim podlogama kreće se u smjeru agresivnije igre u srediÅ”njem dijelu poena

    Utvrđivanje razlika u situacijskim parametrima efikasnosti teniske igre na grand slam turnirima

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    The aim was to ascertain whether any differences in the performance indicators could be discerned when the indicators of the matches played in the year 2010 were compared with the matches played in 2011 at each of the three greatest Grand Slam tournaments - Roland-Garros (R-G), Wimbledon and US Open. The sample of entities consisted of 1524 game statistics records of 127 men single matches played within the main draw of each of the three tournaments in each of the two observed years. The basic central and dispersive parameters were calculated, and independent samples t-test was used to establish differences between the explored years (significance level p<.05). The smallest number of differences were determined for the R-G tournament. Generally, at all the three tournaments speed deceleration of the 1st and 2nd serve was obvious in 2011, probably indicating the shift of playersā€™ focus on serve features other than power used for the active entrance into points. The number of unforced errors increased at R-G in 2011, whereas on the fast, grass, courts of Wimbledon and hard courts of US Open it was decreased, as well as the number of winners. The findings suggest that tennis play styles on fast courts tend to safer play with lower risks in the starting and middle phases of a point, whereas on slow courts styles are characterized with a more aggressive play in the middle phase of a point.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike u situacijskim parametrima natjecateljske učinkovitosti teniske igre između istih Grand Slam turnira odigranih u 2010. i 2011. godini. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo tri Grand Slam natjecanja: Roland Garros, Wimbledon i US Open. Uzorak entiteta činila je statistika igre 1524 gema iz 127 pojedinačnih susreta muÅ”karaca odigranih u glavnom ždrijebu navedena tri turnira tijekom dvije promatrane godine. Izračunati su osnovni centralni i disperzivni parametri varijabli, a razlike u statističkim parametrima za procjenu efikasnosti teniske igre utvrđene su t-testom za nezavisne uzorke (na razini značajnosti od p<0,05). Najmanje razlike pojavile su se na Roland Garrosu. Općenito, na sva tri Grand Slam natjecanja uočeno je smanjenje brzine prvoga i drugoga servisa u 2011. godini, Å”to najvjerojatnije upućuje na to da se u filozofiji pristupa igri igrači viÅ”e ā€žokrećuā€œ drugim obilježjima servisa osim same snage izvođenja kako bi aktivno uÅ”li u poen. Na Roland Garrosu se u 2011. godini povećao broj neprisiljenih pogreÅ”aka, dok je na brzoj travnatoj podlozi Wimbledona i betonskoj podlozi US Opena uočeno statistički značajno smanjenje broja neprisiljenih pogreÅ”aka i winnera. Dobiveni rezultati na svojevrstan način daju do znanja kako tenis na brzim podlogama ide u smjeru neÅ”to sigurnije igre s manjim rizikom u početnom i srediÅ”njem dijelu poena, a tenis na sporim podlogama kreće se u smjeru agresivnije igre u srediÅ”njem dijelu poena

    VzaimootnoŔenija intellektual\u27nyh faktorov i uspeŔnosti v basketbole

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    Na uzorku muÅ”karaca, pozitivno selekcioniranih s obzirom na kognitivne sposobnosti, te osrednje razine ograničenog raspona koÅ”arkaÅ”kih sposobnosti, provedeno je istraživanje relacija kognitivnih faktora i uspjeha u koÅ”arkaÅ”koj igri određenog na temelju ocjena sudaca za igru na utakmicama i na temelju rezultata na situaciono-motoričkim faktorima izvedenim iz objektivnih testova. Rezultati su podvrgnuti kvazikanoničkoj analizi OCR modelom (Momirović, Dobrić, Karaman, 1983) i regresijskoj analizi pod SRA modelom (Momirović i Å talec, 1983). Skup kognitivnih faktora imao je status prediktora. Regresijske analize nisu pokazale niti jednu značajnu vezu. U obje kvazikanoničke analize dobijene su niske korelacije. Kvazikanonička korelacija kognitivnih faktora su sa sudačkim ocjenama na granici je značajnosti i iznosi 23. Sa situaciono-motoričkim faktorima kvazikanonička korelacija iznosi .24 i značajno je na nivou p=0.05.The relationship between cognitive factors and two sets of measures of performance in basketball were investigated on a group of male students of the Faculty of Physical Education who had been positively selected with regard to their cognitive abilities and who were basketball players of average quality. The cognitive factors were defined as efficiency of the perceptive processor (INPUT), efficiency of the parallel processor (PARAL) and efficiency of the serial processor (SERIJ). The first set of measures of performance in basketball were obtained with the aid of evaluations made by judges at regular matches and related to seven aspects of the game: (1) efficiency of play (TEHNIK), (2) efficiency of play in attack (NAPAD), (3) efficiency in play in defence (OBRANA), (4) creativity in the game (STVARA), (5) responsibility with respect to the agreed tactics (PONASA) and (8) general efficiency of play (OPCOCJ). The second set of measures of performance consisted of results for situational-motoric factors extracted from objective tests which contain certain elements of basketball. The situational factors were defined (1) precision of passing (PRECDO), (2) precision of shooting (PRECUB), (3) manipulation with the ball (MANLOP), (4) efficacy of movement with and without the ball (EFKRET) and (5) ball-throwing power (SNAIZB). The results were subjected to quasicanonical (QCR model) and regression (SRA) analysis. The regression analysis did not show any significant multiple correlation between cognitive factors as the predictive set and individual measures of performance defined by judges\u27 evaluations, nor between the set of cognitive factors and individual situational-motoric factors. The quasicanonical analysis of the relationships between cognitive factors and judges\u27 evaluations gave a small, barely significant (r=.225) correlation which was interpreted as a connection between cognitive factors and the evaluation of bahaviour of the general modality. This analysis was carried out on 50 subjects. The quasicanonical analysis of the relationships between cognitive factors and situational-motoric factors also gave a small correlation (r=.243), significant at the p=0.05 level. It is assumed that this relationship was realized through the participation of part of the variability of the basal motoric factor coordination with which the situational-motoric factors are saturated. This analysis was carried out on 53 subjects. The results of the investigation confirm the existence of positive link between cognitive factors and performance in basketball and also indicate the possibility of realizing this link through various mechanisms. In order to draw reliable conclusions about the intensity and structure of this relationship it will be necessary to carry out further investigations on a greater number of subjects with a wider range of results for cognitive factors and quality of play

    Izmenenie aerobnoj emkosti i mal\u27čikov v zaisimosti ot vozrasta

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    Na uzorku 28 dječaka izvrÅ”eno je istraživanje s ciljem utvrđivanja longitudinalnih promjena maksimalnog primitka kiskika i pridruženih spiroergometrijskih parametara u periodu od osme do dvanaeste godine. U promatranom vremesnkom rasponu uočen je značajan porast aerobnih sposobnosti. Također je zaključeno da adaptacija na fizičko opterećenje tokom godina postaje bolja i da srce radi ekonomičnije.The investigation involved a sample of 28 boys from their eight to their 12 year of age. Its aim was to establish longitudinal changes of maximum oxygen inatake and the corresponding spyroergometric parameters. The sample was selected from a populatio of healthy grade two boys attending one of primary schools in Zagreb. The measuring of maximum oxygen intake was carried out by direct respiration method during a continuous load of the "vita maxima" type on the moving carpet. The maximum oxygen intake shows a significant values increase over the years, with the differences between measurings getting smaller, i. e. the increase in not linear. The relative maximum oxygen intake also shows a growing tendency but only up to the age 11, whereas its value between age 11 and 12 significantly drops. The average absolute values and the relative oxygen intake, compared with results of other investigations, indicate that the physical fitness of our children is not of a satisfactory level. Considering the changes of the maximum oxygen pulse, it may be concluded that adaptation to physical load in boys improves with age and that the heart works more economically in older boys. The values indicating the level of exhaustion during maximum load (max. heart frequency, respiration quotient, ventilation quotient) do not change significantly between the age eight and twelve
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