87 research outputs found

    Nove kvalitete kao rezultat upotrebe računala u likovnoj kulturi

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    Computer generated artistic production in Slovenian primary schools leads to new qualities in spite of a less frequent use of the computers. The teachers of Fine Arts together with their pupils, research computer tools and use them in a creative way. The quality is displayed in their understanding of the specifics of artistic expressiveness of the computer tools. In the 90’s of the previous century computer generated pictures and drawings of our primary school pupils were merely a pale copy of those in classical or traditional drawing techniques. In more recent times on the other hand, we encounter children’s works of art which fully use the advantages of computer tools. Contemporary input units in particular open up new possibilities for artistic modeling or creation. Nevertheless, in using the latest computer technology the teacher also has to be aware of the educational goals in teaching Fine Arts and organize his pedagogical work to be in agreement with the basic contemporary Fine Arts Education aims from the didactic, content and organizational point of view.Unatoč rijetke upotrebe računala u radu, računalom generirana likovna produkcija u slovenskim osnovnim školama, polučuje nove kvalitete. Likovni pedagozi sa svojim učenicima istražuju računalne alate koje zatim na kreativan način upotrebljavaju. Kvaliteta se ogleda u razumijevanju specifičnosti likovnog izraza nastalog upotrebom računalnih alata. Devedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća računalni crteži i slike osnovnoškolaca bili su blijeda kopija crteža i slika klasičnih likovnih tehnika. U novije vrijeme susrećemo dječje likovne radove, u kojima su u potpunosti korištene prednosti računalnih alata. Upravo suvremene ulazne jedinice otvaraju nove mogućnosti likovnog oblikovanja. Podrazumijeva se, da učitelj i kod upotrebe najnovije računalne tehnologije mora imati u vidu ciljeve likovne kulture i svoj pedagoški rad koncipirati tako da didaktički, sadržajno i organizacijski teži temeljnim ciljevima obrazovanja u likovnoj kulturi


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    This article introduces the communicative possibilities that contemporary art offers within art education. The introduction deals with the relevant theoretical starting points and goes on to develop and explain the term “communicational paradox of contemporary art”. The continuation of the article presents some possibilities for transcending this paradox. We then present some of our findings, based on a methodologically examined empirical follow up to this problem. We concentrated on the peripheral characteristics of contemporary art work that allow quality communication with the pupils. We emphasized visually interesting characteristics; united incompatibilities and used objects in an unusual way and with interesting ideas (concepts).U članku su predstavljene komunikacijske mogućnosti koje suvremena umjetnost nudi unutar likovno-pedagoškog rada. U uvodnom su dijelu predstavljena relevantna teorijska polazišta. Zatim je termin »komunikacijski paradoks suvremene umjetnosti« razvijen i obrazložen. U nastavku su iznesene i mogućnosti za njegovo prekoračenje. Na osnovu metodološki provjerene i empirijski popraćene problematike navodimo do čega smo došli. Usredotočili smo se na vanjske karakteristike suvremenih likovnih umjetničkih djela, koje omogućavaju kvalitetnu komunikaciju s učenicima. Ustanovili smo nadalje vizualnu zanimljivost, udruživanje neudruživog, upotrebu objekata na neobičan način te zanimljivost same ideje (koncepta)

    Razlike između spolova u linearnoj povezanosti čimbenika likovnoga razvoja učenika i učenica u drugom razredu osnovne škole

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    Previous scientific studies in primary school students have indicated differences between girls and boys in many aspects of children’s drawings, including factors of creativity. To some extent, these gender differences arise as a consequence of gender specificities in children’s artistic development. However, the effect of gender on creativity remains ill defined. In the present study, we examined gender differences in measures of visual art-related creativity, including progress in creative development and the linear relationship among factors of creativity in 18 second-grade primary school students. Visual art-related creativity was tested twice during the school year using a drawing test. Our results provide new evidence for gender-specific characteristics of processes involved in creativity expressed through drawings in early school-age students.Prethodna znanstvena istraživanja s učenicima i učenicama osnovnih škola ukazale su na razlike između djevojčica i dječaka u mnogim aspektima dječjeg crteža, uključujući i čimbenike kreativnosti. Donekle ove razlike u spolu nastaju kao posljedica specifičnosti pojedinoga spola u likovnom razvitku djece. Međutim, utjecaj spola na kreativnost nije dostatno određen. U ovoj studiji istražili smo razlike između spolova s obzirom na kreativnosti vezane uz likovnu umjetnost, uključujući i napredak u kreativnom razvitku i provjeravali smo linearne korelacije između pojedinih čimbenika kreativnosti u 18 učenika i učenica drugoga razreda osnovne škole. Likovnu smo kreativnost provjeravali s pomoću testa crteža dva puta u jednoj školskoj godini. Naši rezultati pružaju nova saznanja o specifičnim karakteristikama vezanima uz spol učenika u procesu razvijanja kreativnosti izražene crtežima u ranoj školskoj dobi


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    Distance learning and e-learning material application rapidly increases in few years. Ministry of Education and Sport and European Social Fund have financed many projects for e-learning material production in Slovenia lately. As a result we have many more or less quality e-learning materials. Authors analyzed different types of communication in the contemporary publically available e-learning materials for primary schools. Different viewpoints of communication emerged during the analysis: technical communication, didactical communication and visual communication. Most thorough knowledge is in the area of technical communication. But the problems of incompatibility and software settings are present on the daily basis. Didactical communication are presents multilevel problems. The goals of education are to be covered and the form of communication needs to be suitable for learners. Visual communications are the most problematic since there are no clear principles how to assess the quality of visual communications. Jet they are highly important in the distance education and e-learning materials.Učenje na daljinu i upotreba e-gradiva je u nekoliko zadnjih godina u velikom zamahu. U Sloveniji su Europski socijalni sklad i Ministarstvo za školstvo i sport financirali više projekata radnih grupa i pojedinih autora, u kojima su nastale e-građe različite kvalitete. Autori u prilogu analiziraju različite aspekte komunikacije u suvremenim e-gradivima koje su dostupne korisnicima za obrazovanje po programu osnovne škole. Gradivo je analizirano posebno sa aspekta kvalitete i to: kvaliteta tehničke komunikacije, didaktičke komunikacije i vizualne komunikacije. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to, da dolazi do poteškoća kod tehničke komunikacije zbog različitih sistema kod korisnika, a kao didaktički nedostatak evidentirana je lošija pokrivenost sa obrazovnim ciljevima. Kao problematične su se u velikoj mjeri pokazala vizualna rješenja e-građe


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    Distance learning and e-learning material application rapidly increases in few years. Ministry of Education and Sport and European Social Fund have financed many projects for e-learning material production in Slovenia lately. As a result we have many more or less quality e-learning materials. Authors analyzed different types of communication in the contemporary publically available e-learning materials for primary schools. Different viewpoints of communication emerged during the analysis: technical communication, didactical communication and visual communication. Most thorough knowledge is in the area of technical communication. But the problems of incompatibility and software settings are present on the daily basis. Didactical communication are presents multilevel problems. The goals of education are to be covered and the form of communication needs to be suitable for learners. Visual communications are the most problematic since there are no clear principles how to assess the quality of visual communications. Jet they are highly important in the distance education and e-learning materials.Učenje na daljinu i upotreba e-gradiva je u nekoliko zadnjih godina u velikom zamahu. U Sloveniji su Europski socijalni sklad i Ministarstvo za školstvo i sport financirali više projekata radnih grupa i pojedinih autora, u kojima su nastale e-građe različite kvalitete. Autori u prilogu analiziraju različite aspekte komunikacije u suvremenim e-gradivima koje su dostupne korisnicima za obrazovanje po programu osnovne škole. Gradivo je analizirano posebno sa aspekta kvalitete i to: kvaliteta tehničke komunikacije, didaktičke komunikacije i vizualne komunikacije. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to, da dolazi do poteškoća kod tehničke komunikacije zbog različitih sistema kod korisnika, a kao didaktički nedostatak evidentirana je lošija pokrivenost sa obrazovnim ciljevima. Kao problematične su se u velikoj mjeri pokazala vizualna rješenja e-građe

    Bedeutung von guter Lehrpraxis für die Entwicklung von künstlerischen Fähigkeiten der Grundschulkinder

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    Primary school students engage in different areas of art and various artistic techniques during the art lessons, but the basis for all forms of artistic expression is drawing. The choice of subjects depicted by the students is quite diverse. The way they depict the subject matter is closely related to their stage of development. The easiest way to monitor developmental stages is by analyzing depictions of the human figure. The quantitative empirical research was based on a sample of 27 pupils (n = 27). Their artistic development was monitored during the period of eight months. We were interested in the pupils\u27 progress in terms of artistic‐intellectual, formal artistic and artistic‐creative development considering the entire sample and a subsample based on gender. The research results show that students achieved higher performance in all monitored aspects in the final testing at the level of statistical significance. Girls did slightly better than boys. Teachers aware of fact that the quality of teaching profoundly influences the artistic‐design and artistic‐creative development will find the obtained results positive and useful. The survey results demonstrate the importance of teacher\u27s work in the art‐teaching process, which can greatly contribute to the artistic and general progress of the students.Kod nastave likovne kulture u osnovnoj školi učenici se susreću s više likovnih područja i različitim likovnim tehnikama, ali je osnova svim vrstama likovnog izražavanja crtež. Pa i izbor motiva koje učenici likovno interpretiraju, vrlo je raznolik. Način da se motivi realiziraju usko je vezan sa njihovim razvojnim stupnjem. A to se može najbolje pratiti kroz prikaz ljudskog lika. U kvantitativnom empirijskog istraživanju na uzorku od 27 učenika (n = 27) pratili smo njihov likovni razvoj u dobi od 11 godina tijekom osam mjeseci. Proučavali smo razvoj učenika s aspekta likovno‐intelektualnog, likovno‐oblikovnog i likovno‐kreativnog razvoja u vidu cjelokupnog uzorka i s obzirom na spol. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su učenici u završnom testiranju postigli u svim pratećim varijablama više rezultate i to na nivou statističke značajnosti. Kod usporedbe spola ustanovljeno je da su djevojke postigle nešto više rezultate od dječaka. Ako smo svjesni činjenice da kvalitetan pedagoški rad ima veliki utjecaj prvenstveno na likovno‐oblikovni i likovno‐kreativni razvoj, možemo biti zadovoljni dobivenim rezultatima. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na značajnost učite‐ljevog rada u likovno‐pedagoškom procesu što može uvelike pridonijeti likovnom i općem napretku učenika.Beim Kunstunterricht in der Grundschule werden die Schüler mit verschiedenen künstlerischen Bereichen und unterschiedlichen künstlerischen Techniken bekannt gemacht, jedoch ist die Zeichnung die Grundlage aller künstlerischen Ausdrücke. Auch die Motivauswahl der Schüler ist sehr vielfältig. Die Art der Motivdarstellung ist eng mit ihrer Entwicklungsstufe verbunden. Diese kann man am besten durch die Darstellung der menschlichen Figur beobachten. In einer quantitativen empirischen Forschung haben wir eine Gruppe von 27 Schülern (n=27) in einem Zeitraum von acht Monaten begleitet, um ihre künstlerische Entwicklung zu verfolgen. Unsere Aufmerksamkeit galt der Entwicklung der Schüler in Bezug auf die optisch‐thematische, bildnerisch‐gestalterische und bildnerisch‐kreative Entwicklung in der gesamten Gruppe und je nach Geschlecht. Aus den Forschungsergebnissen geht hervor, dass die Schüler in der finalen Prüfung in allen Entwicklungsaspekten, die verfolgt wurden, höhere Resultate erzielt haben und dies auf dem Niveau der statistischen Signifikanz. In Bezug auf das Geschlecht haben die Mädchen etwas besser abgeschnitten als die Jungen. Wenn wir uns der Tatsache bewusst sind, dass qualitative pädagogische Arbeit einen großen Einfluss vor allem auf die bildnerisch‐gestalterische und bildnerisch‐kreative Entwicklung hat, dann können wir mit den gewonnenen Ergebnissen zufrieden sein. Die Forschungsergebnisse weisen auf die Bedeutung der Lehrerarbeit im kunstpädagogischen Prozess hin, die zu dem künstlerischen und allgemeinen Fortschritt der Schüler bedeutend beitragen kann


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    We were interested in how to create an effective visualization of a company and how big is the impact of corporate visual identity elements on company recognition. Effectiveness of corporate visual identity elements was tested. We were also interested in which are the steps of design process. Existing company was included in our study. Data was collected through a combination of interview, questionnaire and survey. Results of the research show that the company has a well-planned brand name, typography and colours. These are used appropriate according to the purpose. Some of the key elements of symbol design (harmony, naturalness and ratio) are badly designed, which result in negative impact of the symbol, symbol also does not broadcast desired meaning and generally does not contribute to the construction of the desired brand or company image.Zanimalo nas je kako stvoriti učinkovitu vizualizaciju tvrtke i koliko je velik utjecaj elemenata korporativnog vizualnog identiteta na prepoznavanje tvrtke. Ispitana je učinkovitost elemenata korporativnih vizualnih identiteta. Također smo bili zainteresirani koji su koraci u procesu dizajna. Postojeća tvrtka je uključena u naše istraživanje. Podaci su prikupljeni kroz kombinaciju razgovora, upitnika i anketa. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da tvrtka ima dobro planirano ime branda, tipografiju i boje. Oni se koriste odgovarajuće, ovisno o svrsi . Neki od ključnih elemenata simbolike u dizajnu (sklad, prirodnost i omjer) su loše dizajnirani, što za posljedicu ima negativan utjecaj simbola , simboli ne emitiraju željeni smisao i općenito ne pridonose izgradnji željenog branda ili imidža tvrtke

    Monitoring the success of the integration of contemporary art practices in elementary art curriculum [Observación del éxito de la integración de las prácticas de arte contemporáneo en el plan de estudios de arte elemental]

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    Abstract: Monitoring, knowledge and understanding of contemporary art influence thinking and empathy of the individual with the environment in which they live. In elementary school, students learn about contemporary art, by solving artistic tasks arising from the situation of contemporary art. Contemporary arts enable students to understand the environment, the time and the conditions in which we live.In action research, which was based on elements of traditional empirical-analytical research, the qualitative methodology of pedagogical research was used, namely, a causal non-experimental method. On a sample of 55 pupils (n = 55), aged between 13 and 14 years, the attitudes to art, their knowledge of art, thinking, and attitude towards contemporary art were determined. We used the unstructured interview. The findings showed that students’ artworks are associated with everyday life, and they interpret these artworks according to their own experience.Keywords: contemporary art, students, understanding, interpretation; Resumen:La observación, el conocimiento y la comprensión del arte contemporáneo influyen en el pensamiento y la empatía del individuo con el entorno en el que vive. En la escuela primaria, los estudiantes aprenden sobre el arte contemporáneo, al resolver tareas artísticas que surgen de la situación del arte contemporáneo. Las artes contemporáneas permiten a los estudiantes comprender el entorno, el tiempo y las condiciones en que vivimos.En esta investigación-acción, que se basó en elementos de la investigación empírica-analítica tradicional, se utilizó la metodología cualitativa de la investigación pedagógica, es decir, un método causal no experimental. En una muestra de 55 alumnos (n = 55), con edades comprendidas entre 13 y 14 años, se determinaron las actitudes hacia el arte, su conocimiento del arte, el pensamiento y la actitud hacia el arte contemporáneo. Usamos la entrevista no estructurada. Los hallazgos mostraron que las obras de arte de los estudiantes se asocian con la vida cotidiana e interpretan estas obras de acuerdo con su propia experiencia.Palabras clave: arte contemporáneo, estudiantes, comprensión, interpretación


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    The article presents some possibilities of connections between artistic music and art information’s experiences by pupils at the elementary level of education. The emphasis was on active reception of chosen art and music works from the art treasury and experienced creative reactions to them. In the music field there, are set out emotions, which arise by listening to music over music elements and structures, in the art field, the emotions are connected with impressions of harmony and expressions of art elements. The purpose of our research was to establish the ability of children to connect art and music field, and to investigate experiencing and reactions to presenting art and music works. Our theoretical hypothesis was verified in practice on the sample of elementary pupils aged 6 and 11. By connecting simultaneous experiences of art and music works observed, by most chosen examples, statistically important differences in artistic experiences of younger and older categories of pupils were established.Obrađuju se mogućnosti povezivanja doživljavanja glazbenih i likovnih umjetničkih poruka, posredstvom suvremenih kvalitetnih nosača zvuka i slike, kod učenika nižih razreda osnovne škole. Posebna pozornost usmjerena je aktivnom prihvaćanju izabranih umjetničkih djela iz područja svjetske likovne i glazbene baštine, te stvaralačkoj reakciji koja treba uslijediti nakon doživljaja. Na području glazbe nastaju osjećaji koji su potaknuti glazbenim elementima i strukturama, dok na području likovne kulture nastaju osjećaji povezani s doživljavanjem skladnosti i izražajnosti likovnih elemenata. Cilj empirijskog istraživanja bio je ustanoviti sposobnost učenika za povezivanje likovnog i glazbenog područja, proučavanje doživljaja i reakcije kvalitetno prezentiranih glazbenih i likovnih djela. Praktična provjera teoretskih pretpostavki bila je izvedena na uzorku učenika razredne nastave osnovne škole u dobi između 6 i 11 godina. Prilikom povezivanja istovremenog doživljavanja glazbenih i likovnih djela u većem je broju primjera uočena statistički značajna razlika doživljavanja između mlađih i starijih učenika