17 research outputs found
Mental health and well-being in healthcare workers in Croatia during COVID-19 pandemic: longitudinal study on convenient sample
Aim: To examine changes in general and work well-being of health professionals in the Republic of
Croatia during the first and second waves of the pandemic COVID-19. Although there are numerous
studies, in our country and worldwide, that have examined the general and/or work well-being of health
care workers during the pandemic(s), few researchers have used a longitudinal approach.
Participants and methods: Ninety-two participants took part in the study. Most of the participants
were nurses and technicians (N=88; 95.65%), while physicians were represented to a much lesser extent
(N=4; 4.35%). The sample was dominated by women (N=82; 89.1%), compared to men (N=10; 10.9%).
Data from all participants were collected at two measurement time points corresponding to the two waves
of the pandemic in the Republic of Croatia. In addition to questions on sociodemographic characteristics
(age, gender, workplace...), the following instruments were used: DASS-42 (to assess depression, anxiety
and stress), Short Mental Health Inventory, Oldenburg Burnout Inventory and Job Satisfaction Scale.
Results: A statistically significant increase in the level of depression (p < 0.05), anxiety (p < 0.05), and
stress (p < 0.05) was found during the second wave of the pandemic compared to the first wave. No
significant changes were found in the general mental health status of the participants (p > 0.05). Regarding
work well-being, a significantly higher level of exhaustion was found (p < 0.05), while no significant
change was recorded in the level of alienation (p > 0.05), nor in the participants\u27 job satisfaction (p > 0.05).
Conclusion: Although the second wave of the pandemic was associated with an increase in depression,
anxiety, stress, and exhaustion among convenient sample of health care workers, there was no decrease in
levels of mental health, job satisfaction, and alienation (burnout dimension)
Efficiency in cognitive tasks with varying degrees of complexity under stressful conditions
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi kako stres utječe na obavljanje kognitivnih zadataka različitezahtjevnosti. U istraživanju su korištena tri kognitivna zadatka: zadatak pamćenja na raziniprepoznavanja, zadatak pamćenja na razini dosjećanja i problemski zadatak. Pretpostavljenoje da učinak stresa neće biti jednak na svim razinama zahtjevnosti zadatka, već da će doći dointerakcijskog djelovanja ovih dvaju faktora i to na način da će stres imati negativno djelovanjekod najzahtjevnijeg i ujedno kompleksnijeg zadataka (problemski zadatak), a pozitivno kodnajmanje zahtjevnog zadatka (pamćenje na razini prepoznavanja).U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 59 ispitanika, studenata Sveučilišta u Zadru čija je prosječnadob iznosila 20,75 godina. Sudionici su podijeljeni u tri grupe, pri čemu je svaka grupa obavljalajednu vrstu zadatka i to u dva navrata, jedan put u uvjetima sa, a drugi put u uvjetima bez stresa.Stres je izazivan prikazivanjem 20-minutnog isječka ratnog filma. Za svaki zadatak su postojaledvije paralelne forme (za svaku eksperimentalnu situaciju po jedna), a svaki sudionik je dolaziodva puta na ispitivanje, s razmakom od oko tjedan dana.Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da kada je riječ o kognitivno najmanje zahtjevnom zadatku,pamćenju na razini prepoznavanja, izloženost stresu je dovela do poboljšanja učinka, nemaefekta stresa kada je riječ o srednje zahtjevnom zadatku (dosjećanje), dok kod problemskihzadataka, koji su s obzirom na kognitivne zahtjeve najkompleksniji i najzahtjevniji stres imanegativan utjecaj na učinak. Dakle, može se reći da na pitanje kakav je utjecaj stresa na učinaku kognitivnim zadacima nema jednoznačnog odgovora, već njegov utjecaj ovisi o zahtjevnostisamog zadatka.The aim of this research was to determine how stress affects the efficiency in cognitive taskswhich differ in their demands. Three different cognitive tasks were used: two memory tasks(on recognition level and level of free recall) and a problem solving tasks. It was assumed thatthe effect of stress will not be the same at all levels of tasks demands, but there will be theinteractive effect of these two factors in a way that the stress will have a negative effect in themost demanding, complex task (problem solving task) and positive effect in the least demandingtask (memory on the level of recognition).The research included 59 participants, student from University of Zadar whose average age was20.75 years. Subjects were divided into three groups, while each group performed one type oftask on two occasions, once in conditions with stress, and once in stress-free conditions. Stresswas induced by presenting a 20-minute war movie clip. For each task, there were two parallelforms (for each experimental situation), so each participant attended two testing situationsspaced about a week apart.The results show that when it comes to cognitively least demanding task, memory on recognitionlevel, exposure to stress led to performance improvements, there was no effect of stress whenit comes to medium demanding task (memory on level of free recall), while on the problemsolvingtask, which represents the most demanding and more complex cognitive task used in thisresearch, stress had a negative impact on performance. Therefore, it can be said that there is nodefinite answer on how stress impacts the efficiency in cognitive tasks, because that depends ontasks demands.</p
Ovulation cues in women\u27s fertile phase
Usporedna opažanja ženki različitih sisavaca i žena dovela su do zaključka da su žene tijekom evolucijske povijesti izgubile eksplicitne znakove plodne faze. Međutim, tijekom posljednjeg desetljeća provedena su brojna istraživanja čiji rezultati navode na zaključak da ovulacija nije u potpunosti skrivena. Cilj ovoga rada je dati pregled i sintezu spomenutih rezultata koji upućuju da je plodna faza praćena nizom promjena u ponašanju. Dolazi do promjena u preferenciji određenih karakteristika muškaraca na način da se preferiraju muškarci čiji izgled i ponašanje signaliziraju dobro zdravlje i genetsku kvalitetu i to u kontekstu izbora partnera za kratkoročnu, ali ne i dugoročnu vezu. U plodnoj fazi kod žena se opažaju i promjene u seksualnom ponašanju, odnosno osjećaju se seksualno privlačnije, više brinu o svom izgledu, koriste više proizvoda za uljepšavanje, češće iniciraju seksualne aktivnosti i maštaju o seksu. Osim toga, uočene su i promjene u razini ljubomore. Sve navedene promjene predstavljaju evolucijski adaptivne mehanizme, a paralelno s njima razvijali su se i mehanizmi koji su muškarcima omogućili da detektiraju plodnu fazu s ciljem povećanja reproduktivne uspješnosti. Detekcija plodne faze temelji se na njušnim, vidnim i slušnim informacijama.Comparative research conducted on mammalian females, including women, has led to the conclusion that women have lost explicit ovulation cues throughout evolution. However, over the past decade, results of numerous studies imply that ovulation is not entirely concealed. The aim of this paper is to give a review and synthesis of previous findings which show that the most fertile period is characterized by various changes in behaviour.
One of those changes is shift in preference for different male characteristics. The fertile phase is also characterized by changes in sexual behaviour, i.e. they feel more attractive, take more care of their physical appearance, use more beauty products, more often initiate sexual intercourse and fantasize more about sex. Furthermore, changes in the levels of jealousy are also found. All of these changes are assumed to represent revolutionary adaptive mechanisms. At the same time, different mechanisms developed that enabled men to detect a fertile phase in order to enhance their reproductive success. Detection of the fertile phase is based on olfactory, visual and auditory information
Odnos porođajne težine i nekih aspekata seksualnog ponašanja
Teorija životne povijesti pretpostavlja kompromis među ulaganjima u različite sastavnice reproduktivne uspješnosti. Prema njenim postavkama, pojedinci mogu obustaviti ulaganje u rast i razvoj i ranije se reproducirati. To se obično događa u uvjetima smanjene vjerojatnosti preživljavanja u kojima pojedinci ranije dostižu spolnu zrelost. Na smanjenu vjerojatnost preživljavanja mogu upućivati rana životna iskustva koja su se pokazala značajnim odrednicama u razvijanju reproduktivnih strategija. Polazeći od navedenog, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos između porođajne težine kao indikatora postnatalnog statusa i nekih aspekata seksualnog ponašanja. U istraživanju su sudjelovale 53 sudionice prosječne dobi 19,5 godina, koje su uz opće podatke ispunile Upitnik socioseksualne orijentacije. U svrhu ovog istraživanja formirane su dvije skupine sudionica koje se nisu značajno razlikovale u dobi. Prvu skupinu činile su sudionice koje do trenutka provedbe ispitivanja nisu stupile u spolne odnose (n = 21), dok je druga skupina uključivala sudionice koje su imale spolne odnose (n = 32). Usporedbom dviju skupina utvrđeno je da su sudionice sa spolnim iskustvom rođene s nižom porođajnom težinom te su pokazale sklonost ka kratkoročnoj reproduktivnoj strategiji. Na ukupnom uzorku nisu potvrđene značajne povezanosti između porođajne težine te dobi menarhe i sklonosti ka kratkoročnoj reproduktivnoj strategiji. Na poduzorku sudionica koje su stupile u spolni odnos također nije potvrđena povezanost između porođajne težine i dobi prvog spolnog odnosa, no utvrđena je negativna povezanost između dobi menarhe i sklonosti ka kratkoročnoj strategiji
Moralno rasuđivanje i njegovi korelati u selekcijskoj situaciji
The aim of this study was to verify the applicability of the Test of Moral Reasoning (TMR) in the selection of job applicants and to see how it correlated with education, intelligence, and the “big five” personality traits. The study included 210 participants (132 women and 78 men) who applied for various positions in the banking sector. Our findings have confirmed the applicability of TMR for recruitment because they showed that TMR did not allow the candidates to fake their responses. Furthermore, they have confirmed Kohlberg\u27s views that general intelligence and education are the main determinants of moral development (positive correlation), whereas tendency towards socially desirable responding showed a negative correlation.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je provjeriti primjenjivost testa moralnoga rasuđivanja u selekcijskoj situaciji te ispitati neke od potencijalnih korelata moralnoga rasuđivanja u kandidata za posao. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 210 osoba koje su pristupile selekcijskoj situaciji odabira kandidata za različita radna mjesta u bankarskom sektoru. Korišteni mjerni instrumenti bili su Test moralnoga rasuđivanja (TMR), Test dinamičkih nizova (TDN) (neverbalni test za procjenu generalnih intelektualnih sposobnosti), FF-NPQ (neverbalni test big five osobina ličnosti) i TESPO (skala tendencije k socijalno poželjnom odgovaranju). Dobiveni rezultati idu u prilog primjenjivosti mjernog instrumenta u selekcijskoj situaciji jer se pokazalo da kandidati nisu u stanju simulirati odgovore na TMR-u. Nadalje, dobiveni rezultati u skladu su s Kolbergovim postavkama, prema kojima su intelektualne sposobnosti i obrazovanje pojedinca glavne odrednice moralnoga razvoja. Naime, značajni prediktori indeksa moralnoga rasuđivanja u selekcijskoj situaciji bili su generalne intelektualne sposobnosti i razina obrazovanja kandidata u očekivanom smjeru te tendencija k socijalno poželjnom odgovaranju (negativna povezanost)
Job Satisfaction and Mental Health of Health Professionals in Croatia during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odrednice zadovoljstva
poslom i mentalnoga zdravlja zdravstvenih djelatnika za trajanja
pandemije izazvane virusom COVID-19 među 498 zdravstvenih
djelatnika. Istraživane su sociodemografske varijable, radne
(npr. (ne)promjena radnoga mjesta u pandemiji, (ne)boravak u
samoizolaciji, radni sati) i osobne karakteristike zaposlenika
(otpornost, sagorijevanje na poslu, mentalno zdravlje, zadovoljstvo poslom, (ne)promjena zadovoljstva poslom u pandemiji).
Rezultati pokazuju da se zadovoljstvo poslom i mentalno zdravlje
ne mogu objasniti promijenjenim radnim okolnostima u pandemiji. Iscrpljenost je bila negativan prediktor zadovoljstva poslom
i mentalnoga zdravlja, dimenzija otuđenosti negativan prediktor
zadovoljstva poslom, a otpornost pozitivan prediktor mentalnoga zdravlja. Ispitanici kojima je zadovoljstvo poslom u pandemiji
poraslo imali su dulje radno vrijeme, češće su bili uključeni u
rad s pozitivnim i suspektnim pacijentima. Ispitanici čije je zadovoljstvo poslom u pandemiji opalo imali su niže razine otpornosti, mentalnoga zdravlja i više razine sagorijevanja na poslu u
odnosu na one kojima je zadovoljstvo ostalo isto ili je poraslo.The aim of this study was to identify the determinants of job
satisfaction and the mental health of health workers during
the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 498 health professionals
participated on a voluntary basis. The variables investigated were: socio-demographic variables, work characteristics ((non-)change of job during the pandemic, (non-)stay
in self-isolation, and working hours), and personal
characteristics of the employees (resilience, burnout,
mental health, job satisfaction, and (non-)change of job
satisfaction during the pandemic). The results indicate that
job satisfaction and mental health cannot be explained by
the change in working conditions during the pandemic.
Exhaustion was a negative predictor of job satisfaction and
mental health, while the dimension of disengagement was a
negative predictor of job satisfaction, and resilience was a
positive predictor of mental health. The respondents whose
job satisfaction increased during the pandemic had the
longest working hours and worked more often with
COVID-positive and suspicious patients. Respondents whose
job satisfaction decreased during the pandemic had lower
resilience, mental health and higher levels of burnout
compared with those whose job satisfaction remained the
same or increased
Neki od stresora u radnom okolišu medicinskih sestara, koji mogu pogodovati pojavi mobinga, su stalna briga za pacijente, smjenski i timski rad, poslovi rizični za zdravlje, i sl. Polazeći od ranijih istraživanja za očekivati je različite oblike mobinga na radnim mjestima medicinskih sestara, kao i primjenu različitih strategija suočavanja s ovim stresorom koje u dosadašnjim studijama nisu istraživane. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio ispitati vrste mobinga, kao i načine suočavanja s mobingom medicinskih sestara različite dobi i radnog iskustva.
U istraživanju su sudjelovale medicinske sestre (N=171) zaposlene u Općoj bolnici u Zadru, Šibeniku i Kliničkom bolničkom centru Split. U svrhu ovog istraživanja konstruirani su upitnici za ispitivanje mobinga i načina suočavanja s mobingom koje su ispunjavale sudionice različite dobi i radnog staža. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su 4-faktorsku strukturu upitnika mobinga koja je interpetirana kao napadi na radnu domenu, napadi na osobnost i ismijavanje, seksualna uznemiravanja i pokušaji izolacije. Faktorskom analizom upitnika suočavanja s mobingom dobivena su 4 faktora koji se odnose na suočavanje usmjereno na problem i emocije, traženje podrške kolega i obitelji. Sudionice s radnim stažom od 10 do 20 godina češće su doživljavale napade na radnu domenu i pokušaje izolacije od sudionica s kraćim i duljim radnim stažom. Strategija usmjerena na emocije predstavlja oblik suočavanja koji se podjednako primjenjuje neovisno o tome o kojoj se vrsti mobinga radi. Podrška obitelji se najčešće traži kada je riječ o napadu na radnu domenu, dok je podrška kolega značajno povezana sa seksualnim uznemiravanjem.Some of the stressors in the work environment of medical nurses which may cause the occurrence of mobbing are: constant care for patients, shift and teamwork, duties that pose risks to the health, etc. As previous research has shown, various forms of mobbing in the workplace of nurses are to be expected and, understandably, different coping strategies are used of which many have not been investigated in any studies undertaken to date. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the types of mobbing, as well as the coping strategies favoured by nurses of different ages and work experience.
The participants in the study were medical nurses (N =171) employed at the General Hospitals in Zadar and Šibenik and at the Clinical Hospital Centre in Split. For the purpose of this study, two questionnaires were developed to detect and examine the types of mobbing and strategies used to cope with mobbing in the workplace. Participants of different ages and work experience were asked to complete the questionnaires.
The results show a four-factor structure discerned from the Mobbing Questionnaire, interpreted as attacks on the working domain, attacks on the personality and taunts, sexual harassment, and isolation. Factor analysis of the Coping Strategies Questionnaire shows four factors that relate to the problem-focused coping, emotions-focused coping, seeking support from colleagues or from family. Furthermore, the participants with work experience of 10 to 20 years more often perceive attacks on the working domain and isolation than the participants with shorter and longer work experience. The strategy focused on emotions is a form of coping that is widely used regardless of the type of mobbing. Family support is usually sought when participants encounter attacks on the working domain, while support from colleagues is significantly associated with sexual harassment
The Role of Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Lifestyle of Consumers in Determinig Buying Tendency
Provedeno istraživanje temelji se na trodimenzionalnoj koncepciji sklonosti kupovini u čijoj su osnovi kognitivna i afektivna impulzivnost te podložnost situacijskim čimbenicima kupovine. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati odnose različitih dimenzija sklonosti kupovini s osnovnim sociodemografskim karakteristikama i životnim stilovima potrošača. Prikupljanje podataka provedeno je metodom ankete na uzorku od 194 ispitanika iz Bosne i Hercegovine.
Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na veću sklonost kognitivnoj i afektivnoj impulzivnosti kupovine kod žena u odnosu na muškarce, dok spolne razlike nisu utvrđene u podložnosti situacijskim čimbenicima kupovine. Nadalje, dobiveni su značajni učinci razine ukupnih mjesečnih primanja kućanstva ispitanika na sve dimenzije sklonosti kupovini, dok je razina prosječnih mjesečnih primanja pojedinca imala značajan učinak samo na kognitivnu impulzivnost. Radni status (zaposlenost) i razina obrazovanja nisu imali značajne učinke na sklonost kupovini.
Od četiriju ispitivanih životnih stilova (inovativno, obiteljski, društveno i liderski orijentirani), inovativno orijentirani životni stil ima najsnažniju povezanost sa svim trima dimenzijama sklonosti kupovini. Drugim riječima, inovativno orijentirani potrošači imaju veću sklonost impulzivnoj kupovini i podložniji su situacijskim čimbenicima kupovine. Osim s inovativnom orijentacijom životnog stila, impulzivnost kupovine povezana je i s liderskom orijentacijom, ali u manjoj mjeri. Podložnost situacijskim čimbenicima pri kupovini povezana je sa svim orijentacijama životnog stila osim s obiteljskim.This study was based on a three-dimensional conceptualization of the buying tendency stemming from cognitive and affective impulsivity and susceptibility to the situational factors of buying. The aim of the study was to examine the relationships of different dimensions of buying tendency to basic socio-demographic characteristics and lifestyles of consumers. The study was conducted using a survey on a sample of 194 respondents from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The obtained results indicate greater levels of cognitive and affective buying impulsivity in women compared to men, with no gender differences identified in the susceptibility to buying situational factors. Furthermore, significant effects were obtained by the level of total monthly family income of respondents in all dimensions of buying tendency, while the level of respondents\u27 monthly income had a significant effect only on cognitive impulsivity. Employment status and education level had no significant effect on the buying tendency.
Among the four studied consumers’ lifestyles (innovative, family, social and leadership oriented), innovatively oriented lifestyle has the strongest correlation to all three dimensions of buying tendency. In other words, innovatively oriented subjects are more prone to impulsive buying and susceptible to buying situational factors. In addition to the innovative orientation lifestyle, impulsive buying was also associated with the leadership orientation, but to a lesser extent. Susceptibility to buying situational factors was associated with all lifestyle orientations, apart from the family orientation
Attitudes of Croatian Citizens Towards Children with Disabilities
Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati stavove prema djeci s teškoćama u razvoju te razlike u pojedinim aspektima stava (socijalna distanca, osjećanje i ponašanje u blizini djeteta s teškoćama u razvoju) s obzirom na sociodemografske karakteristike sudionika, iskustvo u kontaktu s djecom s teškoćama te razinu znanja o problematici. Istraživanje je provedeno na reprezentativnom uzorku punoljetnih građana RH (N=600) metodom telefonskog anketiranja. Građani RH imaju izrazito pozitivne stavove prema djeci s teškoćama: 86% sudionika se osjeća donekle ili potpuno ugodno u njihovoj blizini, 93% ostvaruje kontakt pri konkretnom susretu, a 70% ih izjavljuje da nema nikakvu socijalnu distancu prema djeci s teškoćama. Žene se, u odnosu na muškarce, osjećaju ugodnije u njihovoj blizini. Osobe nižeg obrazovanja i starije dobi izražavaju veću socijalnu distancu, ali stariji sudionici pri kontaktu otvorenije pristupaju djeci s teškoćama. Znanje se pokazalo važnom odrednicom stava prema djeci s teškoćama u razvoju, pri čemu sudionici s najmanje znanja imaju najizraženiju socijalnu distancu, doživljavaju najveću razinu neugode pri susretu s djecom s teškoćama te rjeđe ulaze u kontakt ili ga iniciraju. Poznavanje djeteta s teškoćom pozitivno se odrazilo na afektivnu i ponašajnu komponentu stava. Nalazi ovog istraživanja upućuju na prihvaćanje djece s teškoćama u razvoju u našem društvu te ističu ulogu znanja i kontakta u borbi protiv stigmatizacije ranjivih skupina.The study aimed to investigate attitudes towards children with disabilities and differences in attitudes depending on the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents, their previous experience in contact with children with disabilities and their level of knowledge on the subject. The research was conducted on a representative sample of adult citizens of the Republic of Croatia (N = 600) using the telephone interview method. The results show that adult citizens of Croatia have an extremely positive attitude towards children with disabilities: 86% of participants feel somewhat or completely comfortable in their proximity, 93% of participants make contact, and 70% of participants state that there is no social distance from children with disabilities. Women feel more comfortable around them compared to men. Individuals with lower education and older age express greater social distance, but older participants have a more open approach to children with disabilities. Higher levels of knowledge were associated with more positive attitudes toward all components. Knowing a child with disabilities positively affected the affective and behavioural components of the attitude, while (not) having a child with difficulties in the family was not related to any component of attitude. The results of this research show that children with disabilities are well accepted in our society and highlight the role of knowledge and contact in combating the stigmatisation of vulnerable groups
Öffentliche Meinung – was denken volljährige Bürger in der Republik Kroatien über die Ansätze in der Förderung entwicklungsgestörter Kinder
Istraživanja stajališta društvene zajednice prema pristupima djeci s teškoćama u razvoju preduvjet su društvenih promjena u smjeru ravnopravnosti. Stoga se ovim istraživanjem nastojala utvrditi razina slaganja građana Republike Hrvatske s tvrdnjama vezanim uz prevalentne modele pristupa djeci s teškoćama u razvoju i aktivnosti koje proizlaze iz određenih modela te moguće razlike s obzirom na sociodemografske karakteristike. Pritom su korištena tri modela pristupa djeci s teškoćama u razvoju: model samilosti, medicinski model i društveni model ljudskih prava (model koji integrira osnovne odrednice društvenog modela i modela ljudskih prava). Istraživanje je provedeno metodom telefonske ankete te je obuhvatilo reprezentativan uzorak punoljetnog stanovništva Hrvatske (N=600). Rezultati su ukazali na visoko slaganje sudionika sa svim tvrdnjama, što s obzirom na nizak odaziv sudionika (oko 20%) zasigurno dijelom proizlazi iz autoselekcije ispitanika i socijalne poželjnosti odgovora na postavljena pitanja. Unatoč ograničenjima, među kojima treba spomenuti i samu metodu telefonskog anketiranja koja ne dopušta obuhvatne operacionalizacije, rezultati provedenog istraživanja ukazuju da se građani Hrvatske najviše slažu s tvrdnjom koja podržava društveni model ljudskih prava, čemu u prilog ide i podatak da slaganje s ovom tvrdnjom ne varira s obzirom na sociodemografske karakteristike. Suprotno tome, rezultati ukazuju na značajnu ulogu roda, dobi, razine obrazovanja i roditeljstva u slaganju s tvrdnjama koje podržavaju model samilosti i medicinski model. Rad prikazuje i podatke o mnijenju građana Hrvatske prema aktivnostima usmjerenima na djecu s teškoćama u razvoju, koje također varira s obzirom na sociodemografske karakteristike te raspravu o teorijskim i praktičnim implikacijama dobivenih rezultata.Research into the perception of the social community towards approaches to children with developmental disabilities is a prerequisite for social changes in the direction of equality. Therefore, this research sought to determine the level of agreement of the citizens of the Republic of Croatia with the statements related to the prevalent approaches to children with developmental disabilities-models and the activities that result from certain models, and possible differences with regard to sociodemographic characteristics. In doing so, three conceptual approaches-models to children with developmental disabilities were used; the charity model, the medical model and the social model of human rights (a model that integrates the basic determinants of the social model and the human rights model). The research was conducted using the telephone survey method and included a representative sample of the adult population of Croatia (N=600). The results indicated a high level of agreement among the participants with all statements, which, given the low turnout of the participants (about 20%), certainly partly results from the self-selection of the respondents and the social desirability of the answers to the questions. Despite the limitations, including the telephone survey method, which does not allow comprehensive operationalization, the results of the conducted research indicate that citizens of Croatia mostly agree with the statement that supports the social model of human rights, further supported by the fact that agreement with this statement does not vary with regard to sociodemographic characteristics. On the contrary, the results indicate a significant role of gender, age, level of education and parentage in agreeing with the statements supporting the charity model and the medical model. The paper also presents data on the opinion of the citizens of Croatia towards activities aimed at children with developmental disabilities, which also varies with regard to socio-demographic characteristics, and a discussion of the theoretical and practical implications of the obtained results.Die Erforschung der Stellungnahmen der sozialen Gemeinschaften der Förderung von entwicklungsgestörten Kindern gegenüber sind eine Voraussetzung für die sozialen Veränderungen, die zu mehr Gleichberechtigung führen sollten. Deswegen haben wir in dieser Forschung versucht, den Grad der Übereinstimmung kroatischer Bürger mit Behauptungen zu den prävalenten Modellen der Ansätze in der Förderung entwicklungsgestörte Kinder, sowie mit den aus bestimmten Modellen folgenden Akltivitäten festzustellen, sowie mögliche Unterschiede hinsichtlich der soziodemographischen Merkmalen herauszufinden. Dabei wurden drei Modelle angewandt: Das Mitleid-Modell, das medizinische Modell und das soziale Modell der Menschenrechte (das Modell, das Hauptmerkmale des sozialen Modells und des Modells der Menschenrechte integriert). Die Forschung wurde mithilfe der telefonischen Umfrage durchgeführt und hat eine repräsentative Stichprobe der volljährigen Bevölkerung Kroatiens (N=600) umfasst. Die Resultate zeigen einen hohen Grad der Übereinstimmung der Befragten mit allen Behauptungen, was hinsichtlich der niedrigen Beteiligung (etwa 20%) sicherlich teils aus der Selbstwahl der Befragten und aus der sozialen Wünschenswertigkeit der Antworten erfolgt. Trotz Beschränkungen, darunter auch die Methode der telefonischen Befragung selbst, die keine umfassende Operationalisierung zulässt, weisen die Resultate der durchgeführten Forschung darauf hin, dass Bürger Kroatiens im höchsten Grad mit der Behauptung einverstanden sind, die das Modell der Menschenrechte unterstützt, dafür spricht auch die Tatsache dass es keine Abweichungen hinsichtlich der soziodemographischen Merkmalen gibt. Demgegenüber weisen die Resultate auf eine bedeutende Rolle des Geschlechts, des Alters, des Bildungsniveau hin, sowie der Tatsache, ob man selbst Kinder hat, mit dem Einverständnis mit den Behauptungen, die das Mitleid-Modell und das medizinische Modell unterstützen. Die Arbeit zeigt auch die Angaben über die Meinung der Bürger Kroatiens den Aktivitäten hinsichtlich der entwicklungsgestörten Kinder gegenüber, die auch abhängig von soziodemographischen Merkmalen variiert, sowie eine Diskussion zu den theoretischen und praktischen Implikationen der erhaltenen Ergebnisse