17 research outputs found

    Drugs with the highest drug expenditure in the Republic of Serbia

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    Introduction: The policy concerning drugs represents a concentrated effort to achieve better health outcomes for all, with a particular focus on people's access to and rational use of medications. On the basis of pharmacoeconomic analyses, it is possible to modify established prescribing habits, it is possible to influence the creation of guidelines, development strategy and long-term health care planning. Aim: The aim of the work was to determine drugs with the highest expenditure in the Republic of Serbia, and to compare the results obtained in three consecutive years 2016, 2017 and 2018. Also, to analyze which are the most expensive medications listed in the National Register of Medications and what is the trend of changing them. Material and methods: The drug expenditure was monitored using the ATC/DDD methodology. It implies the classification of medications according to the internationally accepted ATC classification of drugs, while DDD, i.e. defined daily dose, is used as a statistical unit for consumption monitoring. The number of DDD/1,000 inhabitants per day provides an insight into how many inhabitants (out of 1,000 of them) used the observed medication and were exposed to its effects during one day. Results: The trend of expenditure of these medications was growing exponentially from 2016 to 2018. The most expensive medications per box are from group J - anti-infective drugs for systemic use and L - antineoplastics and immunomodulators, but their expenditure in the Republic of Serbia is very low. The drugs with the highest price per 1 DDD are: enzymes imiglucerase, laronidase and the biological medication basiliximab in all three years, but considering the indications and rare prescribing, the total cost for these drugs is not high. The largest funds in the Republic of Serbia for the mentioned period were spent on drugs such as: acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol in combinations, trastuzumab, pantoprazole, amlodipine and rosuvastatin. Comparing the spending on L group of drugs in 2017 compared to 2016, there was a significant increase. Conclusion: The medications with the highest expenditure in the Republic of Serbia are used very little compared to countries with good pharmacotherapy practice. The most expensive drugs are those that are used for special and rare indications, and large amounts of money are not allocated for them as for some cheaper, but more frequently prescribed drugs

    Design and Use of Digitally Controlled Electric Motors for Purpose of Engineering Education

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    This paper describes some pedagogical approaches of using electrical motors within engineering study programs. We are discussing the education of students who are without any electrical engineering background, and who only aim to use motors within different engineering applications like robots, hydro-mechanical or control engineering application. Laboratory support is typically expensive, especially for countries like Serbia, but laboratories are necessary for engineering education. The paper promotes problem-based learning approach which is based on affordable or as cheap as possible laboratory experiments

    Design and Use of Digitally Controlled Electric Motors for Purpose of Engineering Education

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    This paper describes some pedagogical approaches of using electrical motors within engineering study programs. We are discussing the education of students who are without any electrical engineering background, and who only aim to use motors within different engineering applications like robots, hydro-mechanical or control engineering application. Laboratory support is typically expensive, especially for countries like Serbia, but laboratories are necessary for engineering education. The paper promotes problem-based learning approach which is based on affordable or as cheap as possible laboratory experiments

    Experimental Plant for Supervision and Monitoring of an Intermittent Heating System for Engineering Training

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    In this paper we will present the development and implementation of automation, regulation and measurement of heating energy consumption in the University auditorium, which could be used for training and education in different engineering fields (civil engineering, control engineering, process engineering and software engineering). Using a real remotely controlled system, educators are able to demonstrate the real-world principles of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and controls as well as to compare data from real systems and from models and software simulations. The presented system is in use at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Kragujevac

    An approach to design of the cyber-physical systems for engineering-education

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    Cyber-physical systems are an integration of physical and virtual reality. In this paper, we propose to design and use of one kind of cyber-physical systems in engineering education. In a limited condition of use physical plants for an experimental educational purpose, we can design and use virtual plants in real-time interaction with hardware for control, measurement,. conditioning and acquisition of signals, etc. In our case hardware part of the system is consisting of PLC/HMI devices with connected DC or AC motors with integrated gearboxes and encoders. Virtual part of the system is a controlled plant which is designed in Lab VIEW software package. Virtual part of the system is implemented on PC which is connected with PLC/HMI via NI USB 6008 AD/DA card and designed physical interface for signal conditioning. The proposed approach is tested in related to several control engineering educational examples which include designing of the experimental setup with virtual plant, and design, implementation and verification of control law The mentioned examples are concerning with three different types of control engineering problems: 1) discrete event system, 2) process control system, and 3) mechatronics system. These exercises are prepared for implementation in Go-Lab repository via local HER Laboratory and for educational materials. Our intention is that students can find on the Internet portal a detail tutorial how can produce and use cyber-physical system for educational needs

    Problem-Oriented Learning Based on Use of Shared Experimental Results

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    This paper describes needs, possibilities, and implementation of open educational resources, which are supporting the problem-oriented engineering education based on realistic experimental results. Experimental results can partly substitute real experimentation which is necessary part of engineering education and research. Open educational resources and use of blended learning approach can improve relevancy and decrease costs of engineering education for the majority of engineering schools. These approaches include mobile learning concepts. Also, laboratories via the Internet are one way of sharing laboratory resources in order to increase the availability of experimental work. But there are many situations in which the use of Internet-mediated laboratories is nonrealistic. On the other hand, trained staff and hands-on laboratories and experimental installations are very limited resources at all engineering faculties in countries like Serbia. Because of that, the web portals for sharing experimental data (with defined experimental protocols and all relevant descriptions and tutorials) can be useful for mobile learning applications and engineering education and research

    An approach to design of the cyber-physical systems for engineering-education

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    Cyber-physical systems are an integration of physical and virtual reality. In this paper, we propose to design and use of one kind of cyber-physical systems in engineering education. In a limited condition of use physical plants for an experimental educational purpose, we can design and use virtual plants in real-time interaction with hardware for control, measurement,. conditioning and acquisition of signals, etc. In our case hardware part of the system is consisting of PLC/HMI devices with connected DC or AC motors with integrated gearboxes and encoders. Virtual part of the system is a controlled plant which is designed in Lab VIEW software package. Virtual part of the system is implemented on PC which is connected with PLC/HMI via NI USB 6008 AD/DA card and designed physical interface for signal conditioning. The proposed approach is tested in related to several control engineering educational examples which include designing of the experimental setup with virtual plant, and design, implementation and verification of control law The mentioned examples are concerning with three different types of control engineering problems: 1) discrete event system, 2) process control system, and 3) mechatronics system. These exercises are prepared for implementation in Go-Lab repository via local HER Laboratory and for educational materials. Our intention is that students can find on the Internet portal a detail tutorial how can produce and use cyber-physical system for educational needs

    Remote Labs and Problem Oriented Engineering Education

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    This paper describes a study case of student production of laboratory model for engineering education and its integration in the local remote laboratory. Students guided by teaching staff are passing through all phases of development and testing of engineering product. In our case, student should produce and test a fan. This part of case study concerning with courses in Hydraulic and Pneumatic Machinery, which incorporates, besides fundamental courses, subjects related to the theory, construction, design and testing of the hydraulic machines (pumps, fans, turbines) and turbo-compressors. After this, students should produce fan and plate system, which is well-known a laboratory model for Control Engineering education. In this paper, are also described procedures and benefits of integration of a laboratory model in Go-Lab Portal as a remote controlled experimental setup with materials for teaching and learning

    Lectures in Rotodynamic Pumps-From Design and Simulations to Testing

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    Teaching in hydraulic machines at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Chair for Hydraulic Machinery and Energy Systems has a long tradition starting back in the nineteenth century. Numerous experimental test rigs are designed and novel measurement techniques are applied. Students have an ability to design, perform computational fluid dynamics (CFD), manufacture, and test pump units with the supervision of lecturers. This practical work, with concept "do it yourself", attracts students to develop their abilities in 3D geometry modeling, computational fluid dynamics, computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), and application of novel acquisition and data processing softwares. Parallel to this, they develop a piping system, which will be coupled with the assembled centrifugal pump and run the first test. Afterward, they are stimulated to connect the acquisition system with LabView software. They are supported to develop their own application for pump and hydraulic components testing and to perform the tests. The final stage is to integrate this installation in Go-Lab Sharing platform repository or at the Hydraulic machinery and Energy Systems Department website. The purpose of this educational approach is to have well educated students, not only with good theoretical background, but also with practical skills and engineering way of thinking. They have to be able to develop the operational pump hydraulic system, and not only a component

    Virtual Instrumentation Used in Engineering Education Set-Up of Hydraulic Pump and System

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    Numerous students attend courses in hydraulic turbo pumps at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Belgrade, as well as from other faculties. They have oral lectures and exercises with numerical tasks, but also laboratory exercises. This easily driven upgraded installation is very convenient for laboratory exercises for various groups of students. In this paper is demonstrated upgrade of the present installation with transducers instead of U-tube analogue manometers, acquisition system and LabVIEW application for hydraulic pump diagnostics and flow meter calibration. Pressure transducers are also previously calibrated. This installation has three regulating valves and two for tanks emptying. In this way students could form two simple and one complex pipeline. Serious and parallel combinations of pipe lines could be demonstrated, as well as pump by-pass regulation. Hydraulic pipe curve could be formed for one position of the valve on the pump pressure side and various pump frequencies. This could be repeated for other valve positions. In addition pump head characteristic for one rotation number is formed by changing the valve position. Good overlapping with manufacturer's curve is demonstrated. Cavitation and turbulent swirling flow phenomena could be also visualized and demonstrated on this installation with transparent pump housing, as well as partly suction and pressure pipes