84 research outputs found


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    U ovom tekstu autor prikazuje fi nski nacionalni kurikulum za obveznu školu. Posebna je pozornost posvećena analizi modela praćenja i ocjenjivanja aktivnosti i postignuća učenika u fi nskoj obveznoj školi. Autor pokušava odgovoriti na pitanje zašto su fi nski učenici uspješni u međunarodnom projektu PISA. Početkom ovog tisućljeća u Finskoj je blizu 600.000 djece obuhvaćeno obveznim školovanjem koje traje devet godina. Prvih šest razreda obvezne škole podučava razredni učitelj sve nastavne predmete, uz pomaganje stručnih učitelja za neke nastavne predmete (npr. glazbeni odgoj, tjelesni odgoj). U posljednjoj trećini obveznoga školovanja svaki predmet podučava predmetni učitelj – specijalist. Nastavna godina traje 190 nastavnih dana, između sredine kolovoza i sredine lipnja. Tjedno opterećenje učenika nastavom kreće se od 19 do 30 sati, od prvog do devetog razreda. Nastavni sat traje 45 minuta, s obveznim odmorom od 10 do 15 minuta između svakog sata. Osnovna skala za ocjenjivanje tijekom obveznog školovanja ima sedam stupnjeva (ocjene od 4 do 10). Ocjenjivanje je u pravilu opisno za učenike od prvog do četvrtog razreda, a numeričko za ostale razrede. Osnovna ocjena prema kojoj se određuju nacionalni okvirni kriteriji i standardi je 8. Ocjene 9 i 10 koriste se za isticanje nekih obilježja učenika te učenika koji se bitno razlikuju u zalaganju, načinu rada i rezultatima u odnosu na ostale učenike. Ocjena 10 se rijetko dodjeljuje, obično je dobivaju jedan do dva učenika u odjeljenju. Ocjene 6 i 7 se dodjeljuju za podsjećanje na to da bi učenik trebao učiniti dodatne napore kako bi dostigao potreban standard, a ocjena 5 označava krajnje upozorenje učeniku i roditeljima da treba nešto promijeniti u pristupu učenju. Ocjena 4 označava nezadovoljavajuće rezultate. U posljednja dva provjeravanja znanja i kompetencija učenika na kraju obveznoga školovanja fi nski učenici bili su na samom vrhu rangiranih učenika.In this paper, the author describes the Finnish national curriculum for compulsory schools. Particular attention is paid to an analysis of the model of monitoring and grading of students’ activities and achievements in Finnish compulsory schools. The author seeks to answer the question of why Finnish students are so successful in the international PISA project. At the beginning of this millennium, around 600,000 children in Finland were included within compulsory education which lasts for nine years. In the fi rst six forms of compulsory school, all school subjects are taught by the class teacher, with the assistance of specialist teachers for certain school subjects (e.g. Music, Physical Education). In the last third of compulsory education, each school subject is taught by a subject specialist teacher in charge of the respective subject. The school year lasts 190 school days, between mid August and mid June. The weekly school load on students is from 19 to 30 hours, from the fi rst to the ninth form. Lessons are 45 minutes long, with a compulsory break lasting between 10 to 15 minutes between each lesson. The basic grading scale during compulsory education has seven grades (from 4 to 10). Grading in general is descriptive for students from the first to fourth form, and numeric in other forms. The basic grade according to which the national criteria and standards are set is 8. Grades 9 and 10 are used to highlight certain features of students and to commend those who stand out in terms of their efforts, way of work and results in relation to other students. Grades 6 and 7 are given as a reminder that the student should put in extra effort to reach the necessary standard, and grade 5 describes a final warning to the student and his or her parents that a change must be made in the approach to learning. Grade 4 marks unsatisfactory results. In the last two assessments of the knowledge and competences of students at the end of compulsory education, Finnish students were ranked at the very top of the list

    Important Pedagogues and the Most Important Pedagogy Papers in Croatia in the 20th Century

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    Autor prikazuje djelovanje odabranih (najutjecajnijih) pedagoga na području Hrvatske tijekom dvadesetog stoljeća. Uz pomoć jedanaest umirovljenih sveučilišnih nastavnika (pedagoga) i jedne pojednostavnjene varijante delphi metode došao je do popisa deset najutjecajnih pedagoga u Hrvatskoj u dvadesetom stoljeću. Kratko su prikazani njihovi životopisi te kritički razmatrani njihovi doprinosi pedagoškoj teoriji i praksi u Hrvatskoj. Vodeći pedagozi i znanstvenici u području pedagogije u 20. stoljeću su: Stjepan Basariček (1848.—1918.), Stjepan Matičević (1880.—1940.), Stjepan Pataki (1905.—1953.), Pero Šimleša (1910.—1988.), Martin Petančić (1910.—1983.), Vilko Švajcer (1917.—1992.), Vladimir Poljak (1920.—1998.), Vladimir Mužić (1925.), Ante Vukasović (1929.) i Vladimir Jurić (1937.). Suradnici u ovome delphi projektu su omogućili i stvaranje popisa od dvanaest knjiga za koje se može procijeniti da su imale velik utjecaj na pedagogijsku znanost i osposobljavanje pedagoga i nastavnika za potrebe hrvatskog školstva u dvadesetom stoljeću.The author presents an overview of the activities of the most influential pedagogues in Croatia in the 20th century. Aided by eleven retired university teachers (pedagogues) and by using a simplified Delphi Method, the author produces a list of ten of the most influential pedagogues in Croatia in the 20th century. He briefly presents their curriculum vitae and gives a critical overview of their contribution to the theory and practice of pedagogy in Croatia. The leading pedagogues and scientists in the field of pedagogy in the 20th century were the following: Stjepan Basariček (1848—1918), Stjepan Matičević (1880—1940), Stjepan Pataki (1905—1953), Pero Šimleša (1910—1988), Martin Petančić (1910—1983), Vilko Švajcer (1917—1992), Vladimir Poljak (1920—1998), Vladimir Mužić (1925), Ante Vukasović (1929) and Vladimir Jurić (1937). The associates on this Delphi project also assisted in creating a list of twelve books that may be considered to have greatly influenced pedagogical science and the training of pedagogues and teachers for the needs of the Croatian educational system in the twentieth century

    Historical, Comparative and Hermeneutical Analysis of Works by Célestin Freinet and Mate Lovrak

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    Célestin Freinet i Mato Lovrak bili su učitelji otprilike u istim godinama tijekom 20. stoljeća. Možemo reći da su živjeli i djelovali u isto vrijeme, između 1919. i 1960. godine. U svom djelovanju i pedagoškim idejama imali su dosta sličnosti. Postavlja se pitanje: tko ili što je utjecalo da su imali dosta zajedničkih ideja koje su obojica prakticirala u radu s djecom. Budući da su obojica živjela i djelovala u vrijeme pune afirmacije projekata i pravaca reformske pedagogije, vjerojatno je da su obojica prepoznala pedagoške vrijednosti istih ideja iz tih projekata te su ih uspješno kreativno primjenjivali u praksi. Freinet je bio poznatiji u ostalim državama tadašnje Europe, a Lovrak je, osim prakticiranja tih ideja u učionici, dosta zanimljivo opisivao sve to u romanima za djecu i učitelje, s temama iz školskog života. Među zajedničkim obilježjima u njihovoj pedagogiji i didaktici u djelovanju istaknimo učeničku samoupravu, suradnju među učenicima, dječja prava, slobodno izražavanje u raznim područjima, slobodne pismene sastave, učeničko zadrugarstvo, učenje otkrivanjem u poticajnoj okolini. Obojica su isticala slobodu kao važno načelo svih aktivnosti učenika. Gledajući na odnose aktivnosti učenika i učitelja, obojica poznatih učitelja i pedagoga slagala su se u tome da je najbolja ona škola u kojoj su učenici aktivniji od učitelja, odnosno u kojoj je više učenja, a manje poučavanja. Budući da su se svojim idejama i djelovanjem približili onome što se danas naziva konstruktivistička nastava, može se zaključiti da su pridonijeli afirmaciji konstruktivističke nastave i konstruktivističke didaktike koja i danas privlači pozornost učitelja i pedagoga.Célestin Freinet and Mato Lovrak were active as teachers more or less contemporarily in the 20th century. It may be stated that they lived and worked at the same time – between 1919 and 1960. Their activities and ideas regarding pedagogy were to a high extent similar. The following question may be posed: who or what was the cause that both of them had many ideas in common, which they practiced in working with children. Since they both lived and worked in the time of full affirmation of the projects and courses related to reform pedagogy, it may be assumed that both of them recognised the pedagogical values of the ideas arising from these projects, and successfully and creatively applied them in practice. Freinet was better known in other countries of Europe of that time, whilst Lovrak, apart from practicing these ideas in classroom, described them in a rather interesting fashion in novels tacking school life topics intended for children and teachers. Common features in their pedagogy and didactics particularly worth stressing are: pupils’ autonomy; cooperation among pupils; children’s rights; freedom of expression in various areas; freedom in writing compositions; pupils’ cooperative movement; empirical learning in a stimulating environment. They both stressed freedom as an important principle in relation to pupils’ activities. As concerns the interrelations regarding the activities of teachers and pupils, both of these well-known teachers and pedagogues agree that the best school is the one where pupils are more active than the teachers, that is to say where learning predominates over teaching. Due to the fact that – thanks to their ideas and work – they had come closer to the phenomenon today called constructivist teaching, it may be concluded that they have both contributed to the affirmation of both constructivist teaching and constructivist didactics, which even today attract the attention of teachers and pedagogues

    Pädagogen, Grund – und Mittelschullehrer zwischen den Zielen und der Evaluation im Unterricht

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    U ovom radu prezentirana je kritika didaktike nastave usmjerene prema učitelju i nastavnom programu odnosno kritika tradicionalne didaktike koja i danas još uvijek dominira u učionicama osnovnih i srednjih škola u Hrvatskoj. I osim spoznaja konstruktivističke i kurikulumske didaktike te teorija učenja Benjamina Blooma, Roberta Gagnéa, Edgara Dalea, Célestina Freineta i Marije Montessori hrvatskim učiteljima je još uvijek važno pitanje realizacije programa, a ne ishodi učenja i odgoja. Radi provjere nekih hipoteza upitnikom je ispitana procjena didaktičkih scenarija i zadovoljstva nastavom na uzorku učenika trećih razreda srednjih škola (N=409) iz pet hrvatskih gradova. Većina učenika procjenjuje da na nastavi nisu dovoljno aktivni te da im na nastavi nije dovoljno zanimljivo. Također, oni procjenjuju da nema dovoljno didaktičkih situacija u kojima se razgovara, sudjeluje u nastavnim projektima ili rješavaju problemi. Najveći dio nastavnih epizoda odvija se u učionicama u kojima je petnaest stolova i trideset stolica raspoređeno u tri kolone koje su okrenute prema prednjem zidu i ploči ispred koje nastavnici imaju svoje monologe i prezentacije. Nakon analize učeničkih procjena te objašnjenja fotografija koje su snimljene u učionicama hrvatskih škola autor predlaže neke ideje za unutarnju reformu nastave te za bogatiju ponudu didaktičkih scenarija koji bi mogli zadovoljiti razvojne potrebe učenika - pripadnika net generacije.In this paper I am presenting a critique of teacher- and curriculum-oriented didactics, that is to say, a critique of the traditional didactics still prevalent in the classrooms of elementary and secondary schools in Croatia today. In spite of the insights of the constructivist and curricular didactics, and the learning theories of Benjamin Bloom, Robert Gagné, Edgar Dale, Célestin Freinet and Marija Montessori, Croatian teachers are still concerned with fulfilling programme requirements, rather than with learning and education outcomes. For the purpose of examining certain hypotheses, an opinion survey about didactic scenarios and satisfaction with classroom teaching was conducted on a sample of third grade secondary school students (N=409) from five Croatian towns. Majority of students estimate that they are insufficiently active in the classroom and that teaching is not particularly interesting. They also estimate that there are not enough didactic situations in which to communicate, participate in classroom projects or solve problems. For the most part, classroom teaching takes place in classrooms fitted with fifteen desks and thirty chairs aligned in three rows and facing the front wall and the blackboard, in front of which teachers deliver their monologues and presentations. Following the analysis of the students’ estimates and the clarification of photographs taken in Croatian classrooms, some ideas are presented for an internal reform of classroom teaching and for a richer range of didactic scenarios that might meet developmental needs of students – members of the Net Generation.In dieser Arbeit wird eine Kritik an der auf den Lehrer und den Lehrplan orientierten Unterrichtsdidaktik bzw. der traditionellen Didaktik geübt, welche auch heutzutage noch immer in den Klassenzimmern der kroatischen Grund-und Mittelschulen vorherrscht. Trotz der Erkenntnisse der konstruktivistischen und Curriculumdidaktik sowie der Lerntheorien von Benjamin Bloom, Robert Gagné, Edgar Dale, Célestin Freinet und Maria Montessori ist den kroatischen Lehrern noch immer wichtiger die Frage nach der Realisierung von Lehrplänen als Lern – und Erziehungsergebnisse. Zur Überprüfung einiger Hypothesen wurde mit einem Fragebogen die Einschätzung der didaktischen Szenarien und die Zufriedenheit mit dem Unterricht untersucht: Die Stichprobe bestand aus Schülern der dritten Klasse Mittelschule (N=409) aus fünf kroatischen Städten. Die Mehrheit der Schüler findet, dass sie im Unterricht nicht genügend aktiv sind sowie dass sie sich im Unterricht langweilen. Sie finden auch, dass es nur wenige didaktische Situationen gibt, in denen diskutiert wird bzw. Probleme gelöst oder an Unterrichtsprojekten teilgenommen wird. Der größte Teil von Unterrichtssequenzen finden im Klassenzimmer statt, in denen fünfzehn Tische und dreißig Stühle in drei Kolonnen angeordnet sind, zugewandt zu der Vorderwand und der Schultafel, vor der Lehrer ihre Monologe und Präsentationen halten. Nach der Auswertung von Schülereinschätzungen und der Erklärung der in den kroatischen Klassenzimmern aufgenommenen Fotos schlägt der Autor einige Ideen für die interne Unterrichtsreform sowie ein umfangreicheres Angebot an didaktischen Lernszenarien vor, die Entwicklungsbedürfnisse der Schüler – Angehörigen der Internetgeneration – befriedigen könnten


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    Udanašnjoj osnovnoj školi u Hrvatskoj dominira frontalna nastava u razredno-predmetno-satnom sustavu. Ta je nastava više orijentirana na učitelja negoli na učenika. Tu je važno što radi učitelj i kako se realizira program, a učenici uglavnom, sjede, slušaju i gledaju. Autor je proučavao deset godina kakav je u takvoj nastavi položaj djece s posebnim edukativnim potrebama - i djece s teškoćama u razvoju kao i djece u koje je uočena natprosječnost u svim područjima ili talentiranost za neku aktivnost. Proučeno je 95 slučajeva djece s teškoćama u razvoju i 25 natprosječnih i talentiranih učenika. U priloženim su tablicama osnovni podaci samo za 20 slučajeva djece s teškoćama u razvoju i 10 slučajeva iznadprosječne i talentirane djece. Sustavnim promatranjem u nastavnim situacijama, proučavanjem školske dokumentacije i učeničkih radova te intervjuiranjem djece, roditelja i učitelja, analizirani su načini pružanja instruktivne pomoći takvim učenicima, odnosno nastavne metode i strategije. Svakako je najprimjerenije osiguranje mentorske pomoći takvim učenicima. Autor prikazuje narav takve nastave i upozorava na teškoće koje prate pokušaje učitelja da mentorski vode i usmjeravaju učenike s posebnim edukativnim potrebama u uvjetima zajedničke nastave.Currently, in elementary schools in Croatia, a type of frontal teaching dominates in a c1ass-subject-lesson system. Such teaching is more teacher-oriented than directed towards schoolchildren. It is important what the teacher is doing and how the curriculum is carried out, and the pupils mostly sit, listen and watch. The author has been studying for the past ten years the position, in such circumstances, of children with special educational needs - and children with developmental difficulties as well as very talented children in all or certain fields of activity. A sample of 95 children with developmental difficulties and 25 above-averagely talented pupils were analyzed. In the tables included, the basic data for 20 children with developmental difficulties and 10 very talented children are presented. Through systematic observation of the process of teaching, the examination of school documents and pupils\u27 works, as well as through interviews with children, parents and teachers, the modes of providing instructive assistance to such children, in other words, teaching methods and strategies were analyzed. By far the most adequate path to follow is ensuring mentoriai assistance for such children. The author explains the nature of such teaching and warns of the difficulties resultinq from the teachers\u27 attempts as mentors in leading and directing children with special educational needs in circumstances of communal teaching.In den Grundschulen Kroatiens ist heute die frontale Unterrichtsweise dominierend. Diese Art des Unterrichts ist mehr am Lehrer als am SchOler orientiert: wichtig ist, was der Lehrer macht und wie das Unterrichtsprogramm realisiert wird, wahrend die SchOler hauptsachlich stillsitzen, zuhoren und zuschauen. Der Verfasser widmete sich zehn Jahre lang der Untersuchung von Kindern, die in edukativer Hinsicht besondere BedOrfnisse zeigen - Kindern mit Entwicklungsstorungen sowie solchen, die Oberdurchschnitlliche Leistungen oder eine einschlagige Begabung aufweisen. Untersucht wurden 95 Kinder mit Entwicklungsstorungen sowie 25 Oberdurchschnitllich gute und begabte SchOler. Die beigefOgten Tabel/en enthalten wichtigste Informationen nur zu 20 Fallen mit Entwicklungsstorungen und 10 Fallen mit Oberdurchschnitllichen Leistungen und Begabungen. Durch systematisches Beobachten in konkreten Unterrichtssituationen, Durchsehen der Schulakten und der SchOlerarbeiten, ferner durch Interviews mit Kindern, Eltern und Lehrern analysierte man die Moglichkeiten instruktiver Hilfeleistungen fOr solche Kinder, bzw. Unterrichtsmethoden und -strategien. Am angemessensten ist natOriich, wenn solchen SchOlern die Hilfe eines Mentors zuteil wird. Der Verfasser stellt diese Unterrichtsform vor und verweist auf Schwierigkeiten, mit denen sich Lehrer auseinanderzusetzen haben in ihrem BemOhen als Mentor, SchOler mit besonderen edukativen BedOrfnissen zu leiten

    I condizionamenti delle scelte didattiche riguardanti i media nel processo d’insegnamento e di apprendimento

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    Autor upozorava na problem definiranja osnovnih pojmova koji se odnose nakomuniciran je i učenje uz pomoć novih medija, te na problem izbora odgovarajućih medija za nastavni proces i proces učenja (učenje se događa samo u školi!). Problem izbora medija za učenje i poučavanje nije nov, ali je nov kontekst događanja uvjetovan pojavom novih digitalnih komunikacijskih medija, napose interneta, računalne simulacije i mobilnih uređaja za komuniciranje. Autor prezentira objašnjenja pojmova i fenomena medij, multimedij i multimedijalnost te pokušava sistematizirati kriterije izbora nastavnih medija za potrebe nastavnika u današnjoj školi. Glavni čimbenik koji uvjetuje izbor medija (te strategija učenja i poučavanja) ostaju, kao i uvijek, očekivani ishodi učenja, odnosno ciljevi koje treba ostvariti u nastavom procesu. Važna pitanja koja trebaju rješavati stručnjaci za nastavu i učenje jesu odnos personalne i apersonalne komunikacije, definiranje uloga glavnih subjekata u nastavnoj komunikaciji (vidi: Fritsch, 2003.) te pitanja didaktičkog dizajniranja nastavnih situacija. Odrastanje i učenje u novom (multi)medijskom obrazovnom okruženju traži bitno različite didaktičke strategije i metodičke scenarije od onih koji su mogli zadovoljiti generacije učenika prije trideset ili pedeset godina.The author stresses the problem of defining the basic concepts related to communication and learning via new media, as well as the problem of selecting appropriate media for teaching and learning process (learning does not take place only in school!). The challenge of selecting learning and teaching media is not new, but the context of events created with the appearance of new digital communication media, especially the Internet, computer simulation and mobile communication devices, is new. The author provides explanations of concepts and phenomena such as media, multimedia and multimediality, attempting to systematize criteria for selection of teaching media for teaching purposes in today’s school. The main factors that contribute to the selection of a medium (and the strategy of teaching and learning) remain, as always, the expected learning outcomes, or the goals that the teaching process aims to achieve. Teaching and learning experts must resolve important issues, such as the relationship of personal and impersonal communication, the definition of the roles of the main actors in classroom communication, as well as issues in the didactic design of teaching situations. Growing up and learning in the new (multi)media educational environment requires significantly different didactic strategies and methodological scenarios from those which might have satisfied generations of learners thirty or fifty years ago.L’autore evidenzia il probema della definizione dei termini base relativi alla comunicazione e allo studio con l’ausilio dei nuovi media nonché il problema della scelta dei media appropriati per il processo d’insegnamento. Il problema della scelta dei media adeguati non è nuovo, ma è nuovo il contesto in cui esso ora si pone vista la comparsa dei nuovi mezzi di comunicazione digitali, internet su tutti, ma anche simulazioni digitali, apparecchiature mobili per la comunicazione. L’autore presenza le defi nizioni dei vocaboli media, multimedia, e multimedialità e tenta di sistematizzare i criteri della scelta dei media nell’insegnamento nella scuola odierna. Il fattore principale che determina la scelta dei media nell’insegnamento (come anche delle strategie e dei metodi d’insegnamento) resta, come sempre, il risultato previsto, cioè gli obiettivi che devono essere realizzati durante il processo d’insegnamento. Le domande principali di cui dovrebbero occuparsi gli studiosi del processo d’insegnamento e dello studio riguardano il rapporto tra la comunicazione personale e quella impersonale, la defi nizione dei ruoli dei soggetti principali nella comunicazione nell’insegnamento (v. Frirsch, 2003) nonché le questioni didattiche concernenti le varie situazioni presenti nell’insegnamento. La crescita e lo studio nel nuovo contesto legato ai (multi)media richiede le strategie didattiche piuttosto differenti e gli scenari metodici diversi rispetto a quelli che potevano soddisfare le generazioni di alunni di trenta o cinquant’anni fa

    Pädagogen, Grund – und Mittelschullehrer zwischen den Zielen und der Evaluation im Unterricht

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    U ovom radu prezentirana je kritika didaktike nastave usmjerene prema učitelju i nastavnom programu odnosno kritika tradicionalne didaktike koja i danas još uvijek dominira u učionicama osnovnih i srednjih škola u Hrvatskoj. I osim spoznaja konstruktivističke i kurikulumske didaktike te teorija učenja Benjamina Blooma, Roberta Gagnéa, Edgara Dalea, Célestina Freineta i Marije Montessori hrvatskim učiteljima je još uvijek važno pitanje realizacije programa, a ne ishodi učenja i odgoja. Radi provjere nekih hipoteza upitnikom je ispitana procjena didaktičkih scenarija i zadovoljstva nastavom na uzorku učenika trećih razreda srednjih škola (N=409) iz pet hrvatskih gradova. Većina učenika procjenjuje da na nastavi nisu dovoljno aktivni te da im na nastavi nije dovoljno zanimljivo. Također, oni procjenjuju da nema dovoljno didaktičkih situacija u kojima se razgovara, sudjeluje u nastavnim projektima ili rješavaju problemi. Najveći dio nastavnih epizoda odvija se u učionicama u kojima je petnaest stolova i trideset stolica raspoređeno u tri kolone koje su okrenute prema prednjem zidu i ploči ispred koje nastavnici imaju svoje monologe i prezentacije. Nakon analize učeničkih procjena te objašnjenja fotografija koje su snimljene u učionicama hrvatskih škola autor predlaže neke ideje za unutarnju reformu nastave te za bogatiju ponudu didaktičkih scenarija koji bi mogli zadovoljiti razvojne potrebe učenika - pripadnika net generacije.In this paper I am presenting a critique of teacher- and curriculum-oriented didactics, that is to say, a critique of the traditional didactics still prevalent in the classrooms of elementary and secondary schools in Croatia today. In spite of the insights of the constructivist and curricular didactics, and the learning theories of Benjamin Bloom, Robert Gagné, Edgar Dale, Célestin Freinet and Marija Montessori, Croatian teachers are still concerned with fulfilling programme requirements, rather than with learning and education outcomes. For the purpose of examining certain hypotheses, an opinion survey about didactic scenarios and satisfaction with classroom teaching was conducted on a sample of third grade secondary school students (N=409) from five Croatian towns. Majority of students estimate that they are insufficiently active in the classroom and that teaching is not particularly interesting. They also estimate that there are not enough didactic situations in which to communicate, participate in classroom projects or solve problems. For the most part, classroom teaching takes place in classrooms fitted with fifteen desks and thirty chairs aligned in three rows and facing the front wall and the blackboard, in front of which teachers deliver their monologues and presentations. Following the analysis of the students’ estimates and the clarification of photographs taken in Croatian classrooms, some ideas are presented for an internal reform of classroom teaching and for a richer range of didactic scenarios that might meet developmental needs of students – members of the Net Generation.In dieser Arbeit wird eine Kritik an der auf den Lehrer und den Lehrplan orientierten Unterrichtsdidaktik bzw. der traditionellen Didaktik geübt, welche auch heutzutage noch immer in den Klassenzimmern der kroatischen Grund-und Mittelschulen vorherrscht. Trotz der Erkenntnisse der konstruktivistischen und Curriculumdidaktik sowie der Lerntheorien von Benjamin Bloom, Robert Gagné, Edgar Dale, Célestin Freinet und Maria Montessori ist den kroatischen Lehrern noch immer wichtiger die Frage nach der Realisierung von Lehrplänen als Lern – und Erziehungsergebnisse. Zur Überprüfung einiger Hypothesen wurde mit einem Fragebogen die Einschätzung der didaktischen Szenarien und die Zufriedenheit mit dem Unterricht untersucht: Die Stichprobe bestand aus Schülern der dritten Klasse Mittelschule (N=409) aus fünf kroatischen Städten. Die Mehrheit der Schüler findet, dass sie im Unterricht nicht genügend aktiv sind sowie dass sie sich im Unterricht langweilen. Sie finden auch, dass es nur wenige didaktische Situationen gibt, in denen diskutiert wird bzw. Probleme gelöst oder an Unterrichtsprojekten teilgenommen wird. Der größte Teil von Unterrichtssequenzen finden im Klassenzimmer statt, in denen fünfzehn Tische und dreißig Stühle in drei Kolonnen angeordnet sind, zugewandt zu der Vorderwand und der Schultafel, vor der Lehrer ihre Monologe und Präsentationen halten. Nach der Auswertung von Schülereinschätzungen und der Erklärung der in den kroatischen Klassenzimmern aufgenommenen Fotos schlägt der Autor einige Ideen für die interne Unterrichtsreform sowie ein umfangreicheres Angebot an didaktischen Lernszenarien vor, die Entwicklungsbedürfnisse der Schüler – Angehörigen der Internetgeneration – befriedigen könnten