21 research outputs found

    Osvrt na ā€œKockaraā€ i F.M. Dostojevskog u svjetlu sklonosti ovisnosti

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    Dostoevskyā€™s spirit is broken by a difficult childhood, years of imprisonment and forced military service in the difficult conditions of remote Russia, and the shackles of married life with the ā€œsick, hysterical widow ā€. Wandering through dreamy Europe made him aware of the attachment to the Russian homeland and revealed love and allusion of peace; he falls in love with Ana by dictating the text of the ā€œGambler ā€, which will provide them with bread and shelter in the days of losing the gambling luck and questionable existence. In his wandering through Europe as the ā€œland of holy wondersā€, Dostoevsky informs us through the confessions of the gambler Alexei about the temptations of the ā€œworldā€ addicted to the gambling table. The significance of divisive passions is questioned: those towards women, love and even more, gambling, destructive, demonic. In 27 days while he was presenting Ana with the thoughts of the main character of the ā€œGambler ā€, and she was recording them in a transcript, the writer was going through his own agony. The novel will see the light of day, but unlike Alexei, a character waiting for a new tomorrow to decide on ending a life driven by an unhealthy addictive habit, Dostoevsky, after the novel ends, experiences catharsis and sails into economic security by taking royalties for this and subsequent novels. As when after a stormy night at sea, a sunny morning dawns, a hint of love, happiness and the desired family peace is prayed to the author. Ana will focus the writer, a gambler, on family life and caring for children, and abduct him from addiction by sailing with him to the next ā€œstormā€. The basic theme of the novel ā€“ the obsession with gambling ā€“ is the experience of Dostoevsky, a writer with ā€œa heart in which God and Satan fight, and the pledge is human life.ā€ In the days when in the hustle and bustle of modern life, COVID-19, complete human alienation and escalation of violence we turn to the spiritual, looking for a way out in the metaphysical, surreal, healing and nurturing, andrational and explainable does not offer a final answer, someone seeks a way out of addiction and someone in a classic, something familiar and valuable. Or in metaphysics that goes beyond the physical and the knowable, in an attempt to reach the higher, the spiritual. The return to the great connoisseur of the human psyche, Dostoevsky, in a return to the interest in man, the inspiration of the human and the humane, but also the space behind knowable and the ā€œmetaphysical dramaā€. The idea of the French writer Albarez that for Dostoevsky, ā€œin contrast to most other novelists, man is primarily not a biological, social, economic, psychological, but a metaphysical beingā€, becomes understandable.U danima kada se u užurbanosti suvremenog života, žrtava COVIDA 19, posvemaÅ”nje ljudske otuđenosti i eskalacije nasilja, okrećemo duhovnom tražeći izlaz u metafizičkom, nadrealnom, ljekovitom i njegujućem, a racionalno i objaÅ”njivo ne nudi konačni odgovor, netko izlaz traži u sredstvu ovisnosti, a netko u klasici, nečem poznatom i vrijednom. Ili metafizici koja ide dalje od fizičkog i spoznatljivog, u pokuÅ”aju dosizanja viÅ”eg, spiritualnog. Povratak velikom poznavaocu ljudske psihe, Dostojevskom, povratak je interesu za čovjeka, inspiraciji ljudskim i humanim, ali i prostoru iza spoznatljivog i ā€œmetafizičkoj dramiā€. U skitnjama Europom, Dostojevski nas, kroz ispovijest kockara Alekseja izvjeÅ”tava o iskuÅ”enjima ā€œsviteā€ ovisne o kockarskom stolu. Propituje se značaj razdorne strasti: i one prema ženi, ljubavne, a joÅ” viÅ”e, kockarske, ruÅ”ilačke, demonske. Misao francuskog pisca Albaresa da je za Dostojevskog, ā€œu opreci prema većini ostalih romanopisaca, čovjek primarno ne bioloÅ”ko, socijalno, ekonomsko, psiholoÅ”ko, nego metafizičko biće", postaje razumljivom

    Osvrt na djelo Krleže u svjetlu tipologije likova i sklonosti ovisnosti

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    Krleža was blamed for misogyny [1] by some authors without any reason. The analysis of the subtle female psychology and sustained womanā€™s power in relation with maleā€™s power, and ambivalence, is one of the biggest ode to female character recognized in his works. As an example for analysis and psychologi-cal review, an intimate tragedy, agony of Laura Lenbach and herrelation with two men lover as a hope, and husband, ex well-respected citizen, now just alcohol abuser and gambler without any character, supported by wife, is analyzed within the frame of tradition, gender-differentiated roles and responsibility in the socio-societal context of the 1920s, contemporary moment, and eternal actuality of Krležaā€™s work.U svjetlu pojačanog gubitka sigurnosti, stabilnosti, smisla i motivacije, čovjek je danas u očajničkoj potrazi za podrÅ”kom i humanijim okruženjem. Slično problemima koje je opisivao Krleža i psihologijom definiranom njegovim karakterima gdje je uspio izložiti galeriju izgubljenih likova počevÅ”i od starog Glem-baya u drami ā€œU agonijiā€œ (sklonog ovisnostima, ambivalenciji, gubitku snage, agresivnosti i slabosti,koristeći druge u svrhu osiguranja podrÅ”ke, i snažne, ali iscrpljene supruge Laure motivirane da ga ostavi tražeći drugi život), danaÅ”nji je čovjek razapet između shizofrenih poruka, suočen s gubitkom vrijednosti i hijer-arhije potreba:Važnost stabilne strukture i značenja generalno nedostaje u sklopu obitelji, radne okoline, druÅ”tva, nacije i svijeta. Krik za podrÅ”kom i ljudskim pristupom ponovno se čuje,ne samo iz Krležine drameā€œU agonijiā€œ,već i nakon posljednjeg rata u Hrvatskoj, svih suvremenih ratova u drugim zemljama, od ljudi koji pate, ljubavnika, vojnika, izbjeglica,bez obzira gdje, i kada, nakon Å”to se osjete jadnima, i ispaćenima, ljudi nastoje pronaći rjeÅ”enje u alkoholu, kartanju, kocki, drogi, internetu i drugim ovisnostima. Ponovno mnogo posla za psihijatre, psihologe i umjetnike: U svjetlu univerzalnih humanih tema i ljudskih reakcija, literatura koju je za sobom ostavio Krleža je nepresuÅ”na inspiracija za sve, i one koji pate, i profesionalce


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    Zadovoljstvo poslom važan je indikator osjećane kvalitete života i čimbenik koji ima povratni učinak na kvalitetu rada pojedinca. Prema provedenim istraživanjima zadovoljstvo nastavnika najvažniji je pojedinačni čimbenik obrazovnog uspjeha učenika. Studije temeljene na teoriji samoodređenja ukazuju na korelacije između (ne)zadovoljstva određenim aspektima zanimanja, samoregulirane motivacije nastavnika te motivacije i postignuća učenika. Ovo se istraživanje bavi čimbenicima zadovoljstva nastavnika njemačkoga jezika u Hrvatskoj. Cilj je ovog eksplanatornog istraživanja utvrditi koji čimbenici utječu na (ne)zadovoljstvo poslom nastavnika njemačkoga jezika, a time i na učinkovitosti učenja i poučavanja. Istraživanje je provođeno tijekom skupa Hrvatskog druÅ”tva učitelja i profesora njemačkoga jezika u listopadu 2015., a ispitanici su bili nastavnici u osnovnim i srednjim Å”kolama. Kao mjerni instrument koriÅ”ten je upitnik konstruiran za prethodna istraživanja zadovoljstva nastavnika u Å vicarskoj. Rezultati su pokazali kako je mnogo viÅ”e čimbenika zadovoljstva nego nezadovoljstva. Čimbenik koji se pokazao kao najznačajniji uzrok zadovoljstva nastavnika rad je s djecom.Job satisfaction is an important indicator of an individual\u27s perceived quality of life. In addition to having an immediate impact on an individual, it also affects his/her quality of work. Research has shown that teachers\u27 job satisfaction is the most important factor influencing students\u27 academic achievement. Some of the studies based on the self-determination theory have pointed out a correlation between teachers\u27 (dis)satisfaction of certain aspects of the job, work conditions and intrinsic motivation, on the one hand, and students\u27 motivation and academic achievement on the other. This study focuses on the factors of satisfaction found with German language teachers. This explanatory research has had two separate aims: one, to identify factors that influence job (dis)satisfaction in teachers of the previously mentioned foreign language, and two, to indicate aspects whose change could result not only in an increase in the level of teachers\u27 job satisfaction but also in an increase in the efficiency of both learning and teaching. The research was conducted via a questionnaire given to teachers during the 23rd International Convention of \u27Croatian Association of German Language Teachers\u27 (October 2015). The subjects of the study were German language teachers working in primary and secondary schools. The research instrument was a questionnaire used in previously conducted studies on job satisfaction in Switzerland. The data analysis has shown fewer factors of dissatisfaction than satisfaction of German language teachers. The one factor confirmed by the study as the greatest cause of satisfaction is working with children, whereas the main factor of dissatisfaction was the (negative) image of the teaching profession held by the public

    The level of writing proficiency in pupils and university students

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    U ovome smo radu željele usporediti stupanj ovladanosti vjeÅ”tinom pisanja kod učenika na početku srednjoÅ”kolskog obrazovanja i studenata prve godine tehničkoga fakulteta. Istraživanje smo provele na temelju njihovih pisanih radova na zadanu temu. Na sintaktičko-semantičkoj razini pratile smo upotrebu vokabulara i gramatičkih struktura, a na razini diskursa zanimalo nas je ostvarenje komunikacijskoga cilja, struktura teksta, (ne)postojanje logičnoga slijeda događanja, jasnoća i razumljivost napisanoga. Također smo željele utvrditi znaju li odvojiti bitne činjenice od nebitnih. Ustanovile smo pogreÅ”ke i nedostatke koji su konstantni kod obiju dobnih skupina bez obzira na intenzitet učenja engleskoga jezika i, u slučaju studenata, prethodno znanje. Zaključile smo da obje skupine poteÅ”koće većinom imaju u onim jezičnim kategorijama koje su i inače teÅ”ke govornicima hrvatskoga jezika, a to su članovi, prijedlozi i glagolska vremena. Nedostatci na diskursnoj razini pokazuju da se pisanjem tijekom Å”kolovanja nije dovoljno sustavno bavilo ni na stranome, a vjerojatno ni na materinjem jeziku. Budući da studenti u okviru redovnog Å”kolovanja viÅ”e neće imati prigodu za učenje engleskoga jezika, a kamoli za uvježbavanje vjeÅ”tine pisanja koja će im vjerojatno biti potrebna u profesionalnome životu, smatramo da bi se podučavanju ove vjeÅ”tine moralo pridati mnogo viÅ”e važnosti.In this paper we wanted to compare the writing skills of fourteen- and fi fteenyear-old pupils and fi rst year students of an engineering college. We based our research on the essays with assigned topics. On the syntactico-semantic level we monitored the use of grammar structures and vocabulary whereas on the discourse level we were interested in whether the communication goals, clarity and comprehensibility had been achieved and how the texts were structured. We also wanted to fi nd out if the students had succeeded in logically ordering facts and events as well as extracting the mportant ones. We found errors and defi ciencies which constantly appear in both age groups regardless of the intensity of studying and the college studentsā€™ former knowledge of English. Having analysed the data, we reached the conclusion that both groups have problems in those language categories which native speakers of Croatian usually fi nd most diffi cult: articles, prepositions and tenses. Defi ciencies on the discourse level show that writing skills have not been systematically dealt with in English and most probably Croatian lessons throughout primary and secondary education. As college students will have no opportunity to further enhance their English at university or practise the writing skills which many of them will probably need in their professional life, we are of opinion that teaching these skills should be given a more central role in regular education

    The level of writing proficiency in pupils and university students

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    U ovome smo radu željele usporediti stupanj ovladanosti vjeÅ”tinom pisanja kod učenika na početku srednjoÅ”kolskog obrazovanja i studenata prve godine tehničkoga fakulteta. Istraživanje smo provele na temelju njihovih pisanih radova na zadanu temu. Na sintaktičko-semantičkoj razini pratile smo upotrebu vokabulara i gramatičkih struktura, a na razini diskursa zanimalo nas je ostvarenje komunikacijskoga cilja, struktura teksta, (ne)postojanje logičnoga slijeda događanja, jasnoća i razumljivost napisanoga. Također smo željele utvrditi znaju li odvojiti bitne činjenice od nebitnih. Ustanovile smo pogreÅ”ke i nedostatke koji su konstantni kod obiju dobnih skupina bez obzira na intenzitet učenja engleskoga jezika i, u slučaju studenata, prethodno znanje. Zaključile smo da obje skupine poteÅ”koće većinom imaju u onim jezičnim kategorijama koje su i inače teÅ”ke govornicima hrvatskoga jezika, a to su članovi, prijedlozi i glagolska vremena. Nedostatci na diskursnoj razini pokazuju da se pisanjem tijekom Å”kolovanja nije dovoljno sustavno bavilo ni na stranome, a vjerojatno ni na materinjem jeziku. Budući da studenti u okviru redovnog Å”kolovanja viÅ”e neće imati prigodu za učenje engleskoga jezika, a kamoli za uvježbavanje vjeÅ”tine pisanja koja će im vjerojatno biti potrebna u profesionalnome životu, smatramo da bi se podučavanju ove vjeÅ”tine moralo pridati mnogo viÅ”e važnosti.In this paper we wanted to compare the writing skills of fourteen- and fi fteenyear-old pupils and fi rst year students of an engineering college. We based our research on the essays with assigned topics. On the syntactico-semantic level we monitored the use of grammar structures and vocabulary whereas on the discourse level we were interested in whether the communication goals, clarity and comprehensibility had been achieved and how the texts were structured. We also wanted to fi nd out if the students had succeeded in logically ordering facts and events as well as extracting the mportant ones. We found errors and defi ciencies which constantly appear in both age groups regardless of the intensity of studying and the college studentsā€™ former knowledge of English. Having analysed the data, we reached the conclusion that both groups have problems in those language categories which native speakers of Croatian usually fi nd most diffi cult: articles, prepositions and tenses. Defi ciencies on the discourse level show that writing skills have not been systematically dealt with in English and most probably Croatian lessons throughout primary and secondary education. As college students will have no opportunity to further enhance their English at university or practise the writing skills which many of them will probably need in their professional life, we are of opinion that teaching these skills should be given a more central role in regular education


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    Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic and disabling disease with a great impact on the quality of life (QOL). The aim of this study was to assess QOL and health in RA patients treated with biological disease-modifying drugs (bDMARDs) as opposed to those treated with conventional synthetic DMARDs (csDMARDs). We analysed four domains of QOL: physical health (D1), mental health (D2), social relationships (D3) and one\u27s surroundings (D4); as well as general quality of life (W1), general state of health (W2), and disease activity and physical disability. Subjects and methods: Seventy-seven RA patients (group A=29 on bDMARDs, group B= 48 on csDMARDs) were enrolled in the study. QOL was evaluated using WHO questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF), disease activity using Disease ActivityScore28C-reactive protein (DAS28CRP) and functional status using Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ). Results: There was no statistically significant difference of mean values in the four domains of QOL, nor in the general QOL, between groups A and B. There was also no statistically significant difference regarding RA activity (3.51 vrs 3.54, p=0.56). However, we have found that the variable of the general state of health domain was statistically significantly higher in group B (2.66 vrs 2.89, p=0.001), while HAQ was statistically significantly higher in group A (1.19 vrs 1.07, p=0.018), as well as the duration of RA (6.25vrs 3.75 years, p=0.0006). Statistically significant correlation was found between HAQ and W2, disease duration and D3 in group A and DAS28CRP and D1, D2, W2 and HAQ and D1 and D2 in group B. Conclusion: These findings suggest that the inclusion of bDMARDs in the treatment regimen was overdue, with RA already advancing with developed functional disability, which prevented the achievement of the primary goals of treatment: low disease activity or remission and the improvement of patient\u27s QOL

    Physical and chemical characterization of the particulate matter suspended in aerosols from the urban area of Belgrade

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    Within this study, attempts were made to characterize the coarse and fine particulate aerosol fractions in urban area of Belgrade and define the inorganic chemical composition of the aerosol fractions. For this purpose, daily deposits Of PM(10), PM(2.5) and PM(1) aerosol fractions were collected during spring and autumn sampling periods in 2007 and analyzed for the PM mass concentrations, trace elements and secondary ions. The results obtained in the two campaigns showed average daily mass concentrations of 37 and 44 mu g/m(3) for PM(10), 22 and 23 mu g/m(3) for PM(2.5) and 15 and 17 mu g/m(3) for the finest particulate matter fraction PM(1) with the maximums exceeding the limit values set by the EU air quality regulations. A correlation with the gas-phase ambient air pollutants SO(2), NO(2) and O(3) was found and is discussed. The concentrations of trace elements (Mg, Al, K, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Mo, Cd, Sb, Ba, Tl, Pb and Th) and secondary ions (NO(3)(-), SO(4)(2-), NH(4)(+), K(+), Ca(2+) and Na(+)) determined in the PM(10), PM(2.5) and PM(1) aerosol fractions showed levels and distributions indicating soil and traffic-related sources as the main pollution sources. This study was conducted as the first step of PM assessment in order to point out main air pollution sources and suggest a remedy strategy specific for this region