557 research outputs found

    Behavioural analysis of an I2C Linux driver

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    We present an analysis of the behaviour of an I2C Linuxdriver, by means of model checking with the mCRL2 toolset and static analysis with UNO.We have reverse engineered the source code to obtain the structure and interactions of the driver. Based on these results, we have semi-automatically created an mCRL2 model of the behaviour of the driver, on which we have checked mutual exclusion properties. This revealed non-trivial potential errors, like unprotected usage of shared memory variables due to inconsistent locking and disabling/enabling of interrupts. We also applied UNO on the instrumented source code and were able to find the same errors. These defects were confirmed by the developers

    Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury

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    Abstract Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) is a serious complication of blood transfusion, which causes serious morbidity and is the leading cause of transfusion-associated mortality according to the FDA. The majority of TRALI cases (up to 89%) are thought to be antibody-mediated TRALI, caused by the passive infusion of white blood cell (WBC)- reactive antibodies, present in plasma-containing blood products. This thesis focuses on the role of donor WBC-reactive antibodies in TRALI, and the translation to preventive strategies

    Paisatges funeraris i diversitat a Anglaterra i a Gal·les: l'establiment d'una agenda = Deathscapes and diversity in England and Wales: setting an agenda

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    Aquest article se centra en una dimensió poc discutida, però important, de les experiències dels migrants i les minories a Anglaterra i Gal·les: els cementiris i crematoris de què disposen. Basat en una àmplia investigació amb comunitats locals i proveïdors de serveis en quatre ciutats casos d’estudi, aquest article ex-plora les diverses necessitats funeràries culturals i religioses a Anglaterra i Gal·les, els reptes que hi estan associats i les formes en què tant les comunitats com els proveïdors de serveis (p. ex.: planifica-dors i directors funeraris) hi responen. Destaquen vuit temes clau: i)l’oferta de cementiris; ii)l’oferta de crematoris; iii)l’oferta desigual per diferents grups migrants i minoritaris; iv)la diversitat en la diversitat; v)els canvis de patrons de repatriació;vi)el foment del diàleg;vii)la comprensió entre professionals icomunitats, i viii)la planificació dels cementiris com aespais de trobada.Este artículo se centra en una dimensión poco discutida pero importante de las experiencias de los migrantes y las mi-norías en Inglaterra y Gales: los cemen-terios y crematorios de que disponen. Basándose en una amplia investigación con comunidades locales y proveedores de servicios en cuatro ciudades casos de estudio, este artículo explora las diver-sas necesidades funerarias culturales y religiosas en Inglaterra y Gales, los retos asociados a estas y las formas en que tanto las comunidades como los provee-dores de servicios (p. ej.: planificadores y directores funerarios) responden a ellos. Destacan ocho temas clave: i)la oferta de cementerios; ii)la oferta de crematorios; iii)la oferta desigual por diferentes grupos migrantes y minoritarios; iv)la diversidad en la diversidad;v)los cambios de patrones de repatri-ación; vi)el fomento del diálogo;vii)la comprensión entre profesionalesy comunidades, y viii)la planificación de los cementerios como espacios de encuentro.This paper focuses on a little discussed but important dimension of migrant and minority experiences in England and Wales: cemetery and crematoria provi-sion. Based on extensive research with local communities and service providers in four case study towns, this paper explores the varied cultural and religious funerary needs in England and Wales, the associated challenges and the ways in which both communities and service providers (e.g. cemetery managers, town planners and funeral directors) respond to them. It highlights seven key themes, namely:i)cemetery provision;ii)crematorium provision;iii)unequal provision across migrantand minority groups;iv)diversity within diversity;v)changing patterns of repatriation; vi)fostering dialogue;vii)understanding between profession-als and communities; and viii)planning for cemeteries as spacesof encounter. / Este artículo se centra en una dimensión poco discutida pero importante de las experiencias de los migrantes y las mi-norías en Inglaterra y Gales: los cemen-terios y crematorios de que disponen. Basándose en una amplia investigación con comunidades locales y proveedores de servicios en cuatro ciudades casos de estudio, este artículo explora las diver-sas necesidades funerarias culturales y religiosas en Inglaterra y Gales, los retos asociados a estas y las formas en que tanto las comunidades como los provee-dores de servicios (p. ej.: planificadores y directores funerarios) responden a ellos. Destacan ocho temas clave: i)la oferta de cementerios; ii)la oferta de crematorios; iii)la oferta desigual por diferentes grupos migrantes y minoritarios; iv)la diversidad en la diversidad;v)los cambios de patrones de repatri-ación; vi)el fomento del diálogo;vii)la comprensión entre profesionalesy comunidades, y viii)la planificación de los cementerios como espacios de encuentro. / This paper focuses on a little discussed but important dimension of migrant and minority experiences in England and Wales: cemetery and crematoria provi-sion. Based on extensive research with local communities and service providers in four case study towns, this paper explores the varied cultural and religious funerary needs in England and Wales, the associated challenges and the ways in which both communities and service providers (e.g. cemetery managers, town planners and funeral directors) respond to them. It highlights seven key themes, namely:i)cemetery provision;ii)crematorium provision;iii)unequal provision across migrantand minority groups;iv)diversity within diversity;v)changing patterns of repatriation; vi)fostering dialogue;vii)understanding between profession-als and communities; and viii)planning for cemeteries as spacesof encounter

    Stability of and change in substance use risk personality:Gender differences and smoking cigarettes among early adolescents

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    OBJECTIVE: Adolescents show a steadily increasing inclination toward health risk behaviors, including smoking cigarettes. There is ample evidence that personality traits are related to smoking behavior. However, less is known about the stability of and change in these personality traits during early adolescence and whether smoking behavior affects the developmental trajectories. Moreover, less is known about the influence of gender on the course of personality. METHOD: Longitudinal data of three waves were used from 1121 early adolescents. To measure personality, the Substance Use Risk Profile Scale was used. Individual growth curve models were conducted to measure the stability, mean-level change and individual differences in change for personality. RESULTS: Stability of personality was moderate for boys and ranged from moderate to high for girls. On average early adolescents became more impulsive and more sensation seeking over a period of 18 months. Furthermore, hopelessness for girls increased and the increase in sensation seeking was higher for girls than for boys. Third, smoking behavior was related to all personality traits, indicating that smoking adolescents are more anxious, hopeless, impulsive and sensation seeking than non-smoking adolescents. CONCLUSIONS: Our results are in line with the disruption hypothesis, i.e., during early adolescence there is a dip in personality maturity. There are clear differences between girls and boys in stability of and change in personality traits. Besides, although smoking behavior is related to personality, the change in personality is probably related to other variables

    Potential merits for space robotics from novel concepts of actuation for soft robotics

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    Autonomous robots in dynamic and unstructured environments require high performance, energy efficient and reliable actuators. In this paper we give an overview of the first results of two lines of research regarding the novel actuation principle we introduced: Series-Parallel Elastic Actuation (SPEA). Firstly, we introduce the SPEA concept and present first prototypes and results. Secondly, we discuss the potential of self-healing materials in robotics, and discuss the results on the first self-healing pneumatic cell and selfhealing mechanical fuse. Both concepts have the potential to improve performance, energy efficiency and reliability

    The Risk of QTc-Interval Prolongation in Breast Cancer Patients Treated with Tamoxifen in Combination with Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors

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    Purpose: Antidepressants like the serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs) are often used concomitantly with tamoxifen (e.g. for treatment of depression). This may lead to an additional prolongation of the QTc-interval, with an increased risk of cardiac side effects. Therefore we investigated whether there is a drug-drug interaction between tamoxifen and SRIs resulting in a prolonged QTc-interval. Methods: Electrocardiograms (ECGs) of 100 patients were collected at steady state tamoxifen treatment, with or without concomitant SRI co-medication. QTc-interval was manually measured and calculated using the Fridericia formula. Primary outcome was difference in QTc-interval between tamoxifen monotherapy and tamoxifen concomitantly with an SRI. Results: The mean QTc-interval was 12.4 ms longer when tamoxifen was given concomitantly with an SRI (95% CI:1.8–23.1 ms; P = 0.023). Prolongation of the QTc-interval was particularly pronounced for paroxetine (17.2 ms; 95%CI:1.4–33.0 ms; P = 0.04), escitalopram (12.5 ms; 95%CI:4.4–20.6 ms; P 500 ms. Conclusions: Concomitant use of tamoxifen and SRIs resulted in a significantly higher mean QTc-interval, which was especially the case for paroxetine, escitalopram and citalopram. When concomitant administration with an SRI is warranted venlafaxine is preferred

    Quantitative detection and follow-up of intracranial hypertension in craniosynostosis:an optical coherence tomography study

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    BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: To evaluate in craniosynostosis: 1) the diagnostic accuracy of fundoscopy and optical coherence tomography (OCT) to detect intracranial hypertension (ICH); 2) the time course of retinal thickness after treatment of ICH; and 3) the relation between high hyperopia (HH) and fundoscopy/OCT scan findings.METHODS: Syndromic, multisuture, unicoronal, unilambdoid and sagittal synostosis patients visiting our national center were included in this longitudinal cohort study and formed a consecutive series. Retinal layers on OCT, OCT fundus image and fundoscopy were evaluated. ICH was scored according to presence of abnormal intracranial pressures, hydrocephalus, progressive cerebellar tonsillar herniation or fingerprinting and growth arrest. Diagnostic accuracy of OCT, fundoscopy and fundus image, the time course of retinal thickness after ICH and interference of HH were analyzed using linear mixed models.RESULTS: 577 OCT scans in 307 patients were included. ICH was found in 7.2%. Combining total retinal thickness (TRT), OCT fundus image and fundoscopy resulted in a sensitivity of 76% and 81% specificity to detect signs of ICH. TRT was increased in patients who have had signs of ICH versus patients who never had signs of ICH (β+44.9 µm in patients who have had ICH, 95%CI 9.0-80.8,P=0.01). TRT decreased to normal in the years after surgery (β -3.6 µm/year, 95%CI -7.2 - -0.05, P=0.047). There were greater odds of having increased TRT in patients with HH (OR 2.9, 95%CI 1.1-7.6,P=0.03).CONCLUSIONS: The correlation between TRT, OCT fundus image, fundoscopy and particularly for the combination of these parameters with ICP surrogate markers is fair. Increased TRT in the presence of a clinical suspicion of ICH warrants further screening.</p