22 research outputs found

    Effect of altered Cdkn1c dosage in adipose tissue

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    Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic process in which the instructions for gene activation or gene silencing are initiated in the germline by DNA methylation. Many imprinted genes play key roles regulating fetal growth and placental development. In addition to their prenatal roles, several imprinted genes have been shown to play significant roles postnatally in particularly with respect to regulating behaviour and metabolism. Cdkn1c, a maternally expressed imprinted gene, codes for the p57Kip2 protein which is a cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor, belonging to the same CIP/KIP family as p21 and p27. Cdkn1c was shown to be expressed and imprinted in a small population of cells within post natal iBAT and rWAT. Using both loss-of-function and gain-in-expression models, a critical and dosage-related function for Cdkn1c in brown adipogenesis was identified, through Prdm16 and C/ebpβ. Consistent with an increase in mitochondrial uncoupling, mice that over-expressed Cdkn1c were found to be protected against diet- and age-induced obesity, in a dosage dependent manner. Cdkn1c may therefore represent a novel route towards obesity therapy and corroborates the hypothesis that the brown adipose tissue may represent a key area of genomic conflict in mammals

    Genomic imprinting and its effects on postnatal growth and adult metabolism.

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    Imprinted genes display parent-of-origin-specific expression with this epigenetic system of regulation found exclusively in therian mammals. Historically, defined imprinted gene functions were almost solely focused on pregnancy and the influence on the growth parameters of the developing embryo and placenta. More recently, a number of postnatal functions have been identified which converge on resource allocation, both for animals in the nest and in adults. While many of the prenatal functions of imprinted genes that have so far been described adhere to the "parental conflict" hypothesis, no clear picture has yet emerged on the functional role of imprints on postnatal metabolism. As these roles are uncovered, interest in the potential for these genes to influence postnatal metabolism and associated adult-onset disease outcomes when dysregulated has gathered pace. Here, we review the published data on imprinted genes and their influence on postnatal metabolism, starting in the nest, and then progressing through to adulthood. When observing the functional effects of these genes on adult metabolism, we must always be careful to acknowledge the influence both of direct expression in the relevant metabolic tissue, but also indirect metabolic programming effects caused by their modulation of both in utero and postnatal growth trajectories

    Loss of Imprinting of Cdkn1c Protects against Age and Diet-Induced Obesity.

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    Cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1c (Cdkn1c) is a maternally expressed imprinted gene with roles in embryonic development, post-natal metabolism and behaviour. Using mouse models with altered dosages of Cdkn1c, we have previously identified a role for the gene in promoting brown adipose tissue formation. Here, we use these transgenic mouse lines to model the loss of imprinting of Cdkn1c in adulthood. We demonstrate that only a two-fold increase in the expression of Cdkn1c during development is sufficient to protect against age-related weight gain in addition to glucose and insulin intolerance. Further to this, we show that the loss of imprinting of Cdkn1c protects against diet-induced obesity. Bisulphite sequencing was performed to test the stability of the two differentially methylated regions that regulate Cdkn1c imprinting, and both were found to be unaltered in aged or diet-challenged adipose tissue, despite drastic reductions in Cdkn1c expression. These data demonstrate a critical role for Cdkn1c in regulating adult adipose tissue, with modest changes in expression capable of protecting against both age and diet-induced obesity and metabolic syndrome, with a natural decline in Cdkn1c expression observed that may contribute to less healthy metabolic aging. Finally, we have observed a post-natal insensitivity of the imprint to environmental factors, in contrast to recent observations of an in utero sensitivity.M.V.d.P. was supported by a BBSRC DTG studentship BB/F016557. S.J.T. was supported by BBSRC project grant BB/J015156 awarded to R.M.J

    Protein restriction during pregnancy alters Cdkn1c silencing, dopamine circuitry and offspring behaviour without changing expression of key neuronal marker genes

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    We tracked the consequences of in utero protein restriction in mice throughout their development and life course using a luciferase-based allelic reporter of imprinted Cdkn1c. Exposure to gestational low-protein diet (LPD) results in the inappropriate expression of paternally inherited Cdkn1c in the brains of embryonic and juvenile mice. These animals were characterised by a developmental delay in motor skills, and by behavioural alterations indicative of reduced anxiety. Exposure to LPD in utero resulted in significantly more tyrosine hydroxylase positive (dopaminergic) neurons in the midbrain of adult offspring as compared to age-matched, control-diet equivalents. Positron emission tomography (PET) imaging revealed an increase in striatal dopamine synthesis capacity in LPD-exposed offspring, where elevated levels of dopamine correlated with an enhanced sensitivity to cocaine. These data highlight a profound sensitivity of the developing epigenome to gestational protein restriction. Our data also suggest that loss of Cdkn1c imprinting and p57KIP2 upregulation alters the cellular composition of the developing midbrain, compromises dopamine circuitry, and thereby provokes behavioural abnormalities in early postnatal life. Molecular analyses showed that despite this phenotype, exposure to LPD solely during pregnancy did not significantly change the expression of key neuronal- or dopamine-associated marker genes in adult offspring

    Impact of genetic background on placental glycogen storage in mice.

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    129 and C57BL/6 are two of the most widely used laboratory mouse strains. While it is well known that genetic modifiers between the two strains can directly influence embryonic and adult phenotypes, less is known regarding morphological differences in placental development. Here we identify differences in the junctional zone, glycogenstorage and the maternal-fetal interface between these two strains and provide examples where these differences impact the phenotypic characterisation of placental mutations

    Isolating the role of elevated Phlda2 in asymmetric late fetal growth restriction in mice

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    Pleckstrin homology-like domain family A member 2 (PHLDA2) is a maternally expressed imprinted gene whose elevated expression has been linked to fetal growth restriction in a number of human studies. In mice, Phlda2 negatively regulates placental growth and limits the accumulation of placental glycogen. We previously reported that a three-copy transgene spanning the Phlda2 locus drove a fetal growth restriction phenotype late in gestation, suggesting a causative role for PHLDA2 in human growth restriction. However, in this mouse model, Phlda2 was overexpressed by fourfold, alongside overexpression of a second imprinted gene, Slc22a18. Here, we genetically isolate the role of Phlda2 in driving late fetal growth restriction in mice. We furthermore show that this Phlda2-driven growth restriction is asymmetrical, with a relative sparing of the brain, followed by rapid catch-up growth after birth, classic features of placental insufficiency. Strikingly, fetal growth restriction showed strain-specific differences, being apparent on the 129S2/SvHsd (129) genetic background and absent on the C57BL6 (BL6) background. A key difference between these two strains is the placenta. Specifically, BL6 placentae possess a more extensive endocrine compartment and substantially greater stores of placental glycogen. Taken together, these data support a direct role for elevated Phlda2 in limiting fetal growth but also suggest that growth restriction only manifests when there is limited placental reserve. These findings should be taken into account in interpreting the results from human studies