6 research outputs found

    Anticipating annotations and emerging trends in biomedical literature

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    The BioJournalMonitor is a decision support system for the analysis of trends and topics in the biomedical literature. Its main goal is to identify potential diagnostic and therapeu-tic biomarkers for specific diseases. Several data sources are continuously integrated to provide the user with up-to-date information on current research in this field. State-of-the-art text mining technologies are deployed to provide added value on top of the original content, including named en-tity detection, relation extraction, classification, clustering, ranking, summarization, and visualization. We present two novel technologies that are related to the analysis of tem-poral dynamics of text archives and associated ontologies. Currently, the MeSH ontology is used to annotate the sci-entific articles entering the PubMed database with medical terms. Both the maintenance of the ontology as well as the annotation of new articles is performed largely manually. We describe how probabilistic topic models can be used to anno-tate recent articles with the most likely MeSH terms. This provides our users with a competitive advantage because, when searching for MeSH terms, articles are found long be-fore they are manually annotated. We further present a study on how to predict the inclusion of new terms in the MeSH ontology. The results suggest that early prediction of emerging trends is possible. The trend ranking functions are deployed in our system to enable interactive searches for the hottest new trends relating to a disease

    Structure Learning with Nonparametric Decomposable Models

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    Abstract. We present a novel approach to structure learning for graphical models. By using nonparametric estimates to model clique densities in decomposable models, both discrete and continuous distributions can be handled in a unified framework. Also, consistency of the underlying probabilistic model is guaranteed. Model selection is based on predictive assessment, with efficient algorithms that allow fast greedy forward and backward selection within the class of decomposable models. We show the validity of this structure learning approach on toy data, and on two large sets of gene expression data

    Mining functional modules in genetic . . .

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    In recent years graphical models have become an increasingly important tool for the structural analysis of genome-wide expression profiles at the systems level. Here we present a new graphical modelling technique, which is based on decomposable graphical models, and apply it to a set of gene expression profiles from acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). The new method explains probabilistic dependencies of expression levels in terms of the concerted action of underlying genetic functional modules, which are represented as so-called “cliques” in the graph. In addition, the method uses continuous-valued (instead of discretized) expression levels, and makes no particular assumption about their probability distribution. We show that the method successfully groups members of known functional modules to cliques. Our method allows the evaluation of the importance of genes for global cellular functions based on both link count and the clique membership count

    Mining functional modules in genetic networks with . . .

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    In recent years graphical models have become an increasingly important tool for the structural analysis of genome- wide expression profiles at the systems level. Here we present a new graphical modelling technique, which is based on decomposable graphical models, and apply it to a set of gene expression profiles from acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). The new method explains probabilistic dependencies of expression levels in terms of the concerted action of underlying genetic functional modules, which are represented as so- called “cliques ” in the graph. In addition, the method uses continuous- valued (instead of discretized) expression levels, and makes no particular assumption about their probability distribution. We show that the method successfully groups members of known functional modules to cliques. Our method allows the evaluation of the importance of genes for global cellular functions based on both link count and the clique membership count