8 research outputs found

    Complementary medicine options in work-related stress in management staff—the capabilities of Gelsemium sempervirens in homeopathic dilutions

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    Introduction: An often overlooked, yet profoundly affected by psychoemotional stress social group is that of management staff. While presenting as a relatively minor population, the effects of work stressors are magnified in them – thus rendering the related conditions socially significant diseases. This study aims to review complementary treatment options for work-related stress disorders in managerial staff with special attention to Gelsemium sempervirens in homeopathic dilutions.Materials and Methods: A literature review was conducted using the online databases Google Scholar, PubMed, Scopus using the keywords and phrases Gelsemium sempervirens, management staff, managers, stress, work, using different combinations and Boolean operators. A yield of 84 articles was obtained, of which 31 were considered pertinent to the study. Results were also compared with empirical clinical experience.Results: Complementary medicine allows for additional avenues of treatment, often without the negative effects that conventional ones have when it comes to stress-related disorders. In the case of G. sempervirens in homeopathic doses in in vivo rodent models, a notable boost in both adaptive capabilities and behavior responses has been noted. In vitro studies of the preparation in human neurocytes have shown the capacity for similar effects, however, large scale documented in vivo studies have yet to be conducted.Conclusion: Aside from psychological consultations or conventional anxiolytic therapy, other avenues of treatment are rapidly demonstrating their merits for the management of professional stress-related disorders in management staff. Complementary medicine, at least as pertains to homeopathic treatment with G. sempervirens, shows promise without the significant downsides of conventional therapy

    The challenge - pediatric pulmonology emergencies

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    Заболяванията на дихателната система в детска възраст се нареждат на първо място по честота в детската патология. Коректно снетата анамнеза, познаването на симптомите, адекватната и бърза реакция от страна на специалистите определя изхода на заболяването и неговите усложнения. Спешните състояния в детската пулмология са чести и представляват сериозно предизвикателство за общопрактикуващи лекари, педиатри, пулмолози, специалисти по здравни грижи. Познаването на причините за дихателна недостатъчност в детска възраст дава възможност за насоченото им търсене и своевременна бърза преценка и подход. Като най-чести спешни състояния на дихателната система, свързани с проявите на дихателна недостатъчност в детска възраст, са: аспирация, чуждо тяло, епиглотит, ларингит, пневмония, бронхиална астма. Преценката, бързината в амбулаторни и болнични условия при дете със спешно състояние на дихателната система е изключително важен момент, определящ изхода на заболяването.Respiratory diseases in children are the leader in frequency in pediatric pathology. A properly examined medical history, knowledge of the symptoms, an adequate and prompt reaction by the specialists determine the outcome of the disease and any following complications. Emergency conditions in pediatric pulmonology are frequent and they present a serious challenge for general practitioners, pediatricians, pulmonologists, healthcare professionals. Knowing the causes for respiratory insufficiency in children allows for their accurate identification and a rapid evaluation and adequate approach. The most frequent emergency conditions, associated with the occurrence of respiratory insufficiency in children are: aspiration, foreign body, epiglottitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma. The judgment, the swiftness in ambulatory and hospital conditions in regards to a child with an emergency condition of the respiratory system are of utmost importance, determining the outcome of the disease

    Preauricular sinus: Incidence and inheritance

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    Introduction: The preauricular sinus (PAuS) is a malformation of the auricula pinna. The structure may present isolated or as a component of a number of oto-renal syndromes.Aim:  The aim of this study was to establish the incidence of PAuS in a Bulgarian cohort and propose a model for its inheritance, based on the transgenerational mechanisms derived from the genealogic trees of interviewed individuals.Materials and Methods: A total of 100 healthy individuals were prospectively evaluated for the presence of a PAuS on a random cohort sampling principle. A descriptive statistical approach was used when categorizing the individual features. Individuals were also assessed in terms of their genealogies and presence of renal symptoms.Results: Of all assessed individuals, 3% (n=3) had a structure complying with the criteria for a PAuS. No one having the structure reported renal symptoms. The genealogical trees were characteristic of a dominant trait with incomplete penetrance.Conclusion: The incidence of PAuS in our study cohort is similar to that of other Caucasian cohorts and gives a rare modern glimpse into the transgenerational inheritance of the PAuS, together with data on the oto-nephrological syndromes

    Antihypertensive Therapy Volume Reduction Following Dietary Consultation And The Establishment Of An Adequate Nutritional Intake

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    Introduction:Regardless of the sex, age, and ethnicity of patients, certain tendencies related to eating present as independent risk factors in the development of hypertension. Lifestyle changes are a staple in all guidelines for the condition. However, the evaluation of the effect of dietary consultations on the overall hypertension management is rarely reported in medical publications.Aim:A case of antihypertensive volume therapy reduction via the application of an interdisciplinary method regarding nutrition and medication in the context of long-distance consultations is presented. The objective characterization of corrected patient nutrition is also emphasized.Materials and Methods:A 47-year-old female patient with a height of 168 cm, weight of 100 kg, and BMI of 35.4 had a confirmed diagnosis of hypertension from two years prior. On the initial consultation she had already undergone therapy with 8 mg candesartan and 12.5 mg hydrochlorothiazide. The waist circumference was 118 cm.; there was low-to-nonexistent physical activity and high reported work stress.Results:Four months after the initial correction of food intake, the patient reported a weight loss of 16 kg. To maintain normal values of blood pressure, the pharmacological therapy was reduced to a monotherapy with 4 mg candesartan.Conclusion:Considering the efficacy of the combined approach and the very modest financial requirements for its execution, it should be taken into account on the initiation of every single antihypertensive therapy. More research should be conducted focusing on the quantitative assessment of nutritional correction on antihypertensive therapy

    Capabilities of Rehabilitation medicine in Mucoviscidosis Patients Treatment

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    Introduction: Mucoviscidosis is a genetic autosomal recessive disease, occurring in adults and children alike. It results from a mutation in the CFTR gene, responsible for a protein that regulates membrane permeability and ion transport in the epithelium surface in numerous systems in the organism. Its effects are most noticeable in the respiratory tracts, the pancreatic tracts, the intestines, the biliary tracts, the sweat glands and others. Regarding the respiratory system, most characteristic are the changes in the chlorine channels. Their function is restricted by the presence of a thick, viscous secretion, the removal of which is difficult or even impossible. This viscous secretion can become infected by various microorganisms, leading to inflammation and complications in the general state of the patients. The pathological changes in the aforementioned systems result in the progression of the disease and a drastic reduction of the quality of life of the patients. Rehabilitation medicine and physical medicine have an essential role in complex pulmonary ventilation therapy.Materials and Methods: A limited search with the keywords `cystic fibrosis`, `physiotherapy`, `exercises` and `drainage` was conducted using the NCBITM and PubMedTM databases, which yielded over 20 articles, 10 of which were selected and thoroughly analyzed. The aim of this research is to present the capabilities of medical rehabilitation, the experience of specialists in the field and the expected benefits of medical rehabilitation in mucoviscidosis treatment.Results: Multiple authors recommend the usage of rehabilitatory tools in the complex treatment of the disease. Treadmill exercises, respiratory gymnastics, including autogenic drainage, body posture training and training in the use of expectoration aid, all show promise in the amelioration of respiratory indicators.Conclusions: These recommendations, barring cases with individual contraindications, should be used and incorporated as a mandatory element in the rehabilitation care of mucoviscidosis patients

    Head and neck cancer demographics

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    Introduction: Head and neck cancer (HNC) is a vast group of oncological conditions, which have as an origin various tissue types and organ localizations, situated in the topographical regions of the head and neck (H&N). This single institution retrospective study aims to establish the HNC patient demographics and categorize the separate instances of H&N malignancies, in regards to their organ of origin and main histopathological type and depict the demographics and incidence of the individ­ual entries.Materials and methods: All histologically verified cases of HNC from the St. Marina University Hos­pital, Varna, Bulgaria - a tertiary referral center, were retrospectively reviewed in a descriptive man­ner. Data sampling period was 47 months, from September 2012 to July 2016.Results: HNC Male to female ratio was 3.24:1. The mean age of diagnosis was 63.84 ± 12.65 years, me­dian 65 years. Common HNC locations are the larynx 30.37% (n = 188), lips and oral cavity 29.08% (n = 180), pharynx 20.03% (n = 124) and salivary glands 10.94% (n = 68), with the external nose, na­sal cavity and sinuses and auricle and external ear canal presenting a minority of the cases. The main histopathological groups include squamous cell carcinoma 76.74% (n = 475) and adenocarcinoma 6.14% (n = 38), other malignancies such as other epithelial malignancies, primary tonsillar, muco­sa-associated lymphoid tissue or parenchymal lymphomas, connective tissue neoplasias, neuroendo­crine and vascular malignancies make up a minority of the cases. Based on the collected data the an­nual incidence of HNC in the region is 17.16 per 100.000 capita.Conclusion: Deemed to be of relatively low frequency (worldwide 3%- 5%, Bulgaria 4.41%), HNC rep­resents a varied group of oncological entities with individual and specific demographic characteris­tics

    Preauricular Sinus - Incidence in a Bulgarian Cohort

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    Introduction: The preauricular sinus (PauS) is a variable inherited congenital malformation. It results from a defect in the development of the pharyngeal arches and is characterized by a foramen or a dimple, most commonly located on the crus of the auricular helix. The structure can often become inflamed and garners an interest from ENT specialists and pediatricians. The aim of this study was to establish the incidence of the PauS as the structure shows great variety in its presence in different populations.Materials and Methods: A total of 61 individuals, 36 males, 25 females, mean age 23.25 years, standard deviation ±9.63, median age 20 and a range of 50 (minimal age 19 and maximal 69) were specifically assessed for the presence of a PauS. A structure was considered a PauS when present in the region of the crus of the auricular helix as a preexisting dent, dimple or foramen and not because of an ear piercing. The set criteria were identical to similar studies of the organ.Results: Of all assessed individuals 3.28% (n=2) had a PauS. No correlation between the presence of the structure and the gender and age of the assessed individuals could be found. Of the identified individuals that had the structure, one had a left-sided unilateral PauS, while the second one had a bilateral structure and a clear family history of close relatives with PauS. However, the relatives of the second patient were not included in the cohort, as they were not directly examined in the study.Conclusion: The incidence of the PauS in our study cohort is similar to that of other European countries. The presence of the structure is of interest for medical specialist as in can lead to varying health issues. Further studies on the type of inheritance may be advocated

    Choosing a Partner - Does Male Personality Play a Role in Breast Size Preferences

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    Introduction: The myriad of psychosocial factors that contribute to the process of selecting a mate for either gender in humans, has been subject to numerous studies in the past. However, there is very little evidence on the formation of sexual attraction. The aim of this study is to investigate the correlation between the male psyche and the preferred female breast size in accordance with it.Materials and Methods: To determine the males` perception of their own socioeconomic status, a shortened version of the Big Five personality test proposed by Beatrice Rammstedt and Oliver P. John, containing 10 questions, was used. Breast size preference was determined via a standardized graphic, depicting 4 breast sizes (A trough D) on a female body with no additional features such as waist to hip ratio, hair, skin and eye color, which could potentially influence the choice. The questionnaire, along with the image was distributed to males via an anonymous online form.Results: A total of 65 males filled out the test: mean age 21.67, standard deviation ±2.91, median 21, range 18 (17-35 years of age). The most preferred breast size was C with 53.8% (n=35), the second was B with 35.4% (n=23), the third was D with 7.7% (n=5) and the least preferred one was A with 3.2% (n=2). However, there was no statistically significant data (p<0.05) that suggested a correlation between the preferred breast size in females and the age or personality type in males.Conclusions: Some studies suggest a correlation between the socioeconomic and behavioral status of males and the preferred breast size in their female partners. This according to some authors is a modified evolutional instinct that has become socially acceptable. However, our study did not manage to establish such correlation based on the male personality and performance