28 research outputs found

    Effect of sandwich panels and metal plate shear panels on the seismic response of moment resisting frames

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    In the Ph.D. thesis, the seismic effect of cladding panels and steel shear panels on the reinforced\ud concrete and steel frames is discussed. We limited the research of sandwich panels to single-storey\ud steel frame buildings, where the use of the sandwich panels is common. Using multi-storey RC frame\ud buildings, we examined the effect of shear panels, which have bigger shear capacity than the cladding\ud panels. First, we performed extensive tests aimed at determining the capacity of the connection of two\ud shear plates, then we performed nine tests of the systems of cladding panels with dimensions 3.0/2.6m.\ud The tests have been examined closely and based on their results we defined a bi-linear envelope for an\ud equivalent diagonal. The diagonal is used to model the cladding panels in frame structures. The\ud envelope is defined on the basis of the bearing resistance of the steel sheeting, which is a result of\ud shear test of the connection of two steel sheetings. In the cases, where experimental results were not\ud available, we applied the Eurocode 3 formulas for capacity. We used the American standard AISC\ud instructions to define the properties of the equivalent diagonal.\ud We presented the influence of sandwich panels on an industrial steel building of the manufacturer\ud Trimo. Results of numerical analysis show that sandwich panels are able to ensure a proper lateral\ud resistance. However, the measures that insure the proper behaviour of the panels are extremely\ud expensive and therefore economically unjustified. These expenses could only be reduced by\ud developing a new cladding panel with better frame-to-panel and panel-to-panel connections. We\ud examined the influence of the steel shear panels on an old three-storey RC frame building (SPEAR).\ud We also compared its behaviour with the behaviour of four buildings, that were designed in complete\ud or in partial agreement with Eurocode 8. The main purpose was to investigate the possibility for\ud strengthening older constructions that were not designed according to seismic codes. We found that it\ud was possible to ensure the Eurocode 8 seismic resistance, even for older constructions, with relatively\ud simple measures

    Multi-criteria assessment of less favoured areas: A state level

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    The paper present a multi-criteria decision DEXi model for assessment of less favoured areas (LFAs). The tool enables easier assessment of farming in different areas of Slovene LFAs with respect to criteria of sustainability. Analysis of LFAs and final integration of the assessment of LFAs depend upon various criteria. In this paper we analyze individual LFAs and farming systems in these areas at the state level with respect to criteria of sustainability and farming potential

    Mjerenje veličine učinka pri proizvodnji funkcionalnog mlijeka

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    The paper presents the application possibility of “Effect size” and Cohen’s-d index in the case of introduction of new milk products on the market. The field and online survey were used to establish the potential interest of final consumers for new functional food product of dairy company in Slovenia - milk with phytosterols additives. Two techniques possibilities of Cohen-d index were calculated; manual and using the Cohen’s-d calculator. Further, the application is focused on two main questions in survey regarding observed problem: 1) Would you buy milk with phytosterols additives, which scientifically proven lowers concentration of cholesterol in blood? 2) Would you pay for it at a higher price? The sample includes 419 surveys, 150 surveys were conducted on field (control group) and 269 surveys were provided online (experimental group). The Cohen’s-d index (d) results show by using manual and Cohen’s-d calculator for both groups “small” effect (d=0.35, i.e. d=0.34 ), and “zero or near zero” effect (d=0.15, i.e.= 0.15) when deciding to buy new milk product.U ovom radu prikazan je primjer mogućosti primjene “Utjecaja veličine” i Cohen-d indeksa u slučaju plasiranja novog mliječnog proizvoda na tržište. Terenska i online anketa korištene su za ocjenjivanje potencijalnog interesa potrošača za kupnju novog, funkcionalnog mliječnog proizvoda u Sloveniji - mlijeko s aditivom fitosterolom. Korišten je izračun za dvije vrste Cohen-d indeksa, ručno i pomoću Cohen’s-d kalkulatora na primjeru dvaju glavnih pitanja: 1) Zainteresirani ste za kupnju mlijeka s aditivom fitosterola, koji znanstveno dokazuje sniženje koncentracije kolesterola u krvi i 2) Spremni ste platiti za taj proizvod veću cijenu? Uzorak obuhvaća 419 anketa, od toga provedeno je 150 anketa na terenu (kontrolna skupina), dok je 269 anketa provedeno online (eksperimentalna skupina). Cohen-d indeks (d) rezultati prikazani su za dva prije spomenuta načina izračuna, “mali” učinak (d=0,35, odnosno d=0,34) i “nula ili blizu nule” učinak (d=0,15, odnosno = 0,15)

    Frequency dependent effect of selective biphasic left vagus nerve stimulation on heart rate and arterial pressure

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    Activation of the parasympathetic pathway leads to negative chronotropic, dromotropic, and inotropic changes of heart function. The ability to selectively stimulate certain superficial compartments of peripheral nerves has been demonstrated previously. The aim of the present study was to find a clinically acceptable selective biphasic vagus nerve stimulation technique, which could allow gradual regulation of heart rate and systemic arterial pressure. In two patients, the left vagus nerve was stimulated with a combination of quasi-trapezoidal cathodic and rectangular anodic current pulses with different stimulation frequencies (10Hz, 20Hz, 30Hz) and increasing current. The heart rate and systemic arterial pressure decreased with increasing current at all different stimulation frequencies (p<0.05). The heart rate and arterial pressure response was more gradual with 10Hz compared to 20Hz/30Hz vagus nerve stimulation (p<0.05). In conclusion, selective vagus nerve stimulation, with a combination of quasi-trapezoidal cathodic and rectangular anodic current pulses at 10Hz, offers gradual heart rate and systolic arterial pressure control

    ENZO: A Web Tool for Derivation and Evaluation of Kinetic Models of Enzyme Catalyzed Reactions

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    We describe a web tool ENZO (Enzyme Kinetics), a graphical interface for building kinetic models of enzyme catalyzed reactions. ENZO automatically generates the corresponding differential equations from a stipulated enzyme reaction scheme. These differential equations are processed by a numerical solver and a regression algorithm which fits the coefficients of differential equations to experimentally observed time course curves. ENZO allows rapid evaluation of rival reaction schemes and can be used for routine tests in enzyme kinetics. It is freely available as a web tool, at http://enzo.cmm.ki.si

    Influence of thermal modification of wood on set recovery of compressive deformation of thermal compressed wood

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    Viskoelastično toplotno zgoščen les (Viscoelastic Thermal Compressed wood, VTC les) ima zaradi visoke gostote in s tem izboljšanih mehanskih lastnosti velik potencial pri razvoju visokokakovostnih lesnih produktov. Širšo uporabo omejuje v največji meri povratek tlačne deformacije, do katerega pride ob izpostavitvi VTC lesa območjem s povišano vlažnostjo. Termična modifikacija pa je eden od načinov, s katerim lahko izboljšamo dimenzijsko obstojnost lesa in odpornost na lesne glive. V diplomski nalogi smo se osredotočili na dimenzijsko stabilnost tlačne deformacije VTC lesa. Vzorce smrekovega in bukovega lesa, ki so bili predhodno zgoščeni po postopku VTC, in kontrolne nezgoščene vzorce smo termično modificirali pri različnih temperaturah (190 °C, 200 °C, 210 °C in 220 °C). Obstojnost tlačne deformacije smo preverili z namakanjem v vodi. Postopek namakanja smo ponovili v petih ciklih, kjer smo ugotovili, da je povratek tlačne deformacije odvisen od temperature termične modifikacije in lesne vrste. Ugotovili smo, da je obstojnost VTC lesa neposredno povezana z izgubo mase, nastale med postopkom termične modifikacije. Pri termični modifikaciji pri najvišji uporabljeni temperaturi, t. j. 220 °C, pride do večje izgube mase lesa, pri čemer dosežemo boljšo obstojnost in zmanjšamo povratno tlačno deformacijo ter s tem izboljšamo dimenzijsko stabilnost VTC lesa.Viscoelastic thermal compressed (VTC) wood has due to the high wood density and thus improved mechanical properties great potential in the development of high-quality wood products. Its wider utilization is limited by set recovery of compressive deformation, which occurs when VTC wood is exposed to environment of increased humidity. Thermal modification is one of the process which can improve the dimensional stability of wood and resistance to fungal decay. In this thesis the problem of set recovery of compressive deformation was studied. Samples of spruce and beech wood, which were previously densified by the VTC process, were thermally modified with a thermal modification process at different temperatures (190 °C, 200 °C, 210 °C, and 220 °C). Set recovery of compressive deformation was examined after 5 water soaking cycles. It was found that set recovery of compressive deformation depended on the temperature of thermal modification and wood species. It was determined that stability of compression deformations of the VTC wood depends on the level of thermal modification. Thermal modification at temperature 220 °C caused significant mass loss, better stability, and reduced set recovery of compressive deformation, and thus improved the properties of VTC wood


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    Diplomska naloga preučuje primer logističnega podjetja, ki ima težavo s prepočasnim izvajanjem del, saj prihaja do velikih napak zaradi prevelikega obsega dela na zaposlenega. Zaposleni v podjetju ne vidijo rešitve in ne poznajo celotnega logističnega procesa, saj se konstantno spreminja glede na želje strank. Od logističnega podjetja stranke vedno bolj zahtevajo nadgradnjo in prilagoditev na njihov način dela. V ta namen je bila razvita celovita prenova logističnega procesa, za potrebe podjetja. Prenova je usmerjena za preverjanje tako finančnih kot časovnih okvirov logističnega podjetja. Cilj diplomske naloge je analizirati logistični proces v podjetju, ga simulirati in analizirati za nadaljnjo prenovo poslovnih procesov logističnega podjetja.The diploma thesis examines, the logistics company, which has a problem with slow implementation as it comes to large errors because of the high volume of work per employee. Company\u27s employees do not see the solutions and do not know the entire logistics process that is constantly changing depending on customer preference. From logistics enterprise its customers increasingly require upgrade and adaptation to their way of working. For its purpose, we developed a comprehensive overhaul of the logistics process, which logistic company need. The renovation focused on examination of both financial as timeframes of the logistics company. The aim of the diploma thesis is to analyze the logistics process in the company, simulate and analyze it for further reform of business processes in the logistic company

    Black - Scholes Models Investment Evaluation for Potato Processing

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    A common method used for evaluation of investment projects is the Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA). Desiring to have insight into the core of investment, the optional modules with real options are becoming more in use, which represent the stochastic approach. The basic purpose of this research was therefore to display applications of methods real options in agriculture. Results of the traditional CBA with the parameter NPVt showed the production of processed potatoes in cubes is the most suitable. For the assessment of real options investment projects of processing potatoes the Black Scholes model have been used further used. Option value (OV) to the Black-Scholes (BS) model show positive values for all three types of processing (french fries, slices and cubes). However, real options have important value, because the traditional methods of investment analysis are upgraded to the methods of real options with stochastic terms