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    Mijenja li ambalaža percipirani okus piva? Rezultati eksperimenta s pivom

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    Purpose ā€“ The purpose of this research was to verify actual consumer behavior concerning different beer packaging material and how it influences the perception of beer taste. More precisely, the main aim of the paper was to explore whether beer packaging can influence consumersā€™ subjectively perceived taste of the beer they drink. Design/Methodology/Approach ā€“ Following the literature research, a questionnaire survey was conducted on a sample of average Czech beer consumers (n=220). A subsequent experiment involving a sample of Czech college students (n=30) aimed at exploring the actual consumer behavior. Findings and implications ā€“ The results of the experiment show that beer consumer behavior can be influenced by the beer packaging material. If consumers knew that the beer had been poured from a glass bottle, they assessed its taste better than if they had no information on the type of beer packaging. Similarly, the opposite was found to be true of the plastic bottle ā€“ if consumers knew that the beer had been poured from a plastic bottle, they said it tasted worse than if they had no such information. No statistically significant difference was found in the tasting of canned beer with or without the knowledge of the packaging material. Limitation ā€“ The main research limitations lie in its regionality as the survey and the experiment were conducted only in the Czech Republic, with college students as participants. Originality ā€“ As there is only a limited amount of research available on beer packaging and its influence on consumer behavior, this paper provides a valuable overview of the issue.Svrha ā€“ Svrha istraživanja bila je provjeriti ponaÅ”anje potroÅ”ača ovisno o različitim vrstama ambalaže piva te kako ona utječe na percepciju okusa piva. Preciznije, glavni cilj rada bio je otkriti može li ambalaža piva utjecati na potroÅ”ačevu subjektivnu percepciju njegova okusa. MetodoloÅ”ki pristup ā€“ Nakon pregleda literature provedeno je anketiranje na uzorku prosječnih čeÅ”kih potroÅ”ača piva (n = 220). Kako bi se otkrilo stvarno ponaÅ”anje potroÅ”ača, proveden je eksperiment na uzroku čeÅ”kih studenata (n=30). Rezultati i implikacije ā€“ Rezultati eksperimenta pokazuju da ambalaža može utjecati na ponaÅ”anje potroÅ”ača piva. U situaciji kada su potroÅ”ači znali da je pivo točeno iz staklene boce, ocijenili su ga ukusnijim u odnosu na situaciju kada nisu imali informaciju o ambalaži piva, odnosno obratno vrijedi za plastične boce. Kada su potroÅ”ači znali da je pivo iz plastične boce, ocijenili su da ima loÅ”iji okus nego kad nisu imali tu informaciju. Nisu pronađene statistički značajne razlike u degustaciji piva iz limenke u odnosu na (ne)posjedovanje informacije o vrsti ambalaže. Ograničenja ā€“ Glavna ograničenja istraživanja vezana su uz regionalnost, jer su istraživanje i eksperiment provedeni samo u Republici ČeÅ”koj, te činjenicu da su sudionici eksperimenta bili studenti. Doprinos ā€“ S obzirom na postojanje ograničenoga broja istraživanja o ambalaži piva i utjecaju na ponaÅ”anje potroÅ”ača, rad pruža vrijedan pregled problematike