548 research outputs found

    Reply to: Comment on `Long-range electrostatic interactions between like-charged colloids: steric and confinement effects'

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    In his Comment (cond-mat/0104060) to [Phys. Rev. E 60, 6530 (1999)], Mateescu shows that while the effective interactions remain repulsive when the specific size of the micro-ions is taken into account via a Modified Poisson-Boltzmann equation, a similar conclusion cannot be reached for the situation of complete lateral confinement. This point is correct but has already been considered in a more general study [Phys. Rev. E 62, R1465 (2000), where repulsion is generically obtained]; moreover, we argue that it illustrates the irrelevancy of the notion of pair potential in completely confined configurations, as shown on a simple example

    k-Spectra of weakly-c-Balanced Words

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    A word uu is a scattered factor of ww if uu can be obtained from ww by deleting some of its letters. That is, there exist the (potentially empty) words u1,u2,...,unu_1,u_2,..., u_n, and v0,v1,..,vnv_0,v_1,..,v_n such that u=u1u2...unu = u_1u_2...u_n and w=v0u1v1u2v2...unvnw = v_0u_1v_1u_2v_2...u_nv_n. We consider the set of length-kk scattered factors of a given word w, called here kk-spectrum and denoted \ScatFact_k(w). We prove a series of properties of the sets \ScatFact_k(w) for binary strictly balanced and, respectively, cc-balanced words ww, i.e., words over a two-letter alphabet where the number of occurrences of each letter is the same, or, respectively, one letter has cc-more occurrences than the other. In particular, we consider the question which cardinalities n= |\ScatFact_k(w)| are obtainable, for a positive integer kk, when ww is either a strictly balanced binary word of length 2k2k, or a cc-balanced binary word of length 2k−c2k-c. We also consider the problem of reconstructing words from their kk-spectra


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    The research is carried out to improve passenger’s comfort to increase the vehicles stability in dynamic conditions. The literature available in the automotive engineering considers different topics for studying suspensions. An example represents mechanisms structure and analysis (synthesis, kinematics, and dynamics) under various operating conditions. These aspects have been approached before analytically, numerical. The current paper studies the influence of the lateral force on the contact patch of the wheel and the corresponding variations of vehicle stability parameters, such as camber angle and wheel rear track. The study is performed for a newer innovative rear suspensions mechanism which does not have a wheel track and camber angle variation, relative to the chassis, when the suspension components was considered rigid. A numerical solution is obtained through a virtual model on several commercial codes: MSC Adams, Patran, Nastran. Concerning the analysed parametes, their variation increases as the applied force is increased. Moreover, the largest variation corresponds to the case were elastic bushings and deformable links are considered


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    The topic addressed is a computer-aided design (CAD) method combined with computer-aided engineering (CAE) used in the analysis of choosing the optimal constructive variant of the distribution device used in pneumatic machines for weeding plant sowing. The CAD configurations, realized by the 3D parametric modeling using the SolidWorks program, were subjected to structural analysis (von Mises equivalent stress distribution, relative displacement field distribution and safety factor). Based on the resulting data, the mass/resistance coefficient for the 3 analyzed configurations were determined. The comparison of these indicators led to the choice of the optimal constructive variant, namely the most efficient one

    Organized condensation of worm-like chains

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    We present results relevant to the equilibrium organization of DNA strands of arbitrary length interacting with a spherical organizing center, suggestive of DNA-histone complexation in nucleosomes. We obtain a rich phase diagram in which a wrapping state is transformed into a complex multi-leafed, rosette structure as the adhesion energy is reduced. The statistical mechanics of the "melting" of a rosette can be mapped into an exactly soluble one-dimensional many-body problem.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures in a pdf fil


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    The paper presents firstly an introduction discussing: the problem’s statement emphasizing the actual problem of research of passenger car suspension to improve driving comfort and dynamic of the vehicle movement; aspects regarding the studies of car suspension mechanisms; the paper’s aims and objectives showing that a new configuration of suspension mechanism having in structure mobile frame and an actuator offering some important operational advantages is proposed. After this, the innovative concept is presented. The motions of mechanism elements and actuator and kinematic displacements are largely presented. The simulation using modern software (MSC Patran 2007, MD R2 Nastran and MSC ADAMS/View) accentuates the actuality of the results, which are presented and discussed for an application. Final conclusions are given

    Comment on "Long-range electrostatic interactions between like-charged colloids: Steric and confinement effects"

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    In a recent study [Phys. Rev. E 60, 6530 (1999)], Trizac and Raimbault showed that the effective pair interaction between like charged colloids immersed in a cylindrically confined electrolyte remains repulsive even when the size of the micro-ions or the finite longitudinal extension of the confining cylinder are taken into account. Contrary to their claim, we argue that the case of finite longitudinal confinement doesn't always generate repulsive interactions and to illustrate this point we also provide a simple example.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. E 200
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