8 research outputs found
Simulation And Reproduction Of A Manipulator According To Classical Arm Representation And Trajectory Planning
The technical and vocational institutions are the key feeders for skilled human capital in the robotic revolution economy. It is essential to engage the students by creating new, affordable robotics at a fraction of the cost. This study presents the design and simulation of a six-axis robot manipulator specifically made for education and training. The robot was developed based on Chriss-Annin’s configuration. The robot arm was printed using Fused
Deposition Modelling technique using the acrylonitrile butadiene styrene filament. Before it was constructed, the arm parameters were assessed using Scilab as the tool and the Ntraditional and fundamental methods: the Denevit-Hartenberg representation, the forward kinematics, the inverse kinematics, and the trajectory planning. The outcomes showed that the arm was working well on positioning and path planning. Therefore, the complete assembly of the robot should be able to assume a role in education and training. This work is an extension of the paper entitled “Lightweight Robot Manipulator for TVET Training using FDM Technique” published in 2018 Symposium on Electrical, Mechatronics and Applied Science 2018 (SEMA 2018)
Tool And Task Design Challenges For Left Handers: A Brief Review
Left-handed users are often overlooked by equipment and hand tool designers. Designers may assume that left handers will eventually learn to adapt themselves in a right-handed environment. However in reality left handers face a lot of difficulties when trying to perform tasks meant for right-handed users. Medical personnel are most affected by this issue, followed by workers in non-medical field such as services and manufacturing. This review aims to highlight the issues faced left handers by analysing common household product examples as well as hand tools in occupational settings. Discussions are centred on the differences between the right-handed tools versus left-handed tools, as well as task/procedural challenges faced by left handers. In summary, the notion of designing an ambidextrous tool may not be a realistic recommendation for tool manufacturers and designers
Design Of An Internet Of Things Based Electromagnetic Robotic Arm For Pick And Place Applications
In this generation, industrial robotic arm has been widely used in fields separated from the human society. It is limited because it is not possible to manipulate and interact with people. To depict robotics technology with human-machine interaction and wireless communication, interactivity is possible in real time with virtual objects that makes some other technology needs to be developed which maximizes robot use to assist people with their work in an efficient way. The main objective of this project is to develop and design an interface of Internet of Things controller for robotic arm. The main purpose of making this interface is to remotely control the robotic arm using internet facilities. The robotic arm has four servo motor where all servo motor are assigned with single pulse width modulation which can be control separately. Furthermore, the NodeMCU board was used to receive signal from the Blynk app that
authorizes monitoring and controlling the movement of the robotic arm to perform pick and place operations. Meanwhile, the results of this study are verified through manual test implementation. Two type of manual test were done for this project that is pick and place application and time delay to send the data. The pick and place
operation of the robotic arm was observed to see whether the robotic arm capable to conduct the instruction precisely to move within their desired angular displacement degree. The time delay to send the data shows that the respond at each of the servo motor to move 180 degrees with no load was influenced by the Wi-Fi signal strength at particular places. Hence, this prototype of the robotic arm showed that the operational to control the robotic arm to perform pick and place application using internet facilities was successful
Intelligent vision-based navigation system for mobile robot: A technological review
Vision system is gradually becoming more important. As computing technology advances, it has been widely utilized in many industrial and service sectors. One of the critical applications for vision system is to navigate mobile robot safely. In order to do so, several technological elements are required. This article focuses on reviewing recent researches conducted on the intelligent vision-based navigation system for the mobile robot. These include the utilization of mobile robot in various sectors such as manufacturing, warehouse, agriculture, outdoor navigation and other service sectors. Multiple intelligent algorithms used in developing robot vision system were also reviewed
Review on Friction Compensation Approach For Machine Tools Application
This paper reviews a basic understanding on importance of friction compensation in machine tools application. More often, the difficulty in compensation appears in position and tracking error, more specifically referred to as quadrant glitches. Friction, a nonlinear phenomenon is compensated using various techniques; model based and non-model based. This paper discusses the advantages and limitations of model and non-model based. Recently, friction compensation is focusing in designing friction compensation method that adapt changes within the system
Intelligent Vision-Based Navigation System For Mobile Robot: A Technological Review
Vision system is gradually becoming more important. As computing technology advances, it has been widely utilized in many industrial and service sectors. One of the critical applications for vision system is to navigate mobile robot safely. In order to do so, several technological elements are required. This article focuses on reviewing recent researches conducted on the intelligent vision-based navigation system for the mobile robot. These include the utilization of mobile robot in various sectors such as manufacturing, warehouse, agriculture, outdoor navigation and other service sectors. Multiple intelligent algorithms used in developing robot vision system were also reviewed
Identification of a piezoelectric compact actuator
This paper describes the identification of a highly nonlinear and hysteretic piezoelectric compact actuator. A system identification technique was used based on observed data from the actuator mounted on a base structure. The parameter estimation process was conducted using the recursive least squares algorithm. Once the transfer function model has been obtained, it is required to verify whether the model is good enough or it meets the necessary requirements to represent the system. The experimental results and the SI approach indicate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme
Optimization Of Material Transportation Assignment For Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) System
This article focuses on Material Transportation Assignment problem that is identified as an Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) multi-load task assignment. The primary goal of this paper is to determine the factors needed to optimize material transportation system. This study also explores the optimization and performance enhancement of the Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) environment. The implementation of Genetic Algorithm (GA) in this model is to obtain the optimal solution for FMS layout. The combination of delivery and pickup task are addressed by modified algorithm for advancement in multiple loads AGV. The result obtained depicts that the proposed task assignment method with a modified genetic algorithm can produce acceptable performance compared to conventional task assignment method