28 research outputs found

    Enterococcus faecium WB2000 Inhibits Biofilm Formation by Oral Cariogenic Streptococci

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    This study investigated the inhibitory effect of probiotic Enterococcus faecium WB2000 on biofilm formation by cariogenic streptococci. The ability of E. faecium WB2000 and JCM5804 and Enterococcus faecalis JCM5803 to inhibit biofilm formation by seven laboratory oral streptococcal strains and 13 clinical mutans streptococcal strains was assayed. The Enterococcal strains inhibited biofilm formation in dual cultures with the mutans streptococcal strains Streptococcus mutans Xc and Streptococcus sobrinus JCM5176 (P < 0.05), but not with the noncariogenic streptococcal strains. Enterococcus faecium WB2000 inhibited biofilm formation by 90.0% (9/10) of the clinical S. mutans strains and 100% (3/3) of the clinical S. sobrinus strains. After culturing, the pH did not differ between single and dual cultures. The viable counts of floating mutans streptococci were lower in dual cultures with E. faecium WB2000 than in single cultures. Enterococcus faecium WB2000 acted as a probiotic bacterial inhibitor of cariogenic streptococcal biofilm formation

    Effect of S-PRG Eluate on Biofilm Formation and Enzyme Activity of Oral Bacteria

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    Recently, the antibacterial activity of a composite resin containing prereacted glass ionomer (S-PRG) filler was revealed. We examined the effect of an S-PRG eluate on various biologic activities of Streptococcus mutans and Porphyromonas gingivalis. Adherence ability of S. mutans was evaluated by microtiter plate assay; protease and gelatinase activities of P. gingivalis were examined by synthetic substrate hydrolysis and gelatin film spot assay, respectively. Coaggregation of P. gingivalis with Fusobacterium nucleatum was also examined. S-PRG eluate was found to suppress streptococcal adherence. S-PRG eluate inhibited the protease and gelatinase activities of P. gingivalis and the coaggregation between P. gingivalis and F. nucleatum. These results indicate that S-PRG eluate suppresses streptococcal adherence and inhibits the protease and coaggregation activities of P. gingivalis. These findings may prompt research into novel strategies for preventing caries and periodontitis

    A Case Report of Tooth Wear Associated with a Patient's Inappropriate Efforts to Reduce Oral Malodor Caused by Endodontic Lesion

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    Here, we report a case of severe tooth wear associated with a patient's inappropriate efforts to reduce oral malodor. A 72-year-old male patient visited our breath clinic complaining of strong breath odor. Former dentists had performed periodontal treatments including scaling and root planing, but his oral malodor did not decrease. His own subsequent breath odor-reducing efforts included daily use of lemons and vinegar to reduce or mask the odor, eating and chewing hard foods to clean his teeth, and extensive tooth brushing with a hard-bristled toothbrush. Oral malodor was detected in our breath clinic by several tests, including an organoleptic test, portable sulphide monitor, and gas chromatography. Although patient's oral hygiene and periodontal condition were not poor on presentation, his teeth showed heavy wear and hypersensitiving with an unfitted restoration on tooth 16. Radiographic examination of the tooth did not reveal endodontic lesion, but when the metal crown was removed, severe pus discharge and strong malodor were observed. When this was treated, his breath odor was improved. After dental treatment and oral hygiene instruction, no further tooth wear was observed; he was not concerned about breath odor thereafter


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    Porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) was detected for the first time in seven years in Japan in October 2013, and had spread into Miyazaki and Kagoshima Prefectures, Japan. The objective of the present study was to estimate the economic impact of PED outbreak in Japan in 2013 and 2014. Datasets from all pig farms were provided by Miyazaki (506 farms) and Kagoshima Prefectures (709 farms). A 1:1 case-control study using a postal questionnaire survey was conducted to collect the economic losses or costs attributed to PED outbreak in both PED infected farms and non-infected farms. Out of 250 farms infected with PED, farrow-to-finish and farrow-to-wean farms were 185, and the number of piglet mortality due to PED in these farms were 93,650. Total economic losses due to piglet mortality was 339,107 thousand Japanese Yen (JPY). Costs per farm due to implementation of enhanced biosecurity measures ranged from 159 to 2,585 thousand JPY. Costs of vaccination that newly started after PED outbreak per farm ranged from 4 to 289 thousand JPY. Total losses due to PED outbreak were 1,182 million JPY.日本では,豚流行性下痢(PED)の発生が2013年10月に7年ぶりに発生し,宮崎県および鹿児島県に伝播した。本研究では,2013年から2014年に同地域において発生したPEDに伴う経済損失を推定することを目的とした。宮崎県(506農場)および鹿児島県(709農場)に所在する全ての養豚生産農場に関するデータセットを収集し,症例対照研究として,PED発生農場およびPED非発生農場において同数の農場を対象としたアンケート調査を実施した。アンケート調査では,PED発生に伴う経済損失やコストの増加に関する調査を実施した。PED発生250農場の内,185農場が一貫および繁殖農場であり,これらの農場における哺乳子豚の死亡頭数は93,650頭であった。哺乳子豚の死亡に伴う経済損失は33,911万円であった。PED発生に伴う防疫体制の強化によって増加したコストは一農場当たり16から259万円であった。また,PED発生後に新規で摂取を開始したPEDワクチンに伴うコストは 一農場当たり0.4から29万円であった。本研究では,PED発生に伴う経済損失の総額は約12億円と推定された

    Potential for Tight Junction Protein–Directed Drug Development Using Claudin Binders and Angubindin-1

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    The tight junction (TJ) is an intercellular sealing component found in epithelial and endothelial tissues that regulates the passage of solutes across the paracellular space. Research examining the biology of TJs has revealed that they are complex biochemical structures constructed from a range of proteins including claudins, occludin, tricellulin, angulins and junctional adhesion molecules. The transient disruption of the barrier function of TJs to open the paracellular space is one means of enhancing mucosal and transdermal drug absorption and to deliver drugs across the blood&ndash;brain barrier. However, the disruption of TJs can also open the paracellular space to harmful xenobiotics and pathogens. To address this issue, the strategies targeting TJ proteins have been developed to loosen TJs in a size- or tissue-dependent manner rather than to disrupt them. As several TJ proteins are overexpressed in malignant tumors and in the inflamed intestinal tract, and are present in cells and epithelia conjoined with the mucosa-associated lymphoid immune tissue, these TJ-protein-targeted strategies may also provide platforms for the development of novel therapies and vaccines. Here, this paper reviews two TJ-protein-targeted technologies, claudin binders and an angulin binder, and their applications in drug development