27 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial Resistant Staphylococcus Species Colonization in Dogs, Their Owners, and Veterinary Staff of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of Naples, Italy

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    This study aimed to identify Staphylococcus species isolated from nasal swabs of both healthy and diseased dogs, and those of human origin, obtained from nasal swabs of both owners and veterinary staff. Firstly, pet owners were requested to complete a questionnaire relating to the care and relationship with their pets, whose results mainly showed a statistically significant higher frequency of hand washing in diseased dogs’ owners than in healthy dogs’ owners. Canine nasal swabs were obtained from 43 diseased dogs and 28 healthy dogs, while human nasal swabs were collected from the respective dogs’ owners (71 samples) and veterinary staff (34 samples). The isolation and identification of Staphylococcus spp. were followed by disk diffusion method to define the antimicrobial resistance profiles against 18 different molecules. Staphylococcus pseudintermedius was the most frequent isolated strain in both diseased (33.3%) and healthy (46.1%) dogs. Staphylococcus epidermidis was the most frequent isolated bacterium in diseased dogs’ owners (66.6%), while in nasal samples of healthy dogs’ owners, the same frequency of isolation (38.4%) was observed for both Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus. All the isolated strains showed good susceptibility levels to the tested antimicrobials; however, the carriage of oxacillin-resistant strains was significantly higher in diseased dogs than in healthy ones (71% and 7.7%, respectively). Only in three cases the presence of the same bacterial species with similar antimicrobial resistance profiles in dogs and their owners was detected, suggesting the potential bacterial transmission. In conclusion, this study suggests potential transmission risk of staphylococci from dogs to humans or vice versa, and highlights that the clinical relevance of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius transmission from dog to human should not be underestimated, as well as the role of Staphylococcus aureus from human to dog transmission

    Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of Escherichia coli isolates recovered from the uterus of mares with fertility problems

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    Escherichia coli is the bacterial pathogen most frequently associated with mare infertility. Here, we characterized 24 E. coli strains isolated from mares which presented signs of endometritis and infertility from a genotypic and phenotypic point of view. The majority of the isolates belonged to phylogenetic group B1 (9/24, 37.5%). Regarding antibiotic resistance profiles, 10 out of 24 (41.7%) were multidrug-resistant (MDR). Moreover, 17 out of 24 (70.8%) were strong or moderate biofilm producers, and of these eight were MDR strains. Interestingly, 21 out of 24 (87.5%) E. coli strains were phenotypically resistant to ampicillin and 10 of them were also resistant to amoxicillin with clavulanic acid. Regarding the presence of selected virulence factors, 50% of the examined strains carried at least three of them, with fimH detected in all strains, and followed by kpsMTII (11/24, 45.9%). No strain was able to invade HeLa cell monolayers. No relevant differences for all the investigated characteristics were shown by strains that grew directly on plates versus strains requiring the broth-enrichment step before growing on solid media. In conclusion, this work provides new insight into E. coli strains associated with mares' infertility. These results broaden the knowledge of E. coli and, consequently, add useful information to improve prevention strategies and therapeutic treatments contributing to a significant increase in the pregnancy rate in mares

    The Role of Obesity in Early and Long-Term Outcomes after Surgical Excision of Lung Oligometastases from Colorectal Cancer

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    Obesity correlates with better outcomes in many neoplastic conditions. The aim of this study was to assess its role in the prognosis and morbidity of patients submitted to resection of lung oligometastases from colorectal cancer. Seventy-six patients undergoing a first pulmonary metastasectomy were retrospectively included in the study. Seventeen (22.3%) were obese (body mass index (BMI) >30 kg/m(2)). Assessed outcomes were overall survival, time to recurrence, and incidence of post-operative complications. Median follow-up was 33 months (IQR 16-53). At follow-up, 37 patients (48.6%) died, whereas 39 (51.4%) were alive. A significant difference was found in the 3-year overall survival (obese 80% vs. non-obese 56.8%, p = 0.035). Competing risk analysis shows that the cumulative incidence of recurrence was not different between the two groups. Multivariate analysis reveals that the number of metastases (p = 0.028), post-operative pneumonia (p = 0.042), and DFS (p = 0.007) were significant predictors of death. Competing risk regression shows that no independent risk factor for recurrence has been identified. The complication rate was not different between the two groups (17.6% vs. 13.6%, p = 0.70). Obesity is a positive prognostic factor for survival after pulmonary metastasectomy for colorectal cancer. Overweight patients do not experience more post-operative complications. Our results need to be confirmed by large multicenter studies

    Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intrathoracic Chemotherapy by Video-Assisted Surgery for Pleural Malignancies: Technical Aspects and Safety Profile

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    Background: Pleural malignancies are challenging conditions in terms of possibility of cure. Recent growing interest towards Hyperthermic Intrathoracic Chemotherapy (HITHOC) after Cytoreductive Surgery (CRS) has been referred. Minimally invasive approach (VATS) may be suggest in this context but evidence is still lacking. Methods: A preliminary experience in seven patients submitted to cytoreductive surgery and HITHOC is described, with a focus on technical aspects related to VATS approach, operating median time and postoperative complication. Results: A triportal VATS approach has been employed in all cases. Median time of surgery including pleural perfusion was 200 min (range 165 to 370). Mean blood loss was 217 cc (range 100 and 600). Thirty days mortality was nothing. Conclusion: VATS cytoreductive surgery and HITHOC is a safe procedure and could be proposed in the setting of a multimodality strategy employing adjuvant radio-chemotherapy in referral centers

    NEMO-SN1 Abyssal Cabled Observatory in the Western Ionian Sea

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    The NEutrinoMediterranean Observatory—Submarine Network 1 (NEMO-SN1) seafloor observatory is located in the central Mediterranean Sea, Western Ionian Sea, off Eastern Sicily (Southern Italy) at 2100-m water depth, 25 km from the harbor of the city of Catania. It is a prototype of a cabled deep-sea multiparameter observatory and the first one operating with real-time data transmission in Europe since 2005. NEMO-SN1 is also the first-established node of the European Multidisciplinary Seafloor Observatory (EMSO), one of the incoming European large-scale research infrastructures included in the Roadmap of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) since 2006. EMSO will specifically address long-term monitoring of environmental processes related to marine ecosystems, marine mammals, climate change, and geohazards

    Visita all'Osservatorio della BiodiversitĂ  marina e terrestre della Regione Sicilia - ORBS

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    Con il taglio inaugurale del nastro il 16 dicembre 2015, prende vita la struttura museale permanente dell'Osservatorio della Biodiversità marina e terrestre della Regione Sicilia che porta lo stesso nome del Progetto di Ricerca "ORBS – Sistema di comunicazione, informazione e diffusione dell'Osservatorio Regionale della Sicilia", intitolata il 21 dicembre 2018 al Dott. Sandro Fiorelli. Ad oggi, la struttura, è operativa presso la Sede Secondaria dell'Istituto per lo studio degli impatti Antropici e Sostenibilità in ambiente marino del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IAS – CNR) di Capo Granitola. Il progetto ORBS, finanziato da Regione Siciliana - Assessorato alla Cooperazione, Commercio, Artigianato e Pesca - Dipartimento Pesca, con periodo di attività 2013 - 2015, si è concluso proprio con la realizzazione della struttura museale; l'Osservatorio è stato istituito dall'Assessorato del Territorio e dell'Ambiente della Regione Siciliana nell'ambito di un accordo quadro con ARPA, ISPRA e CNR. Grazie al progetto ORBS, docenti e allievi dell'Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo e il personale CNR – IAS (ex IAMC) S. S. di Capo Granitola, hanno collaborato sinergicamente permettendo di realizzare delle azioni didattiche e creative di valore scientifico espresse con straordinaria forza e bellezza. Ricercatori e professori si sono confrontati al fine di combinare le proprie competenze riuscendo nel progetto ambizioso di coinvolgere e fondere i diversi ambiti scientifici sensibilizzando gli artisti ai temi della Biodiversità. Le opere prodotte, corredate da schede scientifiche, hanno oltre al valore artistico un aggiunto valore didattico. L'apertura della sezione espositiva dedicata alla diffusione e alla comunicazione della biodiversità rappresenta da un lato l'importante tappa conclusiva del progetto, dall'altro l'inizio di un percorso mirato alla diffusione della biodiversità verso il mondo giovanile, le scuole e per tutto il territorio. Questa strepitosa collaborazione "CNR – Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo" conferma l'importanza e l'opportunità di unire arte e scienza per esaltare la percezione della ricerca scientifica da parte della comunità. La divulgazione della scienza è un'attività complessa e sicuramente necessita di competenze e attitudini multidisciplinari oltreché di motivazione ed entusiasmo. La comunicazione delle tematiche scientifiche, di per sé ardua nella traduzione al grande pubblico, grazie alla forza esplicativa dell'arte, diviene opportunità di riflessione, osservazione, confronto per le comunità di visitatori. Il coordinamento delle visite delle scuole di ogni ordine e grado, Enti Pubblici, Comunità Scientifica, Cariche Istituzionali, Delegazioni di Politici Italiani e Stranieri, Associazioni Culturali, Associazioni No-Profit di Volontariato, Associazioni di Promozione Sociale, Organizzazioni di Volontariato, Onlus, pubblico in generale, presso ORBS, è affidato al qualificato personale (tecnici, tecnologi e ricercatori) dell'IAS – CNR S. S. di Capo Granitola, che gestisce in prima persona i visitatori nel percorso didattico e promuove il valore della divulgazione scientifica perseguendo la terza missione degli Enti di Ricerca, attraverso l'applicazione diretta, la valorizzazione e l'impiego della conoscenza

    The Role of Obesity in Early and Long-Term Outcomes after Surgical Excision of Lung Oligometastases from Colorectal Cancer

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    Obesity correlates with better outcomes in many neoplastic conditions. The aim of this study was to assess its role in the prognosis and morbidity of patients submitted to resection of lung oligometastases from colorectal cancer. Seventy-six patients undergoing a first pulmonary metastasectomy were retrospectively included in the study. Seventeen (22.3%) were obese (body mass index (BMI) >30 kg/m(2)). Assessed outcomes were overall survival, time to recurrence, and incidence of post-operative complications. Median follow-up was 33 months (IQR 16-53). At follow-up, 37 patients (48.6%) died, whereas 39 (51.4%) were alive. A significant difference was found in the 3-year overall survival (obese 80% vs. non-obese 56.8%, p = 0.035). Competing risk analysis shows that the cumulative incidence of recurrence was not different between the two groups. Multivariate analysis reveals that the number of metastases (p = 0.028), post-operative pneumonia (p = 0.042), and DFS (p = 0.007) were significant predictors of death. Competing risk regression shows that no independent risk factor for recurrence has been identified. The complication rate was not different between the two groups (17.6% vs. 13.6%, p = 0.70). Obesity is a positive prognostic factor for survival after pulmonary metastasectomy for colorectal cancer. Overweight patients do not experience more post-operative complications. Our results need to be confirmed by large multicenter studies