19 research outputs found

    Risk of infectious mononucleosis among agonistic swimmers: a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: The risk of infectious mononucleosis among athletes is quite debated. Some personal observations seem to suggest an increase risk of mononucleosis among athletes, because they attend always close settings with an high probability of respiratory pathogens transmission; overtraining has been also proposed as risk factor. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study in a group of swimmers (aged 11-14 years) of the University Sport Centre of Bari. METHODS: 40 swimmers were interviewed by healthcare personnel at the end of training courses; demographic characteristics, personal habits, information about sport training and diagnosis of mononucleosis were analysed. RESULTS: The life-time incidence of mononucleosis was around 40%; multivariate analysis showed the association between mononucleosis and use of bottles of other persons (aOR=8.2; 95% CI=1.4-49.2; z=2.32; p=0.021) and average duration of training session was longer among subjects who reported mononucleosis than in subjects who did not indicate this disease. CONCLUSIONS: Future multi-centric studies are needed to better define the epidemiology of the mononucleosis in sport settings and to formulate appropriate recommendations to prevent the spreading of this disease

    Girdling, gibberellic acid, and forchlorfenuron: effects on yield, quality, and metabolic profile of table grape cv. Italia

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    Among the various vineyard treatments adopted in recent years for table-grape cultivation, there has been a significant use of plant growth regulators (PGRs) and girdling to increase berry size and yield. In particular, an increase in the application of forchlorfenuron (CPPU) and gibberellic acid (GA3) for many seeded and seedless table-grape cultivars has been registered in several countries. In this two-year study, girdling at berry set, gibberellic acid (10 mg/L) applied at berry diameter of 10 to 11 mm, and forchlorfenuron (9.75 mg/L) applied at berry diameter of 11 to 12 mm were investigated to verify their effects on berry size, yield, and chemical and metabolic characteristics of Italia grapes. In general, at harvest all treatments significantly increased berry diameter, length, and weight and consequent cluster weight and yield/vine compared to an untreated control. The treatments showed significant differences for the colorimetric parameters, in particular a higher value of hue for berries treated with GA3 and CPPU, thus shifting the skin color from yellow toward yellow-green. Metabolomic study carried out by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy combined with principal component analysis indicated that metabolic profile depends on the year and, in each year, the effect of treatments consisted of a slight variation of amino acid content. Treatments effects were more pronounced in the year characterized by a cooler summer

    MYC-containing double minutes in hematologic malignancies: evidence in favor of the episome model and exclusion of MYC as the target gene

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    Double minutes (dmin)—circular, extra-chromosomal amplifications of specific acentric DNA fragments—are relatively frequent in malignant disorders, particularly in solid tumors. In acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), dmin are observed in ∼1% of the cases. Most of them consist of an amplified segment from chromosome band 8q24, always including the MYC gene. Besides this information, little is known about their internal structure. We have characterized in detail the genomic organization of 32 AML and two MDS cases with MYC-containing dmin. The minimally amplified region was shown to be 4.26 Mb in size, harboring five known genes, with the proximal and the distal amplicon breakpoints clustering in two regions of ∼500 and 600 kb, respectively. Interestingly, in 23 (68%) of the studied cases, the amplified region was deleted in one of the chromosome 8 homologs at 8q24, suggesting excision of a DNA segment from the original chromosomal location according to the ‘episome model'. In one case, sequencing of both the dmin and del(8q) junctions was achieved and provided definitive evidence in favor of the episome model for the formation of dmin. Expression status of the TRIB1 and MYC genes, encompassed by the minimally amplified region, was assessed by northern blot analysis. The TRIB1 gene was found over-expressed in only a subset of the AML/MDS cases, whereas MYC, contrary to expectations, was always silent. The present study, therefore, strongly suggests that MYC is not the target gene of the 8q24 amplification

    Preliminary data revealing efficacy of Streptococcus salivarius K12 (SSK12) in Periodic Fever, Aphthous stomatitis, Pharyngitis, and cervical Adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome: A multicenter study from the AIDA Network PFAPA syndrome registry

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    Objective: To evaluate the potential role of Streptococcus salivarius K12 (SSK12) in controlling febrile flares in patients with Periodic Fever, Aphthous stomatitis, Pharyngitis, and cervical Adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome. Further aims were to assess the impact of SSK12 on (i) flare duration, (ii) variation in the degree of the highest body temperature during flares, (iii) steroid-sparing effect, and (iv) change of PFAPA accompanying symptoms before and after SSK12 introduction. Patients and methods: The medical charts from 85 pediatric patients with PFAPA syndrome (49 males and 36 females) enrolled in the AIDA registry and treated with SSK12 for a median period of 6.00 ± 7.00 months in the period between September 2017 and May 2022 were examined. Children recruited had a median time of disease duration of 19.00 ± 28.00 months. Results: The number of febrile flares significantly decreased comparing the 12 months before [median (IQR), 13.00 (6.00)] and after SSK12 initiation [median (IQR), 5.50 (8.00), p < 0.001]. The duration of fever was significantly reduced from 4.00 (2.00) days to 2.00 (2.00) days [p < 0.001]. Similarly, the highest temperature in°C was found significantly lower in the last follow-up assessment [median (IQR), 39.00 (1.00)] compared to the period prior to SSK12 start [median (IQR), 40.00 (1.00), p < 0.001]. Steroid load (mg/year) of betamethasone (or any equivalent steroid) significantly decreased between 12 months before treatment with SSK12 [median (IQR), 5.00 (8.00) mg/year] and the last follow-up visit [median (IQR), 2.00 (4.00) mg/year, p < 0.001]. The number of patients experiencing symptoms including pharyngitis/tonsillitis (p < 0.001), oral aphthae (p < 0.001) and cervical lymphadenopathy (p < 0.001) significantly decreased following SSK12. Conclusion: SSK12 prophylaxis given for at least 6.00 months was found to reduce febrile flares of PFAPA syndrome: in particular, it halved the total number per year of fever flares, shortened the duration of the single febrile episode, lowered body temperature by 1°C in the febrile flare, provided a steroid-sparing effect, and significantly reduced the accompanying symptoms related to the syndrome

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    Non-targeted 1H NMR fingerprinting and multivariate statistical analyses for the characterisation of the geographical origin of Italian sweet cherries

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    In this study, non-targeted 1H NMR fingerprinting was used in combination with multivariate statistical techniques for the classification of Italian sweet cherries based on their different geographical origins (Emilia Romagna and Puglia). As classification techniques, Soft Independent Modelling of Class Analogy (SIMCA), Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA), and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) were carried out and the results were compared. For LDA, before performing a refined selection of the number/combination of variables, two different strategies for a preliminary reduction of the variable number were tested. The best average recognition and CV prediction abilities (both 100.0%) were obtained for all the LDA models, although PLS-DA also showed remarkable performances (94.6%). All the statistical models were validated by observing the prediction abilities with respect to an external set of cherry samples. The best result (94.9%) was obtained with LDA by performing a best subset selection procedure on a set of 30 principal components previously selected by a stepwise decorrelation. The metabolites that mostly contributed to the classification performances of such LDA model, were found to be malate, glucose, fructose, glutamine and succinate

    Effect of sterilization on the canine vagina microbiota: a pilot study

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    Background: Surgical sterilization is the most effective method of contraception for dogs. It also prevents pyometra and reduces the risk of mammary tumour development. However, this procedure also has negative effects, such as urinary incontinence. Steroid hormone deprivation following gonadectomy could also affect canine vaginal mucosa conditions and the microbial community colonizing the vaginal tract. This hypothesis was tested by comparing the vaginal cytology and microbial community of two groups of bitches, including 11 in anoestrus and 10 sterilized bitches (post-pubertal sterilization in the last 4 years). Bacteria were identified through metataxonomic analysis, amplifying the V3-V4 regions of 16S rRNA gene, and culturing methods. Results: Vaginal mucosa cytology was suggestive of dystrophic conditions in sterilized bitches, whereas a typical anoestrus pattern with parabasal and intermediate cells was appreciable in anoestrous animals. Metataxonomic analysis revealed large inter-individual variability. Salmonella, Mycoplasma and Staphylococcus were present in moderate quantities in almost all the samples in both groups. Mollicutes (class level) and Tenericutes (phylum level) were commonly present in moderate quantities in anoestrus samples, whereas these microbes were present at high levels in a single sample from the sterilized group. Based on culturing, a higher number of different species were isolated from the anoestrous bitches, and Mycoplasma canis was exclusively identified in an anoestrous bitch. Staphylococcus spp. was the most frequently isolated genus in both groups, followed by Streptococcus spp., and, among gram-negative bacteria, Escherichia spp. and Haemophilus spp. A comparison of the numbers of the most frequently isolated genera of bacteria from vaginal cultures of bitches revealed that Pasteurella and Proteus were the most frequently identified in sterilized animals based on metataxonomic analysis (p-value = 0.0497 and 0.0382, respectively), whereas Streptococcus was significantly and most frequently isolated from anoestrous bitches using culture methods (p value = 0.0436). Conclusions: In this preliminary investigation, no global patterns of the vaginal bacteria community were noted that characterized the condition of the bitches; however, cytology suggested local modifications. Sterilization after puberty caused minimal alterations in the vaginal microbial community of bitches within 4 years after surgery

    Allergic Proctocolitis: Literature Review and Proposal of a Diagnostic–Therapeutic Algorithm

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    Abstract: Allergic proctocolitis (AP) is a benign condition, frequent in childhood, that is classified as a non-IgE-mediated food allergy. The prevalence is unknown; however, its frequency appears to be increasing, especially in exclusively breastfed infants. Clinical manifestations typically begin in the first few months of life with the appearance of bright red blood (hematochezia), with or without mucus, in the stool of apparently healthy, thriving infants. Most cases of AP are caused by cow’s milk proteins; however, other allergens, such as soy, egg, corn, and wheat, may be potential triggers. Diagnosis is based on the patient’s clinical history and on the resolution of signs and symptoms with the elimination of the suspected food antigen from the diet and their reappearance when the food is reintroduced into the diet. The treatment of AP is based on an elimination diet of the trigger food, with resolution of the symptoms within 72–96 h from the beginning of the diet. The prognosis of AP is good; it is a self-limiting condition, because most children can tolerate the trigger food within one year of life, with an excellent long-term prognosis. The purpose of this review is to provide an update on the current knowledge and recommendations in epidemiological, diagnostic, and therapeutic terms to the pediatricians, allergists, and gastroenterologists who may find themselves managing a patient with AP