6 research outputs found

    Two classes of quasi-steady-state model reductions for stochastic kinetics

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    The quasi-steady-state approximation (QSSA) is a model reduction technique used to remove highly reactive species from deterministic models of reaction mechanisms. In many reaction networks the highly reactive intermediates (QSSA species) have populations small enough to require a stochastic representation. In this work we apply singular perturbation analysis to remove the QSSA species from the chemical master equation for two classes of problems. The first class occurs in reaction networks where all the species have small populations and the QSSA species sample zero the majority of the time. The perturbation analysis provides a reduced master equation in which the highly reactive species can sample only zero, and are effectively removed from the model. The reduced master equation can be sampled with the Gillespie algorithm. This first stochastic QSSA reduction is applied to several example reaction mechanisms (including Michaelis-Menten kinetics) [Biochem. Z. 49, 333 (1913)]. A general framework for applying the first QSSA reduction technique to new reaction mechanisms is derived. The second class of QSSA model reductions is derived for reaction networks where non-QSSA species have large populations and QSSA species numbers are small and stochastic. We derive this second QSSA reduction from a combination of singular perturbation analysis and the Omega expansion. In some cases the reduced mechanisms and reaction rates from these two stochastic QSSA models and the classical deterministic QSSA reduction are equivalent; however, this is not usually the case

    Stochastic simulation of catalytic surface reactions in the fast diffusion limit

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    The master equation of a lattice gas reaction tracks the probability of visiting all spatial configurations. The large number of unique spatial configurations on a lattice renders master equation simulations infeasible for even small lattices. In this work, a reduced master equation is derived for the probability distribution of the coverages in the infinite diffusion limit. This derivation justifies the widely used assumption that the adlayer is in equilibrium for the current coverages and temperature when all reactants are highly mobile. Given the reduced master equation, two novel and efficient simulation methods of lattice gas reactions in the infinite diffusion limit are derived. The first method involves solving the reduced master equation directly for small lattices, which is intractable in configuration space. The second method involves reducing the master equation further in the large lattice limit to a set of differential equations that tracks only the species coverages. Solution of the reduced master equation and differential equations requires information that can be obtained through short, diffusion-only kinetic Monte Carlo simulation runs at each coverage. These simulations need to be run only once because the data can be stored and used for simulations with any set of kinetic parameters, gas-phase concentrations, and initial conditions. An idealized CO oxidation reaction mechanism with strong lateral interactions is used as an example system for demonstrating the reduced master equation and deterministic simulation techniques

    The stochastic quasi-steady-state assumption: Reducing the model but not the noise

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    Highly reactive species at small copy numbers play an important role in many biological reaction networks. We have described previously how these species can be removed from reaction networks using stochastic quasi-steady-state singular perturbation analysis (sQSPA). In this paper we apply sQSPA to three published biological models: the pap operon regulation, a biochemical oscillator, and an intracellular viral infection. These examples demonstrate three different potential benefits of sQSPA. First, rare state probabilities can be accurately estimated from simulation. Second, the method typically results in fewer and better scaled parameters that can be more readily estimated from experiments. Finally, the simulation time can be significantly reduced without sacrificing the accuracy of the solution

    Direct calculation of solid-liquid equilibria from density-of-states Monte Carlo simulations

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