24 research outputs found

    Note: Accounting for pressure effects on the calculated equilibrium structure of glassy GeSe2:

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    First-principles molecular dynamics (FPMD) data on the structural properties of glassy GeSe2 under ambient conditions are produced by carefully considering and minimizing the effect of a residual pressure on the periodic system. When compared to previous FPMD results, this strategy leads to an improved agreement between theory and neutron diffraction experiments

    Investigation of size effects on the structure of liquid GeSe2 calculated via first-principles molecular dynamics

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    The structural properties of liquid GeSe2 have been calculated by first-principles molecular dynamics by using a periodic simulation box containing N = 480 atoms. This has allowed a comparison with previous results obtained on a smaller system size (N = 120) [M. Micoulaut, R. Vuilleumier, and C. Massobrio, Phys. Rev. B 79, 214205 (2009)]. In the domain of first-principles molecular dynamics, we obtain an assessment of system size effects of unprecedented quality. Overall, no drastic differences are found between the two sets of results, confirming that N = 120 is a suitable size to achieve a realistic description of this prototypical disordered network. However, for N = 480, short range properties are characterized by an increase of chemical order, the number of Ge tetrahedra coordinated to four Se atoms being larger. At the intermediate range order level, size effect mostly modify the low wavevector region (k similar to 1 angstrom(-1)) in the concentration-concentration partial structure factor

    Structural properties of glassy Ge2Se3 from first-principles molecular dynamics

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    The structural properties of glassy Ge2Se3 were studied in the framework of first-principles molecular dynamics by using the Becke-Lee-Yang-Parr scheme for the treatment of the exchange-correlation functional in density functional theory. Our results for the total neutron structure factor and the total pair distribution function are in very good agreement with the experimental results. When compared to the structural description obtained for liquid Ge2Se3, glassy Ge2Se3 is found to be characterized by a larger percentage of fourfold coordinated Ge atoms and a lower number of miscoordinations. However, Ge-Ge homopolar bonds inevitably occur due to the lack of Se atoms available, at this concentration, to form GeSe4 tetrahedra. Focusing on the family of glasses GexSe1-x, the present results allow a comparison to be carried out in reciprocal and real space among three prototypical glassy structures. The first was obtained at the stoichiometric composition (glassy GeSe2), the second at a Se-rich composition (glassy GeSe4) and the third at a Ge-rich composition (glassy Ge2Se3). All networks are consistent with the “8 - N” rule, in particular, glassy GeSe4, which exhibits the highest degree of chemical order. The electronic structure of glassy Ge2Se3 has been characterized by using the Wannier localized orbital formalism. The analysis of the Ge environment shows the presence of dangling, ionocovalent Ge-Se, and covalent bonds, the latter related to Ge-Ge connections. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.224201This work was granted access by GENCI (Grand Equipement National de Calcul Intensif) under allocation 2011095071 to the HPC resources of CCRT/CINES/IDRI

    The structure of liquid GeSe revisited: A first principles molecular dynamics study:

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    Early first-principles molecular dynamics results on liquid GeSe were characterized by shortcomings in the description of Ge-Ge (and to a lesser extent Se-Se) short range correlations. In that case the exchange-correlation functional adopted was the one devised by Perdew and Wang (PW91). In the search of improvements in the atomic-scale modelling of this liquid, we have produced new sets of data by employing two different schemes for the exchange-correlation part within the density functional theory approach. The two functionals selected are those proposed by Becke, Lee, Yang, and Parr (BLYP) and by Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof (PBE). The PBE results turned out to be quite similar to the PW91 ones. The BLYP results feature instead a better account of the Ge-Ge first shell of neighbors, correctly exhibiting two clear maxima separated by a deep minimum. Due to the increase in the number of the tetrahedral structural units, the atomic mobility of Ge and Se atoms in the network is reduced with respect to the PW91 case. This brings the diffusion coefficients of the two species down to values close to those of liquid Ge2Se3 and liquid GeSe2. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC

    Exohedral M-C-60 and M-2-C-60 (M = Pt, Pd) systems as tunable-gap building blocks for nanoarchitecture and nanocatalysis

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    Transition metal-fullerenes complexes with metal atoms bound on the external surface of C-60 are promising building blocks for next-generation fuel cells and catalysts. Yet, at variance with endohedral M@C-60, they have received a limited attention. By resorting to first principles simulations, we elucidate structural and electronic properties for the Pd-C-60, Pt-C-60, PtPd-C-60, Pd-2-C-60, and Pt-2-C-60 complexes. The most stable structures feature the metal atom located above a high electron density site, namely, the pi bond between two adjacent hexagons (pi-66 bond). When two metal atoms are added, the most stable configuration is those in which metal atoms still stand on p-66 bonds but tends to clusterize. The electronic structure, rationalized in terms of localized Wannier functions, provides a clear picture of the underlying interactions responsible for the stability or instability of the complexes, showing a strict relationship between structure and electronic gap

    Structure, topology, rings, and vibrational and electronic properties of GexSe1-x glasses across the rigidity transition: A numerical study:

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    The structural, electronic, and vibrational properties of glassy GexSe1-x are studied using density-functional-based molecular dynamics. The focus is on four compositions (x = 10%, 20%, 25%, 33%) spanning the rigidity transitions and representing typical compositions of flexible, intermediate, and stressed rigid systems. We investigate structural properties including structure factors, pair distribution functions, angular distributions, coordination numbers, and neighbor distributions and compare our results with experimental findings, when available. Most noticeable is the excellent agreement found in the reproduction of the structure in real and reciprocal space which allows tracking the effect of Ge composition on the structure. Ring statistics and ring correlations are examined and followed across the rigidity transition, and the details of typical small rings show a much more complex picture than established previously. A comparison is made with simple bond models and their validity is discussed. Topological constraint analysis is performed and shows that the onset of rigidity changes substantially the angular motion inside the Ge tetrahedra, which displays increased soft bending motions in the stressed rigid phase. We then investigate the vibrational properties via the vibrational density of states and the dielectric function (infrared absorption), and discuss them with respect to experimental findings. Finally, the electronic properties are computed and show an excellent agreement with respect to previous first-principles simulations and to experiments

    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic