730 research outputs found


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    The stake in the appropriation of the methods and the tools of creation, in structuralization and in mutualization of the information passes by innovative technological and methodological procedures of transfer. The example of a territorial intelligence monitoring Catalyse allows to question the current practices, and to imagine it of news.L'enjeu de l'appropriation des méthodes et outils de création, de structuration et de mutualisation de l'information passe par des procédures de transfert méthodologique et technologiques innovantes. L'exemple d'un observatoire d'intelligence territoriale Catalyse permet de questionner les pratiques actuelles, et d'en imaginer de nouvelles

    Competing Species Dynamics: Qualitative Advantage versus Geography

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    A simple cellular automata model for a two-group war over the same territory is presented. It is shown that a qualitative advantage is not enough for a minority to win. A spatial organization as well a definite degree of aggressiveness are instrumental to overcome a less fitted majority. The model applies to a large spectrum of competing groups: smoker-non smoker war, epidemic spreading, opinion formation, competition for industrial standards and species evolution. In the last case, it provides a new explanation for punctuated equilibria.Comment: 7 pages, latex, 2 figures include

    Territorial Intelligence and Governance.

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    International audienceAs with European experiments, in various regions in France, territorial intelligence projects have been initiated since 2003. (see the regions of Lower Normandy, Lorraine, Réunion Island, the Aquitaine region, etc.).The objective of these is to gather and exploit information which is not confined to particular sectors and the collective processing of which can contribute to durable development. Apart from institutions, civil society and the inhabitants of the territory, it is observed that companies and in particular small and medium sized enterprises are natural partners who show interest in such initiatives. Both the different economic chains and the participating organizations thus derive considerable benefit in terms of the anticipation of threats and in the reaffirmation of the territory as a common resource worth defending. Above and beyond the information processing systems operating within these organizations or economic chains, the articulation of internal actions to generate informational capital in terms of local territorial intelligence, produces a leverage effect with visibility of European or even worldwide visibility (Herbaux, 2007)52. Nonetheless these experiments lead to widely differing results, of which the progressive abandonment of the project by the companies involved is one of the most commonly observed. To support a theoretical contribution as a thread for this communication, we report on the results of a Delphi type survey completed in 2006 and covering 53 companies in the Nord- Pas de Calais region involved in a process of territorial intelligence since 2003. This revealed that 43 companies out of the 53 concerned had not followed through on their internal information sharing project and contented themselves, by default, with the results by economic sector derived from public regional surveillance Beyond this apparent disengagement from the process initiated, we may be curious about this apparent discretion of a group of actors concerning local government. This work nonetheless did generate a consensus around certain observations among the actors questioned, particularly as regards an initiative for which they did not deny the final utility but for which the requirements necessitated a significant modification to their internal culture. After the initial conventional responses: "security of patrimonial data, new choices in investment of time, lack of means, different priorities, etc.", repeated and differentiated questioning of those concerned revealed that the progressive abandonment of these practices and commitments bore a relationship with a number of human factors of relational and cognitive nature, thus depriving the project of its founding principles. This observation echoed that of the implication suggested by Girardot en 200553 on the theme of multi-level governance. Although the financial aspect is a factor in the long term survival of regular investments of man-hours, this criterion appeared progressively more marginal to the general project among the actors surveyed, as against several positions cited as prerequisites. Based on a synthesis of the results of the study, we propose five key success factors to promote within organizations to promote the logic of information sharing. To this effect, our proposal for a model named in French "CADIE" (Communication, Appui, Durée, Implication, Ecoute - or, in English, Communication, Support, Duration, Attentiveness) suggests several attitudes to which organizations must adhere to develop long-term integration in a territorial intelligence network. The limitations of our proposal arise from the small size of the sample at our disposal and the regional limits of our data gathering. This experimentation, duplicated in various European regions would benefit from a multi-cultural gloss and thus would provide the template for a preliminary European approach to the logic of territorial intelligence

    Stuck at the Cross-Road: Intersectional Aspirations in the EU Anti-Discrimination Legal Framework

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    This paper seeks to critically assess the way the EU guarantees the protection of individuals who are discriminated on multiple grounds. As EU law does not recognise that multiple identities can intersect, it is argued that the current anti-discrimination legal framework is not adequate to deal with claims of multiple and intersectional discrimination. Recent legislative developments have, however, raised the issue of multiple discrimination and intersectional disadvantage but they remain guarded and often take a simplistic, rather than an intersectional approach. The EU anti-discrimination legal framework appears to be at a cross-road and choices made by the legislator to promote the concept of multiple discrimination over that of intersectional disadvantage will have profound consequences for the EU anti-discrimination legal framework as a whole and its future developments

    Information System: Transport Dynamic Cartography in Alsace.

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    International audienceThe issue of the presented work is to publish on line a dynamic cartography system of the transport traffic evaluation, based upon the Alsace (France) regional level experiment. After a large design work of a transport database, arose questions about accessibility, data updating, choice of information processing systems, and development of Internet tools. Three points of view will be approached: the system design from the user point of view, the raised questions of communication and the data-processing. The synthesis allows analyzing the experiment of the installation of a Catalyse tool at a public State level service, at a French "région" level

    What part did the EU play in raising women’s pensionable age?

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    Women born in 1954 or later now have to wait longer to claim their pensions in order to bring them into line with men. Annick Masselot, Roberta Guerrina and Bridgette McLellan explain how the UK implemented an EU directive requiring the sexes to be treated equally for social security purposes. They argue that although, on average, women are worse-off in old age and many regard the change as retrograde, the principle of gender equality stands

    Specifications for the Territorial Intelligence Community Systems (TICS)

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    International audienceThis paper presents the progress of the drafting of specifications regarding the design of the Territorial Intelligence Community System, a concept that emerged within the caENTI coordination research activities framework from the Catalyse method. After a presentation of the TICS global design we will present the research about specifications according to the TICS four axis: - Integration of the data processing software - Online editorial process from data gathering to results publishing - Data processing protocols for statistic and spatial analysis - Integration of actors' usesCette communication présente les résultats obtenus dans l'élaboration des spécifications des Systèmes Communautaires d'Intelligence Territoriale, un concept qui s'est développé dans le cadre des activités de coordination et de recherche de la caENTI à partir de la méthode Catalyse. Après une présentation de la conception générale des SCIT, nous présenterons l'état des recherches sur les spécifications selon les quatre axes d'intégration des SCIT : - Intégration des logiciels de traitement des données - Processus editorial, de la collecte des données à la publication en ligne des données - Protocoles d'analyse des données pour l'analyse statistique et spatiale - Intégration des usages des acteurs

    Between a rock and a hard place:The EU's gender regime in times of crisis

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    This article applies Walby's Gender Regime Theory to examine the EU's role as a gender actor in the context of crisis. We build on Walby's analysis of the EU as a public gender regime to understand continuity and change as the European Commission sought to lead the EU and its Member States through one of the most existential crises faced by the organisation: the Covid-19 pandemic. Gender Regime Theory provides a useful way to think about the impact of multiple and overlapping crises on the European gender acquis and the way it contributes to the development of a European gender regime. In order to understand the way the EU gender regime has evolved, and is continuing to evolve, we bring together two distinct bodies of literature, GRT and Feminist EU Studies in order to understand the interaction between national and EU gender regimes and the ways in which these are intertwined in the EU's Covid recovery plan
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