33 research outputs found

    Multi-fluid model predictions of gas-liquid two-phase flows in vertical tubes

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    Razvijen je potpun, stabilan, jednodimenzioni viÅ”efluidni model za predviđanje dvofaznog strujanja u vertikalnim cevima. Model je zasnovan na bilansima održanja mase, količine kretanja i energije, koji su primenjeni na svaku fluidnu struju koja je prisutna u posmatranom obliku dvofaznog strujanja, kao i na odgovarajućim konstitutivnim korelacijama za određivanje transportnih procesa na razdelnim povrÅ”inama između faza. Bilansne jednačine za stacionarno stanje su transformisane u oblik pogodan za direktnu primenu numeričke metode za integraciju sistema običnih diferencijalnih jednačina. Simulirani su termohidraulički procesi duž celog isparivačkog kanala, počevÅ”i od strujanja i zagrevanja pothlađene tečnosti na ulazu u strujni kanal pa do zasuÅ”enja tečnog filma i pojave maglenog toka sa kapima uključenim u gasnu fazu na kraju kanala. Takođe, model je testiran i za uslove nekoliko parcijalnih efekata dvofaznog strujanja.A consistent one-dimensional multi-fluid model is developed for the prediction of two-phase flows in vertical pipes. The model is based on the mass, momentum and energy balance equations for every fluid stream involved in the observed two-phase flow pattern, and corresponding closure laws for interface transfer processes. The steady-state balance equations are transformed in a form suitable for a direct application of the numerical integration method for the system of ordinary differential equations. Thermal-hydraulic processes along the whole length of the boiling channel are simulated, from the flow and heating of sub cooled liquid at the flow channel inlet, and up to the liquid film dry out and gas entrained droplets mist flow at the outlet. Also, the model is tested against several partial effects of two-phase flow

    Numerical simulation of condensation induced water hammer

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    Razvijen je numerički model za simulaciju i analizu hidrauličkog udara koji je zasnovan na jednodimenzionalnom homogenom modelu dvofaznog strujanja praćenju razdelne povrÅ”ine stuba tečnosti i parnog mehura i modeliranju direktne kondenzacije pare na pothlađenoj tečnosti. Sistem bilansnih jednačina je reÅ”en primenom metode karakteristika. Integracija je vrÅ”ena duž tri karakteristična pravca: dva pravca određena su pravcem prostiranja talasa pritiska a treći prostiranjem fluidnog delića. Praćenje fluidnog delića i razdelne povrÅ”ine vode i pare izvrÅ”eno je reÅ”avanjem energetske jednačine u prostoru sa tačnoŔću trećeg reda. Količina toplote koju para preda tečnosti pri kondenzaciji određena je integracijom povrÅ”inskog toplotnog fluksa po razdelnoj povrÅ”ini parne i tečne faze na mestu kontakta pare i pothlađene tečnosti. Model je primenjen na simulaciju i analizu hidrauličkog udara izazvanog u nekoliko eksperimentalih aparatura.A numerical model for the simulation and analysis of the water hammer in the pipe two-phase flow is developed. The modeling is based on one-dimensional homogeneous model of two-phase flow, tracking of the interface between steam volume and water column and modeling of the direct condensation of steam on sub cooled liquid. The mass, momentum and energy conservation equations are solved by the method of characteristics. For these three equations, there are three characteristic directions: two of them are determined by the pressure wave propagation and the third one by the fluid particle propagation. The fluid particle and the steam-water interface tracking are obtained through the energy conservation equation solving in space, with the accuracy of the third degree. The value of thermodynamic quality is used to determine whether the observed computational region is filled with water, two-phase mixture or steam. The term in the energy conservation equation, which contains information about the heat exchanged between steam and liquid phase through condensation, is determined by integration of superficial heat flux over steam-water interface. The model is applied to the simulation and analysis of the air-water interface propagation in the experimental apparatus of oscillating manometer and the condensation induced water hammer in a vertical pipe for draining of steam into the pool filled with sub cooled water

    Numerical simulation of condensation induced water hammer

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    Razvijen je numerički model za simulaciju i analizu hidrauličkog udara koji je zasnovan na jednodimenzionalnom homogenom modelu dvofaznog strujanja praćenju razdelne povrÅ”ine stuba tečnosti i parnog mehura i modeliranju direktne kondenzacije pare na pothlađenoj tečnosti. Sistem bilansnih jednačina je reÅ”en primenom metode karakteristika. Integracija je vrÅ”ena duž tri karakteristična pravca: dva pravca određena su pravcem prostiranja talasa pritiska a treći prostiranjem fluidnog delića. Praćenje fluidnog delića i razdelne povrÅ”ine vode i pare izvrÅ”eno je reÅ”avanjem energetske jednačine u prostoru sa tačnoŔću trećeg reda. Količina toplote koju para preda tečnosti pri kondenzaciji određena je integracijom povrÅ”inskog toplotnog fluksa po razdelnoj povrÅ”ini parne i tečne faze na mestu kontakta pare i pothlađene tečnosti. Model je primenjen na simulaciju i analizu hidrauličkog udara izazvanog u nekoliko eksperimentalih aparatura.A numerical model for the simulation and analysis of the water hammer in the pipe two-phase flow is developed. The modeling is based on one-dimensional homogeneous model of two-phase flow, tracking of the interface between steam volume and water column and modeling of the direct condensation of steam on sub cooled liquid. The mass, momentum and energy conservation equations are solved by the method of characteristics. For these three equations, there are three characteristic directions: two of them are determined by the pressure wave propagation and the third one by the fluid particle propagation. The fluid particle and the steam-water interface tracking are obtained through the energy conservation equation solving in space, with the accuracy of the third degree. The value of thermodynamic quality is used to determine whether the observed computational region is filled with water, two-phase mixture or steam. The term in the energy conservation equation, which contains information about the heat exchanged between steam and liquid phase through condensation, is determined by integration of superficial heat flux over steam-water interface. The model is applied to the simulation and analysis of the air-water interface propagation in the experimental apparatus of oscillating manometer and the condensation induced water hammer in a vertical pipe for draining of steam into the pool filled with sub cooled water

    Multi-fluid model predictions of gas-liquid two-phase flows in vertical tubes

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    Razvijen je potpun, stabilan, jednodimenzioni viÅ”efluidni model za predviđanje dvofaznog strujanja u vertikalnim cevima. Model je zasnovan na bilansima održanja mase, količine kretanja i energije, koji su primenjeni na svaku fluidnu struju koja je prisutna u posmatranom obliku dvofaznog strujanja, kao i na odgovarajućim konstitutivnim korelacijama za određivanje transportnih procesa na razdelnim povrÅ”inama između faza. Bilansne jednačine za stacionarno stanje su transformisane u oblik pogodan za direktnu primenu numeričke metode za integraciju sistema običnih diferencijalnih jednačina. Simulirani su termohidraulički procesi duž celog isparivačkog kanala, počevÅ”i od strujanja i zagrevanja pothlađene tečnosti na ulazu u strujni kanal pa do zasuÅ”enja tečnog filma i pojave maglenog toka sa kapima uključenim u gasnu fazu na kraju kanala. Takođe, model je testiran i za uslove nekoliko parcijalnih efekata dvofaznog strujanja.A consistent one-dimensional multi-fluid model is developed for the prediction of two-phase flows in vertical pipes. The model is based on the mass, momentum and energy balance equations for every fluid stream involved in the observed two-phase flow pattern, and corresponding closure laws for interface transfer processes. The steady-state balance equations are transformed in a form suitable for a direct application of the numerical integration method for the system of ordinary differential equations. Thermal-hydraulic processes along the whole length of the boiling channel are simulated, from the flow and heating of sub cooled liquid at the flow channel inlet, and up to the liquid film dry out and gas entrained droplets mist flow at the outlet. Also, the model is tested against several partial effects of two-phase flow

    Predviđanje dvofaznog strujanja sa generacijom pare oko cevi u snopu u isparivačima i generatorima pare

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    U hemijskoj industriji i energetici se koriste isparivači i generatori pare sa ključanjem na spoljaÅ”njoj povrÅ”ini cevi koje formiraju cevni snop. Pri ključanju fluida deÅ”avaju se složeni procesi prenosa toplote i mase koji određuju polje brzina obe faze, polje pritiska i raspored zapreminskog udela parne faze u ovim komponentama. Velike vrednosti zapreminskog udela pare mogu da izazovu krizu razmene toplote, koja se javlja u promenljivim ili prelaznim režimima kada je deo cevnog snopa okružen samo parnom fazom. Takođe, veliki protok dvofazne meÅ”avine može da dovede do vibracija cevi isparivača ili generatora pare, dok recirkulacija tečnosti može da izazove taloženje primesa u pojedinim delovima generatora. Model predstavljen u ovom radu je podrÅ”ka projektovanju i analizama rada generatora pare i isparivača. Zasnovan je na reÅ”avanju bilansnih jednačina za svaku od faza u dvofaznom toku, uz primenu odgovarajućih konstitutivnih korelacija i omogućava izračunavanje brzinskog polja, polja pritiska i zapreminskog udela pare oko horizontalnog ili vertikalnog cevnog snopa, kao i predviđanje položaja dvofazne meÅ”avin

    Numerical simulation of dynamic loads at the steam pipe line of the thermal power plant 'Nikola Tesla Bā€

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    Određivanje dinamičkih sila kojima nestacionarna struja fluida deluje na cevovod je neophodno u cilju sagledavanja maksimalnih naprezanja koja deluju na strukturu, spojeve i oslonce, odnosno u cilju dobijanja podloga za projektovanje ovih elemenata na maksimalna dinamička naprezanja. U radu su prikazani metodologija i rezultati računarske simulacije nestacionarnih gasodinamičkih sila koje deluju na parovod tople međupregrejane pare termoelektrane ā€žNikola Tesla Bā€. Nestacionarne gasodinamičke sile nastaju usled nestacionarnog strujanja radnog fluida pri delovanju sigurnosno-zaÅ”titnih sistema. Zatvaranje pregradnih ventila ispred tur bine srednjeg pritiska zaustavlja protok pare i dovodi do porasta pritiska ispred pregradnih ventila, i prostiranja i superponiranja talasa pritiska duž parovoda, Å”to izaziva dopunska dinamička opterećenja parovoda. Određivanje dinamičkih fluidnih sila se vrÅ”i zajedno sa simulacijom nestacionarnog strujanja pare. Simulacija strujanja i određivanje fluidnih dinamičkih sila su sprovedeni pomoću računarskog programa TEA razvijenog na MaÅ”inskom fakultetu u Beogradu. Dobijeni rezultati su koriŔćeni u okviru revizije inostranog projekta rekonstrukcije (zamene) parovoda međupregrejane pare na termoelektrani ā€žNikola Tesla Bā€. Rezultati proračuna dobijeni programom TEA su upoređeni sa rezultatima inostranog računarskog programa SHOCK i dobijeno je prihvatljivo slaganje.Prediction of the transient fluid dynamic forces that act on the pipe line structure, junctions and supports are important in order to predict the maximum design loads. The paper presents the methodology and results of the fluid dynamic forces prediction for the reheated steam pipe line at the Thermal Power Plant ā€Nikola Tesla Bā€. The dynamic forces are induced by fluid transient flow caused by the action of the plant safety system. Closure of the isolation valves in front of the intermediate pressure turbine stops the steam flow and leads to the in crease of pres sure in front of the isolation valves, pressure waves propagation and super position along the pipe line, which cause additional dynamic loading of the pipe line structure. Prediction of the fluid dynamic forces is performed simultaneously with the simulation of the transient fluid flow. Transient simulation of fluid flow and calculation of fluid-dynamic forces are performed with the computer code TEA (Transient Evaluation Analyses), which is developed at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade. Obtained results are used for the review of a foreign project on the reconstruction (replacement) of steam pipeline in Thermal Power Plant ā€Nikola Tesla Bā€. Results obtained with the computer code TEA are compared with results of foreign computer code SHOCK. Acceptably agreement is achieved

    Numerical simulation of dynamic loads at the steam pipe line of the thermal power plant 'Nikola Tesla Bā€

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    Određivanje dinamičkih sila kojima nestacionarna struja fluida deluje na cevovod je neophodno u cilju sagledavanja maksimalnih naprezanja koja deluju na strukturu, spojeve i oslonce, odnosno u cilju dobijanja podloga za projektovanje ovih elemenata na maksimalna dinamička naprezanja. U radu su prikazani metodologija i rezultati računarske simulacije nestacionarnih gasodinamičkih sila koje deluju na parovod tople međupregrejane pare termoelektrane ā€žNikola Tesla Bā€. Nestacionarne gasodinamičke sile nastaju usled nestacionarnog strujanja radnog fluida pri delovanju sigurnosno-zaÅ”titnih sistema. Zatvaranje pregradnih ventila ispred tur bine srednjeg pritiska zaustavlja protok pare i dovodi do porasta pritiska ispred pregradnih ventila, i prostiranja i superponiranja talasa pritiska duž parovoda, Å”to izaziva dopunska dinamička opterećenja parovoda. Određivanje dinamičkih fluidnih sila se vrÅ”i zajedno sa simulacijom nestacionarnog strujanja pare. Simulacija strujanja i određivanje fluidnih dinamičkih sila su sprovedeni pomoću računarskog programa TEA razvijenog na MaÅ”inskom fakultetu u Beogradu. Dobijeni rezultati su koriŔćeni u okviru revizije inostranog projekta rekonstrukcije (zamene) parovoda međupregrejane pare na termoelektrani ā€žNikola Tesla Bā€. Rezultati proračuna dobijeni programom TEA su upoređeni sa rezultatima inostranog računarskog programa SHOCK i dobijeno je prihvatljivo slaganje.Prediction of the transient fluid dynamic forces that act on the pipe line structure, junctions and supports are important in order to predict the maximum design loads. The paper presents the methodology and results of the fluid dynamic forces prediction for the reheated steam pipe line at the Thermal Power Plant ā€Nikola Tesla Bā€. The dynamic forces are induced by fluid transient flow caused by the action of the plant safety system. Closure of the isolation valves in front of the intermediate pressure turbine stops the steam flow and leads to the in crease of pres sure in front of the isolation valves, pressure waves propagation and super position along the pipe line, which cause additional dynamic loading of the pipe line structure. Prediction of the fluid dynamic forces is performed simultaneously with the simulation of the transient fluid flow. Transient simulation of fluid flow and calculation of fluid-dynamic forces are performed with the computer code TEA (Transient Evaluation Analyses), which is developed at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade. Obtained results are used for the review of a foreign project on the reconstruction (replacement) of steam pipeline in Thermal Power Plant ā€Nikola Tesla Bā€. Results obtained with the computer code TEA are compared with results of foreign computer code SHOCK. Acceptably agreement is achieved

    Possible use of hydropower potential of cooling water at the thermal power plant

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    U radu je prikazana mogućnost koriŔćenja hidroenergetskog potencijala rashladne vode termoelektrane sa otvorenim sistemom hlađenja. Rashladna voda otiče gravitaciono do recipijenta - reke, zbog čega se u periodu nižih vodostaja javlja pad koji je moguće iskoristiti u maloj hidoelektrani. Takva hidroelektrana radi sa promenljivim padom i približno konstantnim protokom, i to samo u periodima kada radi i termoelektrana. Koncepcija je prikazana na primeru male hidroelektrane koja će koristiti hidroenergetski potencijal rashladne vode TE 'Nikola Tesla B'. Određeni su ekonomski pokazatelji ove hidroelektrane i ocenjeno je povećanje profitabilnosti imajući u vidu da postrojenje može biTI ostvareno u okvira Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projekta, u skladu sa Kjoto protokolom. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je projekat ekonomski prihvatljiv, a moguće ga je ostvariti sa standardnim hidroturbinama dostupnim na tržiÅ”tu.Possibility of using hydropower potential of cooling water at the thermal power plant with open cooling system is presented in the paper. Cooling water flows gravitationally to the recipient - the river. In the periods of low water levels additional head occurs which could be used in small hydropower plant. Such a hydropower plant will operate only in periods when thermal power plant operates, with more or less constant flow and head that significantly changes in time. Small hydropower plant that uses cooling water of Thermal Power Plant 'Nikola Tesla B' is presented in the paper. The economic benefits of the HPP are calculated. The increase of profitability is assessed, bearing in mind that the plant would be realized as the Clean Development Mechanism project according to the Kyoto protocol. The obtained results show that the project is economically attractive, and it can be carried out with standard matured solutions of hydro turbines available at the market

    Mogućnost koriŔćenja hidroenergetskog potencijala vode za hlađenje termoelektrana

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    Possibility of using hydropower potential of cooling water at the thermal power plant with open cooling system is presented in the paper. Cooling water flows gravitationally to the recipient - the river. In the periods of low water levels additional head occurs which could be used in small hydropower plant. Such a hydropower plant will operate only in periods when thermal power plant operates, with more or less constant flow and head that significantly changes in time. Small hydropower plant that uses cooling water of Thermal Power Plant 'Nikola Tesla B' is presented in the paper. The economic benefits of the HPP are calculated. The increase of profitability is assessed, bearing in mind that the plant would be realized as the Clean Development Mechanism project according to the Kyoto protocol. The obtained results show that the project is economically attractive, and it can be carried out with standard matured solutions of hydro turbines available at the market.U radu je prikazana mogućnost koriŔćenja hidroenergetskog potencijala rashladne vode termoelektrane sa otvorenim sistemom hlađenja. Rashladna voda otiče gravitaciono do recipijenta - reke, zbog čega se u periodu nižih vodostaja javlja pad koji je moguće iskoristiti u maloj hidoelektrani. Takva hidroelektrana radi sa promenljivim padom i približno konstantnim protokom, i to samo u periodima kada radi i termoelektrana. Koncepcija je prikazana na primeru male hidroelektrane koja će koristiti hidroenergetski potencijal rashladne vode TE 'Nikola Tesla B'. Određeni su ekonomski pokazatelji ove hidroelektrane i ocenjeno je povećanje profitabilnosti imajući u vidu da postrojenje može biTI ostvareno u okvira Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projekta, u skladu sa Kjoto protokolom. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je projekat ekonomski prihvatljiv, a moguće ga je ostvariti sa standardnim hidroturbinama dostupnim na tržiÅ”tu

    Possible use of hydropower potential of cooling water at the thermal power plant

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    U radu je prikazana mogućnost koriŔćenja hidroenergetskog potencijala rashladne vode termoelektrane sa otvorenim sistemom hlađenja. Rashladna voda otiče gravitaciono do recipijenta - reke, zbog čega se u periodu nižih vodostaja javlja pad koji je moguće iskoristiti u maloj hidoelektrani. Takva hidroelektrana radi sa promenljivim padom i približno konstantnim protokom, i to samo u periodima kada radi i termoelektrana. Koncepcija je prikazana na primeru male hidroelektrane koja će koristiti hidroenergetski potencijal rashladne vode TE 'Nikola Tesla B'. Određeni su ekonomski pokazatelji ove hidroelektrane i ocenjeno je povećanje profitabilnosti imajući u vidu da postrojenje može biTI ostvareno u okvira Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projekta, u skladu sa Kjoto protokolom. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je projekat ekonomski prihvatljiv, a moguće ga je ostvariti sa standardnim hidroturbinama dostupnim na tržiÅ”tu.Possibility of using hydropower potential of cooling water at the thermal power plant with open cooling system is presented in the paper. Cooling water flows gravitationally to the recipient - the river. In the periods of low water levels additional head occurs which could be used in small hydropower plant. Such a hydropower plant will operate only in periods when thermal power plant operates, with more or less constant flow and head that significantly changes in time. Small hydropower plant that uses cooling water of Thermal Power Plant 'Nikola Tesla B' is presented in the paper. The economic benefits of the HPP are calculated. The increase of profitability is assessed, bearing in mind that the plant would be realized as the Clean Development Mechanism project according to the Kyoto protocol. The obtained results show that the project is economically attractive, and it can be carried out with standard matured solutions of hydro turbines available at the market