195 research outputs found

    Models of civil servants’ digital competence: approaches to formation and evaluation

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    The purpose of the study is to analyze the Russian practice of assessing the digital competence of civil servants and substantiate proposals for improving approaches to assessing and developing the competencies under study. The article presents an analysis of the existing requirements for the competence of Russian civil servants, officially fixed and the compliance of such requirements with the current and promising areas of activity of state bodies and the development of modern society in the context of digital transformation. The authors studied approaches to the formation and application of civil servants’ digital competence models, including on the basis of the job regulations content analysis. In the course of the study, the authors conclude that there is sufficient uniformity of approaches in the executive authorities regarding the content of qualification requirements, which is predetermined by the implementation of the methodological tools of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation. But professional knowledge and skills in the field of information and communication technologies, in fact, duplicate the basic qualification requirements and do not reflect the use of information and communication technologies specifics in various industries and the differentiation of employees’ functionality depending on categories and groups of positions. The authors substantiate proposals regarding the formation of a model of digital competence, namely, the need to take into account the division of requirements into basic and professional ones, the reflection of differentiation into categories and groups of civil service positions

    Developing the structure of the personality's ecological culture

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    The article is devoted to a detailed analysis of the personality's ecological cultureand the description of its components. The author systematizes the elements of ecological culture, selected and described by modern researchers in the field of forming ecological culture and environmental consciousness of the person, systematizes them and establishes a functional relationship between them. The author considers the implementation of personal ecologically oriented activities to be the main purpose of forming ecological culture; therefore, the author proposes to enlarge the structure of ecological culture under consideration with such elements, as expert opinions and scientific environmental assessment (expert review). Copyright@ EM International

    Legal basis for medical examination of persons getting married under the laws of Russia and some foreign countries

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    The article discusses the problems of legal regulation of some aspects of marriage, namely the medical examination of future spouses. Considering that the issues of this requirement are both recommendatory (dispositive) and mandatory (imperative) in the countries, the authors, using the legislation of the Russian Federation and other countries as an example, analyzed the regulatory regulation of this institution and made recommendations on the ways of such problem solutio

    Recurrent Symbiotic Nova T Coronae Borealis Before Outburst

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    The results of photometric and spectral observations of T CrB obtained in a wide range of wavelengths in 2011-2023 are presented. We use the near-IR light curves to determine a new ephemeris JDmin=2455828.9+227.55EJD_{min} = 2455828.9 + 227.55 \cdot E for the times of light minima when the red giant is located between the observer and the hot component. The flux ratio Hα\alpha/Hβ\beta varied from ~3 to ~8 in 2020-2023, which may be due to a change in the flux ratio between the X-ray and optical ranges. It is shown that the value of Hα\alpha/Hβ\beta depends on the rate of accretion onto the hot component of the system. Based on high-speed follow-up observations obtained on June 8, 2023, we detected a variability of the HeII λ4686\lambda 4686 line with a characteristic time-scale of ~25 min, the amplitude of variability in the BB band was ~0.07m^m. Simulations of the near-IR light curves accounting for the ellipsoidal effect allowed us to obtain the parameters of the binary system: the Roche lobe filling factor of the cool component μ=1.0\mu=1.0, the mass ratio q=Mcool/Mhot=0.65±0.2q=M_{cool}/M_{hot}=0.65\pm0.2, the orbit inclination i=56±4i=56^\circ\pm4^\circ. A comparison of the light curve obtained in 2005-2023 with the 1946 outburst template made it possible to predict the date of the upcoming outburst - January 2024.Comment: 15 pages, 3 tables, 8 figures, submitted to Astronomy Letter

    The Post-AGB Star IRAS 07253-2001: Pulsations, Long-Term Brightness Variability and Spectral Peculiarities

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    The observations and comprehensive study of intermediate initial mass stars at the late stages of evolution, and after the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) in particular, are of crucial importance to identify the common properties for the stars of given group and to reveal binaries among them. This work aims to investigate photometric and spectral peculiarities of a poorly studied post-AGB candidate and infrared source IRAS 07253-2001. We present the new multicolour UBVRCICYJHKUBVR_{C}I_{C}YJHK photometry obtained with the telescopes of the Caucasian mountain observatory and analyse it together with the data acquired by the All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae. We report on the detection of multiperiod brightness variability caused by pulsations. A beating of close periods, the main one of 73 days and additional ones of 68 and 70 days, leads to amplitude variations. We have also detected a long-term sine trend in brightness with a period of nearly 1800 days. We suppose it to be orbital and IRAS 07253-2001 to be binary. Based on new low-resolution spectroscopic data obtained with the 2.5-m telescope of the Caucasian mountain observatory in 2020 and 2023 in the λ\lambda3500-7500 wavelength range we have identified spectral lines and compiled a spectral atlas. We have found the [N II], [Ni II] and [S II] forbidden emission lines in the spectrum and discuss their origin. The Hα\alpha line has a variable double-peaked emission component. We have derived preliminary estimates of the star's parameters and detected a variation of radial velocity with a peak-to-peak amplitude of about 30 km s1^{-1}.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, 6 tables, Table 2 is only available in electronic form, accepted to Astrophysical Bulleti

    Antarctic polar vortex dynamics in 2019 and 2020 under the influence of the subtropical stratosphere

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    The trend of strengthening of the Antarctic polar vortex in late spring and early summer (November–December) has been observed in recent decades. A good example of this trend is the dynamics of the Antarctic polar vortex in 2020 when it existed until the last week of December. In 2019, conversely, on the contrary, an unusually early breakup of the polar vortex occurred, a minor sudden stratospheric warming was recorded. Strengthening (or weakening) of the Antarctic polar vortex occurs as a result of an increase (or decrease) in the stratospheric meridional temperature gradient under conditions of growth (or decline) in the temperature of the lower subtropical stratosphere. We considered the temperature variations in the lower subtropical stratosphere in the spring of 2019 and 2020 and the corresponding response of the Antarctic polar vortex. The dynamics of the Antarctic polar vortex in September–October 2019 and November 2020 was largely synchronized with the temperature changes in the lower subtropical stratosphere relative to climatological means. Using correlation analysis, we show that the Antarctic polar vortex dynamics in December is largely due to the temperature changes in the lower subtropical stratosphere that occurred in the second half of November, which manifested itself in 2020.The trend of strengthening of the Antarctic polar vortex in late spring and early summer (November–December) has been observed in recent decades. A good example of this trend is the dynamics of the Antarctic polar vortex in 2020 when it existed until the last week of December. In 2019, conversely, on the contrary, an unusually early breakup of the polar vortex occurred, a minor sudden stratospheric warming was recorded. Strengthening (or weakening) of the Antarctic polar vortex occurs as a result of an increase (or decrease) in the stratospheric meridional temperature gradient under conditions of growth (or decline) in the temperature of the lower subtropical stratosphere. We considered the temperature variations in the lower subtropical stratosphere in the spring of 2019 and 2020 and the corresponding response of the Antarctic polar vortex. The dynamics of the Antarctic polar vortex in September–October 2019 and November 2020 was largely synchronized with the temperature changes in the lower subtropical stratosphere relative to climatological means. Using correlation analysis, we show that the Antarctic polar vortex dynamics in December is largely due to the temperature changes in the lower subtropical stratosphere that occurred in the second half of November, which manifested itself in 2020

    Alumosilicate ceramic proppants based on natural refractory raw materials

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    The sintering-strengthening effect of the additions of the highly ferrous bauxite (with Fe[2]O[3] content of 20-25 % in the calcined state) in the compositions with refractory clays was established. It was found that in the temperature range 1350-1500°C the additions of bauxite in amounts of 10-40% have a fluxing effect due to the iron oxide introduced with bauxite in compositions with clay. An increasing the bauxite additive in the amount of 50-70% ensures its strengthening effect by increasing the total content of the mullite of the prismatic habit in the firing products of composites with clay. Preliminary clay and bauxite calcination at 900 °С and an increase in the content of bauxite additive up to 50-70% in compositions with clay allow to produce aluminosilicate proppants with a bulk density of 1.62-1.65 g/сm{3} and compressive strength up to 52 MPa

    QCD in the nuclear medium and effects due to Cherenkov gluons

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    The equations of in-medium gluodynamics are proposed. Their classical lowest order solution is explicitly shown for a color charge moving with constant speed. For nuclear permittivity larger than 1 it describes emission of Cherenkov gluons resembling results of classical electrodynamics. The values of the real and imaginary parts of the nuclear permittivity are obtained from the fits to experimental data on the double-humped structure around the away-side jet obtained at RHIC. The dispersion of the nuclear permittivity is predicted by comparing the RHIC, SPS and cosmic ray data. This is important for LHC experiments. Cherenkov gluons may be responsible for the asymmetry of dilepton mass spectra near rho-meson, observed in the SPS experiment with excess in the low-mass wing of the resonance. This feature is predicted to be common for all resonances. The "color rainbow" quantum effect might appear according to higher order terms of in-medium QCD if the nuclear permittivity depends on color.Comment: 29 p., 4 figs; for "Phys. Atom. Nucl." volume dedicated to 80th birthday of L.B. Okun; minor corrections on pp. 11 and 13 in v

    Non-invasive optical method for evaluating the oxygen status in breast neoplasms

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    The paper presents the results from a study of the breast oxygen status by diffuse optical tomography (DOT). Detection of breast tissue at wavelengths of 684, 794, and 850 nm could provide information on the distribution of basic tissue chromophores: oxygenized and deoxygenized hemoglobin. Normal breast tissue was characterized by the even distribution of these compounds and stabilization of their level. In breast cancer, the distribution of oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin was noted for uneven distribution and blood oxygen saturation was lower in the projection of a tumor nodule. The blood oxygen saturation data obtained by DOT demonstrate physiological differ- ences between normal and tumor tissues in different tumor areas