5 research outputs found

    A Novel Plant Propagation Algorithm: Modifications and Implementation

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    The Plant Propagation Algorithm, epitomised by the Strawberry Algorithm, has been previously successfully tested on low dimensional continuous Optimization problems. It is a neighbourhood search algorithm. In this paper, we introduce a robust and efficient version of the algorithm and explain how it can be implemented to compete with one of the best available alternatives, namely the Artificial Bee Colony algorithm and we present an improved and more effective variant on standard continuous optimization test problem instances in high dimensions. Computational and comparative results are included

    Impact analysis of crossovers in a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm

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    Multi-objective optimization has become mainstream because several real-world problems are naturally posed as a Multi-objective optimization problems (MOPs) in all fields of engineering and science. Usually MOPs consist of more than two conflicting objective functions and that demand trade-off solutions. Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) are extremely useful and well-suited for solving MOPs due to population based nature. MOEAs evolve its population of solutions in a natural way and searched for compromise solutions in single simulation run unlike traditional methods. These algorithms make use of various intrinsic search operators in efficient manners. In this paper, we experimentally study the impact of different multiple crossovers in multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition (MOEA/D) framework and evaluate its performance over test instances of 2009 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation (CEC?09) developed for MOEAs competition. Based on our carried out experiment, we observe that used variation operators are considered to main source to improve the algorithmic performance of MOEA/D for dealing with CEC?09 complicated test problems

    Silver nanoparticles as antimicrobial therapeutics: current perspectives and future challenges

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