113 research outputs found

    Description of the Process of “Authentic Learning” Based on Comparative Thesis Reading Comprehension : Temporal Comparison of Research Related to Sentence Structure Awareness

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    本稿は大学院生が複数の論文を比較し,どのように読解すると言語学における研究内容の発展を読み取ることができるのかを究明した。具体的には,文章論,テクスト言語学の論考を主な対象とし,文章構造把握に関係する研究の発展を時間的比較から捉えた。 まず,立川和美と市川孝の論考の比較を行った。その際,(a) 新しい論文における先行研究の紹介や比較,評価の記述に着目する,(b) 新しい論文の方法論などにおいて先行研究を踏襲している部分と新たに設定された部分を明確にする,(c) 新しい論文で扱われている概念について,読み手の既有知識に照らして疑問・批判がある部分に着目する,という三つの観点から読み深めを行い研究内容の発展を捉えた。 次に,より広く立川の論考の発展を捉えるために,認知心理学の文章理解研究の概説書を読解した。ここでは,文章の理解の要因を文章の要因,読み手の要因,読み方の要因の3つから捉えた。その結果,立川の論考は従来の言語学と同様,文章の要因に焦点をあてたものであり,一方で,文章理解研究が解明してきた読み手の要因についても扱ったものであると捉えることができた。加えて,文章理解研究では十分に扱ってこなかった文章の要因に焦点をあてている点に,立川の論考の意義を見出すことができた。 このように,論文比較読解においては上のような観点から読むことや,論考の位置づけを捉えるための重要な概念を理解することで,深い理解に到ることができた。このような学びの過程を明らかにすることは,学校教師が教材研究を行う際に,専門領域の論文の読解を通して学習を行う過程の解明や,それを基にした学習の支援の在り方の追求に役立つと考えられる。In this manuscript, graduate students’ multiple theses are compared. Furthermore, the study also investigates how reading research affects its linguistic understanding. In particular, the main targets of this study were textual linguistics studies; the development of sentence structure awareness research was temporally compared. First, the studies of Kazumi Tachikawa and Takashi Ichikawa were compared. The research content’s development was ascertained and three perspectives were employed to gain a deeper understanding: (a) a focus on the introduction, comparison, and evaluation of prior research in the new theses; (b) a clarification of sections that follow from prior research and sections that were newly established with regard to the new theses’ methodology, etc.; and (c) a focus on sections for which questions/criticisms are presented by the reader’s existing knowledge regarding concepts that are handled in the new theses. Next, to understand the development of Tachikawa’s study in other viewpoint, texts on sentence comprehension research in cognitive psychology were reviewed. Tachikawa’s study was then considered from the three factors of sentence comprehension, the readers perspective, and the condition of reading. Therefore, the primary focus of Tachikawa’s study was on the sentence factor, consistent with traditional linguistics, but could also be seen as addressing a readers perspective that had been clarified in sentence comprehension research. Furthermore, from the viewpoint of sentence comprehension research, significance of Tachikawa’s study can also be seen as supplementing the sentence approach. Thus, a comparative thesis reading from the perspectives shown above led to a deeper understanding of the key concepts involved in ascertaining the positioning of Tachikawa’s study. The elucidation of these learning processes will be useful for schoolteachers as they research materials to clarify learning processes through the reading of theses in specialist areas, in addition to pursuing the ideals for teaching support

    Difficulties in Reading Critical Essays in Japanese Language High School Classes

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    Improving high school Japanese language reading comprehension is important. However, as the difficulties students have with reading have not been sufficiently clarified, this study sought to identify the specific reading comprehension problems of Japanese high school students during classes. Initially, a class was designed and implemented to teach reading strategies based on the five reading skills outlined in the reading comprehension model. Then, a survey based on the abovementioned model was conducted to evaluate the students’ reading comprehension class results. It was found that the students who had reading difficulties lacked fundamental reading skills and were unable to benefit from reading classes, and the students who had fundamental reading skills lacked deep reading abilities. In the future, these reading difficulties need to be further clarified and support activities developed to promote better reading outcomes

    The significance and issues of literary argumentation through US argumentative writing education: An argumentative writing project at Ohio State University

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    This study reviews the Argumentative Writing Project (AWP) at Ohio State University and dialogic literary argumentation (DLA), which is embedded in the AWP to reveal the relationship between argumentation and literary education in the US. The AWP underscores three argumentative epistemologies (structural, ideational, and social processes), and three kinds of instructional chains (integrated, episodic, and collection). According to DLA, the teacher’s epistemology moves the structural epistemology to the social process, and instruction is put together via the integrated instructional chain. In addition, the foundational principles of DLA state that students should acquire argumentation skills and embrace conflict between themselves and their peers, who may have differences of opinion or different reasoning, by exploring personhood in DLA. This overview suggests that the AWP/DLA helps to build literary argumentation, with an awareness of the diverse skills that have been highlighted in recent years in Japan

    A study of collaboration in subject teacher education in case of a course: “Basic study of designing academic abilities and competencies in school education” at graduate school

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    In this study, we developed subject teacher training course for developing the competencies required of teachers in order to nurture the academic abilities and competencies of students at school. We set up opportunities for the students to engage in collaborative learning tasks beyond their majors, in addition to examining the academic abilities and competencies required in the subjects. Through the activities, the students were exposed to a variety of opinions and reexamined their own view of academic abilities and competencies from various perspectives. On the other hand, how to follow up with students’ diverse interests and how to set up common tasks and activities in class could be improved

    高等学校における小説の読みの学力評価のあり方 : 評価問題による検討

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    Protection of Chickens against Very Virulent Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV) and Marek's Disease Virus (MDV) with a Recombinant MDV Expressing IBDV VP2

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    AbstractTo develop a herpes virus vaccine that can induce immunity for an extended period, a recombinant Marek's disease (MD) virus (MDV) CVI-988 strain expressing infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) host-protective antigen VP2 at theUS2site (rMDV) was developed under the control of an SV40 early promoter. Chickens vaccinated with the rMDV showed no clinical signs and no mortality and 55% of the chickens were considered protected histopathologically after challenge with very virulent IBDV (vvIBDV), whereas all of the chickens vaccinated with the conventional IBDV vaccine showed no clinical signs and were protected. Chickens vaccinated with the CVI-988 or chickens in the challenge control showed severe clinical signs and high mortality (70–75%) and none of them were protected. Also, the rMDV conferred full protection to chickens against vvMDV just as the CVI-988 strain did, whereas 90% of the challenge control chickens died of MD. Antibody levels against IBDV and MDV following the vaccination increased continuously for at least 10 weeks. No histopathological lesions in the rMDV-vaccinated chickens and no contact transmission of the rMDV to their penmates were confirmed. These results demonstrate that an effective and safe recombinant herpesvirus-based IBD vaccine could be constructed by expressing the VP2 antigen at theUS2site of the CVI-988 vaccine strain

    Isolation of a genotypically unique H5N1 influenza virus from duck meat imported into Japan from China

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    AbstractAn H5N1 influenza A virus was isolated from duck meat processed for human consumption, imported to Japan from Shandong Province, China in 2003. This virus was antigenically different from other H5 viruses, including the Hong Kong H5N1 viruses isolated from humans in 1997 and 2003. Sequence analysis revealed that six genes (PB1, PA, HA, NA, M, and NS) of this virus showed > 97% nucleotide identity with their counterparts from recent H5N1 viruses, but that the remaining two genes (PB2 and NP) were derived from other unknown viruses. This duck meat isolate was highly pathogenic to chickens upon intravenous or intranasal inoculation, replicated well in the lungs of mice and spread to the brain, but was not as pathogenic in mice as H5N1 human isolates (with a dose lethal to 50% of mice (MLD50) = 5 × 106 50% egg infectious doses [EID50]). However, viruses isolated from the brain of mice previously infected with the virus were substantially more pathogenic (MLD50 = ∼102 EID50) and possessed some amino acid substitutions relative to the original virus. These results show that poultry products contaminated with influenza viruses of high pathogenic potential to mammals are a threat to public health even in countries where the virus is not enzootic and represent a possible source of influenza outbreaks in poultry