3 research outputs found

    Mometasone absorption in cultured airway epithelium

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    Background: Topical mometasone is frequently used as an intranasal spray, on drug-eluting stents, and compounded by specialty pharmacies as a sinus rinse. A typical sinus rinse contains 1.2 mg of mometasone dissolved in 240 mL of buffered saline and is flushed through the sinonasal cavity. The mometasone irrigation rapidly flows to the contralateral sinonasal cavity or the nasopharynx with a contact time on the order of 5 to 10 seconds. However, no information is available on the absorption rate of topical mometasone on the sinonasal surface. Methods: To determine the absorption characteristics of mometasone, we harvested nasal epithelium from 2 healthy donors and differentiated them into a mature ciliated epithelium on Millicell membranes. We applied mometasone to the apical surface for various time intervals and then rinsed off non-absorbed mometasone with phosphate-buffered saline. Millicell membranes with the adherent epithelial cells were then harvested and stored in guanidine hydrochloride for quantification using high-performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry. Results: Fifty percent of the maximal absorption occurred after an average of 38 minutes after application, and maximal absorption occurred after an average of 114 minutes. Conclusion: Our data provide an estimate for rates of absorption of mometasone applied to the sinonasal cavity and suggest that the absorption rates poorly match contact time during saline lavage

    Chronic e-cigarette exposure alters the human bronchial epithelial proteome

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    Rationale: E-cigarettes vaporize propylene glycol/vegetable glycerin (PG/VG), nicotine, and flavorings. However, the long-term health effects of exposing lungs to vaped e-liquids are unknown. Objectives: To determine the effects of chronic vaping on pulmonary epithelia. Methods: We performed research bronchoscopies on healthy nonsmokers, cigarette smokers, and e-cigarette users (vapers) and obtained bronchial brush biopsies and lavage samples from these subjects for proteomic investigation. We further employed in vitro and murine exposure models to support our human findings. Measurements and Main Results: Visual inspection by bronchoscopy revealed that vaper airways appeared friable and erythematous. Epithelial cells from biopsy samples revealed approximately 300 proteins that were differentially expressed in smoker and vaper airways, with only 78 proteins being commonly altered in both groups and 113 uniquely altered in vapers. For example, CYP1B1 (cytochrome P450 family 1 subfamily B member 1), MUC5AC (mucin 5 AC), and MUC4 levels were increased in vapers. Aerosolized PG/VG alone significantly increasedMUC5AC protein in human airway epithelial cultures and in murine nasal epithelia in vivo.We also found that e-liquids rapidly entered cells and that PG/VG reduced membrane fluidity and impaired protein diffusion. Conclusions: We conclude that chronic vaping exerts marked biological effects on the lung and that these effects may in part be mediated by the PG/VG base. These changes are likely not harmless and may have clinical implications for the development of chronic lung disease. Further studies will be required to determine the full extent of vaping on the lung

    A circle RNA regulatory axis promotes lung squamous metastasis via CDR1-mediated regulation of golgi trafficking

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    Lung squamous carcinoma (LUSC) is a highly metastatic disease with a poor prognosis. Using an integrated screening approach, we found that miR-671-5p reduces LUSC metastasis by inhibiting a circular RNA (circRNA), CDR1as. Although the putative function of circRNA is through miRNA sponging, we found that miR-671-5pmore potently silenced an axis of CDR1as and its antisense transcript, cerebellar degeneration related protein 1 (CDR1). Silencing of CDR1as or CDR1 significantly inhibited LUSC metastases and CDR1 was sufficient to promote migration and metastases. CDR1, which directly interacted with adaptor protein 1 (AP1) complex subunits and coatomer protein I (COPI) proteins, no longer promoted migration upon blockade of Golgi trafficking. Therapeutic inhibition of the CDR1as/CDR1 axis with miR-671-5p mimics reduced metastasis in vivo. This report demonstrates a novel role for CDR1 in promoting metastasis and Golgi trafficking. These findings reveal an miRNA/ circRNA axis that regulates LUSC metastases through a previously unstudied protein, CDR1. Significance: This study shows that circRNA, CDR1as, promotes lung squamous migration, metastasis, and Golgi trafficking through its complimentary transcript, CDR1. Significance: This study shows that circRNA, CDR1as, promotes lung squamous migration, metastasis, and Golgi trafficking through its complimentary transcript, CDR1