40 research outputs found

    Study of International Mentoring and Coaching Practices and their Constructive Application in the Russian System of Corporate Education and Training.

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    The relevance of the research stems from dissimilarities between domestic and foreign experiences of mentoring and coaching in corporate education and training related to the methods and techniques aimed not only at transmitting mentor?s professional experience to young professionals but also at identifying and developing mentees? potential, and supporting their careers. In this regard, the researchers tried to identify adaptive educational and training potential of international mentoring experience under the current conditions. The most valid approach to study this issue is an integrative approach that involves integration of domestic and international techniques and their constructive implementation into the Russian corporate training system with regard to best traditions existing in this country, realities and requirements of modern industry. The paper considers the features and characteristics of the following techniques used in international mentoring and coaching: coaching (unl

    Structural-functional model for corporate training of specialists in carrying out mentoring

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    The purpose of the article is to develop astructural-functional model of corporate training of technical specialists in mentoring in the conditions of modernproduction. The leading method is modeling, allowing consideration of this issue as task-oriented and organized process for improving the professional, common cultural competences, and for formation of special competences ofcompany specialists, that they will need to effectively carry out the mentoring activities. The structural-functionalmodel of corporate training of technical specialists in carrying out mentoring in modern production includes objective, methodological, content-related, organizational and procedural and efficiency components

    Multi-dimensional classification of types and forms of corporate education

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    The article is focused on the theoretical justification of types and forms of specialists? corporate education in modern enterprises, and on the development of their classification at the local, scale, time purpose peculiarities of which are disclosed in the presented types and forms of corporate training. Their kinds and forms selection in corporate training process is resulted from socio-economic and organizational-pedagogical conditions of enterprises to implement their staff training. This article also reveals the main point of such corporate education models as problem-oriented, complementary, displacing, innovative, personality-oriented, informational-consultative, metacognitive, multiplication, leader, corporate education and corporate competition models, which exist in corporate training practice

    Differentiation of Creative Mathematical Problems for Primary School Students

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    The purpose of the study is to reveal a method that will help arrange creative mathematical problems for the development of creative competences of the basic school students. The main method here is modeling of creative mathematical problems taking into account the complexity levels of the tasks in accordance with the systemic scale and the requirements for the formulation of creative tasks in basic school. The article presents author's approaches to the differentiation of creative mathematical tasks for basic school students in accordance with the systemic scale, which were formed by adaptation of creative problem solutions classified in terms of their degree of difficulty and the quality of the obtained results, considered in the theory of inventive problems solvin

    Idealism versus Realism in Student and Practitioner Attitude toward Teaching

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    The study contributed to develop a competency model of a modern teacher and the algorithm of its development. Investigation into the idealistic understanding of certain competencies and their relevancy by the university undergraduates who participated in the assessment of competencies significance, revealed the following student's attitude: they believe that subject content knowledge and methodological competencies are number ones in their future job. There are a large number of instructional and related activities to be performed by the teacher inside and outside the classroom. In their opinion the educational competency associated with developing a child's personality, talents and etc., was the second in order of importance, whereas in real teaching practice this competency was determined as the first in order of importance followed by reflective competency, and the third place was given to subject and methodical competencies

    Development of Meta-subject Competencies of the 7-9 Grades Basic School Students through the Implementation of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Courses

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    As a result of the research conducted by the authors they worked out several author's interdisciplinary courses, among them a special place is taken by the course "Mathematics in Natural sciences" for the classes of the natural-science profile. It is suggested in it to consider mathematical questions when applying them to the material of related disciplines both through the study of theoretical material and in the process of solving problems, including the open type, and involving schoolchildren in the project of interdisciplinary activity. Practical use of the interdisciplinary courses allows to see the achievements of meta-subject results by schoolchildren and the successes of students both in mathematical preparation, expressed by high marks on the subject, and related disciplines, which indicates the improvement of mathematical education quality of students who received training using the proposed methodology

    Mentors and trainees professional interaction features at the modern enterprises in Russia

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    The modern condition of mentoring, which revived its traditions in conditions of information technology and intellectualization of modern enterprises is presented in the article. The meaning of such notions as a coach, mentor, intern, mentoring activities, corporate training, mentors and trainees professional cooperation peculiarities is revealed, selected types of mentoring on the content of activities and time characteristics are outlined and mentoring benefits are identified. The scope of the article?s results application covers the practice of mentors corporate training, practice of mentors and trainees interaction, as well as the results obtained can be used in the development of modern provisions on mentoring

    Czech Lower Secondary School Pupils' Knowledge about Developing Countries

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    The developing countries are hiding potential risk in many considerations (e.g. migration). The study is focused on the lower secondary school pupils' knowledge about developing ountries. Costs and benefits associated with the problematic of the study are in the presentation of pupils' knowledge about developing countries. It provides not only identification of countries on the map, but also the real problems of developing countries. The partial aims were to examine the influence of gender, residence, grade level and attitudes to geography on the knowledge about developing countries. The sample size consisted of 158 Czech lower secondary school pupils. The data were evaluated by the methods of descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed that only the grade level influenced the knowledge level, the gender a residence had not got an influence on knowledge. The correlation between knowledge and attitudes was slightly positive and significant. The results are discussed and

    Technological Education as a Means of Developing Students' Health Culture

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    The urgency of the research is due to the fact that health of school-age children in Russia is deteriorating. The development of health culture has become an integral part of students' general cultural development. The purpose of this article is to reveal the potential of "Technology" as a school subject for the development of students' health culture. The activity approach is the leading one to the study of this problem. The activity approach takes into account students' individual characteristics, as well as the role and significance of certain activities and forms of communication, in order to suggest ways for the development of students' health culture. This article analyzes the subject matter of "Technology", which aims at health protection of students. In this regard, the article can be helpful to education workers responsible for health preservation of the younger generation

    Guidelines for Mentoring Optimization

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    It's a common knowledge that the society and time we live in are characterized by continuous technological change and most of employee skills may become outdated fairly rapidly. Therefore, an enterprise that aspires to be successful and respond quickly to changes in the market environment should pay great attention to training programs of the employees. In this regard, it is important to develop guidelines and recommendations to improve the quality of mentoring as the system involving Mentoring Council, enterprise executives, mentors and training centers for mentors. The paper is intended to provide theoretical and practical contribution to training students of technical universities, as well as young personnel starting their career and experienced executives