29 research outputs found

    都市部女子学生の栄養摂取状況に関する検討 : 自記式食事歴法質問票調査と7日間食物摂取状況調査の比較

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    OBJECTIVE: In this study we investigated the self-administered diet history questionnaire (=DHQ) and 7day survey of food intakes. We compared the results of the two investigations and examined the validity of methods for the investigations and the indications they have for their dietary education. METHODS: The survey was conducted during April 2005. The subjects were 135 urban female students, age 18 or 19. OUTCOME: 1. The questionnaire was self-administered diet history questionnaire (=DHQ). 2. Energy intake was assessed by 7day dietary record method. RESTULTS: 1. Mean±SD of 1day total energy intakes in DHQ were 1950±783kcal, 7day survey of food intakes were 1487±317kcal. 2. The ratio of fat energy was 32.0%, it was 30% over in DHQ. In 7day dietary record method, the ratio of fat energy was 29.4±5.4%, it was not over 30%. In both investigations, the lacking nutrients were Fe and VB_1, and the lacking food groups were fish and meats. 3. BMI≧25 were 10.4% which means a trend towards obesity. 4. Students who imagined themselves overweight were 71.9%, and those on a diet were 35.6%, their major methods were diet restriction and exercise. 5. The number going without breakfast was 25.2%. Eating breakfast out was 6.7%. The number eating out and having pre-cooked meals was higher than the average in a national nutrition survey. DISCUSSION: The result shows that DHQ was of certain practical value for the estimation of energy intake while researchers must treat the results of 7day dietary record method carefully since the record remains in part inaccurately underrated. This suggests further investigation is needed on nutrition education for urban female students


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    OBJECTIVE: We investigated dietary consciousness, dietary behavior, dietary environment and students feeling about their own health in Japanese male and female junior high school students, and examined the differences and similarities between the two gender groups to understand what we need to do in dietary education. METHODS: The survey was conducted during the month of October, 2006. Participants: The subjects were 477 junior high school boys (257) and girls (220) (age 12-14 years). Measure:1.We gave subjects a questionnaire of 68 questions asking about their perceptions of their own weight, dietary consciousnesses, dietary behavior, dietary environment, how healthy they believed themselves to be, and their lifestyles.2.Age, height and body weight were measured or supplied by the subjects teachers. Subjects whose weight was greater than or equal to 120% of the baseline degree of obesity as determined by the Ministry of Education were considered to have a tendency toward obesity, and subjects whose weight was less than or equal to 80% of the Ministry of Educations baseline degree of obesity were considered underweight. The TANITA scale was used and BMI was calculated based on the degree of obesity as established by the Japan Society for the Study of Obesity. RESULTS:1.Significant differences were observed between the two gender groups in the disparities between their classification of their own body types and their actual BMI scores (p<0.001). Many girls perceived themselves as overweight even though their weight was at an appropriate level.2.Significant differences were observed between the two groups in the subjective symptoms (p<0.001). Many girls claimed that their health condition was poor.3.Significant differences were observed between the two groups in their cooking skills (p<0.01). Fewer boys are able to cook than girls.4.Some other noteworthy results were obtained between the two groups about the degree of satisfaction with their lives and homes


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    OBJECTIVE: In this study we investigated dietary consciousness, dietary behavior, dietary environments, life-style and subjects evaluation of their own health in Japanese urban and suburban adolescents to get ideas for improving dietary education for these groups.METHODS: The survey was conducted in October and November, 2006. Participant: The subjects were 262 urban junior high school girls (Age 13-14 yrs) and 220 suburban junior high school girls (Age 12-14 yrs). Measure: 1.The questionnaire consisted of 76 questions related to subjects dietary behavior, dietary environments, lifestyles, and their evaluation of their own health.2.Age, height and body weight were measured by their teacher. Subjects body weight was checked using the TANITA scale. And subjects BMI was calculated based on the degree of obesity as established by the Japan Society for the Study of Obesity. RESULTS 1.In urban areas a lot of students thought that they are overweight. They perceived themselves to be overweight even when they were not.2.More students in urban areas than in suburban areas did not understand how much one should eat and what would constitute overeating. 3.More than 50% of both suburban and urban subjects reported feeling irritated. Subjects also reported experiencing headaches, stiff shoulders, and backaches.4.All subjects reported being basically satisfied with their lives and families.5.Significantly fewer urban subjects than suburban subjects reported having breakfast and supper with their families. 6.50% of both groups reported having conversations with their families during meals and that they are happy at home


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    Objective : The nutrition assessment for hyperlipidemia patients was conducted to understand their problems with health diagnosed according to the guidelines of the Japan Artheriosclerosis Society before the nutrition education. Methods : In February 2004, subjects were 294 hyperlipidemia patients (268 males, 26 females) who were urban workers, and had an annual health examination, physical exercise checkup and completed the Food Frequency Questionnaire Watanabe 65 (FFQW65). Results : The subjects, aged 46.9±7.6 years (mean±SD), BMI24.1± 2.8, relatively overweight, , total cholesterol (TC) 225.6±34.4mg/dl, triglycerides (TG) 167.5±92.8 mg/dl. Physical activity energy calculated using the physical exercise checkup was 128.9±129.4kcal/day (Max : 714kcal, Min : 0kcal). Physical estimated energy requirement (EER) was 1798±168.0 kcal. Estimated total intake according to FFQW 65 was 2024±278.0 kcal. Breakfast was 396 ± 110.4 kcal, lunch was 637±76.1 kcal and dinner 944±229.6 kcal. This suggested the estimated total intake was more than Physical EER. Their intake according to their FFQW 65 was meat (238%), oil (155%) and alcohol (402%) all over the target value (100%). Fruit (35%), vegetables (59%) and beans (63%) all lower than the target value. Conclusion : The aim of this nutrition education was to emphasize the correct way to consume total energy. Too much energy intake from oil and meat carries some risk factors and there should be some improvements in intake of vegetables and beans. Intake of various fats should be correctly balanced together with a suitable amount of dietary fiber and antioxidant vitamins. We will continue to promote the practical nutrition education for improvements of their diet over 12 months ; and check the effect. We want to establish the nutrition assessment of the nutrition education by having randomized controlled trials


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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the clinical data of hyperlipidemia patients of urban male workers at the annual health examination, and to ascertain a suitable dietary education program to reduce plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels in Japanese male patients. METHOD: Subjects were 273 males (mean age 47 years), who visited a medical examination center in Tokyo between April 2002 and March 2003 for an annual health examination. The subjects were diagnosed according to the guidelines of Japan Atherosclerosis Society for Diagnosis. The subjects fall into 6 hyperlipidemia groups: TC≧220mg/dl, LDLC≧140mg/dl, HDLC<40mg/dl, TG≧150mg/dl, TC≧220mg/dl & LDLC≧140mg/dl, TC≧220mg/dl & TG≧150mg/dl. RESULT: High cholesterol group (TC≧220mg/dl) were 48.7%, High triglyceride group (TG≧150mg/dl) were 36.3%, High LDL cholesterol group (LDLC≧140mg/dl) were 10.6%, Low HDL cholesterol group (HDLC<40mg/dl) were 4.4%. 38.1% belonged to the High cholesterol group and High LDL cholesterol group as well, 16.1% belonged to the High cholesterol group and High triglyceride group as well. Good correlations were found between TC and LDLC (r=0.87), TC and HDLC (r=0.39) and negative correlations were between TG and LDLC (r=-0.42), TG and HDLC (r=-0.39). CONCLUSION: This study pointed towards the acquisition of a dietary education program to reduce plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels in Japanese male patients

    A Second Look at the Results of New Dietary Education Program to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes Focusing on Dietary Caloric Intake for Alcohol and Fat/Oil

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    Objective: This report focused on alcohol and fat/oil intake using results of a particular dietary intervention program of randomized controlled trial. Methods and Materials: Subjects were recruited primarily during an annual health check-up in a health examination center located in the center of Tokyo from February 2000 to January 2001. The examination included an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Eligible subjects were those diagnosed as borderline diabetic. Subjects were randomly assigned to the intervention or control groups. Study subjects were 156 Japanese male workers at high risk for type 2 diabetes, aged 35-70 years. The intervention group, or (New Dietary Education group: NDE) received individualized dietary counseling based on their food frequency questionnaire (FFQW65) results. Results: Many NDE subjects successfully managed to maintain a balance of total intake. The NDE intervention was effective in decreasing caloric intake of alcohol for Japanese male workers at a high risk for type 2 diabetes (% change NDE: -0.088±3.75 vs. control: 0.89±3.0). The intervention group diet produced a lower caloric intake of fat/oil than did the control group diet after one year (% change NDE: -0.035±0.034 vs. control: 0.034±0.0235). Daily dietary caloric intake for alcohol was decreased in the NDE group compared to the control group and the difference was significant after adjusting for baseline value (P=0.049). Daily dietary caloric intake for fat/oil was decreased in the NDE group compared to the control group but the difference was not significant after adjusting for baseline value (P=0.158). Conclusion: All the subjects were given specific information about their actual dietary habits through the use of the FFQW65. The program focused on increasing motivation and encouraging the subjects to recognize the need for behavior modification through their own efforts. The improvement seen in alcohol and fat/oil intake in the NDE group might be due to showing individually radar-charted traits or illustrated ideal meals during the intervention

    都市部女子中高生の食育課題の検討 : 食意識・食行動・食環境,食事調査分析結果

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    OBJECTIVE: In this study we investigated dietary consciousness, dietary behavior, dietary environment and dietary intake in Japanese urban schoolgirls and their mothers, and examined some useful indicators for their dietary education. METHODS: The survey was conducted during Sept 2005. Participants: The subjects were 262 junior high school girls (age 12-13yrs) and 240 mothers, 145 senior high school girls (age 15-16yrs) and 90 mothers, total subjects were 737. OUTCOME: 1. The questionnaire asked about their weight perception, eating behavior, environment, habits, and health condition in 76 questions. 2. Energy intake was assessed by 2 day dietary record method. 3. Age, height and body weight were measured by a teacher. Those with a tendency towards obesity were ≧120, and those underweight were ≦80%, based on the baseline degree of obesity by the Ministry of Education. A TANITA scale was used and BMI was calculated based on the degree of obesity in the Japanese Obesity Association. RESULTS: 1. Significant correlation coefficients were obtained between the body type classification and the degree of obesity, (junior high school girls: p<0.001, senior high school girls: p<0.001). Many schoolgirls perceived themselves overweight notwithstanding that weights were at an appropriate level. 2. Significant correlation coefficients were obtained between the self-rated energy intakes and the degree of obesity, (junior high school girls: p<0.001, senior high school girls: p<0.01). 3. Energy intakes by 2day dietary record method were not enough compared to their EER (estimated energy requirement), junior high school girls: 1685±410kcal, senior high school girls: 1670±433kcal. Micronutrient intake of Ca, Fe, VC and dietary fiber were less than DG (tentative dietary goal), but the ratio of fat energy was over the UL (tolerable upper intake level), junior high school girls: 32.5%, senior high school girls: 34.6%. 4. Energy intake of the mothers significantly correlated with that of their children in evening meals (breakfast: r=0.23, lunch: r=0.21, evening: r=0.35, total intake: r=0.25). 5. Correlation of between-item by Theory of quantification III showed 2 patterns. One correlated to the healthy dietary behavior, perception and environment, the other one had contradictory pattern that correlated to "overeat", "overweight" and "dieting practice" (η^2=0.13). DISCUSSION: In this study we describe probable associations which may provide an understanding of some aspects of nutrition education for Japanese urban schoolgirls