40 research outputs found
2歳から10歳の健康な女児を対象に, 走運動1サイクル中の腰関節と膝関節の経時的角度変化から, 幼児・児童期の走動作の特徴を明らかにしょうとした。 本研究において次の結果が得られた。 1. 疾走速度と歩幅は各年令群間に有意な差が認められた (P<0.001)。歩数は, いずれの年令群間においても有意な差をみることはできなかった。 歩幅/身長の比率と遊脚局面の所要時間は, 2歳と4歳, 2歳と10歳との間にそれぞれ有意な差がみられた (P<0.01~0.001)。 支持局面の所要時間は, 2歳と10歳との間に有意な差が認められた (P<0.001)。 2. 腰関節角度は, いずれの年令群においても1サイクル中に接地足離地後にわずかに伸展し, その後大きく屈曲し伸展するパターンを示した。 3. 膝関節角度は, 遊脚局面ではいずれの年令群とも接地足離地後に大きく屈曲し伸展するパターンを示した。 支持局面では, 小さく屈曲し伸展するパターンを示した。しかし, 2歳児では, E型, F型, E-F型のいずれかのパターンを示した。4. 腰関接・膝関節の角度変化における各特定点b, c, d, e, g, h, h\u27, iおよびjの出現時点は, 2歳児が他の年令群に比べ早く出現していた (P<0.05~0.001)。5. 特定点bとeの腰関節角度とd-e間の運動範囲は, 2歳と4歳との間に有意な差が認められた。(P<0.05~0.01)。 特定点b-c間の運動範囲は, 2歳と4歳, 2歳と8歳との間にそれぞれ有意差が認められた (P<0.05~0.01)。特定点Cは, いずれの年令群間においても有意な差をみることはできなかった。6. 特定点fの膝関節角度は2歳と4歳, 特定点gの角度は2歳と8歳, 特定点hの膝関節角度は2歳と4歳, 8歳と10歳, 2歳と10歳との間に, 特定点h\u27の角度では, 2歳と4歳, 2歳と10歳との間に, それぞれ有意な差がみられた (P<0.05~0.001)。 特定点f-g間, g-h間, さらにh\u27-i間の運動範囲は, 2歳と10歳との間に有意な差をみることができた(P<0.05~0.01)。The purpose of this study was to investigate the movement characteristics of leg actions during one cycle of running in each age group, aged 2 to 10 years. The subjects were 46 girls consisting of 5 different age groups, 7, 10, 10, 10 and 9 subjects for the ages of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10, respectively. The 16mm cinematographies were used to measure running velocity, step length, step frequency and the angles of left hip (θ_1) and knee (θ_2) joints. The data of angles were smoothed by using the curve fitting technique, the method of the least square approximation given a second degree polynominal fitting 5 points. With advancing of age, there were increases in running velocity, step length and the amount of time in the swinging phase. On the contrary, the time during the supporting phase decreased. In step frequency, there was no change in the range from 2 to 10 years. During one cycle of running, the mean angular change curves of θ_1 and θ_2 were nearly the same at all age groups except for the 2 year-age-group. In them, left knee extension after left foot contact and/or left knee flexion in the latter of supporting phase was observed. The appearence of the flexion-extension movement of hip and knee joints were obtained at earlier phase in the age group of 2 years than in the remaining age groups. Maximum knee flexion during the swinging phase increased from 2 to 10 years. The peak of knee extension during the swinging phase and the knee joint angle at the foot contact decreased a little with increasing age. The movement range of hip flexion increased in the range from 2 to 8 years. The movement ranges of knee flexion and extension during the swinging phase increased from 2 to 10 years
ハンマー投げのバイオメカニクス的研究 : 投射時におけるハンマー頭部の初速度・投射角・投射高が飛距離に及ぼす影響
The speed, height and angle at which the hammer was released were measured and phasic analysis was performed in this study. Two hammer throwers were selected as subjects. One of them (Subject Mur) had the Japan national record, 71.72 m, in 1981. In this experiment, the records were 70.84 and 52.82 m for subjects Mur and Hos, respectively. Higher values for speed and angle of release were observed in subject Mur. The height of hammer head at release, however, was lower in subject Mur. Duration of delivery phase was longer in this subject. Angular velocity of hammer head was higher in the one foot supporting phase than in two feet supporting phase in higher subject. On the contrary, angular velocity of left wrist was higher in two feet supporting phase in this subject. In subject Hos, however, no significant differences of both angular velocities of hammer head and left wrist were obtained in between one foot and two feet supporting phases
Mechanical external work and average power were measured during take-off and landing phases in hurdling using force plates. This study was used two skilled hurdlers as subjects. The subjects tried 55-m hurdles as posible as they can. The both negative and positive external work and average power were calculated from the reaction force on the plate form during two phases. The measered values of hurdling velocity were 7.12 and 7.24 m/sec for higher skilled and 6.59 and 6.56 m/sec for lower skilled. This may indicate that hurdling velocity was an important factor to determine the record of hurdle running. During take-off phase, higher values of forward work and average power were observed in negative phase than those in positive phase. During handing phase, however, forward work and average power were lower in negative phase than those in positive phase. For vertical work and average power, positive values were higher than negative ones during take-off phase. On the contrary, during landing phase, positive values were lower than negative ones. These results suggested that the work for braking was larger than that for thrust during take-off phase and the work for thrust was larger than that for braking during landing phase
体操競技部に所属している体育学部男子学生5名と女子学生4名を被検者として, Force Plate 上で後方宙返りを行なわせ, そのときの動作を16mmフィルム分析法によって分析した。 本研究から得られた結果は, 次のように要約できる。 1. 後方宙返りの運動経過をみると, 女子では2つのタイプがみられた。 すなわち, 男子と同様に離地後体幹が水平になってから, 大転子点が最高点に達っするタイプと, 大転子点が最高点に達っした後体幹が水平になったタイプであった。 男子にみられた着地前の腹臥位で体幹が水平になる姿勢は, 女子ではみられなかった。2. 離地から大転子点が最高点に達っするまでの大転子点の垂直移動距離は, 男子が57.9cm (±10.9cm), 女子が32.0cm (±10.2cm) であった。両者の間に統計的に有意な差がみられた (P<0.01)。 一方, 離地から着地までの大転子点と足先の水平移動距離は, 男女間で有意な差はみられなかった。 3. 肘関節の角度変化についてみると, 大転子点が最高点に達っした時点で男子が118度, 女子が140度であった。 4. 肩関節角度変化は, 膝関節の最大屈曲から離地にかけて, 男子では-82度から142度まで著しく変化した。女子では約70度から約150度までの変化であった。 また, 離地から大転子点が最高点に達っするまでの間では, 男子の方が著しく肩関節角度は減少した。 5. 腰関節角度は, 離地から大転子点が最高点に達っするまでは, 男子の方が小さい値を示した。 大転子点が最高点に達っした後の腰関節の伸展は男子の方が女子よりも急速におこっていた。6. 膝関節の角度変化では, 離地時の角度が3名の被検者とも約150度を示した。 大転子点が最高点に達っした時の角度は, 男子で58度, 女子では約87度であった。The purpose of this study was to compare the back somersault between males and females. Five male and four female college gymnasts, aged 18 to 21, participated in this study as subjects. The movements of the subjects were analyzed by means of 16mm cine-camera. Force applied to the ground were recorded with using a force plateform. In the male subjects, the horizontal position of the trunk with the face upward was observed before the peak of the flight. Similar results were shown in two of the females. In the remaining subjects of females, however, horizontal position of the trunk was observed often the peak of the flight. The horizontal position of the trunk with the face downward was occurred before landing in the males. In the females, this position was not observed before landing. The vertical displacement of the trochanter major point from the takeoff position to the peak of the flight was much greater in males (57.9cm) than in females (32.0cm). The joint angle of shoulder increased from the maximal flexion of knee joint to the takeoff, and decreased from the takeoff to the peak of the flight in both males and females. These changes were much more pronounced in males than in females. The angles of elbow, shoulder, hip, and knee joints at the heighest position of the trochanter major point in the flight were much smaller in males than in females. These results indicated that the males performed tucking action than the females. It was suggested that more pronounced tucking action in males decreased the gymnast\u27s moment of inertia and increased his angular velocity related to transverse axis in the flight
Factors associated with good self-rated health of non-disabled elderly living alone in Japan: a cross-sectional study
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Self-rated health (SRH) is reported as a reliable predictor of disability and mortality in the aged population and has been studied worldwide to enhance the quality of life of the elderly. Nowadays, the elderly living alone, a particular population at great risk of suffering physical and mental health problems, is increasing rapidly in Japan and could potentially make up the majority of the aged population. However, few data are available pertaining to SRH of this population. Given the fact that sufficient healthcare is provided to the disabled elderly whereas there is little support for non-disabled elderly, we designed this population-based survey to investigate SRH of non-disabled elderly living alone and to identify the factors associated with good SRH with the purpose of aiding health promotion for the elderly.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional study was conducted in a metropolitan suburb in Japan. Questionnaires pertaining to SRH and physical conditions, lifestyle factors, psychological status, and social activities, were distributed in October 2005 to individuals aged ≥ 65 years and living alone. Response rate was 75.1%. Among these respondents, a total of 600 male and 2587 female respondents were identified as non-disabled elderly living alone and became our subjects. Multivariate logistic regression was used to identify the factors associated with good SRH and sex-specific effect was tested by stepwise logistic regression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Good SRH was reported by 69.8% of men and 73.8% of women. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that good SRH correlated with, in odds ratio sequence, "can go out alone to distant places", no depression, no weight loss, absence of self-rated chronic disease, good chewing ability, and good visual ability in men; whereas with "can go out alone to distant places", absence of self-rated chronic disease, no weight loss, no depression, no risk of falling, independent IADL, good chewing ability, good visual ability, and social integration (attend) in women.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>For the non-disabled elderly living alone, sex-appropriate support should be considered by health promotion systems from the view point of SRH. Overall, the ability to go out alone to distant places is crucial to SRH of both men and women.</p
Emerging concepts in biomarker discovery; The US-Japan workshop on immunological molecular markers in oncology
Supported by the Office of International Affairs, National Cancer Institute (NCI), the "US-Japan Workshop on Immunological Biomarkers in Oncology" was held in March 2009. The workshop was related to a task force launched by the International Society for the Biological Therapy of Cancer (iSBTc) and the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to identify strategies for biomarker discovery and validation in the field of biotherapy. The effort will culminate on October 28th 2009 in the "iSBTc-FDA-NCI Workshop on Prognostic and Predictive Immunologic Biomarkers in Cancer", which will be held in Washington DC in association with the Annual Meeting. The purposes of the US-Japan workshop were a) to discuss novel approaches to enhance the discovery of predictive and/or prognostic markers in cancer immunotherapy; b) to define the state of the science in biomarker discovery and validation. The participation of Japanese and US scientists provided the opportunity to identify shared or discordant themes across the distinct immune genetic background and the diverse prevalence of disease between the two Nations