338 research outputs found

    Can a galaxy redshift survey measure dark energy clustering?

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    (abridged) A wide-field galaxy redshift survey allows one to probe galaxy clustering at largest spatial scales, which carries an invaluable information on horizon-scale physics complementarily to the cosmic microwave background (CMB). Assuming the planned survey consisting of z~1 and z~3 surveys with areas of 2000 and 300 square degrees, respectively, we study the prospects for probing dark energy clustering from the measured galaxy power spectrum, assuming the dynamical properties of dark energy are specified in terms of the equation of state and the effective sound speed c_e in the context of an adiabatic cold dark matter dominated model. The dark energy clustering adds a power to the galaxy power spectrum amplitude at spatial scales greater than the sound horizon, and the enhancement is sensitive to redshift evolution of the net dark energy density, i.e. the equation of state. We find that the galaxy survey, when combined with Planck, can distinguish dark energy clustering from a smooth dark energy model such as the quintessence model (c_e=1), when c_e<0.04 (0.02) in the case of the constant equation of state w_0=-0.9 (-0.95). An ultimate full-sky survey of z~1 galaxies allows the detection when c_e<0.08 (0.04) for w_0=0.9 (-0.95). We also investigate a degeneracy between the dark energy clustering and the non-relativistic neutrinos implied from the neutrino oscillation experiments, because the two effects both induce a scale-dependent modification in the galaxy power spectrum shape at largest spatial scales accessible from the galaxy survey. It is shown that a wider redshift coverage can efficiently separate the two effects by utilizing the different redshift dependences, where dark energy clustering is apparent only at low redshifts z<1.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures; minor changes to match the published versio

    TNF-α is essential in the induction of fatal autoimmune hepatitis in mice through upregulation of hepatic CCL20 expression.

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    It is unclear what roles TNF-α has in the development of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) and whether AIH is responsive to anti-TNF-α. We recently developed a mouse model of fatal AIH that develops in PD-1-deficient mice thymectomized three days after birth, finding that CCR6-CCL20 axis-dependent migration of dysregulated splenic T cells is crucial to induce AIH. In this study, we show the indispensable role of TNF-α in the development of AIH. Administering anti-TNF-α prevented the induction, but treatment by anti-TNF-α after the induction did not suppress progression. Administering anti-TNF-α did not prevent splenic T-cell activation, but did suppress hepatic CCL20 expression. In contrast, administering anti-CCL20 suppressed AIH but not elevated serum TNF-α levels. TNF-α stimulation enhanced CCL20 expression in hepatocytes. These findings suggest that TNF-α is essential in the induction of AIH through upregulation of hepatic CCL20 expression, which allows migration of dysregulated splenic T cells

    Constraining the time variation of the coupling constants from cosmic microwave background: effect of \Lambda_{QCD}

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    We investigate constraints on the time variation of the fine structure constant between the recombination epoch and the present epoch, \Delta\alpha/\alpha \equiv (\alpha_{rec} - \alpha_{now})/\alpha_{now}, from cosmic microwave background (CMB) taking into account simultaneous variation of other physical constants, namely the electron mass m_{e} and the proton mass m_{p}. In other words, we consider the variation of Yukawa coupling and the QCD scale \Lambda_{QCD} in addition to the electromagnetic coupling. We clarify which parameters can be determined from CMB temperature anisotropy in terms of singular value decomposition. Assuming a relation among variations of coupling constants governed by a single scalar field (the dilaton), the 95% confidence level (C.L.) constraint on \Delta\alpha/\alpha is found to be -8.28 \times 10^{-3} < \Delta\alpha/\alpha < 1.81 \times 10^{-3}, which is tighter than the one obtained by considering only the change of \alpha and m_{e}. We also obtain the constraint on the time variation of the proton-to-electron mass ratio \mu \equiv m_{p}/m_{e} to be -0.52 < \Delta\mu/\mu < 0.17 (95% C.L.) under the same assumption. Finally, we also implement a forecast for constraints from the PLANCK survey.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures; references adde

    Anaemia, iron deficiency and vitamin A status among school-aged children in rural Kazakhstan.

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    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the prevalence of anaemia and iron deficiency and vitamin A status among school-aged children in rural Kazakhstan and identify factors associated with anaemia in this population. DESIGN: A cross-sectional design. SETTING: School-aged children in rural Kazakhstan. SUBJECTS: Socio-economic and anthropometric information was collected from 159 school-aged children living in the Kzyl-Orda region of Kazakhstan. Blood samples were collected and the concentrations of haemoglobin (Hb), serum iron, serum ferritin (SF), erythrocyte protoporphyrin (EP), serum retinol and beta-carotene, total iron binding capacity (TIBC), transferrin saturation (TS) and other haematological indices were measured. RESULTS: Among the 159 children, the prevalence of anaemia and iron deficiency defined by the multiple criteria model (SF, TS and EP) was 27% and 13%, respectively. Nine per cent had iron-deficiency anaemia and 21% had serum retinol value < 1.05 micromol l(-1). Mean SF and serum iron concentrations and TS were significantly lower in anaemic children than in their non-anaemic peers, while TIBC and EP were significantly higher in children with anaemia. Hb was significantly correlated with serum iron and retinol concentrations. Serum retinol and SF concentrations and mean corpuscular volume were significantly correlated with Hb by multiple regression analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Anaemia among school-aged children in rural Kazakhstan appears to be related to iron indices and vitamin A status

    明治十年代における教育政策の転換とその地方への浸透過程 : 宮城県の場合を中心として

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    The object of this paper is to make analysis of the change of Educational Policies of the 10th Period of Meiji Era and the process of its penetration into the local community, based on the historical materials in Miyagi Prefecture, (chapter I.) After the Meiji Restration, the public educational system in Japan was set in 1872\u27s educational Act, called "Gakusei", the first Japanese nation-wide educational Ordinance. Japanese education set out the road to modernization. So each prefecture made its own schooling plan. In chapter II, I examined how the educational plan was drafted under the provision of "Gakusei" in the case of Miyagi Pref., and then how the plan developed under the conditions of the local community. As a result, I found that in spite of the equal opportunity of education under the new school system, inequality by social status and sex, etc existed. In chapter III, I analyzed the change-process of educational policies, from "Gakusei" to "Kyoikurei" and the local government educational policies in the 10th period of Meiji Era. In chapter IV, I refered that "Kyoikurei", the educational Ordinance of 1879, was severly criticized for its liberalistic texture and its localism in the educational Administration by the Emperor Meiji and people surrounding him, as well as local government administrators. Kono, minister of Education, was ordered to make a survey the educational conditions in the local community. And then "Kyoikurei" was denied by him and "Kaisei-Kyoikurei", educational Ordinance of 1880, acted. This ordinance ordered tightening of government supervision, control of carriculum, enforced moral education and strengthning of administrative organization in local districts. Therefore, we cannot call the process of the modernization of Japanese education in the real meaning of the word. Again, this educational policies provided a background of the establishment of the Meiji constitution and the Emperor system of Education. This conclusion was written in the last chapter V


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    The modernization of teaching methods is the very important point for having an insight into the Japanese modern educational system. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how educational activities of school had changed from the traditional pattern to the new pattern to make analysis of the process of the establishment of Teachers training School in the early years of Meiji era taking Tohoku Districts as an example. In the Educational Act of 1872, called "Gakusei", public primary schools were established all over Japan. The expansion of primary schools demanded an increasing proportion of teachers of high intellectual capacity, as well as teaching ability, so that with the new development in education a new problem in the supply of teachers was constantly arisen. The first teachers training school was opened in Tokyo by 1872, and graduates of it\u27s school went to every district to set up new teachers training school. So, several prefectures pontaneously established the teachers training schools in many types. Taking an example in the Tohoku District, the first Teachers training school was opened in Sendai by 1873, and it\u27s graduates went to Tohoku Districts. Their ideas and practices played a large role in the modernization of Japanese education. The contents in this paper are as follows ; Preface Chapter I Establishment of Modern School and New Teachers II Tokyo Normal School and it\u27s Graduates III Miyagi Normal School and it\u27s Graduates IV Establishment of Teachers training School in the Tohoku Distrit Conclusio


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    The purpose of this paper is make analysis of the establishment of Modern School in the early years of Meiji Era and the process of setting of the Shoso private school, a school of needlework which was established by Miyoji Hozawa. The public educational system in Japan was set in 1872\u27s Act, called "Gakusei". Japanese education set out the road to modernization. The Act appealed "from now on there should be no illiterate person in any class of people, peers, Samurai, farmers, craftsman and women.,, Thus modern education based on the idea of equality of the sexes was begun. This was an epoch-making fact in the history of Japanese education. But, inspite of started principle of the equal opportunity of Education under the modern school, inequality by social status and sex existed which was a refletion of the social structure of that age. There were difficulties, however, in accepting applicants for the modern school for women. The situation was even much worse in rural areas. In 1879, Miyoji Hozawa established a private school, it was called Shoso-shi-juku (a school of needlework for women). It\u27s school teached girl sewing and manners. He played a large role for education of women. He was called a pioneer to teach women sewing in the history of Japanese in the Meiji Era. The contents of this paper are as follow; chapter I. Education of Women at the Miyagi Prefecture in the early years of Meiji Era. chapter II. The begining of education to teach sewing, chapter III. Establishment of private school. chapter IV. Shoso private school by Miyoji Hozawa. chapter V. Miyoji Hozawa, as a pioneer to teach women sewing and a Great Educator

    A New Milky Way Satellite Discovered In The Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey

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    We report the discovery of a new ultra-faint dwarf satellite companion of the Milky Way based on the early survey data from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program. This new satellite, Virgo I, which is located in the constellation of Virgo, has been identified as a statistically significant (5.5 sigma) spatial overdensity of star-like objects with a well-defined main sequence and red giant branch in their color-magnitude diagram. The significance of this overdensity increases to 10.8 sigma when the relevant isochrone filter is adopted for the search. Based on the distribution of the stars around the likely main sequence turn-off at r ~ 24 mag, the distance to Virgo I is estimated as 87 kpc, and its most likely absolute magnitude calculated from a Monte Carlo analysis is M_V = -0.8 +/- 0.9 mag. This stellar system has an extended spatial distribution with a half-light radius of 38 +12/-11 pc, which clearly distinguishes it from a globular cluster with comparable luminosity. Thus, Virgo I is one of the faintest dwarf satellites known and is located beyond the reach of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. This demonstrates the power of this survey program to identify very faint dwarf satellites. This discovery of VirgoI is based only on about 100 square degrees of data, thus a large number of faint dwarf satellites are likely to exist in the outer halo of the Milky Way.Comment: typos are corrected, 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Ap