9 research outputs found

    Ključna uloga faktora tumorske nekroze alfa (TNF-α) u kalifornijskih pastrva cijepljenih ozračenim trofontom parazita Ichthyophthirius multifiliis.

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    In this study, in order to characterize the immune response against Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (I. multifiliis) in the skin, liver, gills and head kidney of immunized rainbow trout, with two types of killed vaccines (γ-irradiation and formalin inactivation of trophont), the gene expression levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α1 and TNF-α2) were evaluated. The vaccinated fish showed significant protection against I. multifiliis 30 days after the second vaccination. We showed that the pro-inflammatory cytokine, TNF-α1, was expressed in rainbow trout after vaccination, not only in the skin but also in the head kidney and liver, whereas TNF-α2 expression was seen in the liver. Also, parasite-related changes in TNF-α1 expression could be detected only in the gills of fish that were exposed to live I. multifiliis trophonts during this experiment. Finally, according to previous reports and the current study, TNF-α1 could be involved in an immune mechanism that can control I. multifiliis infection in vaccinated rainbow trout.Istražen je imunosni odgovor u koži, jetri, škrgama i bubregu kalifornijskih pastrva cijepljenih dvjema vrstama inaktiviranih cjepiva pripravljenih od parazita Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. Jedna je bilo pripravljena ozračivanjem trofonta γ-zrakama, a druga njegovim ubijanjem formalinom. Istražena je razina genske ekspresije proupalnih citokina odnosno faktora tumorske nekroze α (TNF-α1 i TNF-α2). Cijepljene ribe pokazivale su značajnu zaštitu protiv I. multifiliis 30 dana nakon drugog cijepljenja. Pokazalo se da je proupalni citokin TNF-α1 bio izražen u pastrva nakon cijepljenja ne samo u koži već i u bubregu i jetri, dok je ekspresija TNF-α2 bila dokazana samo u jetri. U ovom je pokusu također ustanovljeno da se promjene u ekspresiji TNF-α1 mogu dokazati samo u škrgama riba izloženima živim trofontima I. multifiliis. Na osnovi prijašnjih izvješća i ovog istraživanja može se zaključiti da bi TNF-α1 mogao biti upleten u imunosne mehanizme za kontrolu invazije vrstom I. multifiliis u cijepljenih kalifornijskih pastrva

    Histopathological changes in the skin and gut mucus layers of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) challenged with Ichthyophthirius multifiliis inactivated by gamma rays and formalin

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    Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, a protozoan parasite, is a significant problem for fish farmers and Aquarium fish worldwide. This study aimed to evaluate the immunization of rainbow trout with gamma-irradiated, formalin inactive, and live theronts of I. multifiliis. In this study, fish were exposed to gamma-irradiated, formalin-inactivated, and live I. multifiliis theronts. Then, the histopathological changes in the mucous layers of the skin and intestines were studied after 7 and 14 days of exposure. Although no significant morphological changes were observed in the skin and intestines of the treated fish, the number of skin goblet cells increased significantly in fish treated with formalin-inactivated, gamma-inactivated, and live trophonts on 7 and 14 days. Compared to the negative control group, an increase in epidermal thickness on the skin was observed in fish challenged with formalin-inactivated, gamma-inactivated, and live trophonts. The numbers of mucous cells/total enterocytes in the intestinal epithelium of fish exposed to gamma-irradiated, formalin-inactivated, and trophonts live were higher than in non-infected fish. Moreover, a significant increase was found in the mucous cell numbers of the pyloric fold in treated fish with gamma-irradiated and formalin inactive trophonts at the first and second weeks. The results showed that the gamma-irradiated trophonts and formalin inactive trophonts could be safe for use in rainbow trout against I. multifiliis

    Varijacije ukupne razine sijalične kiseline u bubrezima, jetri i slezeni imunizirane kalifornijske pastrve (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of irradiated trophonts of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and alginate/calcium phosphate nanoparticles on total sialic acid levels in immunized rainbow trout kidney, liver and spleen tissues. The 15 fish tissues of the treated and control groups were sampled at 30 days following the first immunization. Tissue samples were homogenized and centrifuged. The total sialic acid levels of the tissue samples were determined using a commercially available Quantitation Kit. Significant increases in kidney, spleen and liver TSA levels were determined in the treated groups in comparison to the controls. The immunosupportive effects of sialic acid were illustrated by the elevation in the amount of TSA in the kidneys, liver and spleen of the immunized fish. Also, the significant increase in the TSA levels in the rainbow trout treated with calcium phosphate nanoparticles could be attributed to the Ca-binding capacity of the glycerol side chain of the sialic acid. Finally, the results of this study showed that sialic acid may be a mediator in the development of long-circulating nanocarriers to advance the field of vaccine delivery in fish.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je procijeniti učinak ozračenog trofonta Ichthyophthirius multifiliis i nanočestica alginata / kalcijeva fosfata na ukupnu razinu sijalične kiseline u bubrezima, jetri i slezeni imunizirane kalifonijske pastrve. Uzeti su uzorci 15 riba iz pokusne i kontrolne skupine 30 dana nakon imunizacije. Uzorci tkiva su homogenizirani i centrifugirani. Ukupna razina sijalične kiseline u uzorcima tkiva utvrđena je komercijalnim kitom za kvantifikaciju. U pokusnim skupinama u usporedbi s kontrolnom utvrđen je statistički znakovit porast ukupne razine sijalične kiseline u bubregu, jetri i slezeni. Imunopotporni učinci sijalične kiseline prikazani su porastom ukupne razine sijalične kiseline u bubrezima, jetri i slezeni imunizirane ribe. Također, statistički znakovit porast ukupne razine sijalične kiseline u kalifonijske pastrve kojoj su davane nanočestice kalcijeva fosfata, mogao bi se povezati sa sposobnošću postranog lanca glicerola sijalične kiseline za vezanje kalcija. Rezultati ovoga istraživanja pokazali su da sijalična kiselina može posredovati u razvoju dugocirkulirajućih nanonositelja kako bi se pospješila imunizaciju riba

    Effects of gamma-irradiated ethanolic extract of Iranian propolis on growth performance, immunological and haematological parameters in juvenile common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)

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    This study evaluated the oral administration of gamma-irradiated ethanolic extract of Iranian propolis on juvenile common carp. Fish were assigned into five groups and fed on the basal diet (control group) and an enriched diet containing 0.5 g kg-1 of GI-EEP supplements for 45 days. Growth performance, haematological indices, and immunological parameters were measured. The results showed that oral administration of GI-EEP (0, 10, and 30 kGy) significantly improved the growth performance. However, GI-EEP dietary supplements had no significant effects on the survival rate, haematological indices, catalase activity and total mucosal immunoglobulins of fish. A significant increase in lysozyme activities and total immunoglobulins was observed in fish fed on GI-EEP. The results suggested that feeding fish with 50 kGy of GI-EEP decreased certain growth performance indices and immunological parameters. The highest superoxide dismutase activity was observed in the fish fed on 30 kGy of GI-EEP, while the SOD activity significantly decreased in fish fed on 50 kGy of GI-EEP. The overall results of this study showed the use of GI-EEP at 10 and 30 kGy in the diet could improve growth indices and increase the efficiency of the innate immune and cellular antioxidant capacity. In contrast, the biological impact of EEP treated at 50 KGy gamma rays may be significantly reduced due to changes in its quality


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    ABSTRACT Background: Seaweeds contain significant quan es of lipids, protein, vitamins and minerals. Aquavac Ergosan contains 1% alginic acid extracted from two brown seaweeds, Laminaria digitata and Ascophyllum nodosum. Both in vivo and in-vitro researches have mainly been focused on the effect of Ergosan on fish growth, survival rate, reproduc ve performance and innate immunity in blood and epidermal mucus. Despite numerous studies on the effects of Ergosan on immune system of aqua c animals and evalua on of seaweeds in proximate analysis, there is no data available on proximate analysis of irradiated Ergosan extract (alginic acid). Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the effect of on different groups of irradiated alginic acid (10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 KGy) for analyzing proximate composi on. Materials and Methods: Alginic acid was prepared from the sonicated Ergosan extract. The Alginic acid extracted from Ergosan was irradiated with a gamma cell. The protein and lipid content and Moisture and ash were recorded. Results: Sta s cal analysis showed no significant differences among all of groups in terms of protein, lipid, ash and moisture. Conclusion: Radia on processing is a very convenient tool for impar ng desirable effects in polymeric materials. The polysaccharide degrada on by gamma or ultraviolet irradia on is free of ini ators. High energy radia on technique can be effec vely used to decrease the molecular weight of different polysaccharides such as alginate and Chitosan. Based on the results of this study, gamma irradia on of alginic acid as natural polysaccharide had no effect on crude protein, crude lipid, moisture and ash

    Effect of Hydroalchoholic Extract Sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) on Expression of Passive Avoidance Learning in Gonadectomized Male Rats

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    Introduction: Learning and memory is characteristically human to survive; reducing sexual hormones in aging and the side effects of chemical drugs are factors that can cause memory and learning disruption. In this study the effect of hydroalchoholic extract sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) on expression passive avoidance learning in gonadectomized male rats was studied. Methods: In this experimental study, 32 adult Wistar rats with a weight of 230&plusmn;20 were put in four groups (8 rats per group), including: received healthy solvent extract Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), gonadectomized received of DMSO and doses of 25 and 50 mg/ kg extract sumac . Firstly, , rats injected intraperitoneally with ketamine (75 mg/kg) and xylazine (10 mg/kg) anesthesia, gonads removed after 15 days recovery period, extensive testing. Passive avoidance test by the Shuttle box device after treatment by the same conditions was performed for all groups. All treatment was performed intraperitoneally and a half hours before the test on the second day (check expression).The data were analyzed by the one-way ANOVA and Tukey test (P<0.05). Results: Results showed that in the gonadectomized group received solvent extract (DMSO) (3/0 cc) a significant reduced was found in latency to enter the dark room compared to DMSO control groups (P <0.001). The groups The groups receiving the extract sumac(Rhus coriaria L.) &nbsp;at a doses of 50 and 25 mg / kg showed a significant increase in latency in the dark room compared with the group receiving the gonadectomy receiving DMSO(P<0.05). Conclusion: Results show that the gonadectomy reduces the incidence of avoidance learning and In gonadectomized rats, hydroalcoholic extract of sumac increases the incidence of passive avoidance learning

    Preparation and anatomical distribution study of 67Ga-alginic acid nanoparticles for SPECT purposes in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    Ergosan contains 1% alginic acid extracted from two brown sea weeds. Little is known about the target organs and anatomical distribution of Ergosan (alginic acid) in fish. Therefore, feasibility of developing alginic acid nanoparticles to detect target organ in rainbow trout is interesting. To make nanoparticles, Ergosan extract (alginic acid) was irradiated at 30 kGy in a cobalt-60 irradiator and characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Results from TEM images showed that particle sizes of irradiated alginic acid ranged from 30 to 70 nm. The FTIR results indicated that gamma irradiation had no significant influence on the basic structure of alginic acid. Later, alginic acid nanoparticles were successively labelled with 67Ga-gallium chloride. The biodistribution of irradiated Ergosan in normal rainbow trout showed highest uptake in intestine and kidney and then in liver and kidney at 4- and 24-h post injection, respectively. Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) images also demonstrated target specific binding of the tracer at 4- and 24-h post injection. In conclusion, the feed supplemented with alginic acid nanoparticles enhanced SPECT images of gastrointestinal morphology and immunity system in normal rainbow trout