2 research outputs found

    Optical Properties of (PVA-CrCl2) Composites

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    The purpose of this  paper, study the  effect of  addition Krum chloride on optical properties of polyvinyl-alcohol . The composites prepare by casting technique with different weight percentages of CrCl2 are (0,1,2,3). Results showed that the absorbance increases with increase the concentration of  CrCl2, absorption coefficient, extinction coefficient, refractive index and real and imaginary parts of dielectric constants are increasing with increase CrCl2 concentration. keywords: Polyvinyl alcohol, Optical Properties, Composites.

    Characterization of Electrical Properties of (PVA-LiF) Composites

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    Composites consisting of poly-vinyl alcohol as matrix and lithium fluoride as a filler has been investigated with different percentages of lithium fluoride are (0,5,10, and 15) wt.%.  The electrical conductivity of composite has been studied at different temperature. The results showed that the D.C electrical conductivity increases with increasing the lithium fluoride concentrations and temperature. Also the activation energy change with increasing of lithium fluoride concentration. Keywords: Composites, Electrical Conductivity, lithium fluoride