3 research outputs found

    The longitudinal relationship between immune cell profiles and frailty in patients with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy.

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    BACKGROUND: Frailty is associated with an increased risk of chemotherapy toxicity. Cellular markers of inflammation can help identify patients with frailty characteristics. However, the role of cellular markers of inflammation in identifying patients at risk of developing chemotherapy-induced frailty and their clinical utility are not fully understood. METHODS: This study was a secondary analysis of a large nationwide cohort study of women with stage I-IIIC breast cancer (n = 581, mean age 53.4; range 22-81). Measures were completed pre-chemotherapy (T1), post-chemotherapy (T2), and 6 months post-chemotherapy (T3). Frailty was assessed at all three time points using a modified Fried score consisting of four self-reported measures (weakness, exhaustion, physical activity, and walking speed; 0-4, 1 point for each). Immune cell counts as well as neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and lymphocyte to monocyte ratio (LMR) were obtained at T1 and T2 time points. Separate linear regressions were used to evaluate the associations of (1) cell counts at T1 with frailty at T1, T2, and T3 and (2) change in cell counts (T2-T1) with frailty at T2 and T3. We controlled for relevant covariates and frailty at the T1 time point. RESULTS: From T1 to T2, the mean frailty score increased (1.3 vs 2.0; p \u3c 0.01) and returned to T1 levels by the T3 time point (1.3 vs 1.3; p = 0.85). At the T1 time point, there was a positive association between cellular markers of inflammation and frailty: WBC (β = 0.04; p \u3c 0.05), neutrophils (β = 0.04; p \u3c 0.05), and NLR (β = 0.04; p \u3c 0.01). From T1 to T2, a greater increase in cellular markers of inflammation was associated with frailty at T2 (WBC: β = 0.02, p \u3c 0.05; neutrophils: β = 0.03, p \u3c 0.05; NLR: β = 0.03; p \u3c 0.01). These associations remained significant after controlling for the receipt of growth factors with chemotherapy and the time between when laboratory data was provided and the start or end of chemotherapy. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy, cellular markers of inflammation are associated with frailty. Immune cell counts may help clinicians identify patients at risk of frailty during chemotherapy. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov , NCT01382082

    Nutritional Status Predicts Fatty Acid Uptake from Fish and Soybean Oil Supplements for Treatment of Cancer-Related Fatigue: Results from a Phase II Nationwide Study

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    Cancer-related fatigue is a prevalent and debilitating condition that persists for years into survivorship. Studies evaluating both fish oil supplementation on fatigue and associations between fish oil consumption and fatigue have shown mixed effects; it is unknown what factors contribute to these differential effects. Herein, we investigate whether the nutritional status of cancer survivors was associated with serum omega-3 concentration or change in serum omega-3s throughout a fish oil supplementation study, and then if any of these factors were associated with fatigue. Breast cancer survivors 4–36 months post-treatment with moderate-severe fatigue were randomized to take 6 g fish oil, 6 g soybean oil, or 3 g of each daily for 6 weeks. Baseline nutritional status was calculated using the Controlling Nutritional Status tool (serum albumin, lymphocytes, cholesterol). At baseline and post-intervention, serum fatty acids were quantified and fatigue was assessed using the Multidimensional Fatigue Symptom Inventory. Participants (n = 85) were 61.2 ± 9.7 years old with a body mass index of 31.9 ± 6.7 kg/m2; 69% had a good nutritional score and 31% had light-moderate malnutrition. Those with good nutritional status had greater total serum omega-3s at baseline (p = 0.013) and a greater increase in serum omega-3s with supplementation (p = 0.003). Among those who were supplemented with fish oil, greater increases in serum omega-3s were associated with greater improvements in fatigue. In conclusion, good nutritional status may increase uptake of fatty acid supplements, increasing their ability to improve fatigue