2 research outputs found

    Efectividad de la esencia floral de Genciana Roja (Gentianella cernua) en pacientes con hipotiroidismo del Hospital Andino Alternativo de Chimborazo.

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la efectividad de la esencia floral de Genciana Roja (Gentianella cernua) en pacientes con diagn贸stico de hipotiroidismo del Hospital Andino. Se realiz贸 el reclutamiento de 45 pacientes voluntarios tratados por la m茅dico endocrin贸loga del hospital, a quienes se les socializ贸 el consentimiento informado y se aplic贸 una encuesta con el fin de determinar el estado an铆mico y emocional de los participantes. Se obtuvo la soluci贸n madre de flores de Genciana roja la misma que fue proporcionada por la Cooperativa de Terapias Alternativas Poder de Vida de la ciudad de Riobamba, a partir de la cual, se prepar贸 la esencia floral en una soluci贸n hidroalcoh贸lica al 20%, mientras que el placebo consisti贸 en la soluci贸n hidroalcoh贸lica al 20%. Para la clasificaci贸n de los pacientes, se aplic贸 un dise帽o experimental completamente aleatorio, formando as铆 3 grupos con 15 participantes cada uno: el primer grupo tratados con Levotiroxina y Genciana roja, el segundo grupo con Levotiroxina y placebo y el tercer grupo tratados solo con Genciana roja. Se entreg贸 el tratamiento a cada uno de los grupos, el cual consisti贸 en la administraci贸n de 4 gotas sublinguales 3 veces al d铆a durante un mes. Se tomaron muestras sangu铆neas para determinar los valores iniciales y finales de hormonas T4 y TSH, cuyos datos se tabularon utilizando los programas Excel 2016 y SPSS 18. Los resultados se帽alan que no existen diferencias significativas entre los distintos tratamientos para los niveles de TSH, mientras que para los valores de T4 existen diferencias significativas espec铆ficamente entre el tratamiento 2 (levotiroxina y placebo) con respecto a los dem谩s lo que revela la actividad de la esencia floral de Genciana roja.This present paper aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the floral essence of Red Gentian (Gentianella cernua) in patients with hypothyroidism diagnosis of Andean Hospital. We chose 45 volunteer patients assisted by the endocrinologist who were informed about the informed consent. A survey was also carried out to determine their mood and emotional condition. The main solution of the Red Gentian flowers was given by Poder de Vida Alternative Therapy Cooperative located in Riobamba city. From this solution, the flower essence was prepared in a hydroalcoholic solution up to 20% while placebo consisted on a hydroalcoholic solution up to 20%. An experimental completely randomized design was used to classify the patients and form three groups with 15 patients each one. The first group was treated with Levothyroxine and Red Gentian, the second group with Levothyroxine and placebo and the third group treaded with Red Gentian. Each treatment consisted on a dosage of 4 drops sublingual three times a day during a month. We took blood samples to determine the initial and final values of hormones T4 and TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone) to tabulate the data with Excel 2016 and SPSS 18. The results showed that there is no difference meaningfully among these treatments for TSH levels. For T4 values there are meaningful differences between treatment two (levothyroxine and placebo) regarding to the other ones. This result shows the activity of the flower essence of Red Gentian

    Potential use of agroindustrial waste as a source of phenolic compounds with biological activity

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    Phenolic compounds have bioactive properties of interest in Medicine. Current research focuses on the search for new sources of this type of compounds. Several studies have proposed recovering, characterizing and identifying phenolic compounds from agroindustrial waste, searching for various biological activities in them. The present research was developed with the objective of describing the potential use of agroindustrial waste as a source of phenolic compounds with biological activity and their use in Medicine. Agroindustrial waste has a high potential as a novel source of phenolic compounds with biological activity, which can be used in the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industries. Among its applications are antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiproliferative activity. Several of the agroindustrial waste come from cultivable products in Ecuador, hence it constitutes an opportunity to be exploited in the national industry. Studies in Ecuador on the use of agroindustrial waste focus on obtaining biofuels, bioplastics and animal feed products, so the search for bioactive compounds from new sources is still an incipient field