160 research outputs found

    Ariel - Volume 12 Number 1

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    Executive Editors David G. Polin Larry H. Pastor Business Manager Alex Macones Jean Lien Editorial Page Editor Sam Markind Photography Editors Ken Yonemura Lois Leach Sports Editor Todd Hoove

    Myristyltrimethylammonium Bromide (MYTAB) as a cationic surface agent to inhibit Streptococcus mutans grown over dental resins: an in vitro study

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    This in vitro study evaluated the effect of myristyltrimethylammonium bromide (MYTAB) on the physical, chemical, and biological properties of an experimental dental resin. The resin was formulated with dental dimetacrylate monomers and a photoinitiator/co-initiator system. MYTAB was added at 0.5 (G0.5%), 1 (G1%), and 2 (G2%) wt %, and one group remained without MYTAB and was used as the control (GCtrl). The resins were analyzed for the polymerization kinetics, degree of conversion, ultimate tensile strength (UTS), antibacterial activity against Streptococcus mutans, and cytotoxicity against human keratinocytes. Changes in the polymerization kinetics profiling were observed, and the degree of conversion ranged from 57.36% (±2.50%) for G2% to 61.88% (±1.91%) for G0.5%, without a statistically significant difference among groups (p > 0.05). The UTS values ranged from 32.85 (±6.08) MPa for G0.5% to 35.12 (±5.74) MPa for GCtrl (p > 0.05). MYTAB groups showed antibacterial activity against biofilm formation from 0.5 wt % (p 0.05). In conclusion, the addition of 0.5 wt % of MYTAB did not alter the physical and chemical properties of the dental resin and provided antibacterial activity without cytotoxic effect


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    Kefir is a product resulting from the symbiosis between lactic acid bacteria and acetic acid bacteria, presenting probiotic action, such as immune system stimulation, antimicrobial activity against pathogens, intestinal microbiota balance and antitumor action. The present study aimed to the characterization and microbiological identification population the grains to the Brazilian milk kefir. A sample of kefir produced in the Videira/Santa Catarina region was evaluated. For this, ten grams of the sample were inoculated in 30mL of distilled water with 3 grams of skimmed milk powder and incubated for 24 hours at 28ºC. The sample was diluted and plated for isolation on MRS agar, M17 agar, Mycosel agar, YM agar and SD agar. The predominant population was lactic acid bacteria (70.5%), followed by yeasts (29.5%). The former ranged from 109 to 1011 CFU / g and yeasts from 104 to 105 CFU / g. Gram staining and optical microscopy were also performed to identify the prevalence of the microbiota by bacillary cells (short and curvad long) and gram-positive cocci, which grew in association with slightly oval yeast cells. In the catalase test there was a predominance of positive catalase. The result of the presence of distinct microbial populations in kefir shows the need to better explore the microbial composition of the same

    Digital dermoscopy to determine skin melanin index as an objective indicator of skin pigmentation

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    Clinical assessment of skin photosensitivity is subjectively determined by erythema and tanning responses to sunlight recalled by the subject, alternatively known as Fitzpatrick Skin Phototype (SPT). Responses may be unreliable due to recall bias, subjective bias by clinicians and subjects, and lack of cultural sensitivity of the questions. Analysis of red-green-blue (RGB) color spacing of digital images may provide an objective determination of SPT. This paper presents the studies to assess the melanin index (MI), as determined by RGB images obtained by both standard digital camera as well as by videodermoscope, and to correlate the MI with SPT based upon subjects' verbal responses to standardized questions administered by a dermatologist. A sample of subjects representing all SPTs I–VI was selected. Both the digital camera and videodermoscope were calibrated at standard illumination, light source and white balance. Images of constitutive skin of the upper ventral arm were taken of each subject using both instruments. The studies showed that 58 subjects (20 M, 38 F) were enrolled in the study (mean age: 47 years; range: 20–89), stratified to skin phototype I–VI. MI obtained by using both digital camera and videodermoscope increased significantly as the SPT increased (p = 0.004 and p &lt; 0.0001, respectively) and positively correlated with dermatologist-assessed SPT (Spearman correlation, r = 0.48 and r = 0.84, respectively). Digital imaging can quantify melanin content in order to quantitatively approximate skin pigmentation in all skin phototypes including Type VI skin. This methodology holds promise as a simple, non-invasive, rapid and objective approach to reliably determine skin phototype and, with further investigation, may prove to be both practical and useful in the prediction of skin cancer risk.</p


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    O setor de bebidas no meio oeste de Santa Catarina está em constantebusca pela melhoria da qualidade do produto, principalmente por seconstituir de empresas familiares recentes, voltadas a competir nummercado em expansão. Este estudo objetivou caracterizar suco integral deuva produzidos no meio oeste de Santa Catarina nos aspectos físico-quimico,polifenóis totais e atividade antioxidante. As amostras de sucos dasempresas A, B, C, D e E apresentaram variações de resultados relativos àacidez total (0,86 a 1,05) conforme legislação brasileira. O suco E, analisadona primeira safra, esteve acima dos limites fixados pela legislação. Parasólidos totais, as amostras apresentaram resultados que variaram de 13,5 a16,0 °Brix. Para todos os sucos, a quantidade de polifenóis totais foiacentuada (acima de 250 mg/L) na Safra 1, indicando uma variação nascondições de produção dos sucos devido à matéria-prima, bem como umainfluência devido a condições climáticas diferentes naquele ano de cultivodas uvas. Verificou-se, com base no sequestro de radical DPPH, que os sucosda safra 1 não foram uniformes na capacidade de consumo radical vistoque as absorbâncias após a reação com o radical DPPH foram maioresquando comparadas às obtidas com os controles. Diferentes estudos têmavaliado a capacidade antioxidante de compostos de frutas, sucos e outros,mas é consenso algumas discrepâncias poderem ocorrer porque no caso desucos de frutas ou outras bebidas, muitas variáveis podem alterar osresultados esperados, tais como, clima, época de cultivo, índicepluviométrico, umidade etc.Palavras-chaveS: Polifenois. Bebida. Qualidade. Vitis sp.E-mails: [email protected]; [email protected]

    Wind-driven mixing at intermediate depths in an ice-free Arctic Ocean

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    Recent seasonal Arctic Ocean sea ice retreat is a major indicator of polar climate change. The Arctic Ocean is generally quiescent with the interior basins characterized by low levels of turbulent mixing at intermediate depths. In contrast, under conditions of reduced sea ice cover, there is evidence of energetic internal waves that have been attributed to increased momentum transfer from the atmosphere to the ocean. New measurements made in the Canada Basin during the unusually ice-free and stormy summer of 2012 show previously observed enhancement of internal wave energy associated with ice-free conditions. However, there is no enhancement of mixing at intermediate depths away from significant topography. This implies that contrary to expectations of increased wind-induced mixing under declining Arctic sea ice cover, the stratification in the central Canada Basin continues to suppress turbulent mixing at intermediate depths and to effectively isolate the large Atlantic and Pacific heat reservoirs from the sea surface

    Digital dermoscopy to determine skin melanin index as an objective indicator of skin pigmentation

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    Clinical assessment of skin photosensitivity is subjectively determined by erythema and tanning responses to sunlight recalled by the subject, alternatively known as Fitzpatrick Skin Phototype (SPT). Responses may be unreliable due to recall bias, subjective bias by clinicians and subjects, and lack of cultural sensitivity of the questions. Analysis of red-green-blue (RGB) color spacing of digital images may provide an objective determination of SPT. This paper presents the studies to assess the melanin index (MI), as determined by RGB images obtained by both standard digital camera as well as by videodermoscope, and to correlate the MI with SPT based upon subjects’ verbal responses to standardized questions administered by a dermatologist.A sample of subjects representing all SPTs I–VI was selected. Both the digital camera and videodermoscope were calibrated at standard illumination, light source and white balance. Images of constitutive skin of the upper ventral arm were taken of each subject using both instruments.The studies showed that 58 subjects (20 M, 38 F) were enrolled in the study (mean age: 47 years; range: 20–89), stratified to skin phototype I–VI. MI obtained by using both digital camera and videodermoscope increased significantly as the SPT increased p = 0.004 and p < 0.0001, respectively) and positively correlated with dermatologist-assessed SPT (Spearman correlation, r = 0.48 and r = 0.84, respectively).Digital imaging can quantify melanin content in order to quantitatively approximate skin pigmentation in all skin phototypes including Type VI skin. This methodology holds promise as a simple, non-invasive, rapid and objective approach to reliably determine skin phototype and, with further investigation, may prove to be both practical and useful in the prediction of skin cancer risk