16 research outputs found

    Smart charging of EVs: Would you share your data for money?

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    Maximizing Smart Charging of EVs: The Impact of Privacy and Money on Data Sharing

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    Smart charging has the potential to shift peak load to times of lower demand, which better exploits renewable generation and enhances grid resilience. For increased effectiveness, smart charging requires access to data that consumers might be hesitant to share. To explore which data consumers would share and which factors influence this decision, we adopt the Barth and de Jong’s risk-benefit calculation framework to smart charging and conduct an online-survey (n = 479). We find that most respondents who would share charging details with a smart charging application, are ambivalent about location data and would never share calendar details. When presented with concrete monetary rewards, participants lose their initial reservations and would share all data for an amount dependent on the data’s sensitivity. Thus, our study contributes to research on the privacy paradox by highlighting the importance of calculations between perceived risks and benefits for the decision to share data

    User-centricity and Public Values in eGovernment: Friend or Foe?

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    In their delivery of services, public administrations seek to develop a ‘citizen-centric’ approach. Concomitantly, user-centricity is emerging as a widely accepted construct for Web 3.0 applications supporting the digital interaction between service providers and recipients. The digitalization of public services can positively impact important public values, such as efficiency and transparency. However, the digital divide highlights that information and communication technologies can simultaneously neglect public needs. This begs the question of whether user-centricity reflects or conflicts with public values. To answer this question, we present a systematic review of existing literature on user-centricity and public values. The contribution of this paper is an extended taxonomy of public values for user-centricity, as well as recommendations for public policy to address conflicts between public values and user-centricity

    User-centricity and Public Values in eGovernment: Friend or Foe?

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    In their delivery of services, public administrations seek to develop a ‘citizen-centric’ approach. Concomitantly, user-centricity is emerging as a widely accepted construct for Web 3.0 applications supporting the digital interaction between service providers and recipients. The digitalization of public services can positively impact important public values, such as efficiency and transparency. However, the digital divide highlights that information and communication technologies can simultaneously neglect public needs. This begs the question of whether user-centricity reflects or conflicts with public values. To answer this question, we present a systematic review of existing literature on user-centricity and public values. The contribution of this paper is an extended taxonomy of public values for user- centricity, as well as recommendations for public policy to address conflicts between public values and user-centricity

    Towards an evaluation of incentives and nudges for smart charging

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) are an important cornerstone to achieve transport decarbonization. Still, simultaneous charging of EVs when home charging increases peak demand, especially during evenings. Smart charging allows optimal distribution of load, thus preventing peak loads. Nevertheless, this incorporates certain risks for the EV user, e.g., unavailability of EVs for unplanned events. This might lead to a lack of user acceptance. This paper focuses on specific incentives and nudges, motivating users to adopt smart charging. We conducted an integrative literature review, bringing together literature from different areas. Possible incentives and nudges are monetary incentives, feedback, gamification, or smart charging as a default-setting. We conducted three focus groups with 13 EV users in Luxembourg to get first insights into which of those incentives and nudges they prefer. Preliminary results indicate that incentives and nudges should be individualized. In the future, we would use these first insights to develop a large-scale survey

    Empirical evaluation of behavioral interventions to enhance flexibility provision in smart charging

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    peer reviewedThe growing adoption of Electric vehicles (EVs) puts pressure on the power grid, and implementing smart solutions can ease this pressure. Smart charging at home is a solution where users offer flexibility in their charging schedule, which energy suppliers and/or other aggregators can exploit by charging during times of low demand and low market prices. However, giving charging control to the energy provider can concern EV users, particularly about driving range, and give a sense of loss of control. We conducted an experimental online survey with EV users (n = 289), examining the effect and perception of different behavioral interventions to improve flexibility provision. We found that all monetary incentives (high, low, credit points) resulted in higher flexibility, while environmental framing, feedback and badges, default-setting, and battery-related tips had no effect. The perception of all behavioral interventions did not correlate significantly with the flexibility offered for any of the interventions

    User-centricity and Public Values in eGovernment: Friend or Foe?

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    In their delivery of services, public administrations seek to develop a ‘citizen-centric’ approach. Concomitantly, user-centricity is emerging as a widely accepted construct for Web 3.0 applications supporting the digital interaction between service providers and recipients. The digitalization of public services can positively impact important public values, such as efficiency and transparency. However, the digital divide highlights that information and communication technologies can simultaneously neglect public needs. This begs the question of whether user-centricity reflects or conflicts with public values. To answer this question, we present a systematic review of existing literature on user-centricity and public values. The contribution of this paper is an extended taxonomy of public values for user-centricity, as well as recommendations for public policy to address conflicts between public values and user-centricity

    Postglacial evolution of Lake Constance: sedimentological and geochemical evidence from a deep-basin sediment core

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    The modern, over 250-m-deep basin of Lake Constance represents the underfilled northern part of an over 400-m-deep, glacially overdeepened trough, which reaches well into the Alps at its southern end. The overdeep- ening was formed by repeated glacial advance-retreat cycles of the Rhine Glacier throughout the Middle to Late Pleistocene. A seismic survey of Lake Constance revealed a Quaternary sediment fill of more than 150 m thickness representing at least the last glacial cycle. The stratified sedimentary fill consists at the base of ice-contact deposits on top of the molasse bedrock, overlain by glaciolacustrine to lacustrine sediments. During the successful field test of a newly developed, mid-size coring system ("HIPERCORIG"), the longest core (HIBO19) ever taken in Lake Constance was retrieved with an overall length of 24 m. The sediments recovered consist of a nearly continuous succession of lacustrine silts and sands including more than 12 m of Late Glacial sediment at the base. 14 lithotypes were identified through petrophysical and geochemical analyses. In combination with a 14C- and OSL-based age-depth model, the core was divided into three main chronostratigraphic units. The basal age of ~ 13.7 ka BP dates the base of the succes- sion back to the Bølling-Allerød interstadial, with overlying strata representing a complete and thick Younger-Dryas to Holocene succession. The sediments offer a high-resolution insight into the evolution of paleo-Lake Constance from a cold, postglacial to a more productive and warmer Holocene lake. The Late Glacial succession is dominated by massive, m-thick sand beds reflecting episodic sedimentation pulses. They are most likely linked to a subaquatic channel system originating in the river Seefelder Aach, which is, despite the Holocene drape, still apparent in today’s lake bathymetry. The overlying Holocene succession reveals a prominent, several cm-thick, double-turbiditic event layer representing the most distal impact of the Flimser Bergsturz, the largest known rockslide of the Alps that occurred over 100 km upstream the river Rhine at ~ 9.5 ka BP. Furthermore, lithologic variations in the Holocene succession document the varying sediment loads of the river Rhine and the endogenic production representing a multitude of environmental changes

    Smart charging of EVs: Would you share your data for money?

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    Many governments worldwide aim to eventually replace most combustion engines on the roads with electric vehicles (EVs). But this change causes an additional load on the electrical grid, especially if many EVs are charged simultaneously at peak times. Smart charging is a solution to better distribute the load throughout the day or night, while considering consumer preferences. For home charging, the idea is for EV users to always plug in their EVs when they are at home, and for the energy supplier to then decide when to charge which EV. By using (sensitive) consumer data, such as charging history, location of the smartphone and calendar information, the energy supplier can plan and optimize the charging of the EVs even better. In a survey, we seek to understand which of these data consumers are willing to share for smart charging, and what factors, such as privacy concerns and data sharing habits, influence this decision. Furthermore, in an experiment within the survey, we investigate whether consumers are more willing to share data if they receive monetary incentives. Our research design is based on the theoretical framework of Barth and de Jong (2017). 20 participants took part in the pretest, after which we adjusted the survey. We then shared the survey through various channels

    The Role of Gender in Data Sharing for Smart Charging of Electric Vehicles

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    peer reviewedUncontrolled EV charging creates spikes in electricity consumption, risking power system stability. A solution to this is smart charging, where energy suppliers take advantage of EV users' flexibility to charge the EVs at low-demand periods. However, the user acceptance of smart charging is highly dependent on perceived benefits. It also relies on the willingness of EV users to facilitate smart charging by sharing sensitive information such as charging, location or calendar data. No prior research has investigated how individual factors, such as gender, may impact the willingness to share data for smart charging. Drawing on privacy calculus and social role theories, we explore gender differences in data sharing for smart charging and analyze the effect of monetary incentives. Analyzing survey data (n = 383), our results demonstrate that gender significantly influences decisions to share information related to smart charging, which has implications for decision makers in energy companies.U-AGR-8002 - Enovos Inductive (01/01/2021 - 31/12/2022