10 research outputs found

    Nanophytovirology: An Emerging Field for Disease Management

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    Nanotechnology positions as a new armament in our collection against the increasing challenges in disease management and plant/human health. The application of nanotechnology in plant/human disease administration, diagnosis, and genetic transformations is still in its early stages. Apart from the scope of this chapter, there is also a mounting collection of new tools and techniques where nanoparticles are employed as delivery vehicles for genetic material in plants. Due to their nanoscale dimensions, nanoparticles may knockout virus particles and thus may open a novel arena of virus control in plants/humans. Our aim is to enlighten and enthuse researchers about the swiftly expanding prospects of nanotechnology in plant pathology i.e., “nanophytovirology.

    In Silico Characterization of Tomato leaf curl Joydebpur virus (ToLCJV) DNA-A Proteins

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    We retrieved six protein sequences of Tomato leaf curl Joydebpur virus (ToLCJV) DNA-A [FJ345402] from GenBank-NCBI (ACJ03821, ACJ03822, ACJ03823, ACJ03824, ACJ03825 and ACJ03826) which were used for computational modeling structure prediction. Ramachandran plot of ACJ03826-AC4 had maximum 73.3% and ACJ03822-AV1 had 71% residues in core region therefore these models cannot be placed in a good quality category. ACJ03824-AC2 had only 18.6% residues in core and 13.6% residues in disallowed regions and therefore it was the least stable protein. Verify-3D graph profile scores for selected ToLCJV proteins were greater than zero. Therefore all the verify-3D graph corresponds to an acceptable environment for the model. Findings of the present study provide a base for docking and In-Silico anti-Begomoviral compound designing

    Molecular Docking Studies of Coronavirus Proteins with Medicinal Plant Based Phytochemicals

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    In this study, we presented an in silico molecular docking between the SARS-CoV-2 four proteins [(a) SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein N-terminal RNA binding domain (6M3M), (b) Nsp9 RNA binding protein of SARS CoV-2 (6W4B), (c) The crystal structure of COVID-19 main protease in apo form (6M03), and (d) Structure of the 2019-nCoV HR2 Domain (6LVN)] available in the PDB (Protein Data Bank), and the medicinal plant-based phytochemicals (retrieved from PubChem database) as ligand molecules i.e. Piperine (Black Pepper), Eugenol (Clove), Alliin (Garlic), Gingerol (Ginger) and Curcumin (Turmeric). All these ligand molecules showed good docking with their respective receptor molecules and their scores range from -8.195 to -5.263. DockThor Portal (a receptor ligand-docking server) which was recently developed and published this year were used in the current study. The obtained results might help in the wet lab conditions to develop better antiviral compounds against SARS-CoV-2

    Analysis of Physicochemical Properties, Available Nutrients of Soil and their Correlation with Incidence of Telya Disease of Pomegranate at Northern Nasik, Maharashtra

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    Maharashtra government reported 10,000 crore production loss of Pomegranate every year, due to the incidence of Telya disease. The present study was aimed to analyse the physical, chemical properties, and available micro-macronutrients in the soil of pomegranate orchards infected with Telya disease. Estimation of incidence and severity of disease was done on fifty selected orchards from different villages that were MangiTungi, Daswel, Dasane, Mulher, and Sompur. Results revealed that minimum incidence (58.66%) and severity (59.89%) were recorded in Sompur village whereas maximum incidence (74.40%) and severity (68.70%) were recorded in Daswel and MangiTungi village respectively. The pH (7.5-7.9) and free lime concentration 7.4-9.4%) were exceptionally very high for all test and control samples. Deficiency of essential macronutrients N (<150-250 Kg/ha) and K (<125-200 Kg/ha) was recorded in all test samples along with additional deficiency of Zn micronutrient (<1.0-2.0 ppm). In the case of mock orchards, all the parameters were in accordance with reference values.Statistical analysis of data declared that there was a significant difference among parameters of tested groups (P>0.05) while for control fields there were no significant differences (P<0.05). Further, a positive correlation between macro-micronutrients (Na, Ca, N, P, K, Mn) and incidence of disease was recorded which concludes that an imbalance in nutrients promotes growth of pathogens and increases susceptibility of plants to pathogenic attack. Further, balancing nutrients through fertilisers or foliar spray could be an effective strategy for an integrated pest management system

    Outlooks of Nanotechnology in Organic Farming Management

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    Technological advances are getting monitored with time, and science suggests nanotechnology as the emerging future. This even holds correct with human food consumption for health benefits, where organic farming is a better solution for the rising population and is even supported by major countries instead of using chemical fertilisers and pesticides. Nanotechnology provides a platform where nanoparticles help in better management for organic farming by using it as nano fertilisers, nanocides, nano biosensors, nano growth promoters, etc. These nanomaterials can be synthesised by three different mechanisms namely; chemical, physical, and biological methods. Since the chemical and physical mode of synthesis does not follow the criteria of organic farming and have their drawbacks. Hence, the biological method, also known as the green synthesis of nanomaterials fulfills the requirement of organic farming and has achieved the attention of researchers. Extracts of plant parts (stems, roots, leaves, flowers and, fruits) and different microbes, including bacteria, fungus, and mycorrhiza can be used as a base material for the synthesis of nanoparticles under green synthesis mode. The vision behind the green synthesis of nanoparticles was to curb the hazardous effects of chemically synthesised nanoparticles. In the present review, green synthesis of major elements of organic farming namely; nano fertilisers, nano-pesticides, and nano growth promoters, their modes of transportation, their advantages, and disadvantages in organic farming are discussed

    In silico identification of papaya genome-encoded microRNAs to target begomovirus genes in papaya leaf curl disease

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    Papaya leaf curl disease (PaLCuD) is widespread and classified in the genus begomovirus (Geminiviridae), disseminated by the vector whitefly Bemisia tabaci. RNA interference (RNAi)-based antiviral innate immunity stands as a pivotal defense mechanism and biological process in limiting viral genomes to manage plant diseases. The current study aims to identify and analyze Carica Papaya locus-derived capa-microRNAs with predicted potential for targeting divergent begomovirus species-encoded mRNAs using a ‘four integrative in silico algorithms’ approach. This research aims to experimentally activate the RNAi catalytic pathway using in silico-predicted endogenous capa-miRNAs and create papaya varieties capable of assessing potential resistance against begomovirus species and monitoring antiviral capabilities. This study identified 48 predicted papaya locus-derived candidates from 23 miRNA families, which were further investigated for targeting begomovirus genes. Premised all the four algorithms combined, capa-miR5021 was the most anticipated miRNA followed by capa-miR482, capa-miR5658, capa-miR530b, capa-miR3441.2, and capa-miR414 ‘effective’ papaya locus-derived candidate capa-miRNA and respected putative binding sites for targets at the consensus nucleotide position. It was predicted to bind and target mostly to AC1 gene of the complementary strand and the AV1 gene of the virion strand of different begomovirus isolates, which were associated with replication-associated protein and encapsidation, respectively, during PaLCuD. These miRNAs were also found targeting betaC1 gene of betasatellite which were associated with retardation in leaf growth and developmental abnormalities with severe symptoms during begomovirus infection. To validate target prediction accuracy, we created an integrated Circos plot for comprehensive visualization of host–virus interaction. In silico-predicted papaya genome-wide miRNA-mediated begomovirus target gene regulatory network corroborated interactions that permit in vivo analysis, which could provide biological material and valuable evidence, leading to the development of begomovirus-resistant papaya plants. The integrative nature of our research positions it at the forefront of efforts to ensure the sustainable cultivation of papaya, particularly in the face of evolving pathogenic threats. As we move forward, the knowledge gained from this study provides a solid foundation for continued exploration and innovation in the field of papaya virology, and to the best of our knowledge, this study represents a groundbreaking endeavor, undertaken for the first time in the context of PaLCuD research

    Host Plant Strategies to Combat Against Viruses Effector Proteins

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