2 research outputs found

    High performance concrete with steel slag aggregate

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    U radu se analizira utjecaj starenja čeličanske zgure kao agregata na mehanička svojstva betona visokih uporabnih svojstava. Razmatra se utjecaj raznih vremena starenja na mehanička svojstva betona. Uočeno je da proces starenja zgure utječe na svojstva ovog betona. Tlačna čvrstoća betona raste usporedo s porastom vremena starenja. Savojna čvrstoća, Youngov modul i udarna čvrstoća rastu slično kao i tlačna čvrstoća. Obradivost betona i gubitak abrazijom smanjuju se s povećanjem vremena starenja.The effect of the steel slag aggregate aging on mechanical properties of the high performance concrete is analysed in the paper. The effect of different aging periods of steel slag aggregate on mechanical properties of high performance concrete is studied. It was observed that properties of this concrete are affected by the steel slag aggregate aging process. The compressive strength increases with an increase in the aging period of steel slag aggregate. The flexural strength, Young’s modulus, and impact strength of concrete, increase at the rate similar to that of the compressive strength. The workability and the abrasion loss of concrete decrease with an increase of the steel slag aggregate aging period