16 research outputs found

    カンサイボウ ガン ソクセン ジュツゴ ノ チリョウ コウカ ハンテイ ニカンスル ケンキュウ セツジョ ヒョウホン ノ MRゾウ ニヨル ケントウ

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    丸川太朗. 肝細胞癌塞栓術後の治療効果判定に関する研究 : 切除標本のMR像による検討. 大阪大学医学雑誌. 1991. 43(6-8), p.567-577

    肺癌の手術成績からみた新病期分類, とくにIIIA期, IIIB期の妥当性と問題点

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results of new TNM staging system for lung cancer in 1997, especially T3N0M0, stage IIIA, stage IIIB, and pm. Five-year survival rates of the patients with stage IIIA and stage IIIB were 16% and 18% respectively (NS). Five-year survival rates of patients with T3N1M0, T1N2M0, T2N2M0, and T3N2M0 were 40%, 28%, 15%, and 3%, respectively. The prognosis of T3N2M0 was significantly worse than that of T3N1M0, T1N2M0, and T2N2M0. Five-year survival rates of the patients excluding pm 1 with T4N0M0, T4N1M0, T4N2M0, and T4N3M0 were 21%, 10%, 10%, and 0%, respectively. The prognosis of the patients with T4N0 was significantly better than that of T4N2 and T4N3. In the patients with pm, 5-year survival rates of the patients with pm 1 and pm 2 were 26% and 7%, respectively (p < 0.01). In the patients with pm 1, 5-year survival rates of the patients with N0 + N1 and N1 + N2 were 53% and 16%, respectively (p < 0.01). From our these results, we supported the new TNM system as putting T3N0M0 to stage IIB, putting pm 2 into stage IV. We proposed; 1) chest wall invasion with bone destruction stay in stage IIIA or is T4, 2) T3N1M0 is classified with stage IIB, 3) main stem bronchus invasion is classified with T2, 4) pm 1 is subdivide by N status. Furthermore, stage III seemed to be reasonably subdivided into T1-2N3M0, T4N0-1M0 as stage IIIA and T3-4N2, T1-4N3 as stage IIIB

    Determining the optimal timing for early arterial phase hepatic CT imaging by measuring abdominal aortic enhancement in variable contrast injection protocols

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    Objective: To find the optimal scan timing for early arterial phase hepatic CT with adequate arterial enhancement after the aortic contrast arrival. Methods: Sixty patients were divided randomly into three groups, each of which received 2.0 mL/kg of the 300 mgI/mL contrast medium with an injection duration of 30 seconds (Group A, mean rate 3.6 mL/sec); of 25 seconds (13, 4.6 mL/sec); of 30 seconds (3.6 mL/sec) followed by a saline chaser (C). Results: After the contrast arrival, aortic enhancement increased rapidly for 6-15 seconds (mean, 10 seconds) to the initial peak enhancement in all groups, and then, increased moderately to the maximum aortic enhancement over the following 19, 13, and 21 seconds, respectively. The mean maximum aortic enhancement in Group B (392 HU) and C (360 HU) were significantly higher than that in A (326 HU), respectively. The difference between the initial and maximum aortic enhancement was less than 50 HU. Conclusion: The optimal timing of the early arterial phase for hepatic CT arteriography is 10-15 seconds after the aortic arrival