4 research outputs found

    Pathologies of the skin and its appendages in endocrine diseases Patologie sk贸ry i jej przydatk贸w w schorzeniach endokrynologicznych

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    AbstrAct Patients suffering from endocrine disorders often present a wide profile of skin lesions. In hyperthyroidism we observe hair loss, lower leg myxedema and onycholysis or, in the case of hormone deficiency, generalized swelling of the skin, which becomes cold and pale. Primary hyperparathyroidism is revealed by pruritus, presence of chronic urticaria or deposition of amorphous calcium salts. In hypoparathyroidism, the skin is dry while the nails become very brittle. Skin lesions in diabetes include necrobiosis lipoidica, granuloma annulare, scleroderma-like diabetic edema and acanthosis nigricans. Overactive pituitary gland is often manifested as acromegaly with hypertrophy of soft tissue thickening and hypertrichosis. The skin in the early stages of hypopituitarism feels swollen, is pale yellow and oily, and finally becomes alabaster and dry. The characteristic features of Cushing syndrome are central obesity, lunar face, buffalo hump, and striae. In Addison's disease we observe hyperpigmentation. Hyperandrogenism in women leads to acne, hirsutism and virilization. streszczenie Zaburzeniom endokrynologicznym cz臋sto towarzyszy szeroki zakres zmian sk贸rnych. W nadczynno艣ci tarczycy obserwujemy utrat臋 w艂o-s贸w, obrz臋k przedgoleniowy i odwarstwienie p艂ytki paznokciowej lub -jak w przypadku niedoboru hormon贸w -uog贸lniony obrz臋k 艣luzo-waty sk贸ry, kt贸ra staje si臋 zimna i blada. Pierwotna nadczynno艣膰 przytarczyc objawia si臋 艣wi膮dem, obecno艣ci膮 przewlek艂ej pokrzywki lub odk艂adaniem bezpostaciowych soli wapnia. W niedoczynno艣ci przytarczyc sk贸ra jest sucha, natomiast paznokcie s膮 bardzo kruche. Zmiany sk贸rne w cukrzycy obejmuj膮 mi臋dzy innymi obumieranie t艂uszczowate, ziarniniaka obr膮czkowatego, obrz臋k cukrzycowy twardzinopodobny oraz rogowacenie ciemne. Nadczynno艣膰 przysadki cz臋sto objawia si臋 jako akromegalia z przerostem tkanek mi臋kkich, pogrubieniem rys贸w twarzy oraz nadmiernym ow艂osieniem. Sk贸ra w pocz膮tkowym okresie niedoczynno艣ci przysadki sprawia wra偶enie obrz臋kni臋tej, jest blado偶贸艂ta i t艂usta, a w miar臋 progresji zaburze艅 staje si臋 alabastrowa i sucha. Charakterystyczne cechy zespo艂u Cushinga to centralna oty艂o艣膰, ksi臋偶ycowata twarz, bawoli kark oraz rozst臋py. W chorobie Addisona obserwujemy przebarwienia. Hiperandrogenizm u kobiet powoduje tr膮dzik, hirsutyzm oraz wirylizacj臋

    Pathologies of the skin and its appendages in endocrine diseases

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    Patients suffering from endocrine disorders often present a wide profile of skin lesions. In hyperthyroidism we observe hair loss, lower leg myxedema and onycholysis or, in the case of hormone deficiency, generalized swelling of the skin, which becomes cold and pale. Primary hyperparathyroidism is revealed by pruritus, presence of chronic urticaria or deposition of amorphous calcium salts. In hypoparathyroidism, the skin is dry while the nails become very brittle. Skin lesions in diabetes include necrobiosis lipoidica, granuloma annulare, scleroderma-like diabetic edema and acanthosis nigricans. Overactive pituitary gland is often manifested as acromegaly with hypertrophy of soft tissue thickening and hypertrichosis. The skin in the early stages of hypopituitarism feels swollen, is pale yellow and oily, and finally becomes alabaster and dry. The characteristic features of Cushing syndrome are central obesity, lunar face, buffalo hump, and striae. In Addison鈥檚 disease we observe hyperpigmentation. Hyperandrogenism in women leads to acne, hirsutism and virilization

    Pregnancy: a therapeutic dilemma

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    Treatment during pregnancy is problematic. The Food and Drug Administration established drug categories to help in the treatment process. First-generation antihistamines are considered safe but they have sedative properties. Second-generation antihistamines cause less adverse reactions but besides cetirizine and loratadine they belong to category C. All retinoids should be avoided during pregnancy due to the risk of fetal malformations. Antimalarial drugs should be considered based on the clinical data. Sulfones can be considered as safe for use during pregnancy only with proper monitoring. Prednisone is administered in pregnancy. Other glucocorticosteroids have a different safety profile. Cyclosporine A treatment should be reserved as rescue therapy in severe stages of the disease. Treatment during pregnancy should be precise when it comes to pregnant woman and safe for the fetus