144 research outputs found

    Estudio comparativo de distintas técnicas analíticas (espectroscopía de NIR y RMN y extracción mediante Soxhlet) para la determinación del contenido graso y de humedad en aceitunas y orujo de Jaén.

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    The suitability of two analytical techniques ( viz. near infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy) for the determination of moisture and fat content of olives and pomace was determined. The results obtained from the two techniques were similar in terms of accuracy and precision to those provided by the official method, which is based on Soxhlet extraction. On the other hand, the proposed methods involve less intensive sample handling, use reagents and solvents more sparingly and are faster than the official method. This allows for their adoption as standard laboratory methods for the determination of analytical parameters in both olives and pomace.Se ha estudiado la viabilidad de dos métodos analíticos (espectroscopía de infrarrojo cercano y espectroscopía de resonancia magnética nuclear) para la determinación de humedad y contenido graso en aceitunas y orujo. Los resultados obtenidos son similares, en términos de precisión y exactitud, con los conseguidos usando el Método Oficial basado en la extracción Soxhlet. Las ventajas que presentan ambos métodos con respecto al Oficial (reducción de la manipulación de la muestra, reducción del consumo de reactivos y disolventes, y disminución del tiempo de análisis) hace que se puedan proponer como métodos normalizados de un laboratorio para la determinación de ambos parámetros en aceitunas y orujo

    Colaboración internacional y buenas prácticas en la gestión de enfermedades crónicas complejas a través de herramientas web 2.0: Observatorio de prácticas innovadoras en el manejo de enfermedades crónicas complejas OPIMEC

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    Ponencias de la Segunda Conferencia internacional sobre brecha digital e inclusión social, celebrada del 28 al 30 de octubre de 2009 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridLas enfermedades crónicas (EC) constituyen un reto de salud mundial en el siglo XXI. La OMS las define como enfermedades de larga duración por lo general de progresión lenta y prevé que en 2020 serán responsables del 73% de las muertes y del 60% de la carga global de enfermedad (World Health Organization, 2002). Es primordial que la comunidad internacional de salud pública y de gestión sanitaria conozca y comparta información sobre los avances en las prácticas tecnológicas y organizativas más innovadoras en gestión de EC, con énfasis en las EC Complejas (ECC) asociadas a una mayor pérdida de autonomía y grado de dependencia y discapacidad. Con este propósito, a mediados de 2006, la Dirección General de Innovación Sanitaria, Sistemas y Tecnología de la Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía crea el «Observatorio de Prácticas Innovadoras para el Manejo de Enfermedades Crónicas Complejas» (OPIMEC) que impulsa la participación y generación de conocimiento en información sanitaria para profesionales y una Plataforma de Red en el ámbito de la gestión de ECC para el fomento de alianzas y colaboraciones desde Andalucía basadas en dar y recibir conocimiento abierto entre personas, equipos y organizaciones (Jadad AR, 1999, p. 761-764; Jadad AR, 2000, p.362-365). La Web del Observatorio de Prácticas Innovadoras en el Manejo de Enfermedades Crónicas Complejas (OPIMEC), http://www.opimec.org, va centrada en la creación de una plataforma basada en la Web 2.0. que permite el acceso y la edición colaborativa de contenidos para profesionales. El objetivo fundamental de esta plataforma es compartir y colaborar en la generación y difusión de conocimiento, todo ello facilitado con herramientas innovadoras de la Web 2.0. como son la publicación de contenidos, la votación, comentarios sobre los contenidos, la sindicación de contenidos y la creación de comunidades abiertas de trabajo colaborativo. El proyecto OPIMEC cuenta con una cadena de procesos de gestión de la información de los que podemos destacar su forma colaborativa de crear conocimiento por todas las personas usuarias de la plataforma, un equipo editorial encargado de asegurar la calidad de los contenidos y una evaluación por pares de las prácticas y organizaciones propuestas en la Web. Desde la edición, hasta la publicación y su distribución final el conocimiento es examinado metódicamente. Este proceso es automatizado a través de herramientas de software libre creadas para OPIMEC y asesorado por su Consejo Asesor Internacional. Así pues, la plataforma Web 2.0 que da soporte al observatorio OPIMEC está construida sobre tecnologías libres como: Framework Web Django (impulsado por Google Inc. entre otros), MySQL y GNU/Linux. La elección de esta combinación tecnológica se ha realizado tras un análisis exhaustivo sobre las tecnologías abiertas disponibles, en base a criterios de eficiencia, productividad y adaptabilidad a las necesidades actuales y futuras de OPIMEC. La Web OPIMEC tiene intención y vocación de convertirse en un destacado proyecto a nivel mundial con clara vertiente de cooperación internacional e innovación, mejorando la calidad de vida de la ciudadanía, aprovechando las herramientas que ofrece la difundida red global de Internet y promocionando la participación e iniciativa de los y las profesionales. Nuestra Web OPIMEC está estructurada en espacios que facilitan y propician la participación y consecución de los objetivos del proyecto, con el fin de que la asimilación de sus contenidos por parte de las personas usuarias sea eficiente y efectiva. Podemos encontrar en ella, herramientas existentes en las redes sociales así como algunas nuevas desarrolladas específicamente para OPIMEC, como son los “documentos colaborativos”, que facilitarán el trabajo, la conexión y la participación de profesionales desde cualquier parte del mundo, pudiendo así aprovechar los recursos al máximo, Se dispone por tanto de destacadas herramientas como una base de datos actualizada de eventos, noticias, recursos y documentos, directorios y mapas de organizaciones, prácticas y personas innovadoras, espacios de comunidad en las que los equipos de trabajo pueden desarrollarse, comunicarse y complementarse con otras personas usuarias, compartiendo buenas prácticas, innovación y contenidos novedosos en el manejo de enfermedades crónicas complejas. El aspecto importante de la plataforma es que las personas usuarias son de forma democrática, creadores, evaluadores y consumidores de los contenidos publicados, siendo así una herramienta de trabajo construida, ampliada, valorada y seguida por toda la comunidad de profesionales; facilitando la difusión del conocimiento construido por y para todos y todas los profesionales sanitarios, personal investigador, ciudadanos y ciudadanas en general en el manejo de enfermedades crónicas complejas. Un conocimiento ampliamente compartido es la clave para aumentar y mejorar el bienestar social y la calidad de vida

    Anxiety, Distress and Stress among Patients with Diabetes during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    The prevalence of mental health disorders has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Patients with chronic diseases, such as diabetes, are a particularly vulnerable risk group. This study aims to assess the levels and prevalence of anxiety, distress, and stress in patients with diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic. A systematic review was conducted in CINAHL, Cochrane, LILACS, Medline, SciELO, and Scopus in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. Thirty-seven articles with a total of 13,932 diabetic patients were included. Five meta-analyses were performed. The prevalence of anxiety was 23% (95% CI = 19–28) in T1DM and 20% (95% CI = 6–40) in T2DM patients. For diabetes distress it was 41% (95% CI = 24–60) for T1DM and 36% in T2DM patients (95% CI = 2–84). For stress, the prevalence was 79% (95% CI = 49–98) in T1DM patients. People with diabetes have significant psychiatric comorbidity as well as psychological factors that negatively affect disease management, increasing their vulnerability in an emergency situation. To establish comprehensive care in diabetic patients addressing mental health is essential, as well as including specific policy interventions to reduce the potential psychological harm of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Estudio de fractura de estructuras reticulares de termoplásticos fabricadas mediante modelado por deposición fundida

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    Las estructuras reticulares están presentando un auge especial, principalmente ligado al uso cada vez más extendido de equipos comerciales de fabricación aditiva o impresión 3D. Estas estructuras, utilizadas en planchas o perfiles, presentan una excelente rigidez a la vez que se maximiza la liviandad. El presente trabajo consiste en un estudio de la evolución de la fractura de paneles sándwich con núcleo de estructura reticular, cuando son sometidos a esfuerzos de compresión y de flexión. Se ha considerado el uso de retículas de tipo de celda abierta y de celda cerrada, fabricadas en ABS y PC mediante modelado por deposición fundida (FDM del inglés Fused Deposition Modelling). Se estudia la evolución de la fractura mediante grabación en vídeo con cámaras HD, que adquieren video desde dos direcciones de forma simultánea en el transcurso de ensayos de compresión y flexión a tres puntos. Aunque la evolución teórica de la fractura de este tipo de estructuras es ya conocida, el proceso de fabricación FDM introduce ciertas peculiaridades que son las que se esperan extraer tras este estudio.Los autores agradecen a la División de Fabricación Aditiva de los Servicios Centrales de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica de la Universidad de Cádiz, al MINECO (proyecto TEC2017-86102-C2- 2-R), y a la Junta de Andalucía (grupo de investigación PAI TEP-946 INNANOMAT)

    Central Activity in the Barred Galaxy NGC 3367

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    We report the radio continuum structure of the barred galaxy NGC 3367 with an angular resolution of 4''.5. The radio structure indicates emission from the disk and from a triple source consisting of the nucleus straddled by extended sources (the lobes). The triple source shows an excess of radio continuum emission compared to the emission expected from the total radio - Halpha correlation, suggesting a non-thermal origin probably related to AGN activity and no to star formation processes. The triple source is about 12 kpc in diameter at a P.A. 40, close (but not aligned) to that of the stellar bar P.A. 65. Only the southwest lobe is polarized. The polarizatrion asymmetry between the two lobes suggests that the triple source axis is slightly out of the plane.Comment: 13 latex pages, 8 figures. To appear in Astronomical Journal, July 199

    VAMOS: a Pathfinder for the HAWC Gamma-Ray Observatory

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    VAMOS was a prototype detector built in 2011 at an altitude of 4100m a.s.l. in the state of Puebla, Mexico. The aim of VAMOS was to finalize the design, construction techniques and data acquisition system of the HAWC observatory. HAWC is an air-shower array currently under construction at the same site of VAMOS with the purpose to study the TeV sky. The VAMOS setup included six water Cherenkov detectors and two different data acquisition systems. It was in operation between October 2011 and May 2012 with an average live time of 30%. Besides the scientific verification purposes, the eight months of data were used to obtain the results presented in this paper: the detector response to the Forbush decrease of March 2012, and the analysis of possible emission, at energies above 30 GeV, for long gamma-ray bursts GRB111016B and GRB120328B.Comment: Accepted for pubblication in Astroparticle Physics Journal (20 pages, 10 figures). Corresponding authors: A.Marinelli and D.Zaboro

    Mindfulness in primary care healthcare and teaching professionals and its relationship with stress at work: a multicentric cross-sectional study

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    Background: Work stress is a common problem among the health personnel of the Spanish National Health System. The objective of this paper is to assess the state of mindfulness among Spanish primary care providers and to evaluate its potential relationship with work stress and basic labor and sociodemographic characteristics. Methods: Cross-sectional, multi-centric study. Primary care nurses, teachers, teaching collaborators and residents assigned to six Spanish Family Medicine/Family and Community Care Departments were invited to participate (n = 475). A template was designed in Google Forms, including sociodemographic and work-related variables. The state of mindfulness was measured with the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ), while work-related stress was measured using an ordinal scale ranging from 0 to 10 points. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were carried out, as well as bivariate and multivariate statistics. Results: The mean age of participants was 40, 14 ± 13.12 (range:23–65 years); 66.9% were women, 42.5% internal medicine residents, 29.3% family physicians, and 20.2% nurses. More than half (54.5%) knew about mindfulness, with 24.0% have received training on it, and 22.5% were usual practitioners. The average level of mindfulness was 127.18 ± 15.45 (range: 89–177). The average score of stress at work was 6.00 ± 2.44; 49.9% (range: 0–10). 49.9% of participants scored 7 or more on the stress at work scale. There was an inverse correlation between the levels of mindfulness (FFMQ total score) and work-related stress (Spearman’s r = - 0.155, p = 0.003). Significant relationships between the mindfulness practice and the level of mindfulness (F = 29.80, p < 0.001), as well as between the mindfulness practice and the level of work-related stress (F = 9.68, p = 0.042), were also found. Conclusions: Levels of mindfulness in primary care health providers were in line with those levels observed in other groups of health professionals. Half of all of the primary care providers suffered from a high degree of stress. Although weak, inverse relationships were observed between levels of mindfulness and stress at work, with lower values of stress at work among those who practiced mindfulness. Trial registration: NCT03629457

    Controlled clinical trial comparing the effectiveness of a mindfulness and self-compassion 4-session programme versus an 8-session programme to reduce work stress and burnout in family and community medicine physicians and nurses: MINDUUDD study protocol

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    Background: Health personnel are susceptible to high levels of work stress and burnout due to the psychological and emotional demands of their work, as well as to other aspects related to the organisation of that work. This paper describes the rationale and design of the MINDUUDD study, the aim of which is to evaluate the effectiveness of a mindfulness and self-compassion 4-session programme versus the standard 8-session programme to reduce work stress and burnout in Family and Community Medicine and Nursing tutors and residents. Methods: The MINDUDD study is a multicentre cluster randomised controlled trial with three parallel arms. Six Teaching Units will be randomised to one of the three study groups: 1) Experimental Group-8 (EG8); 2) Experimental Group-4 (EG4) Control group (CG). At least 132 subjects will participate (66 tutors/66 residents), 44 in the EG8, 44 in the EG4, and 44 in the CG. Interventions will be based on the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program, including some self-compassion practices of the Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) programme. The EG8 intervention will be implemented during 8 weekly face-to-face sessions of 2.5 h each, while the EG4 intervention will consist of 4 sessions of 2.5 h each. The participants will have to practice at home for 30 min/day in the EG8 and 15 min/day in the EG4. The Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ), Self-Compassion Scale (SCS), Perceived Stress Questionnaire (PSQ), Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy (JSPE), and Goldberg Anxiety-Depression Scale (GADS) will be administered. Measurements will be taken at baseline, at the end of the programs, and at three months after completion. The effect of the interventions will be evaluated by bivariate and multivariate analyses (Multiple Linear Regression). Discussion: If the abbreviated mindfulness programme is at least as effective as the standard program, its incorporation into the curriculum and training plans will be easier and more appropriate. It will also be more easily applied and accepted by primary care professionals because of the reduced resources and means required for its implementation, and it may also extend beyond care settings to academic and teaching environments as well

    Efficacy and safety of preoperative preparation with Lugol''s iodine solution in euthyroid patients with Graves’ disease (LIGRADIS Trial): Study protocol for a multicenter randomized trial

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    Background: Currently, both the American Thyroid Association and the European Thyroid Association recommend preoperative preparation with Lugol''s Solution (LS) for patients undergoing thyroidectomy for Graves’ Disease (GD), but their recommendations are based on low-quality evidence. The LIGRADIS trial aims to provide evidence either to support or refute the systematic use of LS in euthyroid patients undergoing thyroidectomy for GD. Methods: A multicenter randomized controlled trial will be performed. Patients =18 years of age, diagnosed with GD, treated with antithyroid drugs, euthyroid and proposed for total thyroidectomy will be eligible for inclusion. Exclusion criteria will be prior thyroid or parathyroid surgery, hyperparathyroidism that requires associated parathyroidectomy, thyroid cancer that requires adding a lymph node dissection, iodine allergy, consumption of lithium or amiodarone, medically unfit patients (ASA-IV), breastfeeding women, preoperative vocal cord palsy and planned endoscopic, video-assisted or remote access surgery. Between January 2020 and January 2022, 270 patients will be randomized for either receiving or not preoperative preparation with LS. Researchers will be blinded to treatment assignment. The primary outcome will be the rate of postoperative complications: hypoparathyroidism, recurrent laryngeal nerve injury, hematoma, surgical site infection or death. Secondary outcomes will be intraoperative events (Thyroidectomy Difficulty Scale score, blood loss, recurrent laryngeal nerve neuromonitoring signal loss), operative time, postoperative length of stay, hospital readmissions, permanent complications and adverse events associated to LS. Conclusions: There is no conclusive evidence supporting the benefits of preoperative treatment with LS in this setting. This trial aims to provide new insights into future Clinical Practice Guidelines recommendations. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT03980132. © 202

    Seasonal and spatial variability in condition of age-0+ Argentine hake Merluccius hubbsi Marini, 1933, in the San Jorge Gulf (Argentina): A bottom-up perspective

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    In the north Patagonian region of the Argentinean Continental Shelf, the San Jorge Gulf (SJG; 45°‐47°S, 65°30ʹ‐67°30ʹW) is the main nursery ground of age‐0+ Argentine hake Merluccius hubbsi Marini, 1933, one of the most important fishery resources in Argentina. The gulf exhibits strong seasonal and spatial fluctuations in environmental features, which might affect survival of age‐0+ individuals and recruitment to the adult population. Our main goal was to evaluate the seasonal and spatial dynamics of their nutritional status within the SJG in winter 2016, spring 2016 and summer 2017. Condition indices (relative condition factor Kn, hepatosomatic index HSI and liver lipid content %L) and diet information (feeding incidence and relative importance of prey) were combined with physical (temperature and salinity) and biological (satellite chlorophyll‐a concentration; chl‐a) data. Age‐0+ condition indices and prey intake showed significant seasonal variations, with minimum values in winter, intermediate in summer and maximum in spring, strongly coupled to the mean chl‐a concentration in each season. Herbivorous euphausiids Euphausia spp. were the preferred prey along the study period. A bottom‐up effect on condition of age‐0+ hake is suggested, manifested as lower condition values in winter, the less productive season. Spatially, better conditioned individuals matched sectors of the gulf where chl‐a concentrations were higher, coupled to the presence of frontal systems. Monitoring age‐0+ hake nutritional status is relevant in the current global change scenario, which might modify phytoplankton biomass and composition and, consequently, the herbivorous zooplankton abundances.Fil: Temperoni, Brenda. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Subsede Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; ArgentinaFil: Massa, Agueda Elena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Subsede Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; ArgentinaFil: Martos, Patricia. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ciencias Marinas; ArgentinaFil: Marrari, Marina. Ministerio de Defensa. Armada Argentina. Servicio de Hidrografía Naval. Departamento Oceanografía; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin