28 research outputs found

    Comparable metabolic effects of isocaloric sucrose and glucose solutions in rats.

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    Much of the global increase in sugar intake is attributable to rising consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs). Because people compensate poorly for liquid calories, SSB consumption increases total energy intake, raising the risk of harmful metabolic effects in addition to possible effects of sugars per se. Glucose and fructose, the constituent sugars in sucrose, can exert distinct effects on metabolism and also differ in their satiating properties, suggesting that compensation for the calories in these sugars may also vary. In light of claims that the fructose within sucrose is particularly harmful, the present study compared the effects of giving rats access to either a sucrose or an isoenergetic glucose solution. Adult male rats were fed standard chow and water supplemented with 95 ml of 10% glucose (Glucose group; n = 10), 9% sucrose solution (Sucrose group; n = 10) or water only (Control group; n = 10) daily for 7 weeks. Sugar-fed groups had higher total energy intakes than the Control group, but the extent of this incomplete compensation did not vary between Sucrose and Glucose groups. In a short-term compensation test, sugar groups were less sensitive to the effects of a sweet pre-meal, with no differences between the Glucose and Sucrose groups. Relative to water, both sugars reduced insulin sensitivity after 4 weeks on the diets and elevated fat mass at 7 weeks. Results suggest that sucrose and glucose induce comparable metabolic impairments and alter the homeostatic regulation of food intake even under conditions where daily access is capped

    Nutritional psychiatry research: an emerging discipline and its intersection with global urbanization, environmental challenges and the evolutionary mismatch

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    Natural environments, ancestral diets, and microbial ecology: is there a modern “paleo-deficit disorder”? Part II

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    Dysbiotic drift: mental health, environmental grey space, and microbiota

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    Individual differences in saccharin acceptance predict rats' food intake.

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    Following previous results indicating that low acceptance of saccharin-sweetened yoghurt was associated with slower weight gain, the aim of this experiment was to determine which of three measures of individual differences would predict subsequent chow consumption, body weight gain, and fat mass. Pre-test measures consisted of amount of running in an activity wheel, amount of 0.1% saccharin solution consumed over 24h, and performance on an elevated plus maze (EPM). Rats were then maintained for three weeks on a diet of standard chow and water. Subsequent post-testing repeated the procedures used in pre-testing. The rats were then culled and fat pads excised and weighed. Pre-testing revealed a negative correlation between saccharin acceptance and activity, while neither measure correlated with anxiety in the EPM. Pre-test saccharin acceptance was positively correlated with subsequent chow consumption, percent weight gain, and g/kg fat mass. Multiple regression analyses including all three pre-test measures confirmed saccharin acceptance as a predictor of chow consumption and, marginally, of fat pad mass, while high anxiety predicted low percent body weight gain

    Sweetening yoghurt with glucose, but not with saccharin, promotes weight gain and increased fat pad mass in rats.

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    The claim that non-nutritive sweeteners accelerate body weight gain by disrupting sweet-calorie associations was tested in two experiments using rats. The experiments were modelled on a key study from a series of experiments reporting greater body weight gain in rats fed yoghurt sweetened with saccharin than with glucose (Swithers & Davidson, 2008). Both of the current experiments likewise compared groups fed saccharin- or glucose-sweetened yoghurt in addition to chow and water, while Experiment 1 included a third group (Control) given unsweetened yoghurt. In Experiment 1, but not in Experiment 2, rats were initially exposed to both saccharin- and glucose-sweetened yoghurts to assess their relative palatability. We also tested whether the provision of an energy-dense sweet biscuit would augment any effects of saccharin on food intake and weight gain, as seemingly predicted by Swithers and Davidson (2008). In Experiment 1 there were no differences in body weight gain or fat pad mass between the Saccharin and Control group, whereas the Glucose group was the heaviest by the final 5 weeks and at cull had the largest fat pads. Greater acceptance of saccharin predicted more weight gain over the whole experiment. Consistent with past reports, fasting blood glucose and insulin measures did not differ between the Saccharin and Control groups, but suggested some impairment of insulin sensitivity in the Glucose group. Experiment 2 found similar effects of glucose on fat mass, but not on body weight gain. In summary, adding saccharin had no detectable effects on body-weight regulation, whereas the effects of glucose on fat pad mass were consistent with previous studies reporting more harmful effects of sugars compared to non-nutritive sweeteners

    Metabolic and cognitive improvement from switching to saccharin or water following chronic consumption by female rats of 10% sucrose solution.

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    High consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) is a risk factor for weight gain and metabolic disease. Whether this risk is reduced by switching to 'diet' beverages containing low-calorie sweeteners (LCS) is controversial. Two experiments modeled whether a switch from SSB to LCS beverages produced positive outcomes on behavioral and metabolic measures. Both experiments consisted of a Stage 1, in which adult female rats received unrestricted access to 10% sucrose solution in addition to chow and water for 4 (Experiment 1) or 8 weeks (Experiment 2). In Stage 2 rats were switched to either saccharin (Suc-Sacch) or water (Suc-Water) or remained on 10% sucrose (Suc-Suc) for a further 4 (Experiment 1) or 7 weeks (Experiment 2). Experiment 2 contained a fourth group that was maintained on water throughout (Water-Water). In both experiments energy intake and weight gain in Stage 2 was reduced for Suc-Sacch and Suc-Water groups relative to the Suc-Suc groups and at cull the Suc-Suc groups showed poorer insulin sensitivity and greater g/kg fat than Suc-Water and Suc-Sacch groups. In Experiment 2 short-term place recognition memory was impaired at the end of Stage 1 but recovered to a similar extent in the Suc-Water and Suc-Sacch groups; when the latter groups were compared with the Water-Water group, recovery was found to be essentially complete. A higher saccharin concentration in Experiment 2 than in Experiment 1 increased absolute amounts of saccharin ingested but intake solution volumes remained low. These results show that switching from sucrose to either water or saccharin produces equivalent improvements on both metabolic and cognitive measures

    Deep-Seated Gravitational Slope Deformation in Urban Areas Matching Field and in-SAR Interferometry Surveys: The Case Study of the Episcopia Village, Southern Italy

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    A limited sector of the left side Sinni River, including Episcopia village, has been investigated matching geological and geomorphological data to In-SAR Interferometry analysis. A large Deep-Seated Gravitational Slopes (DSGSD), affecting the Episcopia slope, has been documented for the first time. The DSGSD largely develops within phyllites belonging to the Liguride Units and, in the upper portion of the slope, within the sandy and conglomerate deposits of the Sant’Arcangelo Basin. Field survey has shown typical DSGSD features as well as trenches at the top and an evident bulge at the base corresponding to the Sinni River. These data allow us to hypothesize a listric geometry of the DSGSD plane reaching a depth of about 700 m