170 research outputs found

    Labour market policy database in Serbia

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    The national employment services have become a central point in the struggle against unemployment in the most countries. In Serbia, National Employment Service is under direct administration of the government, especially in the scope of labour market policy. The government is unable to carry out its policy without reliably information which is generated by the solid labour market policy database. The specific objective of this paper is the analysis of labour market policy database in Serbia and comparison with Eurostat database and methodology. Labour market policy databases in different countries have the structure based on unique methodology. Despite that, most common structure involves labour market policy register, as first section, register of participants, as second section and register of expenditures, as third. For the purpose of this paper we conducted the brief analysis of overall information system in National Employment Service in Serbia and detailed analysis of database sections including input variables and the ability of generating different reports. The prior research in this area was conducted in the first half of 2011, as a part of the EUNES IPA programme “Technical assistance for capacity building of the National Employment Services – Republic of Serbia for data management, forecasts, monitoring and evaluation”. Bearing in mind the conclusions in the previous research and findings of our analysis we found that there is no significant differences between scope of database, classification of interventions, expenditures and participants in the structure of database in Serbia in comparison with Eurostat methodology. We also find that the main problem in the matching in database is the differences between profession title list and job title list

    E-uprava u Srbiji – podrška procesima javnih nabavki

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    U ovom radu predstavljen je sistem elektronskih javnih nabavki, kao jedan od veoma značajnih servisa elektronske javne uprave. Primena informacionokomunikacione tehnologije u segment javnih nabavki omogućila je niz prednosti (skraćenje vremena javnih nabavki, povećanje transparentnosti i informisanosti, smanjenje mogućnosti korupcije i dr.), koje na direktan i indirektan način vrše uticaj na privredni razvoj svake zemlje. Imajući u vidu da je proces javnih nabavki kompleksan, u radu su predstavljene sve faze elektronskog sistema za podršku javnim nabavkama, a predstavljene su i prednosti, nedostaci, barijere i izazovi samog sistema elektronskih javnih nabavki, ali i procesa njegovog uvođenja i unapređenja. Posebno je izvršena procena upotrebnom SWOT analitičkog metoda. U radu je dat presek trenutnog stanja u ovoj oblasti u Evropskoj uniji, imajući u vidu strateške odluke Republike Srbije i potrebu harmonizacije sa zakonodavstvom i praksom Unije. Konačno, u radu je predstavljeno i stanje elektronskih javnih nabavki u Srbiji, kroz analizu institucionalnog okvira, strateških ciljeva i predstavljanje budućih neophodnih koraka za unapređenje stanja

    Značaj implementacije HRIS-a u savremenoj ekonomiji

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    Razvoj organizacije, komparativna prednost i ostvarivanje ekstra profita, u savremenom okruženju, direktno je povezano sa uravnoteženom upotrebom resursa koji su raspoloživi preduzeću. Jedna od ključnih tačaka uspešnog poslovanja je i upravljanje ljudskim resursima, koje danas podrazumeva značajnu upotrebu informacionih tehnologija. U tu svrhu koriste se tzv. Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS), informacioni sistemi namenjeni prikupljanju, pothranjivanju, analizi i preuzimanju podataka koji se odnose na ljuske resurse konkretne organizacije. Cilj ovog rada je da istakne značaj HRIS sistema i da pruži sveobuhvatan uvid u ovu temu. Poseban fokus rada biće i na prikazu stepena primene ovih sistema u srpskim preduzećima. Ona moraju biti svesna da se pozitivni rezultati mogu očekivati samo pravilnim pristupom ovoj temi

    Systemic risks control as a determinant of payment systems development in WB countries

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    The payment systems have significant role in each economy. Large-value payment systems (LVPS) are essential part of financial market and represent its infrastructure. In this paper we tried to determine the impact of systemic risk in their functionality using the analysis of indicators for measuring the level of its development. As a basis for analysis we used methodology developed by Cirasino and Garcia (2008), representatives of Payment Systems Development Group (World Bank). In the first part each segment of LVPS indicator is analysed in order to establish connection between systemic risks and the level of LVPS development. The second part of paper contains empirical research for Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia and Slovenia, because their payment systems share the same heritage. Cirasino and Garcia published their ranks, but we did detailed calculation within all criteria. This calculation provided deeper insight in the risk management of those countries. At the end of the paper the conclusion is given that there is a high dependence between LVPS development and systemic risk management. We also conclude that WB countries and Slovenia has solid systemic risk management in their LVPS

    Information and communication technologies as the basis for the improvement of companies' performance in Serbia

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    The possibilities of using information and communication technologies for business improvement are numerous, but many studies show that there are significant problems in identifying the real impact of ICT investments and companies’ performance. The first large problem arises in the field of definition of ICT in each company and the other one is connected with the link between the specific investment and selected performance measure. There is no standard measurement system and the results of individual studies are not comparable. The aim of this work is to explore this matter in Serbia. In this research we used the case study method, which was conducted in seven companies of different sizes and structures in the field of telecommunications, education, manufacture, accommodation and food service, financial and insurance activities and retail trade. Each of the representatives, mostly top management, gave answers about ICT assets and investments in their companies. The results of our research suggest that most of the companies in Serbia consider ICT assets and ICT investment as duty imposed by the business environment. The management of selected companies do not see obligation to treat the ICT investments as “regular investments” like building new facilities, purchase new machinery or expanding array of services. There is a strong possibility that Serbian companies overestimate or underestimate the value of investments in ICT because they do not use appropriate mechanism to control investments. Also, it is likely that investments do not lead to required results, because there is no control mechanism that measures the impact of certain investment on results or companies’ performances

    Implementation of SEPA elements in Serbia and the effects on SMEs sector

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    The European Union is in the process of creating integrated payment system in the euro zone within the SEPA project. This paper discussed the importance of the implementation of certain elements of this system to creating a more favorable business environment of SMEs in Serbia. The first part is dedicated to the analysis of objectives, characteristics, advantages and perspectives of the SEPA concept. Second part deals with analysis of the institutional foundations of the existing payment systems in Serbia. In this particular part there is a review of achieved level of compatibility of infrastructure and instruments with the European system, and the importance of the actual project implementation in the SEPA direct debit basis focused in the improving business environment of SMEs

    Public debt sustainability in Western Balkan countries

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    In this work we analyse framework for debt sustainability assessment (DSA), which is used by IMF country teams for the projections of mid-term debt-to-GDP ratio. Comparative analysis of DSA application to WB countries shows that under the baseline scenario, fiscal solvency of countries seems to be stable in period of five years ahead. Stress testing under the deterministic scheme of shocks shows that under the certain circumstances public debt of Montenegro, Albania and Croatia could turn to reach such high levels of debt-to-GDP that arguably could not be sustained in the long-run. Furthermore, we provide some methodological criticism and empirical evidence that DSA projections tend to underestimate or overestimate actual values even for short forecasting period ahead. We propose methodological improvements based on Garcia and Rigobon (2004) work and apply it on Serbian monthly data, comparing the results with IMF mid-term projections. Our projections of debt-to-GDP ratio in three years ahead give the significantly higher values than those given by IMF and strongly suggest that Serbia could face considerably high levels of debt-to-GDP ratio in mid-run, even without adverse macroeconomic shocks

    Plan upravljanja istraživačkim podacima

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    U 21. veku razvoj tehnologije doneo je eksponencijalni rast količine podataka. Smatra se da je 90% trenutnih podataka u svetu generisano poslednjih pet godina. Nauka se, takođe, suočava sa novim mogućnostima kada su podaci u pitanju, posebno imajući u vidu da institucije koje finansiraju istraživanja, a pre svega se misli na istraživanja finansirana iz javnih fondova (publicly funded), postavljaju sve rigoroznije zahteve u pogledu čuvanja i deljenja podataka. Zbog toga je potrebno da se istraživači upoznaju sa formom Plana upravljanja podacima (Data Management Plan), njegovim značajem i elementima, kao i mogućnostima za automatsko generisanje finalne verzije plana upotrebom onlajn platformi

    Securities clearing and settlement in Serbia according to recommendation of ECB-CESR

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    The aim of this paper is to, through analysis of the clearing and settlement system within the securities market and operating of the Central Securities Depository and Clearing House-a joint-stock company, Belgrade (ser. Centralni registar, depo i kliring hartija od vrednosti a.d. Beograd, hereinafter referred to as CSD), determine by comparison, the extent to which established rules and processes are harmonized with the EU regulations. Harmonization of the legal framework based on which the CSDs function, is one of the primary goals in the segment of business regulation at financial markets that the European Union pursues within its organizations. In this respect, in May 2009 The Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) and The Committee of European Securities Regulators (CESR) issued an official document entitled Recommendations for Securities Settlement Systems (Ref. CESR/09-446) containing recommendations which seek to improve competitiveness, safety and soundness of pan-European post trading arrangements, that should ultimately lead to greater confidence in securities markets and better investor protection by reducing systemic risk. Following completion of the comparative analysis of law regulations, business techniques, data protection and all the relevant parameters in work of the CSD, it was established that there is a very high degree of harmonization with the corresponding recommendations from the CESR/09-446 document, and thus, when it comes to this segment, we can conclude that the Republic of Serbia may very swiftly, and without major additional harmonization, become a part of the integral EU financial market

    Primena savremenih ontoloških pretpostavki u modelu optimizacije interakcija organizacija u poslovnom okruženju

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    U dosadašnjim istraživanjima modela elektronskog poslovanja platnih sistema zasnovanih na ontologijama izgrađena je osnova za istraživanje prirode i obima znanja koje može da se primeni u opisivanju i analizi interakcija organizacije i okruženja. Predmet ovog rada je analiza modela optimizacije interakcija koje organizacije, poslovni sistemi, ostvaruju u okruženju. Cilj rada je utvrđivanje mogućnosti primene interoperabilnog modela elektronskog poslovanja u okruženju, sa ciljem optimizacije operativnih procesa razmenom dokumenata. Organizaciju i okruženje možemo posmatrati kao izolovan, zatvoren ili otvoren sistem, pri čemu definicije navedenih oblika sistema možemo naći u osnovima termodinamike. Prema principima termodinamike, kod izolovanog sistema nema razmene energije i materije između sistema i okoline, zatvoreni dozvoljava prenošenje energije radom i toplotom, ali ne dozvoljava prenošenje materije, a kod otvorenog je moguća razmena energije i radom i toplotom i materijom. Svaki od navedenih tipova sistema možemo pronaći i u poslovnom okruženju naše zemlje, pri čemu se to okruženje stalno menja, kao odgovor na promene zakonske regulative i postavljenih normativa. Operacionalizacija modela podrazumeva uvođenje aktera, događaja i resursa u REA ontologiji čime se dobija mogućnost modeliranja i provere pretpostavki organizacije, sa ciljem sagledavanja potpunog sistema, ali i mogućnosti i potreba interakcije organizacije sa okolinom. Okosnicu predloženog rešenja čine postojeći modeli (model procesa elektronskog poslovanja sistema, model interakcije sistema sa drugim osnovnim sistemima, model poruke, matematički model sistema elektronskog poslovanja, REA model i odgovarajući poslovni transakcioni model, model integracije različitih sistema elektronskog poslovanja, model procesa prerade razmenjenih podataka, model registracionog tela, model evaluacije rešenja, ontološki model baziran na REA, model za utvrđivanje indikatora performansi na osnovu Lernerove prezentacije sistema i sredine i model optimalne realizacije koji treba da obezbede tehnološke procese u cilju zadovoljavanja poslovne potrebe organizacije i poslovnog okruženja organizacije. Dopunska aksiološka pretpostavka je i potreba razmene podataka u okviru same organizacije, ali i između organizacija i drugih organizacija u okruženju. Dodatni izazov u području upravljanja je činjenica da organizacija može pripadati različitim okruženjima, pri čemu ova raznolikost može biti i šansa za poboljšanje kvaliteta razmene poslovnih podataka u interakciji organizacije i različitih okruženja. Priroda ovih saznanja može se objasniti mogućim fenomenološkim preslikavanjem uloga, ponašanja, objekata i odnosa u modelu X2Y sistema, gde su X i Y iz skupa (G-Government, B-Business, C-Consumers, E-Employees). Operacionalizacija rešenja podrazumeva uvođenje registracionog tela za kvalifikovanu razmenu podataka o poslovnim transakcijama između različitih organizacija ili različitih okruženja. Registraciono telo bi sprovodilo kontrolu i postavljanje organizacija u regularan okvir. Na taj način bi bili prevaziđeni neuspesi dosadašnjih rešenja, npr. Službe društvene kontrole ili posredne kontrole uz obavljanje platnih transakcija, koja je funkcionisala u zavodu za obračun i plaćanje, koje su od međunarodnih kontrolnih organa proglašene kao neregularne. Predloženo registraciono telo, koje bi se moglo zvati (Bureau for Interchange Business Electronic Records-BIBER) imalo bi za cilj da učini sistem organizacije i njenih okruženja sledljivim, regularnim, uz efikasnu kontrolu i upravljanje