11 research outputs found
Computer Usage Behavior Relationship Against Refraction Status in Students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Semarang
During the 2019 COVID pandemic, the learning process was carried out online so that the level of computer usage was higher every day. Physical disorders that often occur due to computer use in the eyes, include refractive errors, one of which is myopia. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between visual distance, sitting position and computer screen brightness on refractive status in students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Semarang. This research is an analytic observation research by design cross-sectional. The sample for this study was students from class 2019 – 2021 at the Faculty of Medicine, Muhammadiyah University, Semarang. Sampling technique using simple random sampling which selects objects at random. Researchers used the questionnaire method where the questionnaire contained written questions that had been validated. The data obtained were analyzed using the chi-square test. The number of respondents to this study was 74 students. The distance from the eye to the screen of the most respondents is close distance as many as 40 people (54.1%), The position of the most respondents when using a laptop is bending as many as 50 people (67.6%), The brightness of the laptop screen used by most respondents uses optimal brightness as much as 73 people (98.6%). Respondents who experienced an increase in myopia were 24 (32.5%). The results of this study showed that there was no relationship between distance (p 0.456), sitting position (p 0.690) and screen brightness (p 0.485) on refractive status, because both respondents the distance, position and lighting are appropriate or not, all show almost the same percentage to experience an increase in myopia
Analisis Spasial Tikus Positif Leptospira Patogenik dan Jenis Habitatnya di Provinsi Papua Barat
Leptospirosis is a disease caused by pathogenic Leptospira and is still a health problem in the community. Until now, West Papua Province has not reported any cases of leptospirosis. This study aims to examine whether there is a grouping pattern of Leptospira harboring rats and identify the habitat types of positive rat Leptospira. This research was descriptive observational research using a cross-sectional approach. Research locations are in Manokwari, Fakfak, and Raja Ampat districts in West Papua Province. The catching of rats was carried out in locations of forest ecosystem settlements, near forest settlements, non-forested far from settlements, non-forests near settlements, coastal remote settlements, and beaches near settlements. Leptospira in rats was detected by examination of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT). The results showed 278 rats were caught. The number of Leptospira positive rats in three districts by PCR was 34 (12.2%) and MAT were 13 (4.7%). Leptospira positive habitat types were settlements, yards, and secondary forests. The SaTScan results were obtained by six positive Leptospira rat clusters. There were no significant results which showed that no spread of Leptospira in the clusters. The presence of Leptospira in rats should be a warning for leptospirosis transmission risk at the study site
Peran Tikus Sebagai Reservoir Leptospira di Tiga Ekosistem di Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta
Bantul is one of leptospirosis endemic areas which has been reported the cases every year and the presence of rats is an important risk factor relating to leptospirosis incidence in Bantul. Therefore, the role of rats as reservoir was examined in three types of ecosystems: forest, non-forest, and coastal ecosystems. Rat trapping was carried out using 100 single livetraps which were distributed in 9 locations: 2 points in the forest, 5 points in the non-forest, and 2 points in the coastal ecosystem. The rats were identified and their kidneys were collected and preserved in 70% alcohol medium. Leptospira were detected in the kidney by using PCR method. A number of 196 rats were obtained during the study. Most of them were commensal rats obtained from settlements ecosystems. Rattus tanezumi was the dominant species in the three ecosystems, but the highest infection rate of leptospira pathogen was in R.norvegicus. Coastal ecosystems were contained more infected rats, where the main habitat were mangrove forests. Based on these results, rats have great potency in leptospirosis transmission in Bantul, especially in settlements and coastal areas although leptospirosis cases were reported rarely in study area. Nonetheless, awareness of transmission should be disseminated since the presence of pathogenic leptospira in rats is very high.
Keywords: leptospirosis, rat, reservoir, ecosystem, Bantul
Kabupaten Bantul merupakan salah satu daerah endemis leptospirosis yang sejak lama melaporkan kasus ini setiap tahunnya dan keberadaan tikus merupakan faktor risiko penting yang mempengaruhi kejadian leptospirosis di Kabupaten Bantul. Oleh karena itu peranan tikus sebagai hewan reservoir diteliti di tiga jenis ekosistem yaitu ekosistem hutan, non-hutan, dan pesisir. Penangkapan tikus dilakukan menggunakan perangkap tunggal sebanyak 100 buah yang disebar di 9 titik lokasi, meliputi dua titik di ekosistem hutan, lima titik di ekosistem non-hutan, dan dua titik di ekosistem pesisir. Tikus tertangkap diidentifikasi kemudian organ ginjalnya dikoleksi dan diawetkan dalam medium alkohol 70%. Bakteri leptospira dideteksi pada specimen ginjal dengan metode PCR dari total 196 tikus diperoleh selama penelitian. Sebagian besar tikus diperoleh dari ekosistem dekat pemukiman dan semuanya merupakan tikus komensal. Rattus tanezumi merupakan spesies dominan di ketiga ekosistem, namun persentase infeksi leptospira patogen paling tinggi terdapat pada R. norvegicus. Ekosistem pesisir mengandung tikus terinfeksi leptospira patogenik paling tinggi, dengan habitat utama hutan mangrove. Berdasarkan hasil ini maka tikus berpotensi besar menularkan leptospirosis di Kabupaten Bantul, terutama di daerah pemukiman dan pesisir. Meskipun kasus leptospirosis di daerah penelitian sedikit sekali dilaporkan, namun kewaspadaan terhadap penularan perlu dilakukan sedini mungkin karena leptospira patogenik yang terkandung dalam tikus tergolong tinggi.
Kata kunci: leptospirosis, tikus, reservoir, ekosistem, Bantu
Kasus malaria baru masih ditemukan di Kabupaten Magelang sepanjang tahun 2017. Kabupaten Magelang termasuk kawasan perbukitan Menoreh yang pada tahun 2014 telah menerima sertifikat bebas malaria, namun pada tahun 2015 kasus malaria meningkat hingga ditemukannya kembali kasus indigenous yaitu kasus yang penderitanya tidak pergi keluar desa/keluar pulau sebelum sakit. Sepanjang tahun 2015 hingga 2017 terus menerus ditemukan kasus positif malaria di Kabupaten Magelang baik kasus impor maupun indigenous. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan kendala survailans migrasi dalam peningkatan kasus malaria di Kabupaten Magelang tahun 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan disain cross-sectional, lokasi penelitian di Kecamatan Salaman Kabupaten Magelang sebagai wilayah dengan kasus tertinggi malaria. Sampel yang diambil secara purposive dari semua pasien suspek malaria yang diperiksa Juru Malaria Desa pada bulan Januari-November 2017. Sampel terdiri dari kasus positif Plasmodium malaria dan sampel kontrol yang tidak sakit malaria serta sebanding umurnya dengan sampel kasus. Jumlah kasus dan kontrol dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 14 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kasus malaria di Kabupaten Magelang merupakan perpaduan kasus impor dan kasus indigenous. Sebagian besar penderita malaria berjenis kelamin laki-laki dengan umur < 45 tahun, serta pekerjaan paling banyak sebagai buruh di daerah Kalimantan Tengah. Wilayah Kabupaten Magelang dapat digolongkan sebagai daerah reseptif malaria dengan ditemukan berbagai spesies vektor malaria seperti Anopheles maculatus, An. balabacensis, An. vagus di sekitar kandang ternak di Desa Paripurno dan Desa Kalirejo. Keberadaan Juru malaria desa (JMD) dalam keberhasilan survailans migrasi di Kecamatan Salaman Kabupaten Magelang sangatlah penting, namun adanya keterbatasan jumlah JMD sementara daerah yang sulit dijangkau cukup luas menyebabkan kegiatan surveilans migrasi menjadi tidak optimal
Karanganyar District health officer recorded seven leptospirosis cases with five deaths in 2020 from January to February. Gawanan village was a village with that one case of death. The aim of this study was to see trapping success and to determine the relationship between rat presence and abiotic environmental factors on Leptospira infection. The design of study was an analytic descriptive with a cross-sectional approach. The study located in Gawanan Village, Colomadu Sub-district, conducted in February 2020. Rodent trapping conducted for two days. One hundred live traps were installed for two consecutive days. Leptospira in the rat kidney were detected with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test. The observed variable of rat that caught on, were its species and its gender. Abiotic environmental factors measured were water pH, water temperature, air temperature, and humidity. Data were analyzed using the bivariate test. The number of rats caught was 31 rats. The number of trapping success was 15,5%. The proportion of Rattus tanezumi was 67,7% (4,8% positive Leptospira infection), and Rattus norvegicus was 32,3% (10% positive Leptospira infection). The proportion of male was 51,6% of the female. The statistics showed that the existence of rat and abiotic environmental factors were not significantly related on Leptospira infection. The high trapping success can become the risk of Leptospira infection.Data Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Karanganyar mencatat tujuh kasus leptospirosis dengan lima kematian pada 2020 sejak Januari hingga Februari. Desa Gawanan adalah salah satu desa yang ditemukan kasus dengan satu kasus kematian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat keberhasilan penangkapan tikus dan untuk menentukan hubungan antara keberadaan tikus dan faktor lingkungan abiotik terhadap infeksi Leptospira. Desain studi adalah deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Gawanan, Kecamatan Colomadu, pada Februari 2020. Penangkapan tikus dilakukan selama dua hari. Seratus perangkap hidup dipasang selama dua hari berturut-turut. Leptospira pada ginjal tikus dideteksi dengan metode Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Variabel tikus yang tertangkap adalah spesies dan jenis kelaminnya. Faktor lingkungan abiotik yang diukur adalah pH air, suhu air, suhu udara, dan kelembaban udara. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji bivariat. Jumlah tikus yang tertangkap sebanyak 31 ekor. Jumlah keberhasilan penangkapan tikus adalah 15,5%. Proporsi Rattus tanezumi adalah 67,7% (4,8% positif infeksi Leptospira), dan Rattus norvegicus adalah 32,3% (10% positif infeksi Leptospira). Proporsi tikus jantan adalah 51,6% daripada tikus betina. Statistik menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan tikus dan faktor lingkungan abiotik tidak terkait secara signifikan pada infeksi Leptospira. Keberhasilan penagkapan tikus yang tinggi dapat menjadi risiko infeksi Leptospira.  
Leptospirosis pada Tikus Endemis Sulawesi (Rodentia: Muridae) dan Potensi Penularannya Antar Tikus dari Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
Leptospirosis is zoonotic disease which caused by pathogenic Leptospira bacteria and potentially causing death in human. Rat, as main reservoir of Leptospira, had been most studied in urban or rural areas around the settlement  of community. In contrast, leptospirosis studies in endemic rat were still limited. This study was aimed to identify endemic rat species of Sulawesi as reservoir of Leptospira in some regencies of South Sulawesi Province namely Bulukumba, Pangkep and East Luwu. This study was a part of Rikhus Vektora in 2017 by using live traps to catch rats in six various ecosystem types each regency. All catched rats were identified morphologically and followed by examinations using Microscopic Agglutination Test and Polymerase Chain Reaction. The result showed various endemic rats such as Rattus marmosurus, Rattus hoffmanni, Bunomys chrysocomus, Bunomys andrewsi and Bunomys coelestis were infected with leptospirosis. This study also showed new record of some endemic rat species were infected with leptospirosis. It is important to rise awareness of  leptospirosis transmission in the forest habitat by the endemic rats.
Leptospirosis merupakan penyakit zoonosis disebabkan bakteri Leptospira patogenik dan berpotensi menyebabkan kematian pada manusia. Tikus sebagai reservoir utama Leptospira kebanyakan diteliti di kawasan perkotaan atau pedesaan di sekitar permukiman. Sebaliknya, penelitian leptospirosis pada tikus endemis jumlahnya sedikit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis tikus endemis Sulawesi sebagai reservoir Leptospira di Kabupaten Bulukumba, Pangkep dan Luwu Timur. Penelitian ini merupakan bagian dari Rikhus Vektora tahun 2017 dengan menggunakan perangkap hidup untuk menangkap tikus di enam ekosistem berbeda pada tiap kabupaten. Seluruh tikus tertangkap diidentifikasi secara morfologis yang selanjutnya diuji Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) dan Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Hasilnya diperoleh berbagai tikus endemis seperti Rattus marmosurus, Rattus hoffmanni, Bunomys chrysocomus, Bunomys andrewsi dan Bunomys coelestis terinfeksi leptospirosis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan catatan baru beberapa jenis tikus endemis Sulawesi terinfeksi leptospirosis. Kondisi ini perlu diwaspadai karena terdapat potensi penularan leptospirosis di habitat hutan dari tikus endemis tersebut
Central Sulawesi is one of the malaria-endemic areas in Indonesia. Anopheles nigerrimus, Anopheles barbirostris, Anopheles subpictus, Anopheles parangensis, Anopheles flavirostris and Anopheles minimus were confirmed as malaria vectors. Researchers believed that there might have a distinctly different distribution and diversity of the vectors in different ecosystems. The purpose of the current study was to investigate and analyze the distribution and diversity of suspected malaria vectors (Anopheles spp.) in various ecosystems. Adult mosquitoes were collected using some methods e.g. human man landing method, animal baited trap, mosquito caught around the cage, using sweep net and the light trap. The sporozoites of Plasmodium infecting the caught mosquitoes were identified and examined using PCR. In addition, a survey on potential breeding sites of the mosquitoes. Based on the survey results, the mosquitoes species caught in the non-forest ecosystems near the settlements and positively infected by Plasmodium were An. ludlowae, An. flavirostris, and An. vagus. Meanwhile, the malaria vectors caught in the non-forest ecosystems far from the settlements were An. maculatus and An. subpictus. The results also demonstrated that An. barbirostris was detected as a malaria vector in the coastal area near the settlement. The ponds, rivers and fish farms were potential breeding sites for the mosquitoes. The suspected malaria vectors (Anopheles spp) spread throughout ecosystems e.g. forests, non-forests and coasts. The high risk of ecosystems for malaria transmission was the non-forest ecosystems near the settlements, the non-forest far away from the settlements, and the coasts near the settlements
The Effect of Environmental Health Indicators Against Dengue Under 5 Years Old Cases Based on Sub District of Batam City in 2009
Background: controlling of dengue haemorrhagic was still a complicated problems, because it has not found a cure. The best way to prevent dengue fever was to control mosquito larvae Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). The existence of Aedes aegypti larvae in an area is an indicator of the presence of populations of Ae. aegypti in that area. In an effort to determine the interventions on the incidence of dengue in the city of Batam through mosquito larvae control, need to know how much infl uencethe larvae of Ae. aegypti free house to dengue cases. The purpose of this discussion is to know what variables affect the dengue cases in the city of Batam. Methods: analysis of data using linear regression analysis. Signifi cance values provide information on the variables that signifi cantly affect the number of dengue cases in the city of Batam, so the government can seek for each house is required to be free of larvae. Results: results of the analysis provides information that the value of a statistical p-valueindicates the number 0,017 on variables healthy home. Conclution: there is a signifi cant infl uence between the variables of a healthy home for the presence of dengue cases in the city of Batam. Recomendation: This suggests that a healthy home include sanitation, adequate ventilation, good lighting, good management of water access and other problems causing the lack of space used as breeding places of Ae. aegypti. Many factors affect the presence of dengue among others to note is altitude,ecology and bionomik, eggs, larvae and pupae, adult mosquitoes, the habit of perching, fl ying range, as well as the life span of transovarial transmission
Macroglossus sobrinus, Cynopterus brachyotis, dan Cynopterus sphinx terkonfirmasi sebagai reservoir Lyssavirus di Provinsi Riau. Penelitian dilakukan di tiga kabupaten, yaitu Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti, Kota Dumai, dan Kabupaten Bengkalis. Lokasi pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada ekosistem hutan, non hutan, dan pantai.Penangkapan kelelawar dilakukan menggunakan mist net, harp net, dan hand net. Kelelawar terkoleksi diambil sampel swab trakea untuk pemeriksaan Lyssavirus. Deteksi Lyssavirus dilakukan meggunakan metode PCR. Dari 356 sampel yang diperoleh, 19 sampel terkonfirmasi positif Lyssavirus