786 research outputs found

    La diversitat d’estratègies, recursos i agrupacions: una proposta metodològica per superar el problema de l’apatia a l’aula

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    Màster Universitari de Formació del Professorat de Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Facultat d'Educació, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2015-2016, Tutora: Sara Silvestre Anglès[cat] Actualment, un dels grans problemes de l’educació i, més concretament, de l’ensenyament de la filosofia és aconseguir trencar amb l’actitud apàtica dels alumnes, que a les aules es tradueix en desinterès i falta de participació. Què és el que genera aquest problema? Quines eines podem fer sevir per combatre-ho? Aquestes són algunes de les qüestions que treballem en aquest treball, en el qual també fem una descripció acurada del problema de l’apatia, tant a grans trets com fent èmfasi en les repercussions que això té en el cas concret de la filosofia. Així doncs, no només teoritzarem una nova metodologia basada en el canvi sobre tres eixos clau: estratègies, recursos i agrupacions, sinó que també proposarem una unitat didàctica per a 1r de Batxillerat com a exemple d’aplicació pràctica. A més, també mostrarem la importància de canviar la metodologia avaluativa per tal de mantenir la coherència amb la nova proposta didàctica.[eng] Nowadays, one of the problems that education has to face is the apathetic attitude of the students. This a major problem in the case philosophy, where we can see an evident lack of interest and participation by the students in classroom. What is the cause of this problem? Which instruments can we use to fight it off? We will examine these questions in this paper, and we will also describe the problem focusing on the consequences that it has in the case of philosophy. Overall, we are going to propose a new methodology base on the concept of change in three areas: strategies, resources and groupings. Besides, we will also make a point in the importance of maintaining a coherence between this methodology and the kind of evaluation we use. Finally, we will provide teaching material for high school as an example of how to implement these ideas in classroom

    The Gravitational Pull Hypothesis and imperfective/perfective aspect in Catalan translation

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    [EN] This article aims to test the Gravitational Pull Hypothesis on the imperfective/perfective aspect distinction in the language pairs English-Catalan and French-Catalan. It draws on the corresponding corpora in COVALT. The GPH posits three cognitive causes of translational effects: source or target language salience and connectivity. Different configurations of these causes, or factors, are expected to result in over- or under-representation of target language features. The imperfective/perfective aspect distinction was chosen as a testing ground for the GPH because it is morphologically marked in Catalan and French but not in English. That may give rise to different configurations of factors and, therefore, to different translational effects. It is predicted that the preterite, which conveys perfective aspect in Catalan, will be over-represented in Catalan translations from English as compared to translations from French and to Catalan non-translations. On the other hand, the imperfect, which conveys imperfective aspect, will be under-represented. Results confirm these predictions. For translations from French, both adherence to the patterns observed in Catalan non-translations and over-representation of the preterite are possible outcomes. Results lend support to the second alternative & horbar; over-representation of the preterite. These results highlight the importance of relying on frequency and other sources of evidence when formulating hypotheses in the framework of the GPH. Research from the field of second language acquisition proved particularly significant in this respect.PID2019-103953GB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033.Marco Borillo, J.; Peña-Martinez, G. (2023). The Gravitational Pull Hypothesis and imperfective/perfective aspect in Catalan translation. Languages in Contrast. 23(2):226-251. https://doi.org/10.1075/lic.00030.bor22625123

    Agua dulce, ¿un recurso en peligro?

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    El agua es esencial para el desarrollo socioeconómico, así como para mantener sano nuestro ecosistema. El incremento de población y el desarrollo, exigen el aumento de las asignaciones de aguas superficiales y subterráneas para el uso doméstico, agrícola e industrial. La presión sobre los recursos hídricos se está intensificando cada vez más, pr ovocando tensiones, conflictos y excesiva presión sobre el medio ambiente. Es necesario conocer las causas por las cuales este recurso natural y renovable, empieza a ser escaso. En este trabajo analizaremos de cuánta agua dulce disponemos y las razones por las cuáles podría llegar a agotarse

    Pràcticum al Carrer Aribau 306

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    El següent treball exposa les memòries i el seguiment del periode de pràctiques realitzats per l'alumne a una obra de rehabilitació en construcció durant 6 mesos. Del Novembre del 2013 fins al Abril del 2014. Aquest consta de varies part, primer una descripció del edifici on s'ha treballat, com s'ha fet el projecte, i tots els elements necessaris per poder comprendre l'edifici objecte de treball. Seguidament es proposa una petita crítica al projecte, on s'expliquen manques de detalls de projecte així com errors en els amidaments. El següent punt consta de l'explicació de les tasques realitzades per l'alumne, les taques que han donat una productivitat a la empresa per la que ha treballat. En aquest apartat s'explica com ha executat les feines, com son aquetes feines i en que ha consistit. Durant el període de pràctiques he pogut ser present en tots els seguiment que es realitzen en una obra. Per això he fet un seguiment constructiu dividit per les fases d'obra i per setmanes de tot el període en que l'estudiant ha sigut present. Per això afegeixo també un punt de seguretat i salut. Finalment he exposat unes conclusions de caire personal on explico l'experiència viscuda, tot relacionant-lo amb la rehabilitació d'un edifici i el canvi que es crea en el mon de les empreses constructores

    The efficacy of the attack and block in game phases on male FIVB and CEV beach volleyball

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy and differences of the attack, block, and reception in side out and counter-attack phases during beach volleyball games. A total of 80 games of FIVB World Tour and European Championships were analyzed. The technical skills analyzed were the type and efficacy of the attack, the type of block, and the efficacy of reception. The sample included 13.939 rallies, including attack (n=7.090), block (n=7.090), and serve reception (n=5.161). Descriptive statistics were applied in order to obtain frequencies and percentages. Inferential statistics were calculated (p<.05) through chi square tests. The results showed that the spikes were more frequent values than shots at both side out and counterattack phases. Attack errors and kills were the more frequent values in both phases. Perfect receptions showed a kill percentage similar to situations when the reception was limited. It was concluded that players should make fewer errors when spiking, and coaches should pay more attention to fake blocks during both side out and counter-attack phases

    Educational Attainment and Years of Teaching Children with Special Needs As Factors in Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Inclusive Education in Thailand

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    Due to the growing trend in education of mainstreaming children with special needs, it was learned that there are hardly any recent studies that have been conducted to ascertain the attitudes of teachers toward inclusive education in Thailand. It is believed that a teacher’s attitudes may in fact play a significant impact upon students with special needs. This study focused on teachers handling inclusive education in Thailand. Through convenience sampling, 67 teachers of 10 different nationalities from private and government schools in Thailand volunteered to be the respondents of the study. The Kern Survey of Teacher Attitude Regarding Inclusive Education (KSUTAIE), a 42-item, 4-point Likert scale instrument was administered on the respondents. The instrument measures 5 subdomains namely, Student Variables, Peer Support, Administrative Support, Collaboration and Training. With respect to the respondents’ scores in these five subdomains, Student Variables yielded a verbal interpretation of agree, Peer Support produced a verbal interpretation of strongly agree, Administrative Support yielded a verbal interpretation of agree, Collaboration produced a verbal interpretation of agree and Training yielded a verbal interpretation of agree. A significant low positive relationship was established between the respondents’ years of handling children with special needs and the subdomain of Student Variables. When the respondents are grouped according to educational attainment, the analysis of variance revealed a significant difference with respect to the subdomain of Student Variables

    Anamnesis Paranoide

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    [ES] Este trabajo consta de una construcción personal dedicada a la evolución de la enfermedad mental que soporta mi padre, la esquizofrenia paranoide, y al sentimentalismo vivido por mi parte, mediante fotografías recuperadas del pasado para contar su historia y su reflejo en mi persona. A través de la experimentación de la técnica serigráfica como medio, se ha realizado una serie de estampas fotográficas en un material translúcido, como es el metacrilato, en el que además se han incorporado mis sensaciones mediante ilustraciones, el troquelado y corte láser para incrementar el impacto. Como hilo conductor y consecuencia de la obra se crea hacia el espectador una realidad ilusoria de la que no pueda escapar como metáfora a la enfermedad.[EN] This work consists of a personal construction devoted to the evolution of the mental illness that my father bears, the paranoid schizophrenia, and the sentimentalism that I have experienced. This is going to be shown by photographies that have been recovered from the past in order to tell his story and its reflection in me. Through the experimentation of serigraphic technique as a way, it has been done a series of photographic prints in a revealed material, methacrylate. Additionally, it have been incorporated my feelings through illustrations, die-cast, and laser cut to provoke a major impact. As a main theme and as a consequence of the work, it is created an illusory reality of which is impossible to escape as a metaphor of the illness.Martinez Montaño, NG. (2018). ANAMNESIS PARANOIDE. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/111882TFG

    Digital mediation and family climate reported by children in Spain, Italy, and Portugal

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    UIDB/05021/2020 UIDP/05021/2020Considering parental mediation as a dual process that starts with the child and varies according to their age and online activities, this article examines digital socialization in the broader context of family communication. Based on the EU Kids Online questionnaire (2017-2019) which surveyed children (9-16 years old) in 19 countries, and on previous pan-European studies, the article explores results from Spain, Italy and Portugal in a comparative perspective among them and with then 19 countries average. In the three Latin countries, in line with the average, safety, support and family communication are more highlighted by children than digital socialization, which is marked by a protectionist and risk prevention approach. However, the three countries present variations in children's perceptions about their online well-being, the support they use to deal with risks and their own role in digital socialization. Acknowledging these national differences favors appropriate interventions by decision makers of public safety and well-being policies, as well as from education, health, and family counseling professionals.publishersversionpublishe
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