2,778 research outputs found
The Mexicans\u27 and Mexican-Americans\u27 contribution to the development of the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas and its citrus industry
The development of the Rio Grande Valley of Texas and its citrus industry is a popular subject in the area. It is a topic local authors write about. Furthermore, it is not unusual for Valley newspapers and magazines to occasionally mention the greatness of the area and its citrus business.
Most of what is written, however, is used to propagandize the area and the citrus industry. Moreover, little, if anything, is mentioned about the Mexican and Mexican-American and his contribution, with the exception of the Laguna Seca ranch, the Vela family, and a few affluent individuals.
Even when one reads of the death of a long-time resident in the obituary column, Anglos are typically mentioned as pioneers while Mexicans or Mexican—Americans are referred to as merely retired farm laborers. This type of informing or reporting does not provide much motivation for Mexican-Americans to engage in local research. The few who wish to look into this subject further find the information available extremely unbalanced. One of the reasons I chose to write on this subject was that I felt that some of the data that had previously been presented on this topic had to be corrected. The Mexican’s and Mexican-American’s contribution to the success of this area has to be emphasized.
As of this writing there are still many Mexicans and Mexican-Americans living who contributed greatly to the development of the Valley during the period 1910-1930. I have made an attempt to contact a number of them, especially Tamaulipecos, and to report on their points of view and their efforts. My interest on the subject was further stimulated by the death of a Valley resident named Genaro Cano, Sr. in late 1980, at the age of ninety-six. His obituary in the Harlingen Valley Morning Star stated only his date and place of birth, and the number of his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. There was no mention of how he and his children had contributed to the development of the Valley and the citrus industry. A few days later, the local paper carried the news, prominently displayed on the front page, of the death of an Anglo resident of the Valley. His contributions to the development of the area were publicized in great detail, and he was eulogized as a pioneer. As a young man, I often heard stories of how and why people had come to the Valley during the period under consideration. I was also shown many citrus orchards where the Canos and many other Mexicans and Mexican-Americans had worked. Thus, as I read the obituary column I wondered why no mention of Genaro’s contribution had appeared in the Harlingen paper, because I knew that the information had been provided to the funeral director. I have no quarrel with those who write about Anglo-American Valley pioneers. But I would like to point out that the Mexicans and Mexican-Americans who helped develop the Valley through back-breaking jobs were also pioneers. It is my hope that as attitudes change, and as more information becomes available, writing and reporting about the area will give due credit to all who had a hand in the dramatic development of the Valley in the early 1900’s. I offer this thesis as a contribution toward that end. In writing about this subject I have tried to remain as impartial and unbiased as possible, even though Genaro Cano, Sr. was my grandfather
Procedimientos de Control Interno Administrativo y Financiero en la pequeña empresa Centro Educativo Colegio Martínez Celedón (MARCEL) del municipio de Matagalpa en el I semestre del año 2011
Hemos estudiado los distintos Procedimientos de Control Interno Administrativo y Financiero en el Centro Educativo Colegio Martínez Celedón (MARCEL) del municipio de Matagalpa en el I semestre del año 2011.
El propósito de este estudio es realizar un diagnóstico detallado de los principales problemas de Control Interno que atraviesa la empresa investigada, para de esta manera proponer soluciones viables y asequibles para ponerlas en práctica dentro de dicha organización.
Obtuvimos como resultado que la institución educativa atraviesa por muchas deficiencias a la hora de realizar sus controles y registros por utilizar un sistema empírico y carecer de un manual de control interno.
Por tanto se diseñó un manual de control interno con para el correcto registro de las operaciones y actividades la cuál facilite su correcto documentación, consiguiendo así un mayor ordenamiento y mejorar la credibilidad de la información que arrojen los estados financieros.
Se dieron recomendaciones en las áreas más sensibles de la empresa como lo son el área de caja, inventarios y banco respectivamente como son: dividir la caja en caja general y fondo fijo para gastos menores (caja chica) y hacer arqueos sorpresivos de caja, emitir cheques para todos los gastos mayores y pago de planilla así como realizar conciliaciones bancarias con regularidad y realizar el depósito del efectivo al finalizar el día para un correcto registro del efectivo en caja y banco; establecer un sistema de control de inventarios a través de Kardex, documentar todas las salidas de bodegas así como los pedidos de almacén y venta
Caracterización de las materias primas utilizadas en los soportes de baldosas cerámicas en la empresa EUROCERÁMICA S.A.
RESUMEN: En este trabajo se realizó la evaluación de materiales arcillosas de la empresa
EUROCERÁMICA S.A y una muestra de carbonato de calcio, a las cuales se les efectuó una caracterización a fin de conocer aspectos diferenciadores que son realmente importantes a la hora de tomar decisiones en formulaciones de pastas cerámicas. Fue así como se hizo difracción de rayos X, fluorescencia de rayos X, se realizó una evaluación de las propiedades tecnológicas después de ser sometidas a una temperatura de cocción de
1140°C; determinando contracción lineal, absorción de agua y resistencia mecánica. Además, se implementaron pruebas de calcimetría, el contenido de materia orgánica se determinó usando el proceso de calcinación a 440°C de acuerdo con la norma ASTM D2974, la superficie específica se determinó por el método de azul de metileno de acuerdo con la norma ASTM-837 y por último se determinó el índice de plasticidad de acuerdo a el
estándar ASTM D4318. Se identificó que los materiales arcillosos presentaron minerales como la caolinita, moscovita, vermiculita e illíta en diferentes proporciones y esta diferenciada se vio reflejada en las propiedades tecnológicas cerámicas donde se realizó una clasificación de arcillas refractarias, plásticas y estabilizadoras. Además presentan bajos contenidos de carbonatos de calcio clasificándose como materiales no calcáreos, sin
embargo, la prueba de caracterización de la piedra caliza permitió reconocer su pureza y establecer posibles influencias en las pastas cerámicas, por otra parte se encontró una buena relación entre la determinación de materia orgánica por el método visual y por calcinación lo cual permite tener un control del fenómeno de corazón negro que es una
variable importante en el proceso cerámico, se pudo determinar la superficie específica siendo coherente con la plasticidad mostrada de los materiales siendo arcillas en la carta de plasticidad de Atterberg no mayor a una mediana plasticidad. Con los resultados se obtuvo un mayor conocimiento relativo a las características fisicoquímicas de las materias primas de la empresa EUROCERAMICA S.A. Así mismo, se obtuvo mayor información a la hora de realizar formulaciones de pastas cerámicas con el fin de mejorar las actividades de producción actual
EL LECHO DE PROCUSTO o el discutido valor de las garantias y colaterales financieros creados como alternativa a la insolvencia concursal
6. Sistema de privilegios. Fundamento y necesidad de su existencia. Alternativas que generan “privilegios de hecho” (vgr. autoliquidables y los fideicomisos
Taught Rules: Instruction and the Evolution of Norms
Why do we have social norms—of fairness, cooperation, trust, property, or gender? Modern-day Humeans, as I call them, believe these norms are best accounted for in cultural evolutionary terms, as adaptive solutions to recurrent problems of social interaction. In this paper, I discuss a challenge to this "Humean Program." Social norms involve widespread behaviors, but also distinctive psychological attitudes and dispositions. According to the challenge, Humean accounts of norms leave their psychological side unexplained. They explain, say, why we share equally, but not why we disapprove of those who don’t. I defend the Humean Program against this challenge. In particular, I suggest an idea for how to extend the Program to account for the psychological side of norms. Socially adaptive behaviors aren’t just likely to emerge in a group; They’re also likely to be widely taught within it. The transmission of these behaviors through instruction explains why they're associated with distinctive normative attitudes and dispositions. These attitudes play a pedagogical role in helping transmit these behaviors to children and newcomers
The SysMES Framework: System Management for Networked Embedded Systems and Clusters
Automated system management for large distributed and heterogeneous environments is a common challenge in modern computer sciences. Desired properties of such a management system are, among others, a minimal dependency on human operators for problem recognition and solution, adaptability to increasing loads, fault tolerance and the flexibility to integrate new management resources at runtime. Existing tools address parts of these requirements however there is no single integrated framework which possesses all mentioned characteristics. SysMES was developed as an integrated framework for automated monitoring and management of networked devices. In order to achieve the requirements of scalability and fault tolerance, a fully distributed and decentralized architecture has been chosen. The framework comprises a monitoring module, a rule engine and an executive module for the execution of actions. A formal language has been defined which allows administrators to define complex spatial and temporal rule conditions for failure states and according reactions. These rules are used in order to reduce the number and duration of manual interventions in the managed environment by automated problem solution. SysMES is based on standards ensuring interoperability and manufacturer independence. The object-oriented modeling of management resources allows several abstraction levels for handling the complexity of managing large and heterogeneous environments. Management resources can be extended and (re)configured without downtime for increased flexibility. Multiple tests and a reference installation demonstrate the suitability of SysMES for automated management of large heterogeneous environments
Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition (DDT) Studies: Effect of Non-Uniform Obstacle Distribution on DDT
Most of the previous work has been guided towards the understanding of this phenomenon under a uniform obstacle distribution, i.e., same obstacle shape, blockage ratio, and gap between obstacles. However, industrial facilities lack this uniform obstruction arrangement. This research aimed to gain a better understanding of which non-uniform obstacle distribution enhances or weakens the flame acceleration. For this research, a 2.77 m long detonation tube with an internal diameter of 0.04 m was utilized. For the purpose of this investigation, a rig characterization was first performed to determine if a series of explosions under the same conditions was repeatable; the obtained responses showed similar behavior. Then, a Taguchi design of experiments was used. In this matrix, the parameters that were modified were: fuel type, obstacle shape, blockage ratio, and obstacle distribution. In general, each experiment consisted of nine obstacles inserted into the first meter of the detonation tube. The obstruction in each experiment had the same shape, but different blockage ratio and spacing between the obstacles. It was found that block-shaped obstacles with a decreasing blockage ratio and a “staggered” obstacle distribution had the highest tendency to promote the flame acceleration and, consequently, minimize the run-up distance to obtain a detonation. In contrast, experiments that had ring-shaped obstacles with an increasing blockage ratio and a “variation” obstacle distribution have an adverse effect on the flame acceleration and, consequently, maximize the distance at which DDT is observed.
Finally, the responses obtained from a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model were compared against data available in the literature and the experimental data obtained in this research. Even though this CFD model does not predict precisely the onset of DDT, it estimates the likelihood for having the onset of a detonation. In general, the CFD code predicts that the scenario that promotes a faster flame acceleration uses block-shaped obstacles with an equal blockage ratio and a “staggered” obstacle distribution. While the scenario that slows down the flame acceleration is given by ring-shaped obstacles with an increasing blockage ratio and a “variation” obstacle distribution. These trends agree with those from the experiment
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